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Codex Atanicus
Codex Atanicus is a three story anthology by Spanish director Carlos Atanes. Before watching the movie I never heard of the guy, but the introduction video on the DVD by one of his regular actresses Arantxa Peņa made me realize that I'm in for a hell of a ride. Experimental, bizarre, sick, strange - these are some of the words that describe the stories contained in Codex Atanicus. The anthology is opened by a 20 minute short from 1995 called Metaminds & Metabodies. I am really not into this kind of experimental videos, but I will try to summarize. It opens with a girl singing in the club. Everything looks ultra underground and the girl is connected with some wires to the walls. Strange people are watching her...
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Movie Review: Savage Harvest 2: October Blood

A group of teens go to the same farm where the gruesome murders occurred in the first Savage Harvest.

A double bang of events occur at the beginning of SH2 starting with Ashley, who's sister Mikki survived the first movie, receiving a video with Mikki in front of the camera, covered in blood, crying for her sisters help before committing suicide. Next were outside a movie set where we meet Tyge, who's just had a terrible accident on set, claiming the lives of one of his actors. With the death weighing on his mind, and the suicide of Mikki on Ashley's mind, they both end up back in the same town where the murders took place and ironically they run into each other at a restaurant in town. That's when we come to find that they were high school sweethearts and haven't talked in a decade, since their graduation. Tyge says something that kinda freaks Ashley out so she leaves as his friend Deke comes out and explains what happened to Mikki, and a bunch of other people from town, who ironically died around the same time.

Back at Deke's place he and Tyge go into Deke's roommates room and find a box with a few of the animal rocks and a folder explaining what they all mean. Come to find out, also ironically, that Zach's uncle owned the ranch where all the kids from the first movie died and that he grabbed a few of the rocks and the folders for his own personal curiosity on the whole murderous situation.

Tyge and Ashley end up going back to the entrance to the farm, and before they get too far down the main road, Ashley has a vision of her sister, covered in blood, which freaks her out and they leave.

Savage Harvest 2: October Blood Savage Harvest 2: October Blood

Back at Ashley's place she's having visions of Mikki again, only this time in the TV. So Ashley, Tyge, Deke and Zach decide to go back to the farm house to investigate and that's when the fun starts as they find the man rock and all hell breaks loose.

This time around I have to say that this movie really focused more on the story from the first, almost mirroring it to try to explain everything as if the person watching this movie hadn't watched the first. It does however tell a little more about the story and although it takes a long time for anything awesome to happen it packs a punch, much like the first film. I would honestly say that the first film had better FX but this movie had some pretty cool kill scenes, which I always enjoy seeing. Toss in Eric Stanze as Zach, who tossed out a great acting job, and Scrapbook's Emily Haack who did a great job of her role as Ashley, and you got a better group of actors with a little more talent than the first.

Much like the first film this movie, in my opinion, is for true horror fans, all you main stream horror geeks probably won't see this movie or the original as anything special but for you gorehounds this move is pretty damn cool.

Final Comments
I don't think I could say I liked it as much as the original but this movie is pretty good as far as micro budget indie horror films go. Not a bad run for actor, producer, writer, editor, ect. ect. ect. Jason Christ who keeps to the story, which so few directors do in sequels.


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Savage Harvest 2: October Blood

DIRECTOR: Jason Christ
GENRE: Horror, Drama
CAST: Emily Haack, Benjamin Gaa, Eric Stanze
RUNTIME: 119 min

RATING: 6/10

Savage Harvest 2: October Blood Website/IMDB Click here
Savage Harvest 2: October Blood Trailer Click here

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