Wedding photographer Max Parry seems like an averge mild mannered guy, but underneath the surface there's a brutal killer who takes us along on a disturbing journey.
I've been meaning to check out The Last Horror Movie for quite some time but somehow never gotten around to do it until now, and it wasn't a day too soon. After having heard stuff every now and then for years regarding this movie my interest for it kept growing and it turned out that finally sitting down to watch the flick really did pay off. Not only is it worth the time for the sake of being entertained but it's also a trip for the mind since a lot of interesting questions are being asked all the way the flick throughout.
We get to follow Max who's a psychopatic killer who shows us, on film, who he really is and what drives him to commit these horrible acts. Now Max is one charismatic fellow indeed and it's impossible not to like the guy, despite of his actions. He's the kind of person that grows on you and the best thing is that he interacts with the viewer as well, asking a lot of questions aimed directly at you, and some of them will make you think for sure. An example of this is for instance when he stabs two persons to death, both of them tied up to a chair, and aims the camera away from the bloody action. When he has killed them both, without you having seen nothing of what was happening he asks you directly if you feel that you've missed out and why you'd wanna see people getting stabbed on screen in the first place. Then you get to see it all over again, this time the actual murders while being commited and afterwards Max leaves you with another question of how it all felt. The films plays around a lot like that which makes you part of it which is a really cool thing.
 Kevin Howarth is one charming fellow and like I said before, it's hard not to like him. People around him turn a bit grey so to speak because they are pretty much just what you see and that about it while Max has loads of layers, and the further the movie goes, the more is revealed. He has an assistant with him, filming him at all times, even when he's over at his sister's place goofing around with her kids and acts like the nicest guy in the world. The assistant is a wannabe-killer who learns from the masters as we go along but in the end also proves that killing is not as simple as one first would've tought.
This is definitely a movie for horror fans and even though it's a bit bloody, it's not blood that's interesting here, it's the psychology. The film is interesting all the way through and in the end it might be quite disturbing to some... why, you'll have to find out for yourself and you really should because The Last Horror Movie is a rewarding film indeed. Last but not least we have the title which has a cool background story to it and that's simply because Max took a film called The Last Horror Movie at a video store, taped it over with his own story and snuff content and put later put it back on the shelve for YOU to see. Just watch the movie and you'll see what I mean.
Now this little gem plays out like a documentary which makes it a lot more interesting to begin with. It also has a very real feeling to it and is infact quite a disturbing piece of cinema, that is if you really get into it. Watch it alone in the evening and you're in for a treat.
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DIRECTOR: Julian Richards
WRITING CREDITS: James Handel, Julian Richards
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Kevin Howarth, Mark Stevenson, Antonia Beamish
RUNTIME: 80 min
RATING: 8/10
Last Horror Movie, The Website/IMDB Click here
Last Horror Movie, The Trailer Click here