Director Christopher P. Garetano travels around america to the sets and homes of a handfull of independent film makers, digging into their sick minds to show the pleasures and pains of indie horror film making and what they feel their ideas represent.
I remember talking to Christopher a while back and he told me about Horror Business but I guess I didn't really understand how great of a documentary he was working his ass off for. This movie is a true labor of love for horror movies. He goes to the sets of many unknown indie film directors to give an insight on how exactly everything is done on set, the hardships of working almost 20 hour shifts and to show the love that the directors have for their art and the determination they have to get their vision on film. He talks to such indie directors as Mark Borchardt, John Goras, Dave Parker, David Stargnari, Brian Singleton, Dave Gebroe, and others as well as a few actors, producers and the legendary horror icons Joe Bob Briggs, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Sid Haig, and Lloyd Kaufman among others. He even talks to Fangoria editor Tony Timpone and Rue Morgue editor Rod Gudino.
 The directors, producers, editors give insight to their feelings on matters like selling out to make movies without vision, shitty remakes, their opinion on violence and the mainstream media in relation to the supposed "negative effects" on kids growing up around horror movies and touch on things like Drive-Ins and horror conventions. This documentary has a little bit of everything related to horror movies, it really touches on alot of things that budding indie film makers and aspiring film makers should see. Some people say a low budget movie can be made in no time with no effort but this documentary proves that that theory is complete bullshit.
I really enjoyed Joe Bob Briggs' "3 Lessons in Guerilla Horror Filmmaking", Sid Haig's words of wisdom for aspiring film makers and Hershcell Gordon Lewis's view on making movies for the viewer, not just for one's self.
If you're thinking about making a low budget horror film and don't know what it takes to get it done watch this documentary, then do your studying because you'll need it.
Definitely a must for anyone that's into horror films, this documentary gives an insight to everything involved within the confines of the indie movie sets and the minds of the people that direct the films that creep us out and make us vomit in our mouth. Horror Business is HIGHLY recommended.
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DIRECTOR: Christopher P. Garetano
WRITING CREDITS: Christopher P. Garetano
GENRE: Horror, Documentary
CAST: Jennifer Atkins, Sid Haig, Herschell Gordon Lewis
RUNTIME: 82 min
RATING: 9/10
Horror Business Website/IMDB Click here
Horror Business Trailer Click here