Concord flight 239 to Paris is in for a surprise. It seems thereís a scientist onboard sneakily transporting the body of a woman infected with a genetically enhanced disease in hopes to dodge the CIA and arrive at a facility where they can do more tests on the woman, but before they get there something goes terribly wrong and everyone on the flight is in for a bumpy ride.
After some excellent CGI credits we jump into the beginning of the story where were in the fuselage of Concord flight 239 from Los Angeles to Paris. Right away were introduced to the important characters in the story which I think is cool, gets right to it without leaving question of whoís who, for the most part. Anyways nothing seems out of the usual as the plane heads right into a terrible storm. After hearing a few stewardesses talk about what they canít wait to do in Paris were dead in the cockpit with the pilot and co-pilot who are talking about their concerns with a mysterious piece of freight in the cargo hold that is guarded by an armed guard in a hazmat suit.
Back in first class we meet our group of scientists headed by Dr. Leo Bennett, played by movie veteran Erick Avari. It appears that Dr Bennettís cargo is in fact the wife of another one of the scientists on the plane, Dr Lucas Thorp, whoís played by Dale Midkiff, who was Gageís dad in Stephen Kingís Pet Sematary. Anyways Lucasís wife Kelly has a mutated mosquito virus that apparently will kill a person then bring them back. Of course leave it to our mad scientist, Dr. Bennett, to be the one man that takes the disease and makes it something good for mankind, kind of like the fountain of youth, only disgusting and infectious.
So along the flight as the weather gets worse and worse our problem begins as Kelly released from her cryogenic slumber after a few crates fall in the cargo bay and release her. Anyways she jumps out of the chamber, not sure where she is or why sheís on the plane, and comes face to face with the armed guard, who without hesitation, knowing the situation, pumps her full of machinegun lead, which ultimately hits a few gadgets and gizmos on the wall of the cargo bay, creating some circuitry problems. So Kelly, now zombified and pissed off, jumps at the wounded guard and commences in eating him like a stuffed pig.
 After that things get a bit crazy as the scientists and co-pilot go to investigate the situation. One by one Kelly turns other passengers on the plane into zombies, which in turn bite someone else and turn them into zombies as well. The last handful of survivors are left on the plane fending for their lives, trying to keep from becoming a hearty snack for some crazy zombie on the flight.
Now I gotta tell you, I prefer zombies over snakes but I had a few things that just perplexed me. Number One, why would anyone feel itís necessary, knowing the danger, to shoot a loaded weapon on a plane. For that matter a multitude of times? One hole in the side of the plane and everything would have been over. Secondly, where the hell did all the zombies come from? I have to tell you folks out of the like 250 seats on this plane there was like 500 zombies taking over the plane, which I didnít mind much, just didnít find logical. Aside from those two factors I kind of liked this movie. I didnít like that the zombies had yellow eyes like the vampires in The Lost Boys, and that they hissed, but otherwise they were some ass kicking, meat eating zombies and thatís what we love right?
When you break the movie down everything you look for in a zombie flick is here. You donít really want too much meat on your story, which is evident in the movie though it doesnít have a bad story to begin with. The zombies are ruthless and the kill scenes are pretty damn cool, especially the scene with the nun, who during the whole movie you just KNOW somethingís going to happen to her. I think they did a pretty good job introducing the key characters in the movie and didnít turn them into anything we would think is too cheesy in the end and the ending wasnít that bad in my opinion.
Iíd say definitely give Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane a shot, itís a different outlook on zombie films that hasnít been tapped until now. Action, comedy, blood and guts, you canít beat that in a zombie flick. Go check it out!
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Plane Dead, Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane
DIRECTOR: Scott Thomas
WRITING CREDITS: Sidney Iwanter, Mark Onspaugh
GENRE: Horror
CAST: David Chisum, Kristen Kerr, Richard Tyson
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 8/10
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Flight of the Living Dead Trailer Click here