A group of friends go to a farm near Camp Crystal Lake for the weekend. Among them are Chris Higgin's, a girl who was attacked by Jason two years earlier. Jason of course don't like them being around, so he tries to kill them off one by one.
This is the third movie in the Friday the 13th series and I have to say that this is easily the best one of the three. It's also in this movie that Jason gets his famous hockey, that became the series trademark, from some fat blob who no one likes anyway. I kinda liked the sack from part 2, but the mask is of course pretty cool too.
So how come this is the best movie out of the three? Well first off, this is the one that has the most to do with the actual slasher theme, it's here it gets nasty. Secondly, we finally get some good gore and some really cool killings. They were ok in the two past movies but are way better in part 3. Other than that, this movie is a bit more fast-paced and a bit more brutal.
It's still a brainless slasher, but at least it's very entertaining. Directed by Steve Miner who also directed part two, and it turned out better than part two did. Jason must have done a hell of a lot of push-ups since he's way bigger in this flick, and that's a good thing cos you wanna see him have the upper hand. In part two he was too small so that was also a step in the right direction.
We get to see a new side from one of the characters who actually dares to fight Jason back, again and again, and even tries to hang the poor man.
We also get to see a motorcycle gang that Jason gets to kill. Must be the lamest motorcycle gang ever, but it's kinda fun to see. Other than that we get an old man who warns the kids in the beginning, and things are pretty much the same as in the other two movies, except that this one's more gory and has more go in it.
Like I said earlier, the killings are pretty cool in part 3. There's one scene were Jason fires a harpoon at a girl which ends in a tragic or cool way, depending on how you see it. There's also a cool scene were a guy stand on his hands and gets to taste Jason's machete and his girlfriend later finds him dripping blood from the sealing down on the magazine, Fangoria, that she's reading.
The overall acting is ok, but some scenes are pretty horrible featuring some of the kids. The main girl, who ran into Jason two years earlier, actually does a really good job with her character. The other are so-so, but in the end it's not that bad and totally watchable.
So even if it's brainless as said before, it's entertaining, has more gore than the two earlier flicks, is fast-paced, and we get to see some really cool killings. We also get to see a lot more of Jason than in part 2. The ending is basically the same as in part 1, just done a little bit differently here, but it doesn't matter, it's 95 minutes of fun. Recommended.
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DIRECTOR: Steve Miner
WRITING CREDITS: Martin Kitrosser, Ron Kurz
GENRE: Horror, Slasher
CAST: Dana Kimmell, Richard Brooker, Tracie Savage
RUNTIME: 95 min
RATING: 6/10
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Friday the 13th Part 3 Trailer Click here