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New Grudge 2 Photos
The Grudge 2

Courtesy of SONY we have your first look at a bunch of new images for The Grudge 2. From Columbia Pictures and Ghost House Pictures comes the much-anticipated sequel to the 2004 worldwide hit The Grudge. The terrifying thriller The Grudge 2 explores the dark secrets of the grudge as the terrifying supernatural curse is unleashed on a group of seemingly unrelated victims. One by one, they are infected by the grudge, which quickly moves from a burned-down house in Tokyo and spreads to everyone who crosses its path.

The Grudge 2 stars Amber Tamblyn under the direction of Takashi Shimizu, from an original screenplay by Stephen Susco. The producers are Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Taka Ichise.

The Grudge 2  The Grudge 2

You can check out the official The Grudge 2 website right here

Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Neil Marshall doing DoomsDay
Neil Marshall the director of Dog Soldiers and Descent has revealed his next film will be "DoomsDay". In an interview at Comic-Con Neil revealed it is a fururistic sci-fi flick on a group of people who band to gether to prevent the extinction of the human race.

He is once again promising us a dark and brutal film with plenty of action and carnage for you horror fans.

Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
behind-the-scenes chronicle of upcoming horror Hallows Point
The film is cast with a legion of horror veterans:

Christa Campbell (2001 MANIACS, 2002 MANIACS, THE WICKER MAN remake, DAY OF THE DEAD remake). Ms. Campbell is the only authentic femme fatales who's exclusively linked to horror movies (i.e. Grade A & B+ commerce). (Pic 1)
Angela Austin (BELLY OF THE BEAST) (Pic 2)
Jim Fitzpatrick (SATAN'S LITTLE HELPER, "Commander" Williams on the STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE series)
Robin Hines (VAMPIRE BATS)
Alexxus Young (ARACHNIA, TWO FRONT TEETH) (Pic 3)
(Hallows Point director Jeffrey Lynn Ward featured on pic 4)

Christa Campbell  Angela Austin

Alexxus Young  Jeffrey Lynn Ward

An abridged synopsis:
"Welcome to Hallows Point… a small town with a terrible past and a future that is cursed.

It started as a harmless bet but for a group of Hallows Point High students, this Halloween will turn into the ultimate nightmare. Trapped in an abandoned schoolhouse with an evil they helped create, but cannot defeat, the students are ill-prepared for their last lesson… in terror!

Twelve high school students lock themselves into an abandoned schoolhouse on Halloween night and accidentally resurrect their former biology teacher who was a serial killer. The teacher, Nathanial Raber, is all too willing to come back and give these poor unfortunate souls their final exam."

Hallows Point  Hallows Point

In regard to Nathanial Raber, the HALLOWS POINT bogeyman, director Jeffrey Lynn Ward offers the following summary:

"Raber starts off as a serial killer but that doesn’t make him interesting; what makes him interesting is that he was a high school biology teacher. Here he was, right under the noses of these kids, and no one suspected he was a monster! Unfortunately, the kids accidentally resurrect him and he’s all too willing to come back and teach them a final lesson. I think that 'biology teacher-turned-bogeyman' transition is something that everyone can relate to; everyone who has gone to high school probably envisioned one of their teachers as evil or dastardly. I thought that sort of identification was cool. I didn’t want some huge guy in a hockey mask who hangs out in the woods, I wanted somebody who intertwines with your life."

Mr. Ward also helmed THE DWELLING, a Satanic confection that starred B-movie icon Michelle Bauer (HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS, SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL--RAMA) and Burt Ward.

Hallows Point  Hallows Point

You can check out the official website (which is still in development) for Hallows Point right here
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Makoto Tanaka's Ame no machi on DVD
Ame No MachiProgressive Pictures K.K. (Puroguresshibu Pikuchâzu K.K.) is scheduled to release Makoto Tanaka's Ame no machi on DVD (PRDV-0003) in Japan on August 25th; the release is being distributed by Geneon Entertainment K.K. (Jeneon Entateinmento K.K.). Progressive Pictures released the movie theatrically in Japan on March 25th.

