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Asian Macabre dives into Kidan
Mark just did a review of Takashi Komatsu's KIDAN, a Japanese chiller based on the supernatural aspects of Christianity. So head on over to Asian Macabre and read the whole piece!


Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Dec 31 2007 by
After having been played on a number of festivals for some time, Steven C. Miller's zombie flick AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION will finally be hitting DVD March 4. The film tells the story of a secret military experiment to use zombies as soldiers that goes awry in a remote Florida town. The film will be released by Dimension Films/The Weinstein Company and for more info on AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION, check out its MySpace Page . Below is the DVD box art, and you can pre-order the film !


Posted on Dec 31 2007 by
Cronenberg Returns to Horror?
David Cronenberg recently did an interview with Wired about his EASTERN PROMISES, but where the director also mentioned that he might return to the horror genre some day. Cronenberg told the trade: "I know fans have nostalgia for the movies that they grew up with," he says, "but to redo that would be boring. On the other hand, I wouldn't ever rule out doing another sci-fi or horror film as a matter of course. If something came along that was intriguing and challenging, I wouldn't hesitate." If you have the least bit of interest in the man who deilvered such awesome flicks as THE FLY, THE BROOD, VIDEODROME, SCANNERS and lots more, you should check out the full interview right here.

Posted on Dec 30 2007 by
DVD: Day of the Dead Remake
Steve Miner's DAY OF THE DEAD remake will be hitting DVD on April 8 through First Look Home Entertainment. DAY OF THE DEAD "follows a group of scientists and military personnel holed up in an underground bunker because the world above is overrun with zombies. The lumbering flesheaters eventually find a way in and wreak havoc on the scientists who've been experimenting on their undead brethren." You can pre-order the film from Amazon .

Source: B-D
Posted on Dec 30 2007 by
Carver DVD Details
Two for Flinching Pictures' CARVER that we told you about a few month back will be released in two different editions from Allumination Filmworks on March 4. One is a 100 minutes unrated version, also with filmmaker commentary, while the other version is a 95 minutes R-rated cut. Retail price is $29.98. What's so interesting about CARVER and why one is bound to set his our hers expectation somewhat high is because the flick comes from the same people that did the excellent THE 8TH PLAGUE (review).

In CARVER, a group of friends on a camping trip discovering an old house where they find and watch an obscure horror film. Eventually they realize that not only is this actually a backwoods snuff film, but that they themselves are going to be the subject of the sequel. Local psychopath Bobby Shaw Carver is on a rampage, and he's filming the whole thing.

Check out the official site where you can also watch a trailer for CARVER. Also, don't forget to visit Two for Flinching Pictures on .


Posted on Dec 29 2007 by
More Hippie Horror
Fango is reporting about writer/director Graham Reznick's upcoming debut film called I CAN SEE YOU which is horror mixed with the psychedelic, just like THE TRIPPER and SHROOMS. The plot for the flick goes something like this: "Three advertising guys go to a remote company retreat to plan a new campaign for a cleaning product called ClarActix. They’re soon distracted by a temptress named Summer and confronted by long-lost ClarActix pitchman Mickey Hauser, and surreal, psychedelic terror ensues." Upcoming screenings in New York and if you wanna see when and where, you better go here. For a trailer, lots of stills and more, check out the official I CAN SEE YOU site right here.

I Can See You

Source: Fango
Posted on Dec 29 2007 by
Emmemax Films Moves Forward with The Mirrors of Longreach Mansion
Emmemax Films (EMF) announces the development of it's second feature film, titled The Mirrors of Longreach Mansion.

The Mirrors is a supernatural suspense that takes place on an island between the U.S./Canadian border. The mansion is 300 years old and inside every wall is covered with mirrors from floor to ceiling. No two mirrors are alike. Each mirror frame details the life story of the soul that is trapped inside the mirror. The only way the spirit can be released is by breaking the glass. It's a new twist on the ten years bad luck brought on by breaking a mirror. With a rambunctious family just moving in, they find it difficult to not break a mirror or two. The Mirrors of Longreach Mansion will be directed by Michael Coonce from his original screenplay in 2008.

Emmemax Films is currently in Post-production of its first feature, LONELY JOE. EMF is currently in talks with After Dark Films and Lionsgate for a potential November 2008 theatrical release.

LONELY JOE is a supernatural thriller based on true events that took place in South Texas about 20 years ago. A series of bizarre murders and disappearances inspire a haunting curiosity that drives newspaper reporter Michele Connelly (played by Erica Leerhsen) back to her hometown of Solvay, NY after 10 years to uncover what is truly happening on the railroad tracks behind Joe Gainard's (played by David Fine) old farm. Hoping to discover the truth behind a decade of cover-ups and disappearances, she is stonewalled by several people along the way who would prefer that these tragedies remain a mystery.

Check out Emmemax Films here, and the official LONELY JOE site here.

