Elio Quiroga's sci-fi spanish chiller "La Hora Fria" (aKa "The Dark Hour" or "The Cold Hour") has been sold to 11 countries in theatrical, TV and DVD (UK, Germany, Japan, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, Philippines, South Africa, Greece, Thailand, Brasil and Mexico). Also, the movie has been sold to TV digital station LAPTV. Based in Atlanta, LAPTV covers 31 spanish talking countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Aruba, Barbados, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, República Dominicana, El Salvador, México, Trinidad y Tobago and Venezuela. The film had a limited theatrical distribution in Spain in september 2007.
"La Hora Fría" has been in 2007 travelling the world in Festivals such as Sitges, Fantasporto, Brussels, Edimburgh, Stuttgart, Puchon (Korea), Grossman (Slovenia), Austin Fantastic Festival, Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, Science plus Fiction Trieste, ScreamFest Indo Jakarta, Utopiales Film Fest Nantes, or Horror Fest in Puerto Rico, with two nominations to the Méliès D'Argent awards. In Aint It Cool News the film received enthusiastic reviews by Massawyrm and Augustus Gloop covering the Austin Festival, being one of the most popular titles of the event together with "Los Cronocrimenes".
The story is about a group of eight people living isolated in crumbling installations. They cannot abandon the complex and they live in a constant state of vigilance. The food supplies are running out and they urgently need medicines and ammunitions, but in order to find them they must abandon the secure area. What lurks outside the small area they inhabit, however, is so menacing that they dare not even speak of it.
"La Hora Fría" was coproduced by Margaret Nicoll, Quiroga, Jérôme Debève and Juan A. Ruiz with Debève and Ruiz as Visual Effects supervisors. Luis Sánchez-Gijón (coproducer of the Oscar-nominated short film "Esposados") was the editor and Alfons Conde composed the score, peformed by The Bratislava Symphony Orchersta. The DOP was Angel Luis Fernández (who has photographed spanish classics by Pedro Almodóvar, Fernando Trueba or Víctor Erice). The digital creatures that torment the little human bunch in the film were designed by CG Choice Award winner Pablo Fernández Valbuena, and Francisco Rodríguez de la Fuente, penciler in some Batgirl comic books.
The actors are Silke, Nadia de Santiago ("Alatriste"), Omar Muñoz, Julio Perillán ("Vicky Cristina Barcelona"), Pepo Oliva, Jorge Casalduero, Sergio Villanueva and Pablo Scola .
Evil Dread