ON-Q Productions announced that the premiere episode of EXTREME SCREAM has been unavoidably delayed, and will not debut on Friday , February 1st on Superstation WGN as originally planned.
"We are continuing to work with the Programming Department at WGN to produce a horror-based show that is true to the genre, yet still appropriate for the viewing audience" said Leon Quenneville, owner of ON-Q and host of EXTREME SCREAM. "Our editors have done their best to show just enough of the monsters, killers, blood, violence and nudity to entertain the audience while remaining within the FCC and network guidelines. But you can only edit so much, and then you lose the appeal of the whole horror-movie magic" he said.
WGN has remained steadfast in what they call "acceptable" for their viewing audience, citing the latest version of the show still contains too much blood, too many graphic murders, and too much sex appeal.
Darrin Ramage is the President of Brain Damage Films, the primary sponsor of the EXTREME SCREAM TV show. "I can understand the need to keep the sex and violence to an acceptable level for network television," he said, "but my number one priority is the loyalty and respect from the GOREHOUNDS. If I continue to edit and censor the creative work of these talented independent film producers, then I’ve done a disservice not only to the artist but to the fans as well. Above all else, we have to remain true to the fans!"
ON-Q Productions and Brain Damage Films will continue to work with WGN in the hopes that some middle ground can be reached. "There has to be a happy-medium where the horror fans don’t feel cheated out of a good scare, but the network is comfortable with the program as well" said Quenneville. Stay tuned for an updated premiere episode date.
Evil Dread