On Scalleum, a remote farming island off the north coast of Wales, a girl claims to have been abducted, and shortly after find herself to be pregnant. Nobody seems to believe her story, but Michelle Fox and her crew from cable tv program "Weird Worlde" head over to Wales to check things out. And also to improve their ratings which are not that good for the moment. Michelle and her crew do not believe the girl's story either, but once there, they do a reconstruction of the whole incident, in order to make good tv. But soon after the reconstruction, real aliens actually arrive, and they are not that friendly. Infact, they are pure evil.
Only thing I really knew about Jake West, was that he had made the British vampire flick Razor Blade Smile, which was somewhat entertaining, but felt a bit too tacky at times. I read a lot about Evil Aliens before it came out, and while it all sounded pretty darn good, I was still afraid I was in for some real low-budget tacky kind of flick. But wow, this movie really came as a big surprise, and I was pretty damn amazed now when I finally got to see it. It turned out to be funny as hell, and even if I had heard that the budget was minimal, Mr.West has truly worked wonders with the creation of Evil Aliens.
Let's first of all get this low-budget thing out of the way. I have no idea how much money was spent on this flick, but for a low-budget movie, it really looks quite amazing. So no need to worry about things not looking that swell here, because they really do, something I would never have expected at first. Since it's this type of flick that combines splatter, humour and gore, I guess it will be compared to Peter Jackson's Braindead and Bad Taste. And if I would compare how things look, Evil Aliens comes out looking f**king stunning. Also the acting here is really good for this type of flick, and never really has this low-budget horror flick feel to it. I'm not saying that the actors are gonna win Oscar's or anything, but the acting here really works well, no question about it.
 Except for that Evil Aliens has a really cool story and looks amazing for being a low-budget flick, there are two things that are truly wonderful here, and they are the humour and the gore. Talking about looking really good, the gore looks better than that, it looks excellent and I'm not just saying that because I liked the overall movie. Thing is that there's a lot of gore and gory scenes in this movie, and they all look brilliant and are really impressive. There are tons of movies that have had a much higher budget, but where the gore hasn't looked half as good. The gore here is absolutely top-notch all the way.
The humour. Oh it's just brilliant at times, but I don't wanna spoil anything by letting you know what's what. Let's just say that the humour really works, not at all time of course, but definitely most of the time, and when it works, it's hilarious. Another thing a lot of horror movies has is sex or some nudity, and you get that here too, but in a different way. Every sex scene, or that are scenes that has something to do with sex, are either really funny or gross. Actually, they're often both. The aliens themselves look really good, and the dialogue and score is most of the time top-notch.
If you have a good sense of humour and like horror and splatter, this is the ultimate pick. I never expected it to be as good as it turned out to be, but I was pleasantly surprised as well as I was really impressed all the way through. When writing this, I heard that Jake West's gonna directed Pumpkinhead 3, so that'll be something to look out for, as well as what else the man tends to do in the future. Highly recommended.
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GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Sci-Fi
CAST: Emily Booth, Jodie Shaw, Chris Adamson
RUNTIME: 93 min
RATING: 9/10
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