B-D spoke to TRANSSIBERIAN director Brad Anderson who revealed to the trade that that he has has a few new upcoming horror projects, one that involves Christian Bale whom Anderson worked together with on THE MACHINIST. "I have a few horror specific things in the works," Anderson told B-D. "First I am doing ALL LOST SOULS, a serial killer movie, and the other is called VANISHING - a smart post apocalyptic horror film." Anderson continues, "Scott Kozar and I are trying to get another project off he ground called CONCRETE ISLAND, based on a story by JG Ballard. It's like an urban Robinson Caruso story, but much more f**ked up. Christian Bale has expressed interest in being the lead. Its not a studio film, it's a hallucinogenic odd movie, similar in tone to Cronenberg’s CRASH -- weird twisted and perverse. Its not horror, but its in that ballpark." For the full scoop hit the source link below.