Codex Atanicus
Codex Atanicus is a three story anthology by Spanish director Carlos Atanes. Before watching the movie I never heard of the guy, but the introduction video on the DVD by one of his regular actresses Arantxa Peña made me realize that I'm in for a hell of a ride. Experimental, bizarre, sick, strange - these are some of the words that describe the stories contained in Codex Atanicus. The anthology is opened by a 20 minute short from 1995 called Metaminds & Metabodies. I am really not into this kind of experimental videos, but I will try to summarize. It opens with a girl singing in the club. Everything looks ultra underground and the girl is connected with some wires to the walls. Strange people are watching her...
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It's time for spring break and some college kids head down for Daytona Beach, Florida, but on their way there they take a detour and end up in a small Southern town. The place is called Pleasant Valley and the town folk seem really hospitable, inviting the kids to stay for the annual barbecue celebration. The kids accept the invitation, something they'll soon come to regret.
This was just what I needed. Been watching too much crap lately and desperately been trying to shake off the bad feeling I got from Tobe Hooper's crapfest that was Mortuary, and this one surely helped me to do so. Not only was it entertaining and fun to watch, it also gave me back some faith in new horror. Even though it's a remake it still felt very fresh combining humour and gore in an excellent mix that would be really hard to say no to.
I recently read quite a negative review about 2001 Maniacs. I usually don't pay that much attention to these sort of things and always wanna see it for myself anyway, but it didn't get my hopes up. And maybe that was a good thing since I didn't expect very much from this movie, but instead found it to be more than I had hoped for and that sure came as a nice surprise. If you expect full-on horror, creepy atmosphere or just to be scared, then let me tell you, it's not gonna happen. So with that in mind, you know what to not expect and maybe that will help to make 2001 Maniacs a good movie experience. Because it really is a good movie experience. If you're a horror/splatter fan with a good sense of humour, you'll most likely have a great time watching this film.
These three college guys are on their way to Daytona Beach and stop for gas at some gas station. There they meet a couple of girls and a guy who are also on their way to spring break. Later on they take a detour which eventually takes them to Pleasant Valley, a small town that are about to have their annual barbecue. The girls and the guy that they met earlier, and a motorcycle couple also end up in the Southern town and they're all invited to stay for the celebration.
 They all stay and the town seems to have a lot of nice chicks among all the nice and charming Southern people. At first everything seems really good and the people in the town are kind and lets them be part of the Southern ways. But later on the gentle people prove to be not so gentle after all, and soon the kids start go missing, one by one.
This movie has so many cool elements in it and mixes horror and comedy in a excellent and very enjoyable way. Eli Roth appears in the beginning of movie as Justin, the same character as seen in Cabin Fever. There are actually quite a lot of familiar faces here and they all make for a really good cast. Robert Englund stars as the major of Pleasant Valley and he really seems to have a lot of fun with his character. The way the South is portrayed is actually really good and definitely gives the movie a certain feel. Everything from how things look to how people talk and behave, they've captured it in a really good way and it does a lot for the overall experience.
Ok so what about the gore, guts and the blood? Well, it's definitely there, in your face at times and gorehounds will not be disappointed with 2001 Maniacs. Although, remember that this is a humorous movie so even when it's gross it's still a lot of fun. I'm not gonna go into further detail regarding the gore and what you get to see, all I can say is that it's there and if you're into that type of stuff you'll definitely have a good time watching 2001 Maniacs.
I predict that this movie will be a cult classic among horror fans in the near future. Don't be to serious when watching 2001 Maniacs as it is not a serious movie. That doesn't mean that it's not well made or anything even remotely close, it just means that take it for what it is and you will probably have a great time watching it.
Set in the year 1818 in Tenneessee, John Bell angers a neighboring woman over a property deal, and Bell is found guilty of usury and loses his good name. Not only that, but the woman swears vengeance upon Bell and his loved ones. Bell starts to see wolfs appear out of nowhere, while his daughter Betsy suffers attacks from some unknown entity that seems to be present in the house of Bell. The attacks keeps growing in strength and every night Betsy has to go through terrifying things when the entity shows up. College-educated school teacher Richard (James D'Arcy) is called upon to investigate how to drive the spirit away, but there seems to be no solution to Bell's problem.
Having heard a lot of bad stuff about An American Haunting, it was hard to feel very excited when I was about to watch it. On the other hand, I have never read anything about the Bell Witch so at least I didn't know how the story was gonna go down, as well as it would spare me from comparing the movie to the actual books written on the subject. I can't say that it was a great movie, but it was far better than I expected it to be. Although it really felt like commersial horror, which it is, and that always has more negative than positive things to it.
The most positive thing about An American Haunting is that it's based on true events. Now, imagine that for a sec, that it has actually happened for real. Like I said before, I haven't read the books about the Bell Witch so I have no idea how true the movie stays to the original story, but I will assume it's somewhat close just for the sake of it. With that in mind, you of course get a better experience out of watching An American Haunting, compared to if the story would've been fiction. Don't get me wrong here, I have absolutely no idea what went down in Tenneessee almost 200 years ago, but if you would assume that what you see actually has happened, it makes things a bit more scary, and we always want things more scary, don't we?
 My main problem though, except for that the scares were non-effective, was the reason for why the entity kept tormenting John Bell's poor daughter Betsy. When watching Asian horror, the ghosts/spirits always seems to have a, even if not good, still a proper reason to act like they do. The spirit here has no real reason to keep attacking the poor girl, and even if there is a tiny reason, it's just not enough. I felt bad for the girl, being dragged outta bed and being tormented for a number of minutes, night after night. This is basically the whole movie itself, the girl keeps getting attacked and her family can't do nothing about it. They call in a priest, they call in an educated teacher, but they can't do nothing either so it just keeps going on until something even more bad happens.
Fortunately, the movie's not that long, it never really feels dragged out, and it has a pretty good pacing were a lot of stuff happens every now and then. The scares are way too dull though, but it's never a snooze-fest. The acting is good, and while Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek, as man and wife, are ok as well as the rest of the cast, the best actress is Rachel Hurd-Wood who stars as Betsy. The scenery is pretty cool, but it's unfortunately never very eerie or unsettling for that matter, something that it would've really needed to be.
I found An American Haunting to be quite an ok movie with a somewhat interesting story. On the horror front it doesn't work too well though, and the scares were pretty lame. It's commersial horror, and people who are not used to watching horror flicks might find it to be a bit scary, but if you're a horror fan, don't expected to soil your pants outta fright.
The Amityville Horror is about this house were a family was murdered in 1974 by their son who claimed he heard voices and that the voices told him to do it. One year later a couple and their kids move in to what they think is their dream house which actually is the house were the gruesome killings took place. Soon they become aware of the demonic presence that surrounds the house.
This is a remake of the Amityville Horror made in 1979 and according to me, this remake is better than the original version, not that it's very good or anything like that but the original version is just plain boring, at least here some stuff happens even if what happens isn't that great.
Except for that the remake being better (which is quite unusual) the old and new version are pretty much the same, it has the same exact story and everything. Might be worth watching on a rainy day though but if it's not raining I suggest you go out and play instead because you won't really be missing out from not watching it.
 Why I prefer the remake over the original version is mainly because the remake is fast paced while the original version was brutally slow. A lot of stuff happen and even if it's not that frightening or very interesting it's still entertaining on some levels.
I'm definitely not at fan of Ryan Reynolds but here he's actually less irritating than his usual characters, he's not good nor bad, he's just there just like the other actors who do an ok job but nothing special at all.
I give it a 5 out of 10 since it has some entertainment value and was pretty fast-paced. I'm not saying that it was that good, but I was expecting so much worse so I guess that makes for something too. It's actually a bit better than the original snoozefest, although that doesn't mean that's it's great or anything close to it.
A scientific expedition group travels to Borneo to find a flower called the Blood Orchid that supposably can prolong peoples lives. But the way to the flower is not as easy as they first had thought it would be, and the group find themselves in a heap of trouble when losing their boat and has to walk through the rainforest by foot. If that wasn't bad enough, the rainforest is inhabited by huge nasty anacondas that seem to like to feed on humans among other things.
This is the sequel to 1997's Anaconda and personally I prefer this one over the first movie, at least here the snakes look all right. A movie like this is of course not to be taken too seriously, but if you can take it for what it is, it can actually be quite an entertaining ride. It's always easy to complain about B-flicks of this caliber, but since so many people before me already has done that, I won't be doing that here. To be honest, I actually enjoy this little flick, it's fun, fast-paced and will definitely keep you entertained if nothing else. For being a creature feature it's actually pretty good, I mean that are a lot of worse ones out there for sure.
Every movie must have some kind of story, but when it comes to movies like this, you couldn't actually care less about the story, you just wanna see nasty snakes kill people, right? Anyway, the story is nothing special but manages to do the job and sure needs to be there for everything to work. So these people set out for Borneo with the mission of finding a flower that only bloom once every seventh year so time is not on their hands. Once in Borneo it's the rainy season and no one wants to take the group up the river on a boat. But luckily for them, they soon find a guy named Bill who's willing to give them a ride for a large sum of money. This Bill guy is the hero of the movie and is so good and righteous it's sickening at times. He's a real man who stand up for what is right, but since I just wanted to see people die in different ways, it was just a bit too irritating. Although he's fairly easy to ignore and the movie's is still enjoyable.
 Instead of going the safer way on the river they end up getting thrown down a waterfall and so their boat is lost. After that they have to go through the jungle by foot which soon makes them run into a huge anaconda, and after that things just keep getting harder and harder for the group. The snakes are CGI but the special effects are good and they look pretty cool so no real complaints there. There are a few scenes that features the snakes attack which look really good, but the movie sure could've had some more of those scenes. It's good but it's just not enough, I mean that's the biggest reason for why you would wanna watch a movie like this.
No blood, no gore, but it's fast-paced and entertaining all the way through. The movies has some humour in it but I wouldn't say it's very comical, there's this guy who complains all the time, but it's more annoying to watch than humorous. Sometimes I felt that Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid took itself a bit too seriously, and that is of course not a good thing since the viewer will most likely not take a movie like this very seriously. But it's still not as bad as it might sound. The movie's totally watchable, despite all its flaws.
The acting. Well what can you expect, not very much. It's actually neither good or bad, it's not gonna impress you but it's not gonna be totally wooden or laughable either. The actors manage to do the job ok and that's all that's needed. There are no really likable characters and I found myself rooting for the snakes, but on the other hand, I would've been rooting for the snakes even if I had liked the characters.
If you just take it for what it is, it's entertaining, fun and works well. Like I said before, it's easy to complain and take swings at these types of movies, but I found myself being entertained enough from start till finish and that's good enough.
A group of cheerleaders that consist of 3 girls and one guy are on their way to the regional collegiate championship but is suddenly stranded in the middle of nowhere when their car breaks down. They soon happen upon a home where two of them stay and the other two heading back to the main road to look for help. Later, two escaped convicts happen to pass by and takes the two cheerleaders in the house hostage. Soon, they all run into Andre the Butcher, a real psychopath who slaughters everything he can get his hands on.
Before I actually sat down to watch Andre the Butcher, I had read a lot of review about the movie, and most of them were quite negative. So I wasn't hoping for much, and when reading the description of the film, it kinda felt like I was in for some low-budget Troma type movie. Luckily that wasn't the case at all since Andre proved to be well over indie standard, and that it also proved to be a hilarious experience with a very great outcome in the end.
I couldn't care less if Ron Jeremy makes porno films or not, and a lot of reviewers seemed to have been too focused on the fact that he's a porn star. I like seeing the guy in films, he has pretty good comical timing and was good in both Detroit Rock City and Orgazmo among others. Who cares if he's a porn star, the real questions is; is he doing a god job here...and the answear is definitely.
From a lot of reviews that I read, I got the feeling that the movie would look bad as well, but considering how a lot of cheap low-budget flicks look, Andre actually comes out looking really good. Another thing is the acting, sure it might not be the best at times, but I never found myself being irritated by any of the characters or their performances. This is a very rare thing when it comes to these types of flicks, and I'm really happy it turned out this way. Now, I'm not saying that the acting is great because it's really not, but it's at least decent and works well considering what type of movie this is, so no real complaints there either.
 There's one fart-joke in the movie, but it works quite well and doesn't mean that the movie's of low caliber all the way. It has some really hilarious scenes every now and then, and I found myself having a really good time when watching Andre the Butcher. A lot of people seem to have expected a serious slasher flick, but that's just wrong and no wonder that they didn't end up liking it. If you take the movie for what it really is, it's actually a really good horror comedy, and those are quite rare these days.
Booooobs! Yeah, we get to see some boobs and there are some sex in the movie, but I was happily surprised because I was sure it was gonna have more of that, and that it might be too much or feel too cheap. We get some funny scenes that involves sex and that are needed, but it's never too much or never so it takes over the rest of the movie so to speak. Again, well done.
