Tommy and his friend Hawes goes to Jason's grave to once and for all make sure that the man's really dead. To make sure of this, Tommy takes a iron pole and pierce it through Jason's body. Unfortunately for Tommy, lightning hits the pole and brings Jason back to life. And once again it's up to Tommy to stop the psychotic killer that is Jason Voorhees.
After the boring part 5, it was actually kinda nice to see part 6 again, as it is so much better and has a lot more go in it. Also, the guy who played Tommy in part 5 did a lousy job doing it, but here (played by Thom Mathews), Tommy's actually a pretty good character to watch, less irritating and more "normal" than before.
Part 6 actually starts out really good, and it's something that makes you wanna keep watching. Tommy and his friend goes to Jason's grave to see that he's really dead, he wakes up and it makes for a pretty cool scene. Watching that scene kinda gets you in the mood of watching the rest of the flick. Of course after seeing Jason rise from his grave, Tommy panics and goes to the sheriff's office in hope that they'll help him since Jason's after him. But they don't believe him, and he has to fight the battle alone, with Jason's coming after him and cops wanna lock him up. Fortunately for him, the sheriff's daughter have the hots for him and wants to help Tommy out.
This might be the best sequel in the Friday the 13th series as it's first and most fast-paced and has a lot of action and horror mixed together that works really well. Being fast-paced makes for it also being entertaining and not as dull and slow like the other sequels were at times.
It's a really campy movie and for instance we get to see a group of people who are out in the woods playing paint-ball. It's supposed to have some comic relief to it, although it's not very funny, you kind of get the feeling you're watching Police Academy or some similar stuff.
The score's pretty good this time, or at least it's bearable. We get a lot of 80's rock music and that makes the 80's feeling of the movie itself more present. Plus getting to hear Alice Cooper makes it pretty cool too, it sure fits the movie if nothing else.
Expect for being kinda the same thing as with the other movies, that is Jason killing people around Camp Crystal Lake, now named Forest Green, is that Jason is a lot stronger here and can take a lot more abuse. That was truly one thing that was irritating to see before, for instance when they hit him with something and he fell over and stayed down for too long etc. This time it seems like almost nothing can stop the guy which is a very nice change.
Far from being fantastic or even close to it, but a very entertaining horror/slasher movie that is fast-paced and delivers all the way through. The acting is your typical Friday the 13th type of acting, although a notch better here I guess. Skip part 5 and go directly for part 6 instead.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
DIRECTOR: Tom McLoughlin
WRITING CREDITS: Tom McLoughlin, Victor Miller
GENRE: Horror, Slasher
CAST: Thom Mathews, Jennifer Cooke, C.J. Graham
RUNTIME: 87 min
RATING: 6/10
Friday the 13th Part 6 Website/IMDB Click here
Friday the 13th Part 6 Trailer Click here