A trio of bloodthirsty strippers go on a killing spree in LA. At the same time three college students move into the house that used to be inhabited by one of the vampires' victims.
Alright this movie starts out in a room that LOOKS like a strip joint, though poorly put together, where this college guy, Greg Sterling, is celebrating his birthday by watching three strippers do their thing. Well we find right away that the strippers don't strip on stage, which is kinda lame, but anyways Greg gets himself ripped apart by the strippers who we see are obviously bloodthirsty large fanged vampire biznatches. So that's the end of Greg.
Next were taken to Irvine State College where our main characters Ken and Sammy are having a conversation about Greg's murder after seeing an ad about it in the newspaper. As college students do, Ken suggests that the two guys move into Greg's house that he was renting, well because he's a little dead. So they move into the house and notice under the couch that there's a flyer for this Fetish Jam place where the strippers are. Right then the guys realise they are late to meet up with their third roomate Martin so they run back to campus to meet up with him. He ends up being a strange, nerdy, mama's boy virgin but the guys tell him to move in anyways and suggest that he let them find him a woman, to take his nerdy virginity. So the guys go to the Fetish Jam place but not before we are briefly greeted by a dory trench coat wearing, too cool for his own shades, obviously miscasted Vampire Hunter Robert who spent 10 years tracking down the girls because they killed his brother. Well they off his ass too and he's out of the picture and damn it I haven't been so glad to see such a shortly casted actor in my life.
 Anyways the guys get to the Fetish Jam place and Ken has sex with the boss stripper vampire named Treasure but she doesn't bite him for some stupid reason. So the guys go back home and a little later decide to throw a party to invite the girls back. This time the other two dudes get laid too but Martin, the nerd, gets his ass chewed up by one of the vampires and the rest is history. For the remaining part of the movie Ken and Sammy do what they can to get revenge for the roomate they just met and have no real devoted friendship with.
Now this movie was just crap. Poorly casted, poorly acted and the strippers didn't even have great juggs, this movie was just lacking in every form. The CGI was really bad, the girls appear in a puff of computerised smoke that looks really dumb and the sets are just terrible, not very thought out. Most movies I'd say there would be a possibility to save the flick somehow but this one, no chance. Pretty much one of the worst vampire movies ever made right around the John Carpenters Vampires movie and Dracula 3000, this movie is on the low end of the shit hill of vampire movies.
There was nothing saving this shit bomb, I found myself fast forwarding through alot of the scenes just to rush to the end, and when the movie was finally over I went and puked blood and had a rum and coke. You'd have to be a total newcomer to the genre to like this at all. It SUCKED!
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DIRECTOR: Brad Sykes
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Steve Beaumont Jones, Dan Wells, Elina Madison
RUNTIME: 84 min
RATING: 2/10
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