Corpse Bride is about Victor who is supposed to marry this woman but keeps screwing up his vows at the wedding rehearsal. So since he can't seem to pull it off right he runs into the woods and starts to practise his wedding vows own his own. This time he gets it right and he puts the wedding ring on what he thinks is just a stick from a tree but the stick turns out to be the finger of a murdered girl who comes to life and so becomes Victor's wife, even though against his will.
Ok so this is not a proper horror movie but it still has some dead people in it and has a horror theme to it so I thought it might fit here among the other reviews as well.
Being a huge fan of Nightmare Before Christmas you're kinda bound to compare it with Tim Burton's lastest creation Corpse Bride, but as expected it's not nearly as good as Nightmare, but still an ok movie.
 When you think about it, it's a really good story and the animation is excellent and the overall atmosphere and enviroment is typical Tim Burton and just briliant.
Like Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride also has a lot of songs in it but unfortunately they're not half as good or catchy as they are in Nightmare. I liked the overall movie but got kinda sick of it every time they had to break out and start singing.
The characters are pretty cool and there are all types of weird characters present throughout the movie. The animation surely is beautiful and manages to capture facial expressions and everything else perfectly.
Again when comparing it to Nightmare I felt that Corpse Bride had more of the commersial kind of humour which doesn't work at all for me, it still has some dark humour but not nearly enough to satisfy like Nightmare did.
In the end it's a, if even far from excellent, still a pretty good movie with a lot of nice things to look at.
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DIRECTOR: Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
WRITING CREDITS: John August, Pamela Pettler
GENRE: Animation, Horror, Comedy, Musical
CAST: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson
RUNTIME: 76 min
RATING: 7/10
Corpse Bride Website/IMDB Click here
Corpse Bride Trailer Click here