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The Dark Hour poster art and theatrical trailer
La Hora Fria"La Hora Fria" (The Dark Hour), will be finally released in Spain next september 14th by catalan distributor Baditri.

"Seven adults and two children live together in a few rooms of a huge building. They cannot or don't want to leave the building. But there is not much food and supplies are running short. According to an old man who lives apart from the community and who takes care of all repairs, everything started during the last great war. Chemical weapons were used that converted most of the population into mindless, sick beings, whose touch alone could be lethal. The infected are called "strangers" and they wander around the building, trying to get in. Then there are the "invisibles", another terrible mutation from the war. These creatures are already in the building. No one can see them. Their presence can only be detected because they make the temperature fall below zero degrees. When the strangers manage to penetrate the building, the small community must fight for their lives."

The Dark Hour is not only a horror film, it is also an exercise in style. One location and a dedicated team of actors are all that is used to disturb, frighten and entertain the audience. This means that terror will come from suggestion and our emotional involvement with the characters will come from our identification with their hopes and fears within an enclosed space. Starring Silke (Tierra, Tuno Negro), Jorge Casalduero (The City of No Limits) and Pepo Oliva (Todo por la Pasta, Celos).

The Dark Hour was written and directed by Elio Quiroga, with Margaret Nicoll as associate producer, and has been shot in digital cinematography, with Jérôme Debève and Juan A. Ruiz as visual effects supervisors in La Huella FX. Luis Sánchez Gijón is the editor. The film had a strong postproduction visual effects work with Régis Barbey as color timer and Angel Luis Fernández as DOP (Fernandez has worked for spanish directors Pedro Almodóvar, Fernando Trueba or Víctor Erice). Pablo Fernández Valbuena, winner of the GgTalk CG Choice Award has been the creature designer.

The film cast: Silke, Nadia de Santiago ("Alatriste"), Omar Muñoz ("Ausentes"), Julio Perillán ("Frágil", "Moscow Zero"), Pepo Oliva ("Héctor"), Jorge Casalduero ("En la Ciudad sin Límites"), Sergio Villanueva ("La Luz Prodigiosa"), y Pablo Scola ("La Luna en Botella"). Washington born Julio Perillán has been selected by Woody Allen for "Midnight in Barcelona", with Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson.

The Dark Hour has been sold to 10 countries by Lightning Entertainment.

Watch a trailer for The Dark Hour over at YouTube !

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 31 2007 by
Cinema Epoch aquire Amateur Porn Star Killer
The shocking debut feature, AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER, by Shane Ryan, has just been acquired by Cinema Epoch and Koch Entertainment, due in stores November 6, 2007. The filmmakers are planning on some midnight shows in Los Angeles in late August.

The DVD will include filmmaker/actor interviews, a “crime scene drive thru”, trailers, DVD notes, and five short films by Shane Ryan, including the award-winning “So, We Killed Our Parents” and the sexploitation black & white short “The Cold Heat.”

AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER was shot at the end of 2004 and completed post-production in early 2005. At the beginning of 2006 the film was slightly re-cut and instantly starting making an impact in the underground world of horror.

Film Threat called the film “very realistic and utterly unforgettable”. Pretty Scary called it “unsettling, and downright mesmerizing”. Joe Horror says “this is one dark and thoroughly disturbing movie.” Sex Gore Mutants claims it’s “a malevolent classic” and says it‘s “a vile piece of cinema that will make your skin craw”. went as far as to say the film “is so close to being a masterpiece” and gave it a Polished Apple Award for Best Use of Sex/Nudity in a movie (“The Brown Bunny” won the year before. Both are notorious for their explicit sex and blow job scenes).

Some places questioned whether the film would be better as a PSA. “I think it would be a very good film to show to younger girls who tend to be so trusting in everyone around them…a film like this could serve up a shocking lesson” says Lethal Death. Cinema Crazed said the film “is not your typical thriller; it works outside of conventions of its own mockumentary sub-genre, and tests the audience consistently…I simply love this film”.

Even critics who didn’t love the film still had many kind words. Horror Society says “I take my hat off to Shane for having the balls (if no budget whatsoever) to go out there and make such a movie.” Haro Online says “Shane Ryan is not interested in titillating his viewer. He wants to creep you out, and for most of the movie, he succeeds.” Bums Corner says it’s “definitely an unforgettable work by a talented filmmaker.” And HorrorWatch called it “a seriously dark, ultra-gritty flick that should not be confused with porn in any way.”

The movie, which is about a snuff film in the making, had a budget of just $45 (as far as records indicate, this is the cheapest film ever made to receive national distribution). For more info on the film and trailer, visit

You can read a review of AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER on Evil Dread here!

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 30 2007 by
Halloween Horror Nights 17 at Universal
The Universal theme parks in Orlando and Hollywood have teamed up with New Line Cinema to make this year’s Halloween Horror Nights the most intense in history. For the first time ever, Jason, Freddy Krueger and Leatherface will be a part of the month-long fright fest where guests are confronted with their most terrifying nightmares.