The story is quite simple but makes for an entertaining 87 minutes of pure fun. Some cheerleaders car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and they soon find a house where they hang out for a while. Two escaped convicts soon joins them, and so does the sheriff and the deputy. And they all have to watch out for and try to find a way to get rid of the mad butcher who's after them. There are actually so many little things that makes this movie great, and the comedy is good and well delivered. When it comes to gore, it actually looks better than I first had expected. Some stuff looks really cheap and fake, but considering the comical side of the movie, it makes it kinda fun as well.
The score is a mix of different kinds of music but what we get to hear a lot is death and black metal. Now, I've been a death metal fan all my life but that doesn't mean that I want to hear this type of music in movies. It works in the beginning, and in the intro it's especially good and adds a good feel towards the movie. Although, it gets a little boring later on when we get to hear crappy black metal every time Andre shows up and wants to kill someone. There are some more 'normal' type of rock music in the movie as well, and it works ok in the background. I can't say that the score is good, but it fits the movie somehow, and the death metal part in the very beginning is excellent.
In the end, I have to give this movie an eight out of ten since even though it has its flaws, it's really entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. Why it gets such a high rating is because I'm pretty sure that Andre the Butcher is a movie that I'll be watching many times in the future, and have a lot of fun watching it every time I decide to do so. I'm a big fan when it comes to horror comedies, and even though it's a hard combination and many fail at getting it right, this movie does not. You cannot watch this movie with a serious attitude, but if you take it for what it truly is, it's a fun ride from beginning to end. Recommended.
Two girls are out rock-climbing and decide to stop over at a bar in the desert for a cold one. In the bar they get harassed by a gang of local bikers, and the girls escape stealing the leader's bike. After riding for a while they crash the bike and discover that there's a satchel full of cash on the bike that they were riding. They stop at a motel to rest and the owner promise to take them into town. But suddenly the bikers appear and wants their money back, and not only do they have to watch out for the bikers, there's also a psychopatic axe murderer on the loose.
Ok, I was pretty sure that Axe was gonna suck, but this was beyond abysmal to say the least. Funny thing though, I looked at this movie on IMDB and it had a rating of 7.3 and there were only six people that had voted. Either, and most likely, the people who voted had something to do with this movie, and if they didn't, they sure have the most horrible taste in movies ever. I can't actually see how anyone could like this piece of trash, it's pure garbage and has absolutely nothing going for it whatsoever.
I have no idea why Jason London's in this movie as he's actually an ok actor, although I think his brother Jeremy is slightly better. I guess he's somewhat ok here too, it's just that everything else is so bad and uninteresting it's ridiculous. Someone at IMDB also mentioned that one of the two girls look like a fat version of Denise Richards and I couldn't agree more. Actually, I couldn't let that thought go during the entire flick, she's prancing around with her big breasts halfway hanging out from her too tight top/shirt and is a terrible actress.
The other girl, Andrea Bogart, is actually ok but I still wouldn't wanna use the word good though. The remaining actors are just terrible and delivers awful performances. The biker gang is laughable, and the serial killer is just a huge block of meat that acts like a caveman and is truly a snore to watch. Also the killing scenes are among the worst in movie history, I still can't believe just how bad they were. But the award for absolute worst acting goes to the owner of the motel, he's definitely in a league of his own.
The movie's basically just about these two girls that unknowingly steals some cash, and everyone else being out for the cash as well, not only the bikers. Although, the serial killer just wants to kill and he does a hell of a job not delivering on any level whatsoever. So these girls escapes the bikers and hook up with the owner of the bar they first went to, but he's not as nice as he first seemed. There's this little twist, but you could see it coming from miles away and it's just shite..
Most of the time, even if a movie's really bad, it usually have some little thing going for it, but sorry to say this one does not have one single thing. Axe could've really used some nudity as well, it's this type of b-flick that is just horrible but if it would've had some nudity, it would at least have been something. It kinda hints at it as well as the Denise Richards looking chick is kinda semi-showing her tits at all times but we never get to see them. Too bad, that would've probably raised the rating one point extra.
I truly regret that I watched Axe as it just got me all worked up and irritated. It has absolutely NOTHING to offer and everyone involved in the production should be ashamed of themselves. Avoid at all cost.
Crime novelist Catherine Trammell has re-located herself from San Francisco to London where she finds herself in trouble with the law. Criminal psychiatrist Michael Glass is called in to perform a psychiatrist profile and evaluation of Catherine, but soon finds himself extremely drawn to her and is sucked into her web of lies and seduction.
A long time ago when Basic Instinct first was released I found myself really enjoying the movie since it was a different kind of thriller that mixed sex and suspense in a good way. Now, many years later, seeing Basic Instinct 2 is somewhat like watching the first movie again, only that it's so much worse. If they wanted to make a sequel they could've done that long ago and not have waited around for about 10 years. It's very hard to see any kind of reason why this movie was made in the first place. If there would've been a follow-up to the original movie shortly after its release that would've been understandable, but releasing the sequel now just makes it come out looking stupid. That is very stupid.
Sharon Stone is still a fox and while that might be nice, it's not nearly good enough. This movie tries hard to be what the first one was but just ends up being a worthless clone that should never have been brought into this world. It does exactly what the first one did, has the same kind of dialogue and so on but never manages to be even half of what the first movie was.
 About 15 minutes or so into the movie I honestly felt quite embarrassed since the dialogue was so bad and everything felt so tacky it was ridiculous. Something that makes it feel even worse is that anyone with half brain could've written this script in a few hours time. Just take the first movie, copy everything, change some names and throw in some different pointless characters. Plus that, throw in some totally uninteresting sex scenes and come up with a twist for the end that is so bad that you would like to beat yourself up. Congratualtions, you've just written Basic Instinct 2 and even though you're a shitty writer it will put some food on the table and maybe a new car in your garage so what the heck.
Only thing Basic Instinct 2 has going for it is that Sharon Stone is pretty hot, but after 20 minutes or so you kinda need something more as well in order to be able to stay interested. Don't get me wrong, stuff happen but does anyone really care? For being a thriller it doesn't have too much to offer for the genre as a thriller should contain some suspense and suspense is absolutely nowhere to be found. A clever twist in the end would've been nice, but instead it takes the turn of being predictable and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to be able to figure out what's gonna happen in the end.
Thanks for wasting my time. It gets one point for Sharon Stone being hot and one point since I didn't fell asleep watching it. Other than that it's complete nonsense and there's no point why you would wanna watch this. Avoid.
Duane Bradley checks in to the roach infested Hotel Broslin and with him he carries a basket containing his deformed siamese twin brother. They share a telepathic connection and are out seeking revenge on the doctors who separated them from each other and left Duane's brother Belial for dead.
They say that Einstein was a genius but compared to Frank Henenlotter the man does not have much going for him. Basket Case is a wonderful gory insane flick that ranks up there among the best horror comedies ever made, it's cheesy as hell, wildly entertaining, gory and truly funny. Personally I love movies from the 80's and this is just a fantastic flick that has that genuine 80's feeling to it.
Duane keeps his brother in a basket, and Belial truly is a basket case. He looks like a mix between a horrible monster and a meatball and have something of a short temper, is beyond blood-thirsty and is an angry little mutant killing machine. They were literally separated from each other at the young age of twelve and share a special telepathic connection that makes them being able to communicate. Even though they are siamese twins they are not identical as Belial is beyond deformed and Duane looks like a normal person.
So Duane has to carry his brother around in a basket and hide him from the world. The movie uses animation when showing Belial in motion, something that might look a bit tacky but that still works pretty well. They're out to take revenge on the doctors who separated them but along the way, Duane falls in love with Sharon, a receptionist to one of the doctors, something that Belial does not approve of.
Belial himself is actually pretty creepy at times, and it gets a little intense the first time he shows himself as it comes rather unexpected. The mix of horror and comedy is great and the movie is truly a bizarre piece of film. Basket Case is low-budget and I wonder what Frank could've done with some more ca$h, but for being truly low-budget, it's still so well done and looks great.
Basket Case is a really dirty movie, dirty in the sense that everything looks really dirty. The hotel Duane and Belial stays at is a shabby and crummy place that looks like it's about to fall apart, and that could sure use some cleaning. Then the dirty streets of New York, the dark alleys and everything has this dirty feeling to it, which is kinda interesting as well. If everything would've been clean and nice, it wouldn't have produced the same feeling at all I guess, so all in all, the surroundings are actually pretty cool and definitely creates a certain atmosphere.
The acting is not the best to say the least, but this is the type of movie were acting's not the most important thing. The story is so darn good and since the movie's truly sick, bizarre and gruesome, this type of acting it features actually somehow works. It's hard to explain and it sure has to be seen. Frank Henenlotter later went on and did Basket Case 2 in 1990 and Basket Case 3: The Progeny in 1992, both of them worth a look if you're a fan of the first.
Funny as hell, disgusting, cheesy, entertaining, violent, truly sick, bizarre, insane, gruesome and gory. A fantastic crazy 80's movie that has to be seen so don't miss out.
Duane and his brother Belial falls from a hotel room window and ends up in the hospital. The whole thing with the siamese twins, Duane's freak brother and all the murders turns into a media circus. One night, the two brothers escape from the hospital, and run into their Aunt Ruth, just right outside, who takes them home to her place. Her house serves as safe house for a lot of freaks, and now Duane and Belial are part of the bizarre family. But they are wanted for murder, and not only is the police after them, but also a lot of nosy reporters.
I'm a huge fan of the original Basket Case, and even if this sequel is quite ok, it's not nearly as good as the original movie was. This one, just like the first movie, was directed by Frank Henenlotter, and a lot of other things have stayed the same since the first movie. Like the two main characters Belial and Duane are the same as in the first flick which is a good thing. Sorry to say though, Basket Case 2 is not nearly as brutal and over-the-top gory as the original flick was, and that came as somewhat of a let-down. It features some violence, but is nothing that special, and that does not have the same intensity as before.
Another bad thing here was that the acting in the first movie was not great, but since it had so much nasty stuff going on at all times, it was never really a bother, and was easy to ignore as well. It was funny and over-the-top gory, so the somewhat bad acting felt liked it clicked with the whole thing, and came out not looking so bad after all. In this sequel, it felt like one noticed the lousy acting more, and it came out not looking as great.
But it has a lot of things going for it as well. This time Belial's not the only freak on screen, as this movie is completely packed with freaks. There's a whole big mansion full of them, and is the home of Granny Ruth and her daughter Susan, and is kind of a safe house for mutants and freaks. Duane and Belial are brought there and directly becomes part of this bizarre family. But they are wanted for a bunch of murders, and even though they are safe for the moment, they are not safe for long. Nosy reporters starts to investigate and soon finds out where the brothers hide out. If you want, this movie even has some moral to offer. It was a nice though, but when watched this, it sure could've used some more gore and less sentimental stuff.
Basket Case 2 work like most typical sequels do. It resemble the original, but is less effective, and does not feel as fresh or creative. The whole freak scene here is a new thing so some credit has to be given for that. But the freaks are quite boring, and some of them are not that well done when it comes to the make-up and special effects. Still, it works and is a decent sequel to a great movie.
Not as good as the original, and has a few flaws that are quite hard to overlook. Still, it features some good stuff as well, even if everything from the violence and gore to the humour has been toned down a bit. But if you're a fan of the original, you might wanna check it out. It's not great, but I never said it was bad.
Duane who went a bit crazy in Basket Case 2 has been locked up in a mental hospital, but is released and get to go on a trip to the deep south with Granny Ruth and her family of freaks. There they stay at a house of an old friend to Ruth, and Belial's girlfriend has a bunch of babies. But things does unfortunately not stay happy for long, as a pair of deputy sheriffs kidnap the newborn babies. Not only that, but Duane is locked up in prison, and the police have found out that he and his brother are wanted fugitives. Eventually the sheriff wants to trade the babies for Belial, but the whole police force get more then they bargained for.
Here's the third and final movie in the campy Basket Case trilogy. It's not even close to being as good as the first cult classic film was, but is slightly better than the sequel. Why? It has a bit more gore and is a bit more gross, other than that, they are pretty much the same. That doesn't mean that the movie's bad though, it has a lot of things to offer if you're in the right mood, and is up for some very unserious and campy stuff.
Personally, I remember that I liked the two sequels first time I saw them, which was many years ago. But when watched them now, I had a hard time to stay interested, and the movies just felt too stupid. Still though, I absolutely love the first movie, and even if it was campy and had a lot of humour, it also had a lot of actual horror, brutal violence and gore, that made the balance really good. The two sequels suffers from the lack of violence and gore, and has way too much childish over-the-top humour in them. I have nothing against humour and I love horror comedies, it's just that the sequels are too much and too silly.
But basket case three actual had a bunch of pretty nasty scenes as well. There is, for instance, one scene where Belial goes berserk in the police station and slaughters three officers in a cool way. This third movie was also way more gross than the second one, and that was a good thing too. There seemed to be more new and inventive ideas when making this third installment as well, like Belial's babies were quite cool, and the viewer is introduced to a new major freak as well. Other than that, when talking about new ideas, was that Belial got some sort of robotic looking machine towards the end where he was placed in the middle of it, and it had arms and legs that he could control with sticks.
