There has been talk regarding that New Line Cinema plans to restart its A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET franchise and whether or not Englund would once again return as Freddy. did an interview Englund thought that a new Nightmare is "due to the great success of the Rob Zombie version of Halloween and I also liked a lot the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, even if I think the original by Tobe Hooper is perfect. Likewise, I consider the original version of Nightmare on Elm Street a classic of this genre, but I think there is always room for new interpretations by using the new technology. In the past, they were talking about a prequel. Anyway, I'm too old for this new version, otherwise it would be Freddy vs. Viagra."
But when IGN had a chat with producer Brad Fuller, of Platinum Dunes, he said that all talk regarding a new NIGHTMARE is a bit premature and said: "I have not had any discussions with New Line beyond discussing our interest in the title. So this feels like its down the line a bit." Well, more when we hear something.