As posted on - The gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a nineteen year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations.
Now first of all so you know I posted a story outline from because holy hell, it's hard to know what the movie is really about. Secondly there's one thing in horror movies that I'm not a huge fan of and that's vomit. Well holy shit Lucifer Valentine really knows how to define the name he pasted on this sick fucked up little flick.
I know for a fact that Lucifer Valentine is going to read this so for him I say "Dude your one sick sick fucker, and you're a GENIOUS!" It's rare that a movie grosses me out in the least but this movie had me kinda squeamish, mainly because of the vomit.
Now in the movie this stripper prostitue druggie Angela Aberdeen goes through alot of fucked up situations. Needless to say she does what any stripper prostitute druggie does, gets naked, does drugs and throws up on stuff.
This movie really plays out like a sick killer's personal video files before he kills his victims more than the story of the girl, regardless it's definitely an artsy film.
 The best part in the movie is when this girl gets her eyes gouged out and placed on a glass table in which the eyeless girl finds the eyes on the table.........then throws up on them.
Shit, it's really hard to do a review on this movie because I'm still to this day asking "What the hell?" Regardless if your a sick flick fan you'll love this film, I personally liked it because the gore scenes looked BEAUTIFUL and so life like. Seriously I almost thought that this dude really did this shit to these girls then played it off like a movie so he could brag about his kills.
Later in the movie this guy takes a cranial cut head and eats its brains, then throws up into the cranial cavity and into a mug, then drinks his own vomit... then vomits this endless cycle of vomit drinking and vomiting. I bet the dude's stomach is totally fucked up.
Anyways like I said this movie is hard to describe so if you have the stomach for anything give it a watch, it'll gross you out.
Only a Canadian can be this sick, which I admire, Lucifer Valentine is a true visionary. Though it's pretty impossible to follow the story without him RIGHT THERE telling you what's going on, this movie is pretty sick. Get it.
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DIRECTOR: Lucifer Valentine
WRITING CREDITS: Lucifer Valentine
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Ameara La Vey
RUNTIME: 71 min
RATING: 8/10
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