The acting is terrible, and I can't really say anything positive about it. But considering what type of movie this is, it's not the end of the world. It's supposed to be over-the-top, but still, the acting could've been a bit more believable. There's not too much gore, but the movie actually has a few cool killing scenes, so even if it could've had more of that type of stuff, the viewer still gets some.
This final movie in the Basket Case trilogy is a bit better than the second one, but of course not half as good as the original movie. Still, if you liked the original, it's worth to check out the second and third installments as well. Not great but kinda ok for what it is.
Dr. Herbert West has been serving time in prison for 13 long years after having state's evidence turned against him by his former assistant, Dan Cain. But being incarcerated hasn't slow the good doctor down as he's still conducting experiments on rats from inside the walls. A man named Howard Phillips starts working at the prison as the new doctor, and as a kid he was there on the night when the police took West away. He saw his sister get killed infront of him, and has since then been fascinated with the possibility of bringing dead people back to life. So West takes him under his wing and sets up a lab inside the prison, and once again starts bringing the dead back to life. But as usual, things have a tendency to go slightly wrong...
13 years later after the release of Bride of Re-Animator, Brian Yuzna makes it a trilogy by making this; Beyond Re-Animator. One would might think that there's no chance that this could ever compare to the two previous old movies, but it's really good and sticks to everything fans of the previous movies have been familiarized with. Also, the fact that the movie was directed by the same man who gave us the previous two movies, and also that we once more get to see the insane Dr. Herbert West, again portrayed by Jeffrey Combs. So even if it one was made 13 years later it still feels as genuine as the other two, and does not feel like a third sequel that was made way too late.
This time we find Dr. Herbert West behind bars, and apparently he has been locked up for 13 long years. But of course prison can't stop the good doctor, and he's still conducting his re-animation experiments on rodents and uses the little stuff he has access to. One day a young doctor starts working at the prison, and he tells West that he was the boy who stood and watched while the police took West away thirteen years ago. The young doctor named Howard saw his sister get killed on that night, due to West's re-animation experiments. And ever since that night, Howard has been fascinated with the idea of bringing the dead back to life and wants to work with West.
 West of course accepts since this will give him access to the prison clinic and all what that place has to offer. Plus that, he also gets an assistant to help him out. A reporter named Laura Olney is writing an article about the prison, and soon Howard and Laura fall for each other, even though West warns him that she's trouble. This movie focus on that West has found a new way when it comes to his re-animation experiments. Before when he brought the dead back, they came alive again but were acting like some sort of zombies. But this time he has come up with a new way to bring them back to their old selves. Unfortunately for West, things doesn't always seem to work out the way they should.
Beyond Re-Animator has all the elements you'd expect it to have if you've been watching Re-Animator and Bride of Re-Animator. There's the dark humour which works well even here, and of course the gore. When it comes to gore it has a lot to offer, not as much as the first movie had, but still enough to satisfy. Another thing that this movie has to offer is the prison enviroment itself, and it felt nice and fresh to get away from the Arkham Hospital that the two previous movies dealt with. The music is ok, even though it's not as good as before. When it comes to acting Jeffrey Combs once again pulls off a great performance, and his assistant Jason Barry is totally ok as well even if Bruce Abbott was better as his assistant. Elsa Pataky who stars as the reporter is very nice to look at but her performance isn't that nice, still works kinda ok though so I don't really want to complain.
Even though Beyond Re-Animator was made so much later, it still manages to capture most of the feeling that the other movies had. It's really entertaining, has a lot of cool horror elements to offer, plus some dark humour and of course the mandatory gore. It's a fun ride, and if you've seen the other two movies, you should definitely check this one out too.
Truck driver Jack Burton arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown, and soon finds himself helping his friend Wang pick up his green eyed fiancé who's arriving from Beijing. But at the airport a bunch of punks kidnapp the girl before Jack and Wang reaches her, and chasing after the punks, they soon find themselves in the middle of a gang war. When they flee the scene, a Chinese demon appears before them and they manage to escape to later find out that Jack's truck has been stolen. Now Jack wants his truck back and Wang wants his fiancé back, so together they go after the demon named Lo Pan into a world of Chinese myth and magic.
Been watching Big Trouble in Little China every now and then over the years, and considering the movie was made 20 years ago when writing this, it still looks smashing even today. Ok some of the effects might not be that great but they are never really bad, and some of them actually looks quite awesome, even though we're living in the age of too much CGI and all. But first and most, Big Trouble in Little China is a hell of a lot of fun and movies like this aren't made these days. I don't know if it's because it's from the lovely 80's or what it is, but the feeling it brings can't be found in movies today, despite how good they are.
I hate Sex and the City, and I think it's pure braindead shit, but it's actually quite fun to see a much younger Kim Cattrall (Samantha) here in this type of movie. Although she doesn't look as good here though but delivers a really good performance. Kurt Russell does a great job as the very loud mouthed truck driver who gets drawn into a world of Chinese myths and magic in order to help his friend and to get his beloved truck back. Another thing I found when watching this movie now again, was that the guy has really good comical timing, and still manages to be the masculine hero as well. These are two things that are very hard to combine, since if there's too much humour the hero will look silly, but it's just perfectly balanced, and Russell delivers a great performance.
 Another great performance is delivered from Wang, the guy who Russell's helping out. Thing is that Wang's actually the real hero in the movie, and even if Kurt takes over once in a while, it's still Wang who gives the most heroic performance. Since Wang is Chinese and knows about history and myths, he has some inside knowledge about what's going on, something that Kurt's character does not have. So at times Wang is the leader while Kurt's the follower, but together they make a great team, and at times it feels a bit like a 'buddy-movie'. That is, two characters completely different from one another comes together as an odd team but in the end manages to get the job done.
Even though a lot of people are fans of Carpenter, I still feel that the guy's a bit under appreciated, considering all the cult movies he has done during the 80's, his name should definitely be bigger than it is. And the thing with Carpenter is that he manages to create these wonderfull movies that are similar to nothing else, and Big Trouble in Little China is no exception.
This movie is many things, but one thing especially is that it's really action-packed. A lot of movies has a tendency to drag a little in the beginning to later head into some faster pacing. Big Trouble in Little China kicks off at frame one and does never stop to catch its breath until the credits roll. It's fast-paced as hell and new things happen all the time. If you walk away from the screen for even a minute, chances that you've missed out on something when you get back are great.
Big Trouble in Little China is an 80's cult classic that is fast-paced, super action-packed and has some great comedy in it as well. There are no dull moments in the movie whatsoever, and it is a fast and fun ride from beginning to end. Great story, great acting, a lot of cool action scenes and a good score from Carpenter himself. Highly recommended.
One night, while a bum is minding his own business in the forest, a meteor falls and lands near a small town in the USA. The bum goes there to see what came falling down from the sky, and all of a sudden, his hand is attacked by some jelly-like thing. He's discovered by a local kid and two other kids that hit the bum with their car while on a date. They take him to see a doctor, and they soon find out that the jelly-like thing is a man-eating blob, attacking and eating away at everyone in the town. Soon a bunch of government scientists shows up in the small town to help out. But are they really there to help out, or are they behind the whole thing?
This movie's a remake of the original The Blob from 1958. Now, I haven't seen the original flick and I'm not too eager to see it either. My guess is that this remake is more fast-paced, looks better and has a hell of a lot more gore. The Blob is a great 80's horror comedy about a government warfare experiment gone wrong, and a blob that's eating up the good citizens of a small town. Considering the fact that it was made in the 80's, it of course didn't have all the CGI and effects that we've gotten so used to see these days. But let me tell you, this movie looks awesome, and the special effects and make-up is truly great to look at. Some stuff may not look brilliant, but it's still impressive enough and nothing actually ever looks bad.
Kevin Dillon plays a local tough kid who one night comes across a man in the forest who has got some jelly-like thing stuck on his hand. The man runs away but gets hit by the car of two who are out on their first date. They take him to see a doctor, and after the doctor has ignored them for a while, they see that the mans lower body has melted, and soon a big blob attacks the guy (Donovan Leitch) while his date (Shawnee Smith) is watching.
 So there's a blob on the loose that seems to get bigger by the second and is eating away at all the town's people. Soon some scientists and military people show up to help out, but we soon learn that they started the whole thing. Kevin Dillon, Shawnee Smith and the scientists are all trying to stop the blob, and at the same time, the scientists also seem to wanna keep everything a secret and so does not care about how many civilians gets killed for the cause.
The great thing about this movie, except for the awesome gore, is that it's a hell of a fast-paced and fun ride from start to finish. It actually never really slows down, and its running time of 95 minutes go by very fast. At first Kevin Dillon is not that likable but he gets better while its going. He's some kind of tough local kid but that later shows that he has a warm heart and actually cares what happens to people. He makes for a good hero though, and is not your usual goody two-shoes kind of a hero. Shawnee Smith makes a great performance as a girl from the town who gets caught up in the whole mess when her boyfriend is eaten infront of her early on in the movie.
Now, the gore is absolutely awesome, and the movie has a lot of gory moment to offer. We get to see faces and bodies that melt, body-parts that are ripped out and that falls off, plus a lot of blood and guts of course. At the same time the movie has some dark humour and feels more like a fun 80's movie to watch, rather than a pure horror movie. It's never scary, but quite action-packed, fast-paced and fun, and of course all the gore makes it stand out as well. The acting is totally ok from all parts involved, so there's nothing to complain about when it comes to that. Good score too.
Even though it's a remake, it's still a 80's classic movie. Thing is that movies like this aren't made these days, and if you're a fan of 80's movies, this is a definite must see as well as if you're a horror fan. Great gore, great fun, and a great ride. Truly recommended.
It's the so-called Muskie Madness, a fishing contest and the lake is swarming with fishermen wanting to take home the big prize. Bad thing though is that there's also a psychotic serial killer who has decided to go on a killing spree during the festivities. He kills everyone off in a real "fishing kinda way". Can he be stopped, and how?
Blood Hook is somewhat like a typical 80's slasher movie, but done Troma style. But even though this movie is quite a bad one, it doesn't feel as Troma as most of their other releases.
So this is a movie about fishing, that's fishing for humans. A really cool concept one would think, sorry to say though that it's not as good as it may sound.
When watching Blood Hook for the first time many years ago, I remember being really disappointed, thinking this would be a gory flick. Let me tell you, it's not.
 Watching it again just a couple of years ago I thought it was a little better. That is the whole fishing thing going on and some of the humour. Although in the end, it's not a very good movie at all.
There's not very much to the actual story. It's just a typical set-up for some slashing and add to that the fishing theme and there you have it. Unfortunately the killings aren't that cool to begin with, they could have done so much more with that.
If you want a few cheap laughs, are in the mood for a unserious flick and get a kick out of fishing then you might have something here.
A group of friends are out in the forest at night and with them are also Travis and his mute and a little retarded brother Henry. Suddenly Henry gets freaky and kills almost everyone and disappears. At least this is what it seems like. Travis later on tries to start a new life again but soon memories comes back to haunt him. He doesn't know what's real or what's just fantasy and maybe he had something to do with the massacre too?
Always being worried when turning on a Lions Gate release, so was the case even this time. Bloodline is a low-budget dtv flick and I had no expectations whatsoever before I watched it. I hadn't read or heard anything about it so that actually felt pretty good, going in totally neutral.
One could break Bloodline down into three parts:
The first 15 or 20 minutes is your typical slasher flick, only a bit lamer and not very effective.
Second part's being just drama. It's low-budget with not that good of actors and you think your in for a horror flick to begin with so that's not a nice discovery. After a little time you get used to the drama but it's quite boring and uninteresting. This is also the longest part of the movie and it even feels longer than it is. This is for sure where a lot of people will probably turn the movie off.
Third part is the best part. By now you've definitely realized that it's not a slasher flick or a genuine horror flick for that matter. It's more like a thriller, well a psychological thriller. Some more things start to happen and you've gotten somewhat into the story, since watching the drama part. Here we also get threated to a couple of scares, but they are really cheap and not that effective. But at least something's finally happening.
The actual story is kinda hard to explain without spoiling the movie. Let's just say that nothing's what it seems. In the end there are some twists that turn the movie around but that also's gonna confuse a lot of people. It's just too much in the end and when the credits roll, you're not even close to being satisfied.
About the bad actors. It's hard to take most of them seriously as so often's the case with low-budget productions. At least all of them tries and no one is really horrible or even remotely close to that, some are just hard to believe. But the guy who plays Travis (Clay Adams), one of the brothers, delivers a really good performance that he definitely deserves some credit for.
Bloodline has been quite poorly shot at times and looks really cheap. Also the middle part drags the movie down a lot. Once it gets going it's actually kinda ok and somewhat interesting but unfortunately it does not really deliver in the end. The gore is minimal, don't expect anything in that department.
I won't say that it's complete trash, but it's very far from good. At least you can tell that they've tried and that should count for something. But in the end, I can't really recommend it.
Rayne who's a dhampir (it's no spelling mistake, but a half-human, half-vampire) sets out to take revenge on Kagan, king of the vampires, who raped and murdered her mother.
