A group of people hide in an abandoned movie theatre to escape blood thirsty zombies on the outside of the walls that keep them safe, or maybe not. A battle of survival ensues as these young people try to not to be eaten by the zombies.
I go by one strict rule. If your going to make a Z grade movie you need to focus more on your story than the FX because the only thing that really sells a movie with a high budget is the FX, so if you can't tell a good story with your low budget you're going to make a shitty film. This movie is an example. Now I'm all for a Z budget movie that has some kind of flickering style somewhere in the movie but not once does this movie produce even the most minor twinkle of hope.
Throughout the entire movie a group of young people are hiding in a movie theatre, most of the time two guys look for a circut breaker which they finally find almost half way through the movie. Well a few zombies pop in here and there to kill off the group but for some reason there's plastic on the floors. OH WAIT, I know why, because the movie was filmed in a theatre that is actually still in operations outside of this movie.
 Look guys even Herschell Gordon Lewis found a way to make it not so noticable putting plastic sheets down to keep from having blood on carpet but you guys made it obvious that you wanted to make a quick clean up so no one got pissed after shooting. I mean if you can get it off counters, sinks, and doors you can DEFINATELY get fake blood out of tiles, trust me, I know these things. It's not like there was any blood on carpet, that would be the ONLY reason I'd see putting down the plastic. Anyways with a little more acting talent and ALOT more to the story this movie might have been salvaged but I found myself bored of the movie really fast. There was no character development, all we know is that a group of young people are trying to survive while zombies in and around the theatre are trying to get to them.
In all I'd say that this movie probably won't make shit on the market, which is ok because that's about how much was put into making it. The good thing is that for the director he'll have a chance to put this movie behind him and possibly try to work on something less offensive to the genre, or maybe he'll read this review and get so pissed off he goes to making dramas, I dont know, just know that this movie isn't worth the time.
All you indie film makers need to take note, DEVELOP THE STORY, without that you're going to piss alot of people off that are going to buy your movie and be sadly disappointed.
Not worth the time to watch it but not bad of a first start. Hopefully on the next round these kids will learn a few lessons about acting and producing and do it right. Until then stay clear of this abomination of film.
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GENRE: Horror
CAST: T.J. Roe, Jeremy Cech, Rhyann Crooks
RUNTIME: 86 min
RATING: 1/10
Grand Horror, The Website/IMDB
Grand Horror, The Trailer Click here