The DVD for Sal Ciavarello flick THE WICKED will hit shelves on August 26 and you can find the film's official site
here. THE WICKED is about: "Satanism has become illegal in the United States. Grace, Queen of a Satanic cult is faced with betrayal within her coven while dealing with a mounting assault from the descendants of the Knights Templar who vow to destroy her." Flick stars Rachel Nau, Natasha Tabandera, Kristin Woodburn, Lino Del Core, Sebastian Elliott and Jackie Martling, and extras include 10 mins. of Bloopers, Gags, and Practical Disasters! With Funny Behind The Scenes Footage of the Infamous "Jackie The JokeMan" Scene recently exposed on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius Satellite Radio.
Evil Dread