Been playing quite a lot of Bloodrayne 1-2 on PS2 so of course it was interesting to see what they've made of it, going from being a video game into being a movie. And I must say that they've done pretty well with the transfer, since we get a lot of things that are important in the game in the movie, and it's fun to see and recognize these things on screen. So at least Mr Boll should get some credit for staying true to the game. I really hope this'll be the case with Silent Hill as well. Resident Evil failed big time in doing so, so at least Bloodrayne's got that going for it if nothing else. But if you haven't played the video game, and do not tend to do so before watching Bloodrayne, the movie has even less to offer.
Bloodrayne takes place in eighteenth century Romania were Rayne (Kristanna Loken) is travelling with some carnival. She's locked up in a cage and has to perform in the carnival, although the word freakshow would be a better term to describe it. She manages to escape, eating away at the carnival people, after all she's half vampire. Later she hooks up with two vampire hunters (one being Michael Madsen), and after some time manages to convince them that she's not a bad vampire (you've seen Blade haven't you? She kinda has the same thing going for her).
 There also another girl that hangs with the vampire hunters, and that girl being Michelle Rodriguez, the extremely cocky girl in Resident Evil, and she's just as cocky here. To be honest, I hate watching her. Anyway, what Rayne wants to do is to take revenge on Kagan, the vampire king who raped and slayed her mother. And together with the two vampire hunters, she sets out to avenge her late mother.
I expected Bloodrayne to be complete crap since the director, Uwe Boll, has proven to be great at making extremely shitty flicks, just take a look at his House of the Dead, or the other video game adaptation Alone in the Dark. You kinda wonder how the man actually can make such horrible flicks and still be allowed to produce more and more crap. Seriously, I don't get it. But Bloodrayne is actually slightly better than the two previously mentioned, it's not very good but at least it's somewhat entertaining at times.
The surroundings are quite nice and everything has this medieval time feel to it. Sometimes it's just too flashy for it's own good and it just feels kinda unnecessary. The story is easy to follow and the overall tempo in the movie is pretty good, but it's not interesting all the way, and lacks big-time at a few places.
The acting is not as bad as expected. Kristanna Loken who stars as Rayne actually fits really well for the part and is at least better than in Terminator 3 (I guess that doesn't say much). Billy Zane has a very small role in the movie and he's just typical Billy Zane, not great but not bad, although his haircut looks ridiculous. Michael Madsen's character feels a bit too stiff and when he speaks, it's not very convincing and feels kinda forced. Meat Loaf appears as well for a brief moment and is a disaster.
The overall enviroment of the movie is pretty cool, and it gets some credit for staying true to the video game. It sure has a lot of faults, and while some are easy to overlook and ignore, some are just too big and drags the movie down. It's somewhat entertaining but definitely not memorable.
It's about the urban legend of Bloody Mary that goes like if you say her name in the mirror three times in a row, she will appear before you. So this stupid high school girl of course does that and lets evil lose.
So this is the third movie in the Urban Legends series and let's hope it's the last. First one was watchable but at that time you had Scream too which was somewhat better. Then the second movie came which was really good and super scary with terrific actors and everything. No I'm just kidding, the second movie was crap to say the least, a horrible horrible movie. And now here's the third one which is slightly better then the second one.
I actually had some hope up for this movie since it's directed by one Mary Lambert who gave us Pet Sematary, a movie that scared the hell out of me when I was a whole lot younger. But that was then and this is now.
Bloody Mary's good to a certain extent but in the end nothing special and with a lousy cgi ending that kinda ruins everything.
Cool thing is that we actually get a back story to who Bloody Mary is and what happened to her and how she became who she's now. This is actually both a positive and a negative thing since while it's cool to get the back story, we actually get to know Mary too well to be scared of her for the rest of the movie. All you can really do is feel sorry for her. So in one way this kinda ruins the movie but in another way it's also a good thing if you know what I'm saying.
The movie has little gore to offer but some pretty cool effects. It's a lot like your typical teen horror movie and while it's somewhat entertaining on some levels it's not scary at all and that's not a good thing.
Watchable, but don't feel like you have missed out if you don't get to see it.
Body Bags is a movie containing three short stories, all presented by "The Coroner" played by Carpenter himself. The first tale, "The Gas Station", is about a serial killer where we get to follow a young girl working at a gas station and has to deal with that someone's trying to murder her and her weird customers. Second story called "Hair" deals with vanity and is about a man who's going bald and goes to a hair replacement clinic but who also gets more than he bargained for. The third and last story called "Eye" is about a baseball player who becomes a victim of a car accident and loses his right eye.
In the same vein as Tales from the Crypt and Creepshow we here have Body Bags, a Carpenter feature from 1993. Body Bags is a fun horror movie telling three different stories, two directed by John Carpenter and the last story directed by Tobe Hooper. John Carpenter also shows up in the movie, playing the Cryptkeeper-like character called The Coroner who presents the stories. Other than that we get to see Sam Raimi playing a corpse called Dead Bill, and Tobe Hooper shows up as a morgue worker.
There are actually quite a few familiar faces in the movie, like Robert Carradine who stars as Bill in "The Gas Station", Stacy Keach who stars as Richard Coberts in "Hair", and even Wes Craven shows up as well to mention a few. There's some humour in the movie which is a nice touch and it's somewhat similar to the Tales of the Crypt kind of humour, nothing ha-ha funny, but it might make you smile.
The first story entitled "The Gas Station" directed by Carpenter is a story about a young girl who starts working at a gas station, night shift. While on the job she meets some strange characters showing up and she doesn't seem too happy about it. Then people ends up dead and someone's trying to murder her as well. Now this story is nothing special at all, it has some suspense but never goes anywhere remotely great but still works as a nice start off. Rating 4/10.
Second story "Hair" is the best one out of the three (that is according to yours truly) and deals with vanity. Stacy Keach stars as Richard Coberts, a man who's going bald but is not ready for that so he goes to a hair replacement clinic to see what they can do to help his situation. He gets help and soon hair starts to grow on him and he's one happy man. But the hair keeps growing and growing and even though he cuts it, it still comes back just as long shortly after. This is the story that has the most genuine kind of horror in it and is captivating and interesting but at the same time a bit frightening. Rating 8/10.
The third and last story is called "Eye" and tells the story about a baseball player who loses his right eye due to a car accident. He's then given the chance to have a new eye and gets a transplant from a dead man, something that causes him a lot of trouble. Now, don't think of the movie The Eye here, it's quite different but is still worth to take notice of since this movie was made in '93. Directed by Tobe Hooper this story is ok and slightly above average but still nothing really special. Starring here as the baseball player is Mark Hamill or I think people know him better as Luke Skywalker. Rating 6/10.
I'm a big fan of this concept with three different stories, if one fails the next one might be good and so on. If nothing else at least we get some variation.
First got a rating of 4, second a rating of 8, third a rating of 6 and then the overall feel this movie gives makes it deserve one extra point. If you haven't seen it you should definitely try and get your hands on it. It's nothing spectacular but it sure manages to be entertaining and is a fun one and a half hours infront of the screen. Recommended.
Two guys hears about a whorehouse and goes there to visit it but apparently the whorehouse is full of vampires and they end up being victims. The elder sister to one of the two guys hires a private investigator to find her missing brother. His search soon leads to the actual vampires nest which is run by vampire queen Lilith that were brought back to life.
I'm not a huge Tales from the Crypt fan but once in a while it can be fun to watch. Bordello of Blood presented by Tales from the Crypt is a full-length feature just like Demon Knight and is not that great but still kinda entertaining at times.
It's just plain fun horror and Bordello of Blood (cool title huh?) actually has a lot of gore to offer, although it's done in a very humorous way but is enjoyable to watch. Also Dennis Miller who plays a private investigator is actually somewhat the heart of the movie and delivers a lot of funny comments the movie throughout.
Like I said, Dennis Miller is kinda fun to watch as the cocky and sarcastic private investigator. Bordello of Blood also stars Erika Eleniak (Baywatch) who does a crappy job (who would have thought?), and Angie Everhart as vampire queen Lilith who's actually kinda fun to watch too, at least she's extremely pretty.
It's not fast paced neither slow as it has a mid-tempo which works kinda ok, could've been a little more action though. It's worth seeing for the comedy Miller offers but other than that it's not that special. I would lie if I said it's not entertaining though.
We also get to see 80's star Corey Feldman but he's just irritating to watch here and some of the overall acting is actually kinda bad. Chris Sarandon plays a tv reverend and it's a little over-the-top at times and kinda embarrassing to look at, although it's also kinda easy to ignore as well.
Bordello of Blood also offers a lot of gore and some nudity but it's not really as good as it sounds, ok for what it is though.
Nathan is about to tell his close friend Jessica about his true feelings for her, but through a series of misunderstanding, he ends up hanging himself instead. His mother brings him back to life with the help from some voodoo spell-book that she found in an Irish church. But Nathan's not the same guy that he used to be. Now he's crawing human flesh and happens to bite a school mate who continues to spread the zombie infection further, and turn the whole school into flesh-craving zombies.
A zombie movie featuring Samantha Mumba. What the hell! I was kinda put off even before I had actually turned the movie on, and for the first 10 minutes or so I had to struggle against the vomit trying to make it all the way up through my throat. But after a while some things started to happen that, even if it wasn't that great, was still entertaining enough to make you wanna keep watching. Keep in mind that this is a teen-flick, but that it actually delivers a huge amount of gore, and that alone is well worth watching.
It's not too often we get to see an Irish horror production so only that alone makes it somewhat interesting, well at least it's something different. Boy Eats Girl is kinda like a mix between some shitty zombie horror movies, and add to that some teen-flick type of humour and a big doze of Shaun of the Dead to top it off with. Although, were Shaun of the Dead managed to truly be funny, this one fails miserably trying to do the same. I guess if you're 12 years old you'll appreciate it, but other than that, NO.
 Nathan (David Leon) has a crush on Jessica (Samantha Mumba), but instead of ending up in bed with her, he ends up wanting to feed on human flesh. Although, he can resist his hunger throughout the movie, and the zombie infection spreads when he's fighting a school rival and happens to bite him, and that guy continues to spread the infection further. Everyone who gets bitten turn into a zombie the second after, but Nathan manages to never really turn, what's that about?
So what does this movie have going for it? Well, except for the stupid teen humour that the viewer has to sit through, it's actually fast-paced and so never really gets boring to watch as something's happening all the time the movie throughout. But the greatest thing here is definitely the gore, and that's actually the one thing that ends up saving this movie in the end. We get to see some gore the whole movie throughout, but it's especially one scene that stands out among the rest. It's a little similar to the most splattery scene in Braindead with the lawnmover, but I won't spoil it for you. If you like to see guts, blood and limbs fly around then you might wanna check it out.
The score is completely awful, consisting of shitty pop music that makes your head ache and is kinda hard to sit through. The acting is actually not very good, it's not wooden or totally bad, just not very good. And I don't see the reason why Samantha Mumba had to be in this movie, she's crap and they could've easily picked someone else.
Bad stuff: Samantha Mumba, the acting, humour, irritating characters, score etc.
Good stuff: Fast-paced and actually delivers some real gore, and that's the one thing that saves this movie, or that is, the only reason why one would watch it. Kinda ok, but can't really recommend it.
A poisonous rat monkey is captured and taken to a zoo in New Zealand that Lionel and his new girlfriend Paquita visits. His overprotective mother is stalking him and happens to get bit by the rat monkey which makes her slowly turn into some sort of zombie. After being bitten, everyone she bites also turns into zombies and Lionel who lives with his mother and tries to take care of her have to fight hordes of zombies that constantly keeps popping up.
It's kinda amazing when thinking that Peter Jackson actually managed to make such a good low-budget film like Braindead and also a movie like Bad Taste. And later became commersial and did the shitty LOTR trilogy and even worse, the new remake of King Kong. But I guess that's just the way things are and even if we will never see him making great movies like Braindead again, we still at least have his early productions.
I think every horror film fan have seen Braindead and if you haven't then it's about time you do. It's a great mix of comedy and splatter with a pretty cool story and it's overall a super entertaining movie to watch.
 The guy who plays the role of Lionel is really fun to watch as he's a mama's boy and kind of a nervous one and has to deal with the fact that his mother's turning into a zombie. Braindead is filled with black humour and it's often quite funny to watch. There are so many little things that makes this movie good and even though it offers a lot of comic relief it never gets too goofy or unserious to watch, although it's never that serious to begin with.
With tons and tons of gore Peter Jackson has pulled off a great movie here that you can watch and enjoy over and over again from time to time. Truly recommended and not to be missed.
Michael Bower is a horror buff who runs a horror movie club at school and who has mastered most videogames out there. One day he hears about this new hypnotic videogame called Brainscan that is supposed to be the ultimate horror experience, and even though he's a bit skeptical he of course still wants to try the game out. The game is delivered to his house shortly after and he sits down to test it out.
When playing Brainscan he gets to witnesses a brutal murder through the eyes of the killer. The mission of the game is to, within a time frame, complete a killing and without leaving any trace return home before the time's up. He manages do to so and when finished playing, he's convinced that Brainscan's the best game he has ever played. Later on when watching the news on tv, he realizes that what happened in the game actually happened for real, and if that wasn't enough, he finds proof of the slaying in his freezer. Did he commit the crime for real?
