A health inspector named Therese falls victim to Mad Cow Disease after catching it from Canadian beef she gets from her brother, a butcher. Faced with her newly found insanity and raging hormones Therese sets out to kill a group of actors known as the 10 Tigers from Kwangtung as instructed by a voice she hears in a confessional booth.
This twisted little ditty of a movie is about a meat, kung-fu and sex loving health inspector named Therese that undergoes alot of changes in her body as she is overtaken by Mad Cow Disease that she catches from eating Canadian beef she gets from her brother, a butcher played by the outstanding actor James Duval. As she goes through the changes she comes to realise that her life's mission is to kill ten fictitious movie star warriors from Therese's favorite kung-fu movie "The Girl with the Thunderbolt Kick". A drama turned violent slasher this movie aims its targets high toward meat eating and it's overall effects to the human psyche.
Alright so where do I go from here? There's so much to say about this movie I could go on forever, so let me just go from the beginning. After a breif overature of crappy music were setting in front of the tube watching a small video about mad cow disease and its effects on humans, something like a foreign PETA video, then we find out that our lead character Therese has a possible tumor but her doctor isn't sure. Come to find out she's a huge meat eater, in fact everyone in the movie is nuts for beef, it's insane. So being a health inspector Therese is faced with inspecing lots of meat packing plants and butcher shops, one of which is owned by her brother Thierry played by James Duval. So as a treat he gives her some jerkey and a package of freshly shipped Canadian Beef which she later eats and finds out is infected with mad cow disease. Well the outcome from her eating the meat is her going completely NUTS and turning into an ass kicking, nutso, slutso "mad cowgirl".
 In the movie she has sex with a televangelist, her ex, a blonde chick she "meats" at church, a guy at a porno/kung-fu theatre, 4 of 10 kung fu actors and even her own brother Theirry and that's just on film. So as she goes more and more insane she's told by a priest that her new life's mission is to kill The Ten Tigers from Kwangtung, a group of characters on this kung-fu flick she's obsessed with. What happens after that makes this movie what it is, and that's a rockin' ass slasher.
This movie really caught me off guard, I had only heard rumors about it and when I finally had a chance to watch it for myself I was thrown around like a little bitch. This movie is awesome from beginning to end. All the sex, meat consumption and kung-fu was great and believe it or not there was LOTS of blood towards the end. Speaking of which the ending alone tossed me in a loop and had me saying "What the fuck was that all about?" for about an hour after each time I watched the movie. Trust me you probably won't understand the ending as I know I sure don't but it's worth the watch. Either way if your a vegitarian stick to crappy sitcoms, this movie is strictly for the meat lovers out there and there is alot of it!
The main thing that sold me on this movie is James Duval, I mean everything I've ever seen the guy in has been one fucked up roller coaster ride to the next, from Doom Generation to Nowhere, from Donnie Darko to Lucky McKee's May and Roman. This dude gets set up with some of the most jacked up characters out there and pulls them off extremely well, and for that I give him much credit.
Definately give it a shot and write your local PETA division and tell them to shove a steak up their ass, this movie is a prime cut of beef! I highly recommend this movie, it's awesome!
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DIRECTOR: Gregory Hatanaka
WRITING CREDITS: Gregory Hatanaka, Norith Soth
GENRE: Drama, Horror, Romance, Thriller
CAST: Sarah Lassez, James Duval, Devon Odessa
RUNTIME: 89 min
RATING: 10/10
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