A few small town girls die from poisoned milk only to be reborn as almost sexy zombie bitches from hell.
An underground zombie classic Revenge of the Living Dead Girls has been known as the first gore film ever to be made in France and kinda fizzled out after the mid 90's until it was recently re-released in a special uncut edition with a Warning label on the back warning the viewer that the movie might be offensive to others, and with that alone I had to see this flick. I turned on, tuned in and burned out to some of the best 80's gore I've seen in some time. Now keep in mind that this movie was made on a relatively small budget and it rolls out to be more of a drama flick but there's still zombies in there, along with sex, killing, scandal, greed, revenge, all the good stuff that makes horror movies so creepy.
The movie starts out with a hooker looking for a ride who's picked up by a trucker hauling milk to a nearby town. The trucker pulls off the road to an abandoned silo and brings the girl inside for a little hanky panky while a guy on a motorcycle jumps up to the top of the truck and pours some chemicals into the milk supply.
Next scene were at a cottage where two women are talking, one in see through undies, her name is Catherine and she's about to be married. Anyway, Catherine takes a drink from her milk with her breakfast and falls over and dies from the poison in the milk. Next were at a bar where two girls named Jocylin and Florence are playing pinball when the dude on the motorcycle comes in and sits at the bar. The two girls play pinball a little too hard and get parched, then head to the bar for a drink of strawberry milk. Well just like with Catherine the two girls fall over dead. The biker guy sees the girls fall dead and freaks out, then runs out and finds the chick he's working with that decided it was a good idea to mix the chemicals In the milk. Well upon confronting her he must have got some wild hair up his ass because he immediately attacks her and they make out.

After the funerals we find that all three girls worked at the same factory which rises suspicion in the town so they put the big boss under investigation. Anyways there's a lot of conflict with the company but I wont go into that because it'd spoil the movie.
So one of the guys at the plant is told by the boss guy to dump a lot of chemicals by the cemetery where the three girls just so happen to be buried. So he does and whip, bam, BOOM, the girls rise from the grave and start to terrorize the town killing anyone associated with the company.
This movie is twisted and strange at the same time. Never before have I seen zombies that can swim, drive cars, play an organ or run a confessional, it was quite a treat, that and the vaginal impalement. There's also a great scene where a pregnant woman dissolves from chemicals on her skin and dissolves her baby inside, its' quite disturbing but great FX regardless.
Now I got really pissed off at the end of this movie but turns out they ended up cutting the end off for some stupid reason so if you have a chance to see this movie watch the deleted ending, it turns everything around and makes sense of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Otherwise you'll be left asking a lot of questions about the story.
With the growing amount of crappy zombie movies out there it's nice to have a chance to see classic zombie films like this one to balance out all the bullshit, definitely give this one a shot, it's got a great story and the entire movie works.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: La Revanche des mortes vivantes
DIRECTOR: Pierre B. Reinhard
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Véronique Catanzaro, Kathryn Charly, Sylvie Novak
RUNTIME: 82 min
RATING: 8/10
Revenge of the Living Dead Girls Website/IMDB Click here
Revenge of the Living Dead Girls Trailer Click here