Brainscan is definitely a really cool and original horror flick, and it feels like it's a bit of an underrated 90's movie, while infact it is a movie that should not be missed. The whole videogame concept is extremely cool and the storyline is solid and interesting. It's well acted, well shot and it's sure fun to see a young Edward Furlong as the lonely horror buff who gets caught up in the game. For you who haven't seen Brainscan, you don't have to be into videogames to be able to enjoy the movie, it has more than that to it. But for people who are actually into videogames, it of course adds a little more to the whole thing.
Michael Bower lost his mother at young age and is a lonely boy who only have one true friend. He has lost interest in most thing and for life in general, and escapes it by watching horror flicks and playing videogames. He also has a crush on the girl next door and watches her through his window, but is too afraid to do anything about it. He gets this new game called Brainscan, plays it and end up being all excited about how cool the game actually turned out to be. But what happened in the game also happened for real and he finds himself in a heap of trouble being a killer and all.
Then all of a sudden this man named Trickster shows up who looks like half a man, half a monster dressed like he's into punk music or the extreme. He tells Michael that Michael's in trouble because of the murder that took place in the game. That he has left some evidence but that there's also a way out, and that way is to play the second disc. After playing the second disc, Trickster shows up again, letting Michael know that there was a witness and that he must play the third disc to eliminate that witness. It seems Michael can't escape it and drags himself deeper and deeper into the mess, and with the police around the neighbourhood asking him and people in his class all kinds of questions.
Brainscan has such a good story that grabs the viewers attention and it's hard not to stay interested. It might have a few flaws here and there, and might feel a tiny bit ridiculous at times, but overall it's a great movie that truly is a lot of fun to watch. Even if the movie deals with murders, we don't get to see any real gore since Brainscan is more of a psychological horror/thriller movie, and that is a concept that works well here. Being a horror movie, it's not scary but is intense at times and that's enough to make it work. Also, it features a pretty decent score.
Among 90's horror movies, Brainscan is a definitive must see. It's a original movie with a really interesting story, it's also fast-paced and does never have a really dull moment. The acting is good for most parts, and even if some actors seem a little off, they're still totally watchable. And like I said before, you don't have to be into videogames to enjoy Brainscan, it's just a really good movie, simple as that. Recommended.
Herbert West is at it again, and this time he and his partner Dr. Cain doesn't just re-animate the dead, but they actually create life. West wants to rebuild Cain's dead girlfriend and while Cain is not into it at first, he later accepts and helps West out. They already have the girlfriends heart and continues to build her by stealing different body parts from the hospital. But West have to watch out, since the police is onto him, and at the same time his old arch enemy Dr. Hill is back from the dead to cause him trouble as well.
Bride of Re-Animator continues a while after where Re-Animator left off. We find West and Cain in Peru, working as medics 8 months after the massacre at the hospital from the first movie. But they soon return to Arkham Hospital and starts to work there as doctors once again. This time West wants to create life, and he tries his stuff out on all kinds of things. For instance he puts one arm and one leg together and makes it live. He puts a few fingers and an eyeball together and makes that live as well. The movie has a lot of crazy shit like that in it, and that is just one thing that makes it almost great.
Dr. Graves, another man working at the Arkham Hospital stumbles across West's green re-animation stuff and injects it into Dr. Hill's head. And suddenly West's old enemy is alive once again, and now wants to seek revenge. What West wants to achieve in Bride of Re-Animator is, just like the title says, is to create a bride, and it's all something like Bride of Frankenstein, just like it was with Frankenhooker.
 So he takes Dr. Cain's dead girlfriend Linda's heart, and then he starts stealing different body part from the hospital. Since body parts keep going missing, the police is called in to investigate, and a detective is soon on West's case. There's a lot of stuff going on at all times, and it all makes for a sleazy, gory and funny piece film. For being a sequel, it's actually really good, and if you liked the first movie, there's no way you'll be disappointed with Bride of Re-Animator. It has the same amount of gore, basically the same actors, the main ones at least, the dark humour and all the oddities you wanna see when it comes to this type of film.
I thought the first movie had more direct humour and was a bit funnier than this sequel, although the humour's still there and you'll recognize it if you've seen the original. Looking at Bride of Re-Animator from a horror point of view, this movie is quite awesome. Towards the end there are different kinds of somewhat intense horror, and even if it's funny at times, all the horror is not super comical. Near the end when Dr. West goes through the brick wall in his lab and faces all kinds of strange creations that dwells there, it actually gets a bit freaky. So in the end it's a perfect mix of horror and comedy, as usually when it comes to horror comedies, a lot of them are just too focused on the comical side of things.
If you liked Re-Animator, you'll like Bride of Re-Animator for sure, and if you haven't seen these movies yet, you should try and look them up. Once again Jeffrey Combs truly delivers as the eccentric and somewhat insane Dr. West, and he's always a hoot to watch. Recommended.
Bubba Ho-tep tells the story of what really happened to Elvis Presley, that he's not dead but instead is a resident in an East Texas rest home for the elderly.
Why he's there and not dead as everyone seems to think is because he switched identities with an Elvis impersonator but unfortunately the impersonator died before the real Elvis had a chance to switch back. And now there's a evil Egyptian mummy that has come to the rest home to suck the souls out of the people there. So Elvis teams up with another resident named Jack who thinks he's President John F. Kennedy to together with Elvis destory the evil that surrounds them.
I guess a lot of Bruce Campbell and Evil Dead fans were really excited about Bubba Ho-tep and of course it's a must see if you like the man. Personally I think it's a great and original movie but if Campbell would've not been in it, then I wonder if it would've been recoginzed at all or if people would think half as high of it, the answear is probably not or I would even have guessed on a definite no.
So does Bruce Campbell actually add a lot to the movie? Of course he does, he's the whole movie and is fun to watch on screen. It's not similar to Evil Dead in any kind of way but still he gives a great performance as Elvis plus that we get a cool and original story too, which makes Bubba Ho-tep a great entertaining package.
 It's a hell of a story to say the least and it's really funny to see Bruce Campbell as an old version of Elvis Presley. It's hard to place this movie in a certain genre since it's a movie of I guess many genres.
It's a horror, a comedy but first and most it's a drama. The movie is of course pretty humorous at times but it never goes over board and turns silly and it's actually quite sad at times if you think about it. The characters are well done and the movie presents itself so it makes you care for them.
The actors are all good but the best performance is given by Bruce Campbell and I'm not saying that because I'm a fan of Evil Dead or anything.
He actually delivers a great performance here and at times you can't help but to think that it's actually Elvis that you see on screen, that is Elvis if he were an old man.
You definitely don't need to be a Bruce Campbell or Evil Dead fan to see this movie, it's just a very good stand alone movie.
Buffy is a cheerleader in high school who likes to hang out with her friends and shop, talk about boys and all of that crap, she also has her head in the air. One day an old man named Merrick (played by Donald Sutherland) shows up at her school and tells her that she's the chosen one. Buffy of course thinks he's just a perverted old man with nothing better to do than to bother people so she ignores him. But then later on people from her school start turning up missing and are later found dead with bite marks on their necks.
This is the real Buffy movie and not the Sarah Michelle Gellar crap you've seen on tv. It was made in '92 but when watching it feels like it was made in the 80's.
Anyway, if you're familiar with the tv-series this is basically the same thing only that this is the full-length feature that came before the tv-series was born. And hey, it has Luke Perry in it...uhh
This is a fun and somewhat cheesy movie that anyone can watch and enjoy. And even if I'm not a big fan of Luke Perry, he's actually not bad in this movie, (that doesn't mean that he's good). Rutger Hauer plays Lothos, the vampire leader that wants to kill Buffy and that Buffy of course has to destory.
I guess if you're a fan of the show you are bound to compare the show with the movie and that's no good. The show of course has higher budget and better effects, well much better effects but that doesn't really matter here.
I feel that this movie have a lot of more feeling to it than the actual show has, but maybe that's because I watch this movie long before the show even existed.
If you're a fan of the show you should know where it came from and if you're not a fan of the show it's probably even better. It's an enjoyable little flick and if you haven't seen it, then why not give it a shot.
Evan (Kutcher) grows up in a small town and suffers from memory blackouts and wakes up here and there and doesn't remember squat of how he got there or what happened. He starts to keep a journal of what he's doing that he can look back on and that's supposed to help him remember things. Also, all these blackouts always seems to occur when something bad happens. He grows up and start to have less of these blackouts and after some time he seems to have recovered completely, until one day in college when he starts reading his journal from when he was a kid and discovers that he can travel back to the body of his former self and fix his past. But the more he goes back and changes the past, the more the future changes and it seems always to the worse.
Ok let me just start off by saying that this is a great movie, something I would never have thought when first just hearing about it.
Thing that put me right off when I first heard about The Butterfly Effect was that Ashton Kutcher was gonna star. Considering the fact of what you have seen him in before like That 70's Show, Dude, Where's My Car?, some crappy MTV show among other things.
Chances that he would be good in a psychological thriller felt kinda small. But to my big surprise, he actually turned out to be perfect for the part and managed to do a great job.
 This is more of a "psycho thriller" than just a normal thriller and even if it's not that scary it will still keep you on the edge of your seat at times. The suspense is great, carried by a really well-written story that's brilliantly delivered.
There's not a dull moment in the movie and the suspense is there all the time, it's fast paced and will definitely keep you interested the movie throughout. It's a very effective thriller and the whole movie has an intense feeling to it from start to end.
I came really close to not seeing this flick since it starred Ashton Kutcher and since you consider him to be goofy and only suited to do comical series and movies, if even that. But don't diss it just because he's in it as he really pulls it off here and proves that he can actually be a serious and belivable actor.
The variation is very good as we get to seem him as a kid and then it jumps to when he's grown up and from there it jumps back and forth to alternative realities without it ever getting too much of a mess and hard to keep track of what's going on. Something's always going on and that'll keep your interest up and will make you wanna keep watching. Also, it has a very gripping story that gets you involved.
I saw it when it first came out and after that I've seen it a few times and I consider this to be one among the best movies that came out in 2004. I can't give it the highest rating but it's close enough. If you haven't had the chance to see it yet, then it's about time you do.
5 college friends rent a remote mountain cabin and go there to spend a weeks vacation. After spending some time up in the mountains, a man contaminated with some disease, comes knocking on their door and starts to act crazy which makes the friends panic, and they end up setting him on fire. He drops dead in the water reservoir and when Karen, one of the 5 friends, drink tap water she gets infected by the disease. Apparently the disease is some form of a flesh-eating virus that just keeps spreading further, and from there on it's every man for themselves trying to survive the virus and each other.
This movie, just like Eli's new movie Hostel, promised a lot but did not end up delivering all the goods. I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Cabin Fever and I can for one understand a lot of peoples frustration with the movie. It promised a lot of gore, bloodbath and similar things, and even if it sure has some gory scenes and all that, it was not even close to what one first had thought it would have. And that's why I hate hearing too much about movies before having seen them.
First time I watched Cabin Fever I was slightly disappointed by the end result, but some time later, I watched it a second time and it definitely improved a bit and I could take it for what it really was, and that made it a lot better. Still, it's not a great movie but it's at least very entertaining, has some nice gore and some humour that works pretty well. Although it has a lot of humour that does not work at all. Now I think it's a pretty decent flick, only that the expectations at first were way too high, just like with Hostel.
The best thing about Cabin Fever is that it does not take itself too seriously. There are tons of new teen horror movies that do that and they often end up looking quite ridiculous. This one carries more humour and is much lighter, even if it has some serious gore and such. Also, the second time watching it, I kinda noticed all this little things that made it improve over the first time watching it. I don't think a third viewing would improve it even further, but it's definitely a movie I could see myself watching again.
It kinda feels like an 80's style splatter movie with some B-elements, although it looks very nice. Like I said before, there's a lot of humour in it, and while some works really well, some does not work at all. Although, I think when it really works it adds a lot to the movie and it becomes a good mix of horror and comedy. James DeBello's character is kinda funny, and there's especially one comment about squirrels that's hilarious, but I won't be spoiling anything for those who have not yet seen the movie. He kinda plays the same type of character that he did in Detroit Rock City, and is entertaining enough to watch.
So these people are supposed to have a nice vacation in a remote cabin, and everything is all and well in the beginning, but then things get out of hand. Their friend becomes infected by the flesh-eating virus and the guy who spread it got his infected blood all over their car. Afraid that the person next to them is also infected, their friendships begin to fall apart and it's every man for himself, and every girl for herself.
Cabin Fever carries some tension in certain scenes, and is quite gruesome in others. But the overall humour takes away a lot of the genuine horror feeling and leaves you, not jumping out of your seat in fright, but instead puts a smile on your lips. Director Eli Roth himself appears in the movie as some stoner they meet up at the cabin, and he's kinda fun to watch as well. The overall acting is all right and there are no dull moments, if nothing else, it's extremely entertaining.
First time I watched it I got a bit disppointed, but second time watching it, it turned out to be so much better. So all of you who have just watched it once, why not give it another try, it might be worth it. It's not a great movie, but it's fun at times and sure is an entertaining ride.
