The recently passed Seth Brundle planted his seed in Veronica Quaife who dies while giving birth to their son Martin. A man named Bartok of Bartok Industries adopts Martin, only to keep him as a science project since Bartok's aware of Martin's insect genes. The young boy grows up extremely quickly, and is fully grown at the age of five. He gets a job at Bartok Industries, working with the TelePods that his dad used to work on, and that transformed him into a fly. As Martin's fly genes are starting to kick in too, he escapes Bartok Industries with the help from his girlfriend, after finding out the real reason for why they kept him there. He goes out to find a cure for what he's about to become, and also to seek vengeance.
This is actually a pretty good movie, but since it's a sequel, you're bound to compare it to the original. And when comparing it to the original, The Fly 2 end up not being so good after all. It's a pretty good story, taking off where the first one left off. Thing though is that there are way too many things that are basically the same as in the first movie, just that they do not come out even half as good this time.
For instance, you have the two people who fall for each other again, but the way Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis portrayed it in The Fly felt really genuine, here it doesn't have the same feeling to it at all. What Geena Davis felt for Jeff Goldblum when he started to turn and, in a way, had to go through what he was going through was so well acted and actually quite gripping. Here Daphne Zuniga's supposed to feel the same way for Eric Stoltz as he begins to turn as well. But it doesn't have the same real feeling to it and it's very hard to feel anything for the characters like you did in the first movie.
That's one reason why it fails. Another is that Jeff Goldblum looked really horrible, going from being a normal man to being a giant fly. It's not as well done here, even though the guy who directed the movie did the special effects for the first movie. I mean, it's well done, but does not nearly have the same effect as the first movie had. Seth Brundle ended up looking really repulsive, but Martin just end up looking like a big mean fly from some terrible creature feature. While The Fly managed to be disgusting yet sad, this just end up looking kinda ridiculous.
There are a few other things one could really complain about but I won't do that here, instead let's talk about the positive aspects of the movie. First off, if you've seen the first movie, this is actually somewhat interesting to take a look at too, since it still really relates to the old flick. It also features some footage of Seth Brundle that Martin watches to find out some stuff about his father. Although when Veronica Quaife, in the beginning of the movie, is giving birth to Martin, she's played by someone that's not Geena Davis. And since Geena Davis was the one being pregnant, it actually looks kinda dumb. Sorry, being all negative again...
What this movie has going for it, except that it relates to the first one in a good way, is that it's actually kinda fast-paced. Although it's a bit too long, it would've been better if the movie would've been like a normal 90 minute feature instead of it's 105 minutes of running time. There are easily some scenes that could've been deleted. But the story is ok for what it is, and even do you don't really get to feel too much for the characters, you never really get bored either. We get some gore and some splattery scenes, but nothing spectacular really. The ending is kinda ok, but a bit to moral and nice for my taste, that is, the bad guy gets what he deserves. The first movie had a much better ending.
If you've seen The Fly, you might wanna give this a try too, but don't expect it to be as good as the original. The effects are kinda cool, but were of course a hell of a lot cooler in the first movie, well everything actually was cooler in the first movie. The acting is totally ok, and Eric Stoltz is actually pretty good as Martin. It's kinda fast-paced and at least it's very entertaining. Although it does not have the same feel to it, and atmosphere as the first movie had. Good on a lazy sunday or something like that though.
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DIRECTOR: Chris Walas
WRITING CREDITS: George Langelaan, Mick Garris
GENRE: Horror, Sci-Fi
CAST: Eric Stoltz, Daphne Zuniga, John Getz
RUNTIME: 105 min
RATING: 5/10
Fly 2, The Website/IMDB Click here
Fly 2, The Trailer Click here