A brother and sister, both suffering from Agoraphobia, do their best to survive their own minds and each others company while both contemplating leaving to see the world outside their front door.
The movie starts out with our star Irvin wrapping a present for his sister Ida and checking his mail. He then puts on a very nice suit and takes his sister to what we're to believe is an opera but in all a actuality it's their living room, which is where we find out that they are both Agoraphobic and refuse to leave. Anyways after sitting on the couch together dressed up to the gills listening to an opera on a record Irving walks his sister Ida to her door, gives her a kiss good night and we all gross out a little wondering what else they do in that strange little house.
Irvin ends up in his room hearing the voice of a small boy from his closet which he visualises in his mind just to find that he's not even there, that the kid is a fixation of himself as a child. He realises something important is seriously guarded from him, that being his mother's room, which is locked with Ida having the only key. Well Irvin is one of those extreme mama's boys and freaks out on Ida starting the first of many seriously messed up arguments during which he tries to walk outside the door which freaks Irvin out enough for him to run into another room and break a mirror. I mean the dude has issues!
 Throughout the rest of the movie we see how extremely twisted Irvin and his sister Ida are, Irving being a suicidal alcoholic and Ida being a real bitch that just wants to leave though her illness prevents it. Everything has to be so perfect for her, both of them have to dress up for every holiday and celebrate it, though most of the time Irvin protests, everything has to be the way she wants it. I can see why Irvin cracks! But that's later on in the movie.
Within the confines of the movie we really get a view of how twisted the brother and sister really are. So twisted that they commit incest and all that good stuff.
Regardless of all this the movie kinda fell a little short for me, I mean the story was pretty solid and the ending flipped me the hell out but I think there should have been more to the inner psyche to Irvin. With that said I'll still give this a good review because the ending kinda flipped me in a different direction which saved it. I was on the fence leaning towards a low rating until then. If you wanna see a good mind bending flick give this one a shot anyways, it's not terrible, just not spectacular.
This movie really messed with my head, so it wasn't too bad just wasn't really kickass. Not bad for a psychological thriller. I'm on the fence, it's worth a rent but other than that it's up to the viewer.
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DIRECTOR: Armen Titizian
WRITING CREDITS: Kimberly Seilhamer
GENRE: Thriller, Drama
CAST: Christo Dimassis, Christie Lynn Smith, David Cunliffe
RUNTIME: 85 min
RATING: 6/10
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