Marc Stevens, a cabaret-style singer is supposed to perform at wedding in South of France during Christmas week. But his van breaks down and leaves him stranded deep into the woods. He finds a small village nearby and seeks help from Paul Bartel, a man who runs the local inn and who promises to help fix Marc's van. But to Marc's great horror, Bartel's not the nice kind of man he first seemed to be.
This is truly a horrifying movie that, when watched it the first time, made me think of Deliverance. Although, I think that Calvaire is a more brutal type of flick and definitely feels more realistic than Deliverance did. And that's were the genuine horror comes in.
I'm used to watching everything when it comes to horror, but this movie actually made me feel sick for real. Think of the rape scene in Irreversible. This movie has that same kind of realistic feel to it, and while it sure gets your full attention, it's still very repulsing to watch at times.
When watching the movie, I sat with the remote control in my hand, ready to turn the flick off during the whole running time, but never actually did. Exactly the same thing happened when watching Irreversible, a movie I ended up liking. With this flick I'm not really sure were I actually stand. While the gruesome events that occur in the movie makes it interesting and captivating, it's still a pain to watch and leaves you feeling quite bad when the credits starts to roll.
 So was is it that's makes Calvaire so horrible? Well, first off it's the overall realistic feeling that it has to it. At times it doesn't really feels like you're watching a movie but actually something taking place for real as it sometimes looks more like a documentary. The movie's very bizarre and the horror is more psychological than graphic.
This guy Marc hasen't really done anything wrong. He just ended up at a small village full of nut-jobs, and trusts a man that turns out to be a total psycho. He burns Marc's van, locks him up, makes him wear his wife’s old dress, cut of his hair etc. He's trapped in a village of inbred freaks and realizes that no one's gonna come to his aid, but instead turn against him. The word terror comes to mind and this truly is terror with a big T.
I can't say that Calvaire is a great movie, because it's not. But it's very different, bizarre, disturbing and while it will please some, it will definitely disgust a lot of viewers too. Give it a try and see if you can make it all the way through.
Some Candy Stripers in a small town in US are taken over by aliens. They are addicted to everything sweet and males as well, but not in a good way. Some member from a basketball team are sent to the hospital when they have an accident, and it's the same hospital where the Candy Stripers are devouring their victims. Will they be able to stop them?
Christ! During Candy Stripers whole running time, I found myself to be more concerned whether or not I should turn the movie off than I was being focused on the actual movie. I never expected it to be good, but would've never thought it could be as horrible as it turned out to be. Exactly everything is complete crap here. From the 'actors' to the effects, to the camera-work, to the score. It's a neverending list of shitty things.
Usually when I get these types of movies, I know they're gonna suck but somehow I still always convince myself that they might have something good to them as well. I'm so sick of all these stupid retarded teen horror flicks that has nothing the least bit interesting to them, they are painful to watch and it's just such a waste of time. The teens in this movie suck so hard you won't believe it till you see it. Usually I have a real problem with all these stereotypical teens that we so often have to sit and watch when it comes to these types of movies, but these teens are the worst.
Just from the start when this movie began, I got such a bad feeling and it only got worse the longer I kept watching this shitfest. Halfway through I felt nauseous and when the movie was over I felt like I just got hit hard over the head. Actually I would rather get hit hard over the head than having to sit through this horrible horrible piece of film all over again. It's just not worth it, and torture is a too nice word to describe it with.
Ok, I've complained enough so I'm gonna tell you what it's about and then I'm gonna complain a lot more (I have to get it out of my system). Aliens takes over the bodys and minds of Candy Stripers working at a hospital somewhere in the US. They are addicted to sweet things like sugar, cakes and whatever and they also seem addicted to men, but not in a good way. A bunch of jocks gets hurt during a basketball game and end up at the same hospital where the Candy Stripers are working at. They soon figure out that something is wrong and it all makes for a really horribly bad movie that should've never had seen the light of day.
Apparently some of the Candy Stripe nurses are playmates, but who cares? It's not like it makes the movie any better, and they can't act for shit, so it doesn't really matter if they look hot since they suck so much. But I prefer watching them over the team of retarded jocks and some stupid teen girls that are in this movie as well. I can't come up with a word that would do them justice, but to say that they are bad actors and that they suck is way to nice. Just hearing these guys talk, and seeing the way they act just makes you wanna vomit your brains out. Yes, it's that bad. I don't care if they are jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, stoners or whatever, all these categories suck...hard, and it's wearing you out having to watch to much of crap like that.
Gore? Yes some, and it's actually not that bad (not saying that it's good either), but since the movie is so tremendously horrible it's definitely not worth it. It's low-budget and even though it shows at times, it doesn't look that bad. But the story is so lame and reminded me of another shitflick called Decoys, which it actually seems like they have ripped off a bit. Now, Decoys was not good, but it was way better than this one. Well, I remember that I hated that stupid movie too when I watched it but this one is worse. It's just so horrible that Kate Robbins who directed and wrote it should never be allowed to make movies again. You've proven that you can't even make a lousy movie, so find another job. I think that if you can manage to create a movie as bad as this, there must be something seriously wrong with you.
The biggest thing this movie is lacking, except for good actors, a decent story and a lot of other things, is that there's no humour to be found in Candy Stripers at all. It plays out like sort of a horror comedy, but it truly lacks humour, actually there are none nowhere to be found. If they would have added some humour to it, it might could've worked. But now since there's no humour, you're supposed to take it more seriously, something that does so not work. That was a huge mistake, because some humour could've made the story seem better, the acting look less crappy and could probably have improved a lot of things. Too bad.
I can't believe that I sat through the whole shitfest that this movie was. I feel sick and I think it may have slightly damaged my brain as well. You want some good advice? Don't watch it. I hope I'll never have to sit through anything like this again.
A group of friends are out driving in the middle of nowhere when their RV breaks down. Stranded in the desert they must defend themselves against a bunch of blood-thirsty cannibals.
Not very often, but once in a while you come across a movie that is so bad, you seriously question how something like that could've been made in the first place. This is one of those movies. It's definitely the worst movie I've seen in a very long time, although Green River Killer is a very strong competitor. To be completely honest, during the whole running time of this movie I just wanted to gauge my eyes out, and when finally finished watching it, I felt horrible.
The whole movie is a complete The Hills Have Eyes ripoff. I have absolutely nothing against movies paying homage to other movies, but this is just a complete ripoff and nothing else. Just watching a few seconds of this movie, I knew it was gonna be total crap, and I'm actually amazed that I managed to sit through the whole thing. Can't be good for you though.
So why is it so bad? Well, except for being a ripoff, it has the worst possible actors of all time, or that is people trying to act. These kids that gets stranded in the desert are the most annoying bunch of retards ever. The acting is just so terrible, I can't even begin to describe it. Other than that, the dialogue makes your ears bleed cos it's so god damn dumb. Just listening to these teens for ten minutes was really painful so again, I'm amazed I actually sat through the whole thing.
Talking about the actors, we have one of the kids that stands out a little more than the rest, and not in a good way. His name is Lawrence (Aaron Buer) and he's one of the most irritating persons I've ever seen on film. He talks like a rapper, or that is a wigger in his case. Anyway, he uses this ghetto slang to an extent I've never heard in my life before. Watching him truly gives the word hate a new meaning.
The other characters in the teen squad as not half as bad as Lawrence, but still among the shittiest bunch of kids that has ever walked the face of the earth. There are two bubble gum girls with their heads way up in the air that also, like Lawrence, spews out some horrible lingo. Then there's a constantly kissing couple that's just plain dull, one girl that looks like Marilyn Manson and one guy who seems to be the most normal one out of them all, but is the one that actually gets them in trouble and is therefore an idiot too.
The psychotic cannibals that the kids run into are just plain terrible. They have nothing going for them, just looking like dirty rednecks and are no fun to watch. There's no suspense, no tension and in the end you just couldn't care less what's gonna happen since the movie suck so much.
We actually get some gore, (thank f*** since it's supposed to be a cannibal flick), which sometimes is a little bit entertaining, but in the end not very well done and so not very fun to watch either. The score is just awful and gives you a headache.
If you have no taste and no brain you might like it, other than that, it's recommended to stay away...far away.
A documentary film crew disappeared in a jungle called the Green Inferno a year back and a New York anthropologist that is Professor Harold Moore goes together with two guides to the jungles of South American to find out what happened to the film crew. After searching for some time he finds the remains of the crew and reels of their undeveloped film which he takes back to New York for viewing. Once back and watching their footage he finds out that they encountered a cannibal tribe that they were supposed to film and what happened to them.
Cannibal Holocaust, probably the most famous and best cannibal movie ever made, is a definite must see for all horror fans out there. It also features some of the best scores in movies by Riz Ortolani which is truly beautiful, haunting and stays in your head long after the movie is finished.
It's also famous for some really strong and graphic scenes which works perfectly even today and are pretty brutal to watch. Another thing it features which was a common thing in this type of genre is animal cruelty which is not very fun to watch and feels very unnecessary.
Even if a lot of people saying it's supposed to feature that and that it belongs in this type of movies I still think it sucks and brings nothing to the movie itself except disgust. With that said, on to the story.
 This movie is absolutely stunning at times and the jungle creates a great atmosphere. Cannibal Holocaust has something going for it all the way that will definitely keep your interest up and also it gets very intense every now and then.
The horror scenes are very graphical and some scenes might be hard for some viewers to take in or be able to sit through. You of course tend to see cannibals as something bad but as the movie goes on and that the good guys turn out to be not so good and are invading the cannibals privacy makes you re-evaluate who to root for or not to root for.
The actual cannibals are great to watch and some scenes with them in are quite disgusting ones which adds more character to the movie. It's beautifully shot and the repeating score throughout the movie adds so much to the overall feeling itself.
It's not your typical horror movie that you watch and forget about ten minutes after seeing it. Cannibal Holocaust is actually a really clever movie with a great and interesting topic that asks questions worthy to think about. Definitely a must see! Also recommended is Ruggero Deodato's The House on the Edge of the Park.
A new cave system has been found in Romania, and a group of cave-divers and scientists go there to explore the cave. But once inside, rocks fall down and blocks the exit. Lead by Jack, the group must go further into the cave in order to find another exit. Not only do they have to struggle to find another exit, but they must also battle the creatures that live inside the cave system, just waiting to tear them apart.
Been avoiding to watch this movie for quite some time, last night I thought I had to see what it was all about. I started watching it with no real expectations and ended up thinking that it was nothing special, but that it at least had some entertainment value. At times it kinda reminded me of Predator, only not nearly as good of course.
What was good about The Cave was that it was fast-paced and quite action-packed. Even if it's not a great movie or anything remotely close to being so, it still had stuff happening all the time so at least you didn't get bored watching it.
This man, Dr. Nicolai, finds this new cave system in Romania and asks a team of the worlds best cave-divers to be part of exploring the cave. They soon meet up and enter the cave and everyone seems excited as hell. They send one diver down who discover some creature that lives within the cave, but dismiss it as nothing dangerous. Then rocks fall down and block the exit and from then on it's about them trying to find a way out of the system. While going deeper into the cave, they soon run into these nasty creatures who live there, and they have to fight them off while trying to find another way out.
The movie looks quite stylish in the beginning and since most of the movie's running time is spent inside a cave, it's of course a bit dark. Although, you can still see everything that's going on, and it's never really too dark since the lights they use work very well. Having kind of recently seen The Descent, when watching the cave it has somewhat of the same feeling, but not nearly as creepy as in The Descent. Only thing they have in common is that the movies are both spent in caves, and that there are "monsters" in those caves as well.
 The Cave is not a scary movie at all, it's more of an adventure flick with some horror/thriller elements that does not work too well delivering proper suspense. The action is pretty good though, and just the reason that something's happening all the time like I mentioned before makes it kinda ok to watch. Although, at times it just feels way too Hollywood and that's never good. Biggest problem with The Cave is that whenever these monsters attack, you hardly don't get to see anything as the movie kinda cuts around all these scenes. That's a huge let-down since that was actually my main reason for watching it in the first place, for the monsters that is.
The actors are not very likable and you couldn't actually care less for any of them. Jack (Cole Hauser) looks very stiff and has no feeling, and his brother Tyler (Eddie Cibrian) from Sunset Beach is a crappy actor, probably just brought in for his looks. The other characters, as well as the first two, are totally uninteresting and doesn't make you wanna root for them. One good thing though is that there are not tons of CGI effects like one could've thought a movie like this would've had. That's always something but not nearly enough to make the movie turn out to be good or anything like that.
While it has a lot of action, some nice diving scenes and a pretty cool enviroment going for it, the actual suspense scenes are just garbage and the monsters look and act kinda ridiculous. It had some potential and they could've done so much more with the monsters and the little violence we get, but unfortunately that's not the case. I have to admit that it's somewhat entertaining at times, but couldn't be less memorable. If you're really bored and have nothing else to watch it might work but don't expect wonders.
