Five pretty girls head on out to the countryside where they have got to borrow a very nice house for the weekend. Problem though is that there's a real psycho artist nearby who wants to drain them of blood and then paint with it.
So here we are with yet another new horror movie, made from an unoriginal script by people that apparently were somewhat inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and what not. The problem with these kinds of movies are that they are so very predictable and all seems to have been done in haste, rather than that the filmmakers have actually spent time and thought to make a decent horror flick. Instead they borrow from a few other flicks-- throw in some crappy dialogue, a few hot (but oh so moronic) girls and some lame ass killings, and there you have it: A Brush with Death. Quality over quantity but the other way around, something that I do not really mind much as long as the flicks has something fun, bloody or sexy to deliver but this one pretty much falls flat when it comes to all those things.
You have five hot girls and right from the beginning you know that the dialogue ain't gonna be Einstein material and I don't mind that either as long as some nice T&A is provided, which may I add is a must for a film like this. But hell no there's nothing of that to be found in the film either which pretty much leaves us having to sit through boring dialogue for what feels like an eternity. We get to see a "hot" guy take off his shirt and wander around teasing the clueless girls for a while but since I'm not gay, that didn't do too much for me, well except irritate me a bit.
 Storywise, uuuhhh, let me just break it down quickly and get it over with. Five girls are on their way to spend the weekend at a luxurious house that one of the girl's uncle owns or something like that. These girls are so thick in the head that they of course run out of gas in the middle of nowhere where one creepy old guy and his semi-retarded worker comes along and helps them out. There are some flashbacks here showing us that these are not good guys, and I gotta tell you I'm happy they provided those flashbacks here because it would've been truly hard to figure out that these guys were no choir boys. Later on the girls arrives at the house which has a nice pool and everything, and then they hang around that house doing pointless and time consuming things that one had to sit through. Then they decide that they're gonna spend the night in a creepy old house, located nearby and obviously something is bound to happen there.
Well when something actually do happen you've already lost interest in the film long ago. This one sure takes its times and when it gets to the climax, it really has nothing to show for. A psychotic guy who paints with blood? Yeah that's rich. The acting is not terrible though, even if some of the dialogue truly is so at least it's watchable but in the end just very boring, in every meaning of the word.
Who wrote the script? A mongoloid monkey? Thing is that I don't think some filmmakers who do these kinda flicks have seen many horror films themselves and so they just take a little of everything they've seen and mixes it up with their own crap, and voila, there you go. Avoid this one, it's not worth the time.
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DIRECTOR: Brad Wiebe
WRITING CREDITS: Nick Soares, Brad Wiebe
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Chris Allison, Scott Chedester, Nikki Cordell
RUNTIME: 83 min
RATING: 2/10
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A Brush with Death Trailer Click here