The screenplay for Ame no machi was written by Tanaka, based on the eponymous short story by Hideyuki Kikuchi. The movie's principal cast is as follows: Toshihiro Wada, Yôko Maki, Riko Narumi, Tsutomu Takeshige, Mitsuki Nagashima, Chihiro Maebashi, Tôru Shinagawa, Ken Mitsuishi, Ken Yasuda, Noriko Eguchi, Shungiku Uchida, Asami Katsura, Hideyuki Kikuchi (see above), Naruyoshi Kikuchi (he also composed/performed the closing theme song for the movie), Kôichi Ueda, Moeko Ezawa, and Kôjirô Kusanagi.

Here's a description of Ame no machi from the website of DVD retailer CD Japan (Neo Wing K.K. / K.K. Neo Wingu): "From the mind of 'Vampire Hunter D' creator Hideyuki Kikuchi comes a new film about a group of children that dissappears, only to return one rainy day 35 years later! A reporter following the story of a child's corps that has mysteriously been rendered free of it's internal organs is drawn to a small town where he learns the story of group of elementary school students who dissappeared 35 years ago. The people tell him to 'stay inside when it rains out of season, you'll get drunk in by the rain.' Soon he discovers the school's old photo albums and speaks with the residents about the event... where it becomes obvious that the town is hiding something."

Ame no machi trailer (downloadable 5.8 MB WMV file)
Ame no machi official website

Source: Twitchfilm
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Update - A Werewolf in Amazonia
The screenplay for A Werewolf in Amazonia was written by Rubens Francisco Lucchetti, in collaboration with Flávio de Souza and Evandro Mesquita. The movie stars Paul Naschy (a.k.a. Jacinto Molina) as Dr. Moreau/the werewolf, (Evandro) Mesquita as Jean Pierre (a.k.a. 'JP'), Danielle Winits as Natasha, Nuno Leal Maia as Prof. Scott Corman, Tony Tornado as Criminal Investigator Barreto, Karina Bacchi as Samantha, Pedro Neschling as Bruno, Bruno de Luca as Raul, Djin Sganzerla as Carol, Joana Medeiros as Queen Pentesiléia, Guará Rodrigues as Zoltan, Charles Paraventi as Borges, Orlando Drummond as the Public Security Secretary, Sidney Magal as the Inca priest, Julio Medaglia as Hartman, Daiane Amęndola as Alma, and Analú Silveira as Mary.

See full article for trailers, stills and more...

Source: Twitchfilm
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Some not so rocky horror - Death Note review
Horror, as a genre, drifts naturally toward cheese and camp. The scares that raised goose pimples in the first series installment draw grins and groans in the fourth -- or 14th.

The devilish Ryuku, voiced by Shido Nakamura, and Tatsuya Fujiwara in "Death Note" (c) 2006 "DEATH NOTE" FILM PARTNERS.

J-Horror resisted this drift by opting for the mundanely familiar and psychologically plausible over Halloween party flash and foolishness. The settings were moldy suburban houses or apartment buildings, not haunted mansions, and the scares came from black shapes glimpsed from the corner of the eye, not grinning monsters with edged weapons jumping from behind a door.

Death NoteBy this standard, Shusuke Kaneko's "Death Note" -- a two-part film based on the best-selling Takeshi Obata manga -- is not J-Horror at all. In fact, it doesn't fit neatly into the horror bin, period, being a mix of cop thriller, seishun eiga (youth movie) and two-player arcade game, wrapped in a stylish manga-esque package.

Released June 17, "Death Note" bumped "The Da Vinci Code" as No. 1 at the local box office and is on its way to becoming the decade's biggest Japanese horror(ish) hit. It has accomplished this feat while violating a key genre rule: Its hero, a brilliant college student named Raito (which means "Light") Yagami (Tatsuya Fujiwara), is also its villain.

