A group of teenagers are preyed upon by the spirit of a deranged killer in this movie that is set to the formula of 80ís slasher films.
Alright now at first I was kinda weirded by the title being that to me it seemed like this movie was going to be pretty hoaxy, but when I got into the movie it was actually pretty hillarious. It's really obvious that this movie really doesn't take itself too seriously and if it was meant to, it fell short.
So thereís a group of teenagers, a Normal innocent girl with a token black guy boyfriend with a bad attitude, a couple of lipstick lesbians, a sexy blonde, a tough as nails greaser pothead, a goth wanna be witch and a total nerd with a hard-on for the sexy blonde. Anyways they go to the house of a deranged killer named Murder McGee and have a sťance to try to bring his spirit out for a little chat by pulling out an Ouija board and tossing out a few words to the spirit world. Well all hell breaks loose and the movie goes of on a blood and guts body possession game for the spirit of Murder McGee himself.
 Alright now by the credits this movie is set in the 80ís which is pretty obvious by the way the characters are dressed and all and they pretty much play homage to the 80ís horror movies we grew up to love, of course this movie is pretty cheesy and the cast seems like a lot of drama majors overacting to try to make it into film and the makeup jobs on the ghouls sucked but I gotta say the kill scenes werenít bad, lots of blood, guts and gore, which was inviting as hell. Put in a lesbian sex scene and a bunch of boob shots and you have your pretty typical slasher flick. I found myself paying more attention to the character Tiffany played by the lovely Lindsay Gareth, mainly because the rest of the characters didnít seem to act quite as well as she did.
This movie shouldnít be taken too seriously as it is definitely a cheeseball film but if your looking for a good laugh give this movie a shot, itís not short on hilarity.
A little corny but I had a good laugh. A definate try at bringing 80's slashers back to life and not too bad, if it had a higher budget this movie would have totally sold me. Watch it anyways though, it's not bad.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Blood & Guts: The Return of the 80's Horror Movie
DIRECTOR: Jeff C. Smith
WRITING CREDITS: Curtis Andersen, Jeff C. Smith
GENRE: Horror, Comedy
CAST: Jovan Meredith, Ashley Schneider, Devin Marble
RUNTIME: 80 min
RATING: 5/10
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