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Dec 27 2007 by
DAY OF THE DYING LIVING was No. 1 independently produced video of Q4 2007 on Veoh! Read the full story here. Stay tuned more exciting episodes and contests are coming up. Watch the current series on Veoh's Horror Sci-Fi Channel. Also, check out an all new Behind-the-scenes from this week's US production right here.

And don’t miss Monster Hunters! Hunting Monsters in the US has never been so funny. Click here for more.

Source: Evil Dread
Posted on Dec 27 2007 by
Green talks HATCHET 2
Fango had a chat with HATCHET director Adam Green who spoke about the possibilities of us seeing a HATCHET 2 in the future. Green said, "The way I left HATCHET open to sequels was by purposely leaving a lot of questions unanswered," and continues, "I have had a lot of people ask me if Victor Crowley really died or if he is a ghost or the undead. I left all of that ambiguous so that if there is a sequel, it will be its own film and not just Victor Crowley killing people again. We will go into the backstory with the next movie."

Green said he hopes to do HATCHET 2 and if he does he hopes that Kane Hodder will return to play Crowley once again. When it comes to making the sequel Green said, "It all comes down to when it happens and if I’m available, as well as what the terms are, because often when they make these movies and realize they have a cult following, they try to cheap out in a lot of areas. You know, the budget becomes smaller because they’re afraid that no one really cares or they don’t pay what they need to in order to bring certain actors back." More on HATCHET 2 when it happens.

Source: Fango
Posted on Dec 26 2007 by
New Cottage Stills
Twitch scored a bunch of stills from Paul Andrew Williams UK horror-comedy THE COTTAGE -- a film that tells the story of two bumbling kidnappers looking to make a quick score by ransoming the daughter of a powerful gang boss but things quickly turn bad with the gangsters quickly on their tale, the daughter taking one of her captors captive, and the whole lot soon becoming prey to a fearsome serial killer loose in the countryside. Check out the 6 stills below:

The Cottage The Cottage

The Cottage The Cottage

The Cottage The Cottage

Source: Twitch
Posted on Dec 25 2007 by
[REC] directors new projects
Spanish directors Paco Plaza and Jaume Balaguero got a huge hit out of their film [REC] and now Plaza has started to work on an English language feature titled CIRCUS. The film is about a family crossing the Nevada desert forced to take shelter with a rogue collection of circus performers when their car breaks down. Balaguero is also working on a new project titled THE NUMBER THIRTEEN LADY, about a professor and student drawn into a fantasy world guided by evil powers. More on these two flicks when it happens and meanwhile, you can check CIRCUS out at Filmax here, and THE NUMBER THIRTEEN LADY here.


Source: Twitch
Posted on Dec 25 2007 by
After Judgement Day...
On January 14, Fox's TERMINATOR spin-off TV series THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES will have its premiere and you can already watch the entire pilot episode here. Now Fox has also released 32(!) posters for the TV series, which is quite a lot but no one seems to know the reasons to why there ahve to be so many posters. If you wanna check them all out you can do that right here. Below is the synopsis for THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES:

"At the end of TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY, Sarah vanquished the liquid metal Terminator sent from the future to kill her teenage son, John. Sarah and John now find themselves alone in a very dangerous, complicated world. Fugitives from the law, they are confronted with the reality that still more enemies from the future, and the present, could attack at any moment."

Wanna know more, visit THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES on Fox here.


Source: B-D
Posted on Dec 24 2007 by
The Host 2 on the way
The script for THE HOST 2 is currently being written and the film will be released by the Korean studio Chungeorahm Film. Even though the full plot is not known as of yet, THE HOST 2: "is set in 2003 and takes place "somewhere in Korea." One interesting thing of note is that the events of the original film took place in the summer of 2006. Will the sequel actually be a prequel? Will it be set in the same timeline as the original? Only time will tell." The film is planned to be released in 2009 and shooting will begin in late summer of 2008. No one is set to direct as of yet but the budget for the film is expected to be higher than the original. More when it happens.

Source: SciFi Japan
Posted on Dec 24 2007 by
Final Rage Trailer
The final trailer for Robert Kurtzman's THE RAGE is now to be found over at the film's official website. The film follows a crazed scientist experimenting with a rage virus on innocent victims in a laboratory in the woods. When his monstrous subjects escape and vultures devour their remains, they became mutations seeking to feed on humans. Two stills from THE RAGE is to be found below, courtesy of B-D. THE RAGE hits DVD on February 26.

The Rage

The Rage

Source: B-D
Posted on Dec 24 2007 by

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Asian Macabre dives into Kidan
Posted on Dec 31 2007
Posted on Dec 31 2007
Cronenberg Returns to Horror?
Posted on Dec 30 2007
DVD: Day of the Dead Remake
Posted on Dec 30 2007
Carver DVD Details
Posted on Dec 29 2007
More Hippie Horror
Posted on Dec 29 2007
Emmemax Films Moves Forward with The Mirrors of Longreach Mansion
Posted on Dec 27 2007
Posted on Dec 27 2007
Green talks HATCHET 2
Posted on Dec 26 2007
New Cottage Stills
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[REC] directors new projects
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After Judgement Day...
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