Cradle of Fear tells four different stories that are all linked to a child killer sitting in an Asylum and who seeks vengeance on those responsible for his imprisonment.
I guess for fans of Cradle of Filth this movie came as a happy surprise as they get to see their favourite singer act, or at least try to act.
Other than that for people like me who couldn't care less about Cradle of Filth or their music it's still an ok movie. But I wish they would've taken off the Cradle of Filth music and had someone else playing The Man than Dani Filth as these two things only drags the movie down, deep down.
But if you can look past that it's quite entertaining and gory, although low budget but still they've seemed to have made the best out of it so I don't wanna complain too much about it.
This movie is not bad nor good, it has some horrible acting in it and takes itself way to seriously. But on the other hand I found the concept of four different stories all linked together somehow kinda interesting and entertaining. That is that if one story does not entertain you, the next one might.
 So when looking at it one way it's one movie but looking at it a different way, it's a bunch of shorter movies that makes one movie in the end. For me I didn't care at all for two stories while I found two to be quite good and that lifted up the overall result of the movie itself. It's ok but still it could've been so much better.
For people into gore we get offered tons but the way it's delivered is most of the time not that satisfying, it's well done but looks too fake at times which doesn't really work.
You can't really go in watching this with a too serious attitude, it will work for some, (not talking bout CoF-fans), but you might as well end up disappointed. Although it's a cool concept with the use of four different stories, and some of them better than other, but in the end none of them are really that good or well performed.
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DIRECTOR: Alex Chandon
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Dani Filth, David McEwen, Eileen Daly
RUNTIME: 120 min
RATING: 4/10
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Cradle of Fear Trailer Click here