A young couple comes across a small town named Gatlin where the adults are dead and the children have taken over. This group of disgusting children is lead by a boy preacher named Isaac who apparently ordered all adults to be killed 3 years ago. The children seem to be under some kind of spell and practise some new religion that has something to do with some demonic figure who walks in the cornfields. So it's up to the couple to break the spell, get rid of the preacher boy and free the children. zzZZzzZZzz...
I'm not a Stephen King fan, I've read a couple of his books that were ok and seen some movies were they used his stories as adaption for the screen that were ok too but as I said, I'm not a fan of his. He has done some ok stuff but also a lot of horrible stuff that only have become famous because the guy has his name on it.
Children of the Corn is a horrible movie that is slow and boring without ever being scary. The story itself is not that bad but the way they made the movie come out just plain sucks. It's a well-known movie among horror film fans but I've never heard of anyone who actually really liked it.
I guess it was better to watch this when it came out in '84 than to watch it now, but even back then there were a lot better movies to choose from of course. I remember seeing Children of the Corn as a kid and it had absolutely no effect on me.
That's really something since most horror movies I saw at a really young age always had some kind of effect. But as said before, it's a horrible boring movie actually starring a young Linda Hamilton (T2).
There are many sequels to this movie and they are all real shitty. I can't say that the original movie is good and that the rest is just bad since all the movies in the series are truly bad, even the first one. Also I don't understand how they can make so many sequels of one really bad movie to begin with.
So first off even if the story is ok it's still very boring on screen and the children are terrible to watch. They are not scary and you feel no sympathy for them whatsoever, they are just boring and irritating to watch. The effects are terrible and the movie is very slow-paced, so slow at times that it actually hurts to watch.
They could've done much more with the actual cornfield since that could've been a genuinely creepy place with just the right settings but unfortunately we don't get to see anything cool that involves the cornfield, it's just as boring as the kids or the whole movie in general.
I give it a 2 since the story of the novel is ok but if you're looking for a good horror movie, look elsewhere.
When being chased by the police, serial killer Charles Lee Ray uses a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a "Good Guy" doll. A kid named Andy later gets the same doll as a birthday present from his mom. The doll, named Chucky, goes on a killing spree and no one believes Andy when he says that Chucky actually lives and can talk. Now, Charles Lee Ray does not want to be trapped in a doll's body forever and his only way out is to transfer into the first human being that he met as a doll, and that's Andy.
I remember the first time I saw Child's Play, I was pretty young back then and easily impressed. Haven't seen the actual movie for a number of years I was still pretty impressed when I watched it again now, as it's a pretty cool movie with a pretty good story. Tom Holland (Fright Night 1-2, Psycho II) made a fine job directing Child's Play, and just like with Fright Night, it has this nice 80's feeling going, and even if it's a horror flick, it still features a lot of twisted black humour and some decent action scenes.
Fun thing also is that Chris Sarandon who played the vampire neighbour in Fright Night, here has the role as the police detective who has to fight Chucky. Written by Don Mancini, who also wrote all the sequels and directed the lastest one, that is Seed of Chucky.
The actual story might be bit laughable, a serial killer transforms into a doll, a murderous doll, and the whole concept of the movie might seem a bit goofy. BUT, it actually makes for a great horror action flick, that is truly entertaining and still works perfectly well even today. Why it's good is because it moves forward at a pretty fast pace, and even if there are a lot of things that are hard to take very seriously, it never has a dull moment and is a fun ride from start to finish.
One of the best things in this movie is when Chucky actually comes alive. We get to see the doll for a while, being lifeless and all, so when he finally reveals his true self, it makes for a really good scene. The ending also delivers, and even though it's kinda predictable, it's still enough to satisfy. There are also some cool scenes at the very end, and it seems like Chucky can't be killed, (well, can he?).
The acting is ok for what it is. Best actor is definitely Chris Sarandon as the police detective who pulls off a bit more convincing performance than the others. Catherine Hicks who stars as Andy's mom does well too I guess, it's just that she seems so darn nervous all the time so it's hard to relax when watching her. The worst and most annoying actor is Alex Vincent who stars as Andy, but I don't wanna complain really since he's only seven and I guess it's ok for what it is. It's just a bit too cute and sweet, and that makes one feel a bit nauseous at times.
Chucky's kinda of a cult figure these days and Child's Play is definitely one of those horror flicks from the 80's that a fan of horror should've seen. It might not be very memorable, but it sure is fast-paced and entertaining.
Jamie is a depressed young divorced man, but one day his life takes a different turn. Somehow he is psychically linked to the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, and drifts in and out of what she's doing, sees what she sees, and feels what she feels. But one day Jamie experience a vision of a horrible kind, and decides to track down the woman.
I'm not a big fan of Mick Garris (Critters 2, Freddy's Nightmares, Sleepwalkers etc), but I guess I kinda turned into a fan for creating the Masters of Horror series which was a brilliant idea. Too bad that Chocolate is not half as brilliant. On one hand, I really liked the idea behind Chocolate, but the way it was executed was unfortunately not as great. The flick has some nice elements to it, but is the story in the series that is the least horrifying. I don't even wanna call it a horror movie since it felt much more like a thriller. There are a lot of things that were good when it comes to what was in Chocolate, but as a horror movie, it pretty much falls flat.
We get to follow Jamie (Henry Thomas) who's a divorced man who doesn't seem to happy about his existens. He works with the development of artificial flavors, is on a strict diet, and life pretty much couldn't be more non-exciting. But one day he can suddenly taste chocolate and describe its taste, without having eaten any, and that's just the beginning of what eventually happens to him. Soon he starts having all kinds of different visions that he drift into like on a high, but it's not him doing things in the visions, it's someone else, even though it he can feel and see everything that goes on.
Things keep getting more and more strange, and one day he can feel himself having sex with a man, and see the man on top of him as well. But after that, when his mind looks into a mirror, he sees a naked female body, more beautiful than he have ever seen before. He understands that the visions he have seen comes from this gorgeous woman, and that he is somehow psychically linked to her. He decides to track her down, but if that was a wise choise or not is up to you to find out since I don't wanna spoil anything for potential viewers.
Ok, so I really enjoyed this psychically linked part, and that one doesn't get to see that it's a woman until later on. Early on whenever Jamie has a vision, it's just really weird, bizarre, and you really have no idea what's going on. Later though when he decides to track her down things take a different turn, and it all turns into a drama thriller with a bad ending to finish it off with.
It has no scares, and I really mean none, and that was too bad. On the other hand it had some humour that worked pretty well, and the basic idea itself is not bad at all. To its advantage, I must say that I pretty much got hooked right from the start, as it has some good feeling of mystery to it, and it's also accompanied with good pacing. The acting is good, but Jamie's friend and work colleague (Michael Curtola) were a bit pathetic, looking like some old dude who really wanted to be a young hip dude, and that just felt stupid. It's a pretty good story, it's a great idea, the movie looks slick and everything in it is basically pretty good except for the ending which bring everything else down a helluva lot. Plus that, it's not really a horror flick.
It's too bad that the ending sucked so much, because other than that it was more than decent. Also, the story was very interesting, and you easily got hooked by it. It's definitely worth seeing, but don't expect miracles, and if you want the outcome to be good, well, just turn it off before the end.
The title, Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, actually explains the story and there not much else to it. A bunch of biker babes (I use the word babes really loosely here) rides in to a small town and start making a fuss. Then there are zombies locked up in a secure cave that has been accidentally let out and now the townsfolk and the biker chicks has to fight the zombies.
Is it so bad it's actually good? Well, with a title like that it kinda have to be, although this movie still kinda sucks. The other title, Cycle Sluts, is kinda funny as well. As you probably understand this is not a movie that takes itself too seriously. But then if it's actually fun or not is up to you to decide. Btw, it's from Troma.
Do you see who's on the cover? Yes it's a young Billy Bob Thornton here having his finest moment, or maybe not. Anyway, it's kinda fun to get to see him being part of a movie like this. I'm not being sarcastic here.
You don't watch a movie like this for the actual plot, you watch it for the gore, nudity and especially for the humour.
When it comes to gore we actually get a lot but it's a low-budget b-movie and it doesn't always look that good. It's kinda goofy though, I mean, what can you expect.
When it comes to nudity there's some but don't expect too much or better yet, don't expect anything really. And last we have the humour which is there but often way too dumb and not very clever nor funny. It's has some goofy moments though that are kinda fun but they are very few.
The acting's horrible but it's meant to be stupid so you can't go in watching it thinking that it's not. And if you wanna watch zombies, there are quite a few better movies to choose from. This is a movie that actually requires you to turn off your brain for you to be able to enjoy it.
If you're into over-the-top humor and just want a really goofy and silly movie then you might wanna give it a try. If you've seen a lot of Troma flicks before you might be able to handle it, but other than that it's recommended to stay away.
A group of teenagers deicide to have a late night party in the mall where they all work. Then accidently the mall goes under lock down and the group of friends find themselves trapped inside. If that weren't bad enough, the mall's security system which consists of real robots activates after a malfunction and the robots go on a killing spree. Now the teens has to fight the robots and as weapons they have to use anything they can find in the stores of the mall. Will they make it through the night?
I'm a big fan of Jim Wynorski. Sure, he has made some crappy flicks and his movies are not to be taken too seriously, but they sure as hell can be a lot of fun. Chopping Mall is a great 80's cheesy horror comedy about robots that go berserk in the mall they're supposed to be guarding, and with a group of teens inside that has to try and make it out alive. This movie has all the typical 80's things that some of us have come to love, like the cheesy dialogue, the hairstyles, the music and just the overall look of everything among many other things. There simply are no movies like this these days.
The shopping mall has installed a new high-tech method for catching burglars. That is three robots that can shoot laser among other things, and look just like you want robots to look, clumsy big chunks of metal that can talk in this robot kind of voice. It's so nice to see this as everything today is just way too high-tech and super nice looking, these guys look just like robots should look, nothing fancy but mean as hell.
 So these four couples decide to have a late night party at a furniture store at the mall and everything is all and well until an electrical storm messes up the computer controlling the robots and makes them go berserk. You might think about Dawn of the Dead here, but the only similarities are that they're in a mall and it also ends with that. These teenagers are of course horny as hell and since it's a Wynorski flick, we also get treated to some brief nudity which is a nice addition to the whole thing.
It's more of a horror-spoof than an actual horror experience. It's has a few horror elements in it of course, but is never even remotely scary. Although, we get some cool killing scenes and there's especially one head exploding scene to watch out for which is a really cool one. But Chopping Mall is most of all a comedy, and that is truly an 80's comedy, so if you like that type of stuff, then don't let this one pass you by.
As you can probably tell, Chopping Mall is a no brainer, but is so much fun and just pure cheese. Don't expect anything fantastic but it's a great 80's flick and truly an entertaining ride. Recommended.
Kirby Sweetman is one day asked by a collector to track down a movie for him called 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde'. But the movie in question is no ordinary film, instead this legendary movie has a rumour to it that when it was shown, it drew its audience to a homicidal frenzy. The closer Kirby gets to finding the film, he soon finds himself suffering from hallucinations and brutal acts of violence. He gets caught up in the finding of the film, and moreover, to actually get to see it for himself.
John Carpenter's addition to the Masters of Horror series is truly a good one. I like most of Carpenter's flicks, and while some may not be great, they're most often above decent. Cigarette Burns surprised me a little since it has more true horror in it than what there are to be found in many of Carpenter's other movies. I can't really say that it's an overall scary flick, but it has some pretty good scares in it, and moreover, a really interesting story that is easy to get caught up in, just like Kirby when looking for the film in question.
A movie that is meant to drive you insane, imagine that for a moment. It feels kinda obvious that you wanna see it, and when I was watching Cigarette Burns, I started thinking about that there are absolutely no movies like that out there for real, which is actually kinda sad. Of course there are snuff movies and other horrible creations, but they would just be gruesome to watch, and would not drive you insane. Well, maybe if you watched stuff like that every day for a long time, I'm not sure. Anyway, Cigarette Burns has a good story and a really cool idea behind it, plus that, the horror in it actually works.
 Another great thing about Cigarette Burns is that it really doesn't hold back, and that, we're always thankfull for. It's a bit disturbing at times, as well as it delivers a lot of tension. The further the movie goes, the more interested you become in what 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde' really is all about, what it will look like, and if you actually will get to see the film in the film itself so to speak. You get to see some scenes from it, but unfortunately they didn't drive me the least bit insane, on the other hand, I wasn't expecting that either. It's more about the thought of 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde' itself, that is supposed to scare you, since you don't know what it contains. Mystery is everything when it comes to horror, and when everything has been revealed, then what's left? Cigarette Burns has its fair share of mystery, and is definitely worth a look.
As far as I've heard, I know a lot of people consider Carpenter's film to be the best addition to the series so far. I thought it was pretty great, but I still think Jenifer was a better piece of film., but we all, luckily, have different kinds of taste. I would like to recommend Cigarette Burns though since it's a really good horror film, and Carpenter sure has outdone himself here.
Coconut Pete who is an old "rock star" owns this island resort where there's a non-stop party going on. But suddenly everything changes when people starts turning up dead on the island and no one knows who the killer is and everyone starts suspecting each other.