Many a movie hero flirts with the dark side, but with Raito, it's love at first sight. When he finds a mysterious notebook with "Death Note" on the cover and learns that he can kill with it simply by writing the victim's name in it (and following certain rules explained in slightly fractured English), shock quickly gives way to what can only be called devilish glee. When the notebook's real owner makes his appearance -- a three-meter-tall "god of death" named Ryuku, who looks like a heavy metal vocalist from Hell -- Raito barely bats an eye. Ryuku (a CG creation voiced by Shido Nakamura) soon becomes his winged familiar -- and the closest thing he has to a friend.

Raito's first victims are criminals who presumably deserve their names in his book of death, but when the cops, led by Raito's straight-as-an-arrow detective father (Takeshi Kaga of "Iron Chef" fame), start closing in with the help of a reclusive slacker genius named only L (Kenichi Matsuyama), he becomes their deadliest enemy, with nary a flicker of doubt or regret.

The film's true focus, however, is less the struggle between good and evil (or rather shades of moral gray) than the battle of wits between Raito and L, with the cops serving mostly as foils. A feisty woman journalist (Asaka Seto) starts putting two and two together, but she is no match for Raito's diabolical wiles. Meanwhile, Raito's high-minded girlfriend (Yuu Kashii) serves as a voice of conscience that goes unheard and unheeded.

The battle (or rather, two-player game) has its fascinations, but CG whiz Kaneko ("Azumi 2," "Gamera 3") and scriptwriter Tetsuya Oishi are presumably saving their biggest scenes for part two, which opens in November. So part one is mostly build up, with little real tension. Also the battle between the cool, heartless killer and the junk-food-loving, asocial brainiac is bloodless. Literally so -- most of the victims keel over from heart attacks. At least they don't dissolve into clouds of pixels.

Source: by Mark Schilling, The Japan Times
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Movie 'The Host' Draws Global Attention
Director Bong Joon-ho's new movie The Host is drawing global attention.

The movie that was highly praised by critics at Cannes Film Festival in May has been invited to the 39th SITGES International Film Festival of Catalonia, the 31st Toronto International Film Festival and the Edinburgh International Film Festival.

Hong Kong and Vancouver film festivals slated for August and September have also followed suit.

The film will soon be shown in Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore and France. The U.S., Britain, Mexico and Australia will release the flick later this year.

Source: HanCinema
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
After Dark Film Fest Places Spotlight on Thrills
Toronto After Dark Film Festival, a new international showcase of sci-fi, horror and fantasy cinema, has announced its inaugural edition , October 20-24, 2006 at Toronto's Bloor Cinema.

"We are very excited to be giving Toronto audiences something unique in the Film Festival community," said Festival Founder and Director, Adam Lopez.

"A showcase of international cinema, close to Halloween, which places the spotlight firmly on thrills."

The first annual Toronto After Dark Film Festival screens 27 sci-fi, horror and fantasy genre films over five nights, including 12 feature film premieres and 15 shorts, produced by filmmakers across North America, Europe and Asia.

"Hollywood represents such a small slice of all the fantastic films that are out there," said Todd Brown, Festival Director of Programming.

"Most international titles remain completely unseen on these shores and we think that’s just criminal. So, for five nights at Toronto After Dark we bring a slate of the very best of these titles to audiences here in Toronto, to be seen the way they were intended: on the big screen, with great sound, in front of an enthusiastic audience."

Click here to check out the Toronto After Dark website.

Source: HNR
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Pulse Director Faces His Demons
While we wait for Dimension to finally get around to releasing Pulse (they just changed the date, again, this time to August 25th), the boys at B-D got chatting with the film’s director, Jim Sorenzo, and discovered what his next project with Dimension will be.

"[I’m working on] a book that I optioned that’s set up through Dimension called Demons. John Shirley wrote it, which is fantastic," he told the site. "It’s basically about demons invading our world from another dimension and kind of similar to this but its much more colorful, a lot of special effects and it’s very cool. Its like Independence Day meets... well demons invade the world."

If the name John Shirley rings a bell, there’s good reason. The prolific author has written tons of books through his career, including a collaboration with Ed Lee and the Constantine novelization.

