Crime novelist Catherine Trammell has re-located herself from San Francisco to London where she finds herself in trouble with the law. Criminal psychiatrist Michael Glass is called in to perform a psychiatrist profile and evaluation of Catherine, but soon finds himself extremely drawn to her and is sucked into her web of lies and seduction.
A long time ago when Basic Instinct first was released I found myself really enjoying the movie since it was a different kind of thriller that mixed sex and suspense in a good way. Now, many years later, seeing Basic Instinct 2 is somewhat like watching the first movie again, only that it's so much worse. If they wanted to make a sequel they could've done that long ago and not have waited around for about 10 years. It's very hard to see any kind of reason why this movie was made in the first place. If there would've been a follow-up to the original movie shortly after its release that would've been understandable, but releasing the sequel now just makes it come out looking stupid. That is very stupid.
Sharon Stone is still a fox and while that might be nice, it's not nearly good enough. This movie tries hard to be what the first one was but just ends up being a worthless clone that should never have been brought into this world. It does exactly what the first one did, has the same kind of dialogue and so on but never manages to be even half of what the first movie was.
 About 15 minutes or so into the movie I honestly felt quite embarrassed since the dialogue was so bad and everything felt so tacky it was ridiculous. Something that makes it feel even worse is that anyone with half brain could've written this script in a few hours time. Just take the first movie, copy everything, change some names and throw in some different pointless characters. Plus that, throw in some totally uninteresting sex scenes and come up with a twist for the end that is so bad that you would like to beat yourself up. Congratualtions, you've just written Basic Instinct 2 and even though you're a shitty writer it will put some food on the table and maybe a new car in your garage so what the heck.
Only thing Basic Instinct 2 has going for it is that Sharon Stone is pretty hot, but after 20 minutes or so you kinda need something more as well in order to be able to stay interested. Don't get me wrong, stuff happen but does anyone really care? For being a thriller it doesn't have too much to offer for the genre as a thriller should contain some suspense and suspense is absolutely nowhere to be found. A clever twist in the end would've been nice, but instead it takes the turn of being predictable and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to be able to figure out what's gonna happen in the end.
Thanks for wasting my time. It gets one point for Sharon Stone being hot and one point since I didn't fell asleep watching it. Other than that it's complete nonsense and there's no point why you would wanna watch this. Avoid.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Basic Instinct II: Risk Addiction
DIRECTOR: Michael Caton-Jones
WRITING CREDITS: Leora Barish, Henry Bean
GENRE: Thriller
CAST: Sharon Stone, David Morrissey, Charlotte Rampling
COUNTRY: Germany, Spain, UK, USA
RUNTIME: 114 min
RATING: 2/10
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Basic Instinct 2 Trailer Click here