Charlie Brewster's really into horror movies and likes to watch a tv-show called Fright Night hosted by a guy in a dracula suit named Peter Vincent. When two men move in next door to Charlie he starts to see strange things, like girls coming over to the house and that the two men carries out what looks like a body-bag in the morning. He later finds out that his strange neighbour is actually a vampire but unfortunately no one believes him, not his girlfriend nor his best friend. They later give Charlie the benefit of a doubt and seek out tv-host Peter Vincent to help Charlie reveal if the guy next door really is a vampire.
I remember first time I watch this movie not being very old and I found it to be really cool. I viewed it again a couple of years ago and it's still good, somewhat cheesy but that's totally ok, it's a 80's movie so what can you expect.
I guess Fright Night is a horror comedy but it's not really funny nor scary, on the other hand it's very entertaining and well worth watching. Of course it has its horror elements too since it deals with vampires. Expect some over-the-top acting but still it has a very cool story and the fact that it was made in the 80's only has advantages, I don't think this would have worked as well being made today.
If you're not into 80's stuff or haven't seen movies like this before I guess it wouldn't be too enjoyable. But being a fan of old flicks like this, watching Fright Night is a hoot. Charlie Brewster's just a kid and since he likes horror movies it's of course hard for the people around him to actually believe him, or for that matter believe in vampires in general.
I said earlier that the movie isn't that fun but it's actually kinda fun watching Charlie running around like a confused kid being all stressed out. Well worth watching.
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DIRECTOR: Tom Holland
GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Sci-Fi
CAST: Chris Sarandon, Amanda Bearse, Roddy McDowall
RUNTIME: 106 min
RATING: 6/10
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Fright Night Trailer Click here