Friday the 13th A New Beginning tells the story about Tommy, who after killing Jason in The Final Chapter grows up to be a troubled young man. Now, several years after the confrontation with Jason, the memories still haunt Tommy, actually so much that he has gone a bit insane. So he's shipped of to a camp in the woods(!) for mentally challenged teens to rest and relax. But someone shows up and starts killing people and that person looks exactly like Jason. But is it really him this time?
When watched the movies in the Friday the 13th series for the first time, you actually got at least one year between each movie. Now when watching them all over again with just a few days inbetween. it's kind of a drag. First off you're older and harder to impress, secondly the movies are way to similar to each other, and it kinda feels like watching the same movie over and over again.
While part 4 was just too similar to part 3 , part 5 actually follows one of the characters that happened to survive in part 4. Tommy, (Corey Feldman in part 4, now John Shepherd in part 5), has grown up but is haunted by the memories of what happened between him and Jason and lives in constant fear. This is actually a pretty good concept, at least it gives the movie something to stand on. But since this is just another braindead slasher in the series, it never really takes that concept anywhere remotely good.
There's a little twist here, someone's dressing up like Jason and are killing people, but it's not very clever and does not impress. The movie just ends up looking quite dumb. There are actually a lot of plot holes here, or things that don't make no sense. Well, blame the writers.
The gore is minimal and the nudity is almost non-existant. That sucks, since that's basically the only reason for watching movies like this. A lot of people die in different ways, but since you don't really get to see it in detail, it leaves you with absolutely nothing. The score is basically the same boring thing we've all heard before, and does not add any real feeling or atmosphere to the whole thing.
The acting is as expected far from top-notch, but even if it's not well performed, it's still watchable, considering what kind of movie we're dealing with here. There are of course a mixed bland of characters, with some that stand out more than others. Like the redneck mom and son who are both quite lousy when it comes to acting, but still manages to deliver some comical relief to the whole experience.
One thing I was getting truly sick of when watching all the movies in a row, were the lame chases at the end of each movie, as it just goes on and on and you can't wait for it to finish. It's just a waste of time, and if it would've delivered any kind of suspense it would been one thing, but it never does, it's just a drag to watch. Actually, part 2 had a pretty good chase scene, but that's about it.
Somewhat entertaining at times, but with minimal gore and nudity, a story that's too messed up and ridiculous, and things that just keep repeating themselves in one movie to the next. The end result does not come out very good and I seriously think it would've been better if the Friday the 13th series would've been a trilogy instead. Or that The Final Chapter would've actually been the very final chapter.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
DIRECTOR: Danny Steinmann
WRITING CREDITS: Martin Kitrosser, David Cohen
GENRE: Horror, Slasher
CAST: Anthony Barrile, Suzanne Bateman, John Shepherd
RUNTIME: 92 min
RATING: 3/10
Friday the 13th Part 5 Website/IMDB Click here
Friday the 13th Part 5 Trailer Click here