The Bullion family is not your average family, it seems they have a craving for flesh, inbread sex and chaos. In the few days before Beeftina Bullion's birthday we find ourselves watching as the family lives as only the Bullion family can, with cannibalism, incest and bloody good fun.
Director and star Alan Rowe Kelly, a drag queen who appears to be the next Harris "Divine" Milstead, takes on the role of Beeftina Bullion, the twisted daughter of Papa Elvis Bullion, a perverted redneck with a hankering for family fornication and human flesh. Along with her two stupid brothers Hubcap and Butternut, the trio of redneck miscreants wreak havoc in their small New Jersey town in the days before Beeftina’s 12th birthday, well for like the 20th time. Anyways as the family prepares for the party more and more towns people come up missing, especially the children. Come to find out the only people in town that know where the missing children are happen to be the twisted Bullion kids and their cousin Sno Cakes, a bug eyed ditz.
As the days progress the towns people suspect the Bullions for the missing towns folks and as we all know curiosity kills the cat, those being the nosey towns people, so one by one they are picked off. By the time the party starts the Bullions are welcoming guests that would have rather stayed at home then showed up at the cannibal family's dinner table.

Now most of the time I go into more detail with the stories of the movies I do reviews on but I think I summed it up enough above without ruining anything. For the most part this movie is another typical re-vamp of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, only this time with a little twist, and I do mean little. The family personally annoyed me minus one of the brothers, Hubcap, who made me laugh quite a bit with his stupidity. Now you ask how is his stupidity that funny? Guess you'll have to see yourself, just know that he's not your typical moron. Aside from that this movie had a fairly formulaic story that didn't offer too much.
With that said you might think I hated this movie right? Wrong. Bits and pieces of the movie were pretty good, particularly the scene with the town cop which is a must see scene, it'll make your balls hurt.
A thing to note is that almost half the cast of Alan's earlier film, I'LL BURY YOU TOMORROW, have roles in this movie, taking up almost all the roles. Hey why not recycle actors and actresses that you obviously did ok with in a past movie right?
Anyways the special FX are alright, the dark comedy is a little more than average and the characters, though annoying, are kinda fun to watch. If this movie had a bigger budget I think…well personally I think it would have stayed the same. Sad isn't it?
I think my only question is are their really backwoods rednecks in Jersey? How sad if it's true!
I'm on the fence on this one folks, the way I see it if you end up seeing this at a friends house in the middle of the night when you're stoned and drunk you'll have a good time, which might be a reason to buy it. Otherwise don't bend over backwards to search for this movie, it's half good half terrible.
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DIRECTOR: Alan Rowe Kelly
GENRE: Horror, Comedy
CAST: Zoe Daelman Chlanda, Sasha Friedenberg, Alan Rowe Kelly
RUNTIME: 73 min
RATING: 5/10
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