If you've read reviews on Club Dread before you've probably noticed that different people have different ideas about the movie. That's more or less the case with all movies but while this one have gotten high praise by some it has also been totally trashed by many others.
And it's understandable, it's so not for everyone and I guess either you'll hate it, love it or just like me, be somewhat netural to it even though I think hate it or love it will apply to most people.
 I thought it was ok considering the somewhat high entertainment value but I can't say it's a really good movie, it's actually a pretty dumb movie.
I really liked Broken Lizard's Super Troopers and was hoping for Club Dread to feature the same kind of humour and hilarious stuff which it doesn't really manage to do. It has some fun stuff in it of course but also a whole bunch of lame stuff, and if you can sit through that, well that's totally up to you to figure out.
There are all these characters, some that arrives on the island when the movie starts and some that are working on the island in Coconut Pete's crew. Some characters are ok and has their funny moments while some characters are just lame and are just embarrasing to watch.
You get some horror/slasher elements, some breasts, a lot of girls, some blood and all that but remember that it's first and most a comedy we're talking about.
I can't really recommended Club Dread since I'm not a big fan of it myself and like I said before, it's a matter of what kinda taste you have, you might like it, you might hate it.
Corpse Bride is about Victor who is supposed to marry this woman but keeps screwing up his vows at the wedding rehearsal. So since he can't seem to pull it off right he runs into the woods and starts to practise his wedding vows own his own. This time he gets it right and he puts the wedding ring on what he thinks is just a stick from a tree but the stick turns out to be the finger of a murdered girl who comes to life and so becomes Victor's wife, even though against his will.
Ok so this is not a proper horror movie but it still has some dead people in it and has a horror theme to it so I thought it might fit here among the other reviews as well.
Being a huge fan of Nightmare Before Christmas you're kinda bound to compare it with Tim Burton's lastest creation Corpse Bride, but as expected it's not nearly as good as Nightmare, but still an ok movie.
 When you think about it, it's a really good story and the animation is excellent and the overall atmosphere and enviroment is typical Tim Burton and just briliant.
Like Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride also has a lot of songs in it but unfortunately they're not half as good or catchy as they are in Nightmare. I liked the overall movie but got kinda sick of it every time they had to break out and start singing.
The characters are pretty cool and there are all types of weird characters present throughout the movie. The animation surely is beautiful and manages to capture facial expressions and everything else perfectly.
Again when comparing it to Nightmare I felt that Corpse Bride had more of the commersial kind of humour which doesn't work at all for me, it still has some dark humour but not nearly enough to satisfy like Nightmare did.
In the end it's a, if even far from excellent, still a pretty good movie with a lot of nice things to look at.
Cradle of Fear tells four different stories that are all linked to a child killer sitting in an Asylum and who seeks vengeance on those responsible for his imprisonment.
I guess for fans of Cradle of Filth this movie came as a happy surprise as they get to see their favourite singer act, or at least try to act.
Other than that for people like me who couldn't care less about Cradle of Filth or their music it's still an ok movie. But I wish they would've taken off the Cradle of Filth music and had someone else playing The Man than Dani Filth as these two things only drags the movie down, deep down.
But if you can look past that it's quite entertaining and gory, although low budget but still they've seemed to have made the best out of it so I don't wanna complain too much about it.
This movie is not bad nor good, it has some horrible acting in it and takes itself way to seriously. But on the other hand I found the concept of four different stories all linked together somehow kinda interesting and entertaining. That is that if one story does not entertain you, the next one might.
 So when looking at it one way it's one movie but looking at it a different way, it's a bunch of shorter movies that makes one movie in the end. For me I didn't care at all for two stories while I found two to be quite good and that lifted up the overall result of the movie itself. It's ok but still it could've been so much better.
For people into gore we get offered tons but the way it's delivered is most of the time not that satisfying, it's well done but looks too fake at times which doesn't really work.
You can't really go in watching this with a too serious attitude, it will work for some, (not talking bout CoF-fans), but you might as well end up disappointed. Although it's a cool concept with the use of four different stories, and some of them better than other, but in the end none of them are really that good or well performed.
Kate is supposed take the subway late one night after a party, but falls asleep while waiting for the train. When she wakes up, she realizes that she's alone in the London underground and it seems that she's locked in there as well. Soon after, a new train arrives and she boards it, but after just riding it for a very short period of time, the train stops and the light goes out. On the train she meets a guy from work who tries to rape her, but he's suddenly pulled out from the train and the next time she sees him, he's a bloody mess. Kate then realizes that she's not alone in the underground and that there's someone after her, and she has to try and make it out of there before it's too late.
I think I read too much about this movie before actually watching it myself, a common mistake that has happened before and that'll probably happen again. The big problem this time was that people kept saying how creepy and scary the movie was, so you were kind of expecting it to be something more than your average horror experience. I can't say that it was not creepy, it sure is at times, but I was expecting to be scared good and unfortunately that never really happened. Although, the movie sure delivers a few decent scares and has a lot going for it on the horror front. I guess I was just expecting too much, so take that in advise if you haven't seen it yet, but plan to watch it in the near future.
It's a very simple story, but it doesn't need more to it and is kinda effective as it is. This German girl Kate falls asleep in the underground, wakes up to see that she's the only one left down there and later realizes that someone's out to get her. There's no real backstory or anything, but it's not needed, and 98% of the story takes place in the London underground and is kinda all in all a long chase. Kate of course tries to make it out of the underground and on her way she hooks up with a homeless guy, who actually is the only likable character in the movie.
 So they know that someone's after them and after some time they find out who, or what that is. About 45 minutes into the movie, the creep is revealed and he sure looks kinda creepy. After that you get to see a lot of the creep throughout the movie. My first thoughts on this was that I thought it was bad to get to see, in too much detail, who was after Kate since that means all the mystery surrounding the thing in the underground was gone. But that was not the case, as later I thought it was great that you got to follow the creep and actually got to see as much of him as the movie let you to. It gave everything a whole different feeling than if he would've been "hidden" till the end.
I have no idea about what kind of budget this Brit horror flick had to it and I would guess it was not that high, but I must say that it looks really good. The movie is fast-paced at all times, so at least you won't fall asleep watching it. Creep has some genuinely scary moments, but I think they could've done more with that as it never gets really scary or as intense as it could've been. Don't get me wrong, it's intense at times and delivers a few pretty good scares, but I guess I was expecting a bit too much, as said before.
The acting is ok for most parts and some are a bit less than ok but it's still totally watchable for what it is. Another thing that came to mind was that how similar the creep looked to the "monsters" in the other newer Brit horror The Descent. Although that doesn't mean anything.
Creep is a fast-paced well made Brit horror flick, that has a lot going for it. And while it sure was good and entertaining, it was not as scary as one first had hoped for, but that is still definitely worth a look.
Creepshow features five creepy(?) short stories written by Stephen King, and directed by George A. Romero. There's also a story that ties these five shorts together and deals with a boy seeking revenge on his dad for him stopping the boy from reading the Creepshow comics. The film also pays homage to the E.C. horror comics of the 1950's, and the special effects are done by Tom Savini.
First out is a story called Father's Day which deals with a mean old man who treats his daughter like dirt. A few years back on Father's Day, the old man thought he deserved a Father's Day's cake, but instead his daughter, who was real sick of him, killed the old bastard. After that, for every year, the daughter goes back to visit her father's grave on the day that he died, but this year the old man rises from his grave to extract his revenge, and not only that, but to get his cake as well. This short tells a really simple tale about an old obnoxious and greedy man who comes back to life to get some cake. It's really short and it's over before you know it, but it still offers some entertainment value. Ed Harris gets a ten-ton statue dropped on him, but other than that, the killings ain't that cool. The old man who rises from the grave looks pretty nasty, but the film is still far from being the least bit creepy. I mean, you have a living corpse that keeps asking for cake, not flesh, but cake... It's not really funny either, but still serves as some brief entertainment.
The second story is called The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill and that has an over-the-top Stephen King playing a hillbilly named Jordy Verrill who one day discovers a meteor that falls from the sky. He touches the thing which makes him get blisters on his fingers, and things are about to get worse. Now, this man ain't the brighest fellow around, and to prove that, he sticks his burnt fingers in his mouth, and after that some green stuff that looks like moss slowly starts to grow all over him. At first he starts dreaming about wealth and fame for selling the meteor to some university, but he later breaks it by pouring water on it. Things doesn't work out too well and the lonesome death comes from having contact with the meteor. This story also felt really short but I guess it couldn't have been much longer either. The way over-the-top performance by Stephen King might be too much for some, but I actually enjoyed watching this piece.
 Next one is called Something to Tide You Over and stars Leslie Nielsen as a scheming vengeful husband who buries his cheating wife and her boyfriend (Ted Danson) in the sand so that the high tide will eventually drown them both. Danson swear that he'll come back to get his revenge and he sure does, as a slimy kind of sea zombie. Personally I think that it's really hard to take Leslie Nielsen seriously, or that is watching him in a more serious role, it just doesn't work. You expect the man to do some funny stuff, but after a while when you realise it's not gonna happen, it all falls to pieces. The scene when Danson and his love comes back to life as what looks like zombies risen from the sea is quite cool, and the make-up sure is great. Only problem is that it felt like that scene kept going on forever and became a bore quite fast. Not scary nor funny, and actually quite boring.
The Crate is about a janitor who finds a hundred year old crate from an Arctic expedition under the stairwell at a University. He calls a professor and they both open it, only to find some kind of monster inside who devours the poor old janitor. The professor tells some student at the University what happened, and when the student goes to the crate to see what's going on, he's eaten as well. Then the professor heads over to his friends home to let him know about the situation. Now, his friend has this bossy and horrible wife that he hates being married to, so he tricks her into looking in the crate. This film was quite bloody, at least compared to the four other stories, but the monster wasn't very scary. Although, it drags the its victims into the box and skins them alive and you get to see blood dripping out and stuff like that. It worked on some levels, but was a bit too drawn out and not really that satisfying in the end.
Last but not least there's a story called They're Creeping up on You which deals with an old executive type named Upson Pratt who hates(!) bugs. What we get to see is this old man trying to deal with all the cockroaches in his apartment. Now, if you happen to have a problem with cockroaches in your place, then do not watch this film. With that being said, the film basically just deals with this nasty old man who keeps calling people to get his roach problem taken care of. In the meantime, he tries to kill as many as he can himself, but eventually, there are just too many of them. He tells people that they'll loose their jobs as well as he gets word of that he made a man kill himself, something that he's just laughing about when the dead man's wife calls him up. So you might say that the old geezer in the end got what he deserved.
To be completely honest, none of these five stories are really that great, but at least all of them has some little thing to offer. Even if they're not that good, they're still entertaining enough, and for the fact that you get five different stories in one film, you get some variation as well which is nice. This flick came out before they started doing the Tales from the Crypt series, and there's also a sequel to this one simply called Creepshow 2 which is quite good. When writing this, they're currently making a third Creepshow film.
Somewhat similar to Tales from the Crypt, here are three different short movies that all makes the package called Creepshow 2.
I kinda like the whole concept with three stories since if not one's good, the next one might be. Although since they are all short, there's not really enough time for any character development.
Old Chief Wood'nhead This is the first story and it's the worst one out of the three. A couple owns a store on an Indian reservation and one day some kids show up and rob the place and kills the owners. A wooden statue of a Native American that stood in the shop comes alive and seeks vengeance on the robbers.
This story is kinda predictable which ruins the experience a little as you know exactly what's gonna happen. It has a slasher theme to it and offers a bit of gore for the viewers. The acting is decent and the special effects are totally ok. it's not that good but totally watchable.
The Raft Is a short story by Stephen King and is probably the best one out of the three. It's about some teens that go swiming in a lake. There's a raft in the middle of the lake and they swim out to it. They notice that there's something strange floating in the water. It's hard to tell exactly what it is but it looks like some kind of slime and scum and it also seems alive and hungry.
Why this story is the best is because it has a little more go than the other two. The blob in the lake is kinda cool, it has a lot of mystery surrounding it, and you can't really tell how it's gonna end. And that's the best thing about this short flick, the surprise ending. It unexpected but I don't wanna ruin it for you. This is also the one story that feels most 80's style. It's campy and creepy at the same time, but done with a lot of humour so it never gets remotely scary.
The Hitchhiker
So this is the story that comes in second place. A woman's having an affair with a male prostitute. She then takes her car and speeds home but hits and kills a hitchhiker on the way. She flees the scene but the man keep stalking her. Did he not die?
This is also a pretty cool story. The woman, after hitting the hitchhiker, is really worried about getting arrested and then she gets stalked by the man she hit. And he keeps coming back. It's a shame because it has a lot going for it and it's pretty good until the very end which was a little disappointing.
Creepshow 2 is far from great but is still an enjoyable and entertaining flick to watch. The first Creepshow movie was slightly better but this one's pretty cool too.
Furry creatures rolled up into balls comes from outer space and lands on a farm in a mid-western town on earth and starts eating away at everything. After them comes two bounty hunters, them also from another planet, following the Critters in order to hunt