Alice (Adrienne King) manages to escape from Camp Blood after killing off Mrs. Voorhees and are now back home, trying to cope with everything that has happened. But Jason, who apparently never drowned, saw his mother being beheaded and seeks revenge on Alice. Five years passes by and a camp next to Camp Crystal Lake is built up and a bunch of camp couselors come there to do their thing. This of course upsets Jason since he lives next door and now he has to go on a killing spree.
So the story continues and this time it's Jason who handles all the killings, not his mother like in part 1. He hasn't got his famous hockey mask yet, and he doesn't get that until the next sequel. So this time he wears a type of white sack over his head which makes him look somewhat like a executioner or say a hangman from the old days, it actually looks pretty cool.
It feels like part 1 had a little more to it than this one, as part 2 just feels like a pure slasher with nothing else to it whatsoever. It's good though since your brain can take a vacation for about 87 minutes, you really don't need it here. You didn't really need it watching first movie either, but this time it's even more true.
Also the killings were a bit cooler in part 1 once it got going. There are of course some ok killings here too, but nothing that really makes you go wow. It sure could've featured some more deaths, along with more gore and some nudity. On the nudity part, we get a little, and with a little I mean hardly anything. Yes, I know I could watch a porno flick if I wanted full nudity, but this is a slasher movie, it's supposed to have some.
Jason isn't as big here as he appears in the later movies, that's also a big difference. Here he's somewhat normal size and actually has to struggle a lot when he fights the head couselor of the camp. To be honest, it's a little irritating, you kinda want him to be able to just smack people around like they were bugs. But on the other hand, it's makes him more vulnerable, which in the end makes him feel a bit more human.
When it comes to the acting, I kinda liked the people in part 1 better. Although, the people in part 2 do an ok job too. Most of the characters are totally ok, then there's some guy that really blows, red hair, don't know his name and being too tired to look it up. Other than that, the acting is totally ok for what it is and suits the movie just fine.
Spoiler Alert
Best scene in the movie is probably when Jason's chasing after Ginny (Amy Steel). It goes on for a while, and even if it's not that intense, it's still a little intense. I think the coolest thing is when, after being chased for a while, Ginny hides in a cabin under some table and is so afraid that she actually wets herself when Jason's searching the room. It brings some realistic fear into the movie which is a nice touch.
Another great scene is in the very end when Jason comes crashing through the window and we actually get to see his face. You expect something's gonna happen, but it's a scene that could still make some people jump I guess. And even if you know what gonna happen, it's still kinda cool.
Friday the 13th Part 2 is not as cool, and does not have the same feeling as part 1 had. It's also a little bit lamer with lesser killings. On the other hand, this is where Jason actually comes in for real, so at least that's something. We get a few cool scenes, well a couple that are above the rest but nothing that special really. It's quite entertaining at times though and really easy to watch. If you enjoyed the first movie, then Friday the 13th Part 2 might be something you wanna check out too.
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DIRECTOR: Steve Miner
GENRE: Horror, Slasher
CAST: Amy Steel, Warrington Gillette, Adrienne King
RUNTIME: 87 min
RATING: 5/10
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Friday the 13th Part 2 Trailer Click here