Halloween Horror Nights 17 begins on Sept. 28 and ends on Nov. 3. Do visit for more information about the event.

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 24 2007 by
Today reveals the web’s first horror web series, TV FACE. Sometimes pulpy and always entertaining, TV FACE doesn’t fail to deliver. Producer David Britz and director Dean Bull reveal the show in an online exclusive that allows its users to be totally immersed in the lore of the tale.

“We harken back to the infamous ‘Video Nasties’ and create a totally new, tightly designed world centered around them. It’s definitely bold” states Bull. Slated for 39 cliffhanger episodes running approximately three minutes each, Britz describes the series as “a cross between LOST and EVIL DEAD, but also harkens back to the old radio dramas like THE SHADOW.”

With its heavy attention to design, acting skill, gore, and respect for its roots, TV FACE is audacious, entertaining, and unique.

Watch the first episode of TV FACE HERE!

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 24 2007 by
Steel Web Studios Summer Update
Steel Web Studios will be hosting a dealer table at the 2007 Comic-Con in San Diego this week. Stop by booth F-12 and grab your free Carnal Morgue Bookmark! More details about Comic-Con can be found on their website, here. Tickets are selling out fast!

Also, their new DVD "Tales from the Carnal Morgue" is now available in their new online store that can be found here.

Finally, they have begun preproduction on two new films, Bedbugs from Hell and Cinco de Mayo Massacre. Bedbugs is due for release in 2008. Cinco de Mayo is further down the road... Details can be found on their website at

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 24 2007 by
TV FACE has previewed to rave reviews and unique branding due to its uncensored material, bold artistic choices, and departure from conventional commercial style. Producer David Britz and director Dean Bull have developed a unique branding on the series, setting them apart from their contemporaries in the modern media canon.

99 Potions and Paradox Opera are the production companies producing TV FACE, a “one-stop shop” for the new media experience. TV FACE is an uncensored, free-to-watch, pulpy horror webseries. Check it out at

The TV Face community can be found at , and .

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 19 2007 by
Juniper Falls at San Diego Comic Con
In the Spring of 2007, four guys with a passion for storytelling came together and completed Chapter One of their epic comic book series, JUNIPER FALLS. Living in four separate cities across the country with only the internet and cell phones to communicate, these threats to the subgenre are proud to share with the fans a truly INDEPENDENT comic book.

Backwoods Entertainment is proud to present a new comic book from indie filmmaker Rich Robinson. They'll be located at Booth L7 in the small press room at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con. They invite you to swing on through and check them out. The four guys behind the comic will be there to answer your every question. They will also be giving away a limited number of MARCUS DVDs.

You can check out the JUNIPER FALLS site here. The San Diego Comic Con takes place between July 26th-29th.

Juniper Falls

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 19 2007 by
Listen up gorehounds: Machinehead & Brainiac on DVD
Brainiac - MachineheadMACHINEHEAD
A dark and disturbingly tale of fantasy, science fiction and psychosexual dysfunction!

"Welcome to the world of Max Kelp, reviled high-school nerd, who in the agonized pursuit of his twisted dreams travels a road fraught with inner torment and revenge! Obsessed with a theory involving internal combustion power and a computer, Max creates the most disastrous of science projects with a corpse and a lawnmower engine... and unleashes a chain of events that defies description!"

* Interactive Menus
* Trailers on all Brain Damage Films Products
* Director & Producer Commentary
* Full Screen Presentation
* Behind the Scenes"The Making Of"
* Bloopers
* Cast and Crew Interviews
* Photo Gallery

"Brain chemistry research has produced a drug - Nirvana - that can wipe out addiction and mental illness by stimulating pleasure centers in the brain and flooding the brain with endorphins. PsyMax Labs is about to release Nirvana, when they discover a major side-effect that causes drastic genetic changes, turning dormant genes on to produce BRAINIAC, a horrifying freak of nature with a taste for brains. It's up to Doctor Sunday Morgan to stop this menace from sucking the brains from anymore innocent people - but can Doctor Morgan survive BRAINIAC'S insatiable appetite? Brainiac is a fun-filled thrill ride."

* Interactive Menus
* Trailers on all Brain Damage Films Products
* Bloopers
* Extended Scenes
* Full Screen Presentation
* Deleted Scenes

These two titles above were released yesterday, July 17 by Brain Damage Films

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 18 2007 by
Black Reign: The Return of Michelle Bauer
Michelle originally starred in BLACK REIGN in 1990 and has come out of retirement to shoot new scenes for the movie," explains director Jeffrey Lynn Ward. "This is a project that Michelle and I have long wanted to finish. The movie was originally delayed because of unforeseen circumstances and it sat on a shelf for all these years. It was an honor to work with Michelle again." The movie is produced by Chameleon Filmworks, a Florida based production company that is finishing up two other feature films (HALLOWS POINT and ALONG THE WAY). BLACK REIGN will be released at the end of 2007 which is a very cool thing and to celebrate that Evil Dread will feature an interview with the actress shortly. So stay tuned for more!

