The movie focuses around a band of serial killers, incarcerated in a specialized institution for extremely criminally insane. They wake up one morning to see that all the cell doors are unlocked, while the interior of the building looks destroyed by age. Leaving the premises is not an option, as their "home" is surrounded by a white chilling mist. They roundup to try to figure out the situation, while one of them falls dead. There is someone or something killing the killers.
After I got a hold of a screen copy I browsed a bit through genre sites and saw some quite good reviews of KillerKiller. It is not too often that I come across good independent euro horror movies, so I was excited to check it out. Unfortunately I wasn't at all impressed by what I saw.
The movie starts out great - with a mock up of a typical slasher scenario. A masked killer stalks a blond babysitter and when he wants to do a "Psycho" shower slashing, she turns around with bloody eyes and cuts him into pieces. We soon find out that all of the serial killers will soon meet their fates, with their final moments looking like a straight copy of their own modus operandi. This idea was really great and as a slasher fanatic, I'm always eager to see movies which complemented by fav horror sub-genre. "April Fool's Day" killed the 80s slasher, "Behind the Mask: Rise of Leslie Vernon" gave a great different point of view from the killer's perspective and KillerKiller started up with a refreshing way of exchanging the roles between slasher killers and their victims.
 The problem is that while the movie last for just over 70 minutes, it is very slow paced and it often gets boring. The characters interact with each other a lot, we get some backgrounds on their "bloody" lives, but overall you are just waiting for the short sequences where a mystery woman deals with their faiths.
Kills are relatively mild, but accompanied by some heavy blood splatter. These kill sequences should have been at least a bit longer and done in a more interesting way.
Regarding the cast, the two leading male characters' performance was rather good. Some of the other killers were a bit overacting, but you can live with it.
Although this is a DVD screener, I should comment the audio quality. As this is a British movie, with some more or less heavy English accents, the audio transfer is not good at all, so I often missed pieces of discussion which becomes a bit frustrating after some time. You don't pass by any important facts, but it was irritating. I hope the transfer is better on the DVD release.
The movie sports a very good idea that should have been realized in a much better way.
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DIRECTOR: Pat Higgins
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Richard Collins, Scott Denyer, Dutch Dore-Boize
RUNTIME: 76 min
RATING: 3/10
KillerKiller Website/IMDB Click here
KillerKiller Trailer Click here