Montgomery Goth is a calm, friendly pizza delivery boy with a habit for letting people walk all over him. Slowly he descends into a realm of barbaric hatred and murder sparked by his jolted past and his even more jolted life in the present.
So our story starts on a dark rainy night as a delivery boy approaches his customerís doorstep, a man comes out dressed like some frilly little pirate and tries to slam the door in the delivery boyís face claiming that he won't accept the food because itís wet. Before he can do so the delivery boy pulls out a knife and slits his frilly throat.
Next we're in a pizza parlor where our lead, Montgomery ďMontyĒ Goth is working on his day off. Of course as Murphyís Law proclaims he has an insane amount of deliveries, and although itís his day off, he as to set out to deliver the pizzas. Along the way he comes across all kinds of customers that belittle him and treat him like shit, although one of his stops is at a house full of topless women, two of which ask him to judge which one is sexier, which kinda throws you off guard but hey, we gotta have nudity in our horror movies right? His last stop is at the house where he meets his love interest Bibi and her little asshole brother who belittles him like everyone else.
 Anyways after the deliveries he heads home, eats a pizza and daydreams about Bibi, followed by some very vivid jacked up visuals of his parents which kinda gives you an understanding of what is to come later in the movie. So the next day he goes to work and gets his ass chewed out by his boss because of a complaint one of his customers left. He decides later that his life sucks and that he wants to change it so after his car is jacked, his job is gone and he has a few more jacked up dreams about his parents, he finally gets to sleep with Bibi. Now her OTHER brother, this wishy washy gay guy, decides heís going to talk shit about Monty and says all these jacked up things about him, saying heís insane and that he has an STD, so she freaks out and dumps him. And then he snaps!
The rest of the movie is Montyís little hay day with everyone that did him wrong, filled with guts, gore and lots of death and mayhem. I have to say that Matthew Nelson, who plays Monty, did a great job, you can really notice how he goes from being pretty cool and collected to a fucked up, deranged psychopath. Now normally Iíd say that a killer delivery boy would be stupid, but this movie has more positive aspects than I would have given it credit if I hadnít seen it. Itís really not all that bad. The kill scenes are decent, thereís enough boobs in one room to last the entire movie, and it ends on a good note, or at least in my opinion. This movie won a couple awards at Screamfest 06 for Best Picture and Best Actor *Matthew Nelson* and I can see why, for an indie film this movie will catch you off guard with the fact that itís really not as stupid as the cover might make you think.
Indie horror film fans will have an appreciation for this movie being that Matthew Nelson did a GREAT job, being that it was his first acting role, he has this creepy vibe about him that you really donít catch until heís at his breaking point, which I thought was cool as hell. Definitely give it a watch, I donít expect many people to keep it on the top shelve but itís a good watch otherwise.
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DIRECTOR: Jose Zambrano Cassella
WRITING CREDITS: Jose Zambrano Cassella
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Matthew Nelson, Tara Cardinal, Vinny DeMauro
RUNTIME: 95 min
RATING: 7/10
Delivery Website/IMDB
Delivery Trailer