Michelle Bauer
Michelle with the "living corpse" at a Florida farm house

Source: Arthur Jefferson / Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 17 2007 by
Mandy Lane - Final Poster Art
Check it out, below is the final poster art for the flick ALL THE BOYS LOVE MANDY LANE. Looks kinda intriguing if I may say so. IGN has a new trailer for the film that can be seen here!

Mandy Lane

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 12 2007 by
Brand spanking new Ghost Town Trailer
If you head on over to the site, you can now find a brand new trailer for GHOST TOWN, a film that stars DJ Perry that we did an interview with a while back where he talks about the film as well. Sooo, if you haven't read that piece then do it here (and don't forget to check out the trailer, just follow the link above)

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 11 2007 by
(Philadelphia PA, June 11, 2007) TLA Releasing has secured North American non-theatrical distribution rights including television, video and streaming for RAPTURIOUS (2007, U.S.A.) directed by Kamal Ahmed, formerly of comedy duo The Jerky Boys. The film will be released through the company’s DANGER AFTER DARK label on October 2, 2007.

TLA acquired the film from the Las Vegas-based, ITN Distribution; TLA Releasing was represented by TLA partner and Director of Acquisitions Richard A. Wolff and the deal was negotiated on behalf of the filmmaker by Stuart Alson of ITN.

“Rapturious is a unique addition to our DANGER AFTER DARK label.” Said Wolff of TLA Releasing. “By mixing hip hop music with demons and gore, director Kamal Ahmed’s scary vision will satiate both fans of horror and urban music.

Enter the world of RAPTURIOUS, an up and coming music artist (Robert Oppel) who has a self-destructive drug habit. When his dealer (Hoya Guerra, bassist for “Madball”) presents the rapper with a new drug, dark and murderous hallucinations begin. But are they really tricks of the mind or are these crimes really happening? While his manager (horror movie maven Debbie Rochon) becomes increasingly concerned about her client’s unpredictable behavior, Rapturious begins to see demons, leading to the revelation of an evil entity hell-bent on claiming the musician’s soul. The film also features a demented performance by Joe Bob Briggs, Cinqué Lee (Coffee and Cigarettes) and Amin Joseph (Stephen King’s The Mist) and was executively produced by Artie Lange of The Howard Stern Show fame. What does director Ahmed have to say about RAPTURIOUS?

“If you like all things "creepy" and "weird", boy have I got a film for you.” Said Kamal Ahmed of Rapturious which is his third feature film he has directed. Kamal’s previous efforts include God Has a Rap Sheet and the documentary Artists of Hell’s Kitchen have both won awards at the New York International Independent Film and Video Film Festival. Ahmed, an accomplished musician, performs with “The sacred groove posse,” whose music is featured heavily in the film. Along with being part of the comic duo The Jerky Boys, which spawned a motion picture of the same name, Ahmed has also appeared in Paper Soldiers and Artie Lang’s Beer League.

For additional information about Rapturious visit and

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 11 2007 by
Jonathan Davis talking about Sin-Jin Smyth
Mr. Dettenmaier just forwarded a link to a video over at YouTube where Korn frontman Jonathan Davis talks about Sin-Jin Smyth. To view the video, !

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 11 2007 by
Teaser time: Anthology of Blood
Just got word from Lost Studios LTD's first feature film called Anthology of Blood which is a portmanteau horror film in the vein of films such as Creepshow, or Creepshow 2, and definitely not Creepshow 3. It is a collection of 6 bone chilling stories that collectively contain zombies, werewolves, Satan, Lovecraft horrors, and of course graphic violence and nudity. The film is to be released late 07/early 08. You can check out a teaser for the flick right here!

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Jul 11 2007 by

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The Dark Hour poster art and theatrical trailer
Posted on Jul 31 2007
Cinema Epoch aquire Amateur Porn Star Killer
Posted on Jul 30 2007
Halloween Horror Nights 17 at Universal
Posted on Jul 24 2007
Posted on Jul 24 2007
Steel Web Studios Summer Update
Posted on Jul 24 2007
Posted on Jul 19 2007
Juniper Falls at San Diego Comic Con
Posted on Jul 19 2007
Listen up gorehounds: Machinehead & Brainiac on DVD
Posted on Jul 18 2007
Black Reign: The Return of Michelle Bauer
Posted on Jul 17 2007
Mandy Lane - Final Poster Art
Posted on Jul 12 2007
Brand spanking new Ghost Town Trailer
Posted on Jul 11 2007
Posted on Jul 11 2007
Jonathan Davis talking about Sin-Jin Smyth
Posted on Jul 11 2007
Teaser time: Anthology of Blood
Posted on Jul 11 2007
Crazy HEAD TRAUMA horror remix this weekend in NYC
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Michelle Bauer: The Comeback
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