A psycho named Karl goes on a killing spree in the woods, that's about it.
As soon as I found out about the title of this movie, I had to seek it out for it surely is the best horror movie title ever (apart from maybe "Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence). After watching it, I can definitely say that it truly lives up to its moniker for it's most definitely VIOLENT, and it's also most definitely SHIT. After a pointless and amateurish introduction we are treated to a pointless and amateurish middle section, and then a pointless and amateurish end.
Of course this film is extremely low budget, and so its bad points must be taken with a pinch of salt. This is however hard as it surely must be one of the worst backyard horror films I've ever seen, the acting is terrible and the plot is nonexistent - all features which add up to a truly horrible viewing experience. Of course I shouldn't be criticising a film called "Violent Shit" as it surely does exactly what it says on the tin, but it really is THAT shit.
However let's get to the VIOLENT part, does it live up to its name in this sense? The answer in short is yes. The gore here is so totally over the top and disgusting (albeit quite badly done in some cases) that the title could have been "Absolutely Offensive and Revolting Rubber Gory Shit". For example, we have a man being chainsawed in half (quite well done), a man having his penis severed (terribly done) to the worst set-piece, a woman have her entrails pulled out of her nether-regions. The film is all about the gore as the rest of it only serves to set up the next piece of splatter. The other parts of the film consist of unbelievably long driving scenes, mostly involving camper-vans with POLICE painted on the side, and extremely long stalking scenes devoid of any suspense whatsoever.
So if you watch the film for anything, watch it for the gore, which although quite badly done, is at least inventive for a low budget movie; in all honesty it's probably best to fast forward to all the gore scenes as they're the only part worth watching. It is also of note to mention the ending which is so totally demented that it will leave many people either totally confused or downright offended, whether there is some meaning there or Schnaas just wanted to offend as many people as he could, I don't know, and frankly I don't really care either.
A total gore-fest that is almost impossible to sit through due to complete boredom sounds strange, but Schnaas has done it with "Violent Shit". Only for those who aim to see every underground horror movie made as pretty much EVERY mainstream horror movie fan will turn off after 30 seconds. Its only saving grace as if it wasn't for this, we wouldn't have "Violent Shit 3: Infantry of Doom" and "Nikos the Impaler" which are both brilliant.
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DIRECTOR: Andreas Schnaas
WRITING CREDITS: Andreas Schnaas
GENRE: Horror, Gore
CAST: Andreas Schnaas, Gabi Bäzner, Wolfgang Hinz
COUNTRY: Germany
RUNTIME: 75 min
RATING: 2/10
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Violent Shit Trailer