Source: Dread Central
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
The first teaser trailer from the spanish horror film "La Hora Fria" is now online, although not subtitled yet. Watch it below:

You can check out the teaser trailer

More teasers to be 'tubed' in the near future. The film has been chosen for Offical Selection in Competition in the Festival de Cinema de Catalunya (Sitges Film Festival) 2006. Also, the official website will be reachable soon. More about that later.

Synopsis for "La Hora Fria" (2006) – An Eqlipse Production
A group of eight people live isolated in crumbling installations. They cannot abandon the complex and they live in a constant state of vigilance. The food supplies are running out and they urgently need medicines and ammunitions, but in order to find them they must abandon the secure area. What lurks outside the small area they inhabit, however, is so menacing that they dare not even speak of it.
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Omen in October
The Omen

Not that it will come as any great surprise, but Fox Home Entertainment announced today that John Moore’s near shot-for-shot remake of The Omen will hit DVD just in time for Halloween, specifically October 17th.

Both an anamorphic widescreen and a fullscreen version will be available according to Davis DVD with features like a commentary from the director, deleted and extended scenes, an alternate ending, behind-the-scenes featurettes, and more. Nothing too exciting there, much like the film itself.

Read The Omen movie review right here

Source: Dread Central
Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Brooks Helming Horror Feature Brew
Award-winning indie film director Stephen David Brooks (Heads N TailZ) is on tap to helm the horror feature Brew for The Ilya Salkind Company. VP of Production Joe Majestic brought the project to the company and will produce. The screenplay is by Larry Kirchner and the late James Dean Schulte.

Brew is the story of a self-styled loser who inherits a family brewery drowning in debt. His girlfriend convinces him to restart the family business despite the rumors that the brewery is haunted by his blood thirsty relatives, The Rhineharts.

The cast will be comprised of horror veterans, upcoming talent, and unknowns selected from a nationwide talent search.

A promotional teaser can be found here

Posted on Jul 31 2006 by
Director Kitamura Surprises Audiences in Hollywood
AzumiThe American premiere of AZUMI was almost sneaked onto the Egyptian theater on Tuesday night, July 25, 2006, by AsiaVision. The presentation was originally described as an advanced screening of the 2003 teen samurai adventure AZUMI. However that night, the presentation was described as the “American premiere” with surprise guest director Ryuhei Kitamura. Mr. Kitamura spoke briefly to the audience before the screening describing how his self-produced gore-fest VERSUS lead to being chosen to direct AZUMI by producer Mata Yamamoto. During his comments, Mr. Kitamura affectionately teased Mr. Yamamoto, who was also in attendance but did not address the crowd.

In July, AsiaVision brought AZUMI to high profile presence at Anime Expo in Anaheim California and two weeks later at the San Diego ComicCon. Mr. Kitamura was present at both promotional events. While there was some indication he might be at the Egyptian showing, there was no announcement from the American Cinematheque.

Earlier in July the American Cinematheque simply invited members to the July 25 showing of AZUMI. The July 21 edition of the LA Weekly printed an offer to admit one (with the ad) plus a guest, describing the event as an “advanced screening.” The large turnout of viewers appeared pleased by the surprise premiere, the surprise appearance of Mr. Kitamura and of course enjoyed the slickly produced samurai assassin swordplay.

During the program, no mention was made of GODZILLA FINAL WARS; however that movie’s American star Don Frye was spotted in the crowd. Mr. Frye said he had been invited by Mr. Kitamura to attend and just hang out with his old friend.

The subtitled print was shown at the Egyptian but the newly dubbed version will be released in American theaters. AZUMI began a run at the West L.A. Nuart Theater. AsiaVision is the live action feature branch of Urban Vision Entertainment Inc. AZUMI marks the launch of AsiaVision’s theatrical releases.

Source: SciFi Japan
Posted on Jul 30 2006 by
Two More Dead Daughters Teasers Online!
Two more teaser trailers for PAvel Ruminov's Russian horror film Dead Daughters have appeared online, bringing the total number of teasers released thus far up to eleven.

Dead Daughters Teaser Ten (downloadable Quicktime)
Dead Daughters Teaser Eleven (downloadable Quicktime)

Source: Twitchfilm
Posted on Jul 30 2006 by

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