On Halloween night, 1993, Adam Morgan killed his girlfriend then went to the Hollows End Motel where he killed himself in room 313. Within the 14 years after his suicide 13 people have died within the walls of the motel room. Will poor Mary Amanda Day be number 14?
You know from time to time I see movies that I really don't like and post reviews on them plus my words of advice to the directors so that they don't make such a stinkbomb the next run. Well with this movie I put myself in a real spot, because my only advice for director Robert Noel Gifford is to just not put this movie out. This is the first of his movies that I've seen and if the others are anything like this, it'll stay the only one.
I'm going to be fair and try not to be such a asshole, though I just wasted an hour and a half on yet ANOTHER movie that I thought shouldn't have been sent to my desk.
 Ok so on to what I didn't like so bear with me. I guess for one the killer Adam Morgen is CGI, meaning computerised, which also means he was cheesy as hell and looked like shit. Secondly while watching the movie, especially during her phone conversation scenes, Robert felt it necessary to show her talking on the phone....from three different angles. And with that each one had a different pitched hum that just irritated me. Speaking of sounds, every sound effect sounded like they were stolen off a Halloween CD that you play in the front room of your house to scare off trick-or-treat'ers, not to mention each sound effect was alot louder than the rest of the movie. Lastly about the sound, the soundtrack for the most part was the same stupid song looped over and over again, sounding like it's also taken from a Halloween CD.
Now onto the film itself, for some reason Robert decided he'd fill alot of time with what we like to call "fillers" which are long, drawn out scenes that really don't have any importance, in fact it's mostly a long pause or just a driving scene. Well this movie is FULL of them, enough to drive a man fucking MAD!
Anyways this movie, I would say, in my humble opinion, is slapdash, which means it was hurried and sloppy. It's the hard part of my job giving such a low rating on a movie that would otherwise, possibly hold my interest, and I hate to do it to such a pretty actress like Suzi Lorraine, but this movie sucks. Suzi if you're reading this I still want to watch some of your other stuff, as long as the movies aren't done like this.
For a director with a few movies under his belt I don't see why he hasn't learned more than it appears he has. Either he doesn't care that he has little talent or the world around him lies to him to assure him he's something he's not. Don't waste your time on Strange Wings.
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DIRECTOR: Robert N. Gifford
WRITING CREDITS: Robert N. Gifford
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Robert N. Gifford, Suzi Lorraine
RUNTIME: 64 min
RATING: 3/10
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