The story is about when a girl gets murdered and the police are unable to find the killer so these high school students, consisting of a group of brats, spreads a rumour online that it's a serial killer, known as "The Wolf", that's on the lose. In the online rumour they also describe The Wolf's next victims (that are supposed to be themsleves) just to try and fool as many people around the school as possible, but then the The Wolf actually becomes real and someone starts killing off people on the campus.
God damn, another movie you've been waiting to get your hands on and when you finally do, it turns out to be yet another boring teen slasher without anything special to offer.
Well, it might not be boring in the sense that you'll most likely fall asleep watching it but boring in the sense of that it doesn't bring you anything new or clever, and also the gore is minimal.
I was expecting more because when first reading about it, Cry_Wolf sounded interesting. I guess the story isn't too bad, it's more that the actors are irritating, unlikable (all of them) and in the end you never really got anything out of watching it.
Thing here is that the story is pretty good and it could've been a nice flick, only now it didn't turn out to be. I guess a lot of teens will like this one, but for me it's just unoriginal and irritating.
 The characters are all jerks, one way or the other, and the main character is to smug for his own good and it takes a lot of energy watching him on screen as he's very unlikable.
The killings are crap, you don't get to see very much, at least they could of had some good killings to make up for the rest but unfortunately there are no such thing.
The music in this movie is crap too, not so it will irritate you a lot if any but it's still there and it's still crap. Also Jon Bon Jovi has a part in the movie and he's crap too.
Cry_Wolf doesn't have too much going for it and the "twist" in the end is no good either. The actual suspense that's supposed to be there is nowhere to be found, and in the end I just felt kinda cheated.
If you're a kid with your head in the air give it a shot, other than that, there are better ways to spend your time.
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DIRECTOR: Jeff Wadlow
WRITING CREDITS: Beau Bauman, Jeff Wadlow
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Julian Morris, Lindy Booth, Jon Bon Jovi
RUNTIME: 90 min
RATING: 2/10
Cry_Wolf Website/IMDB Click here
Cry_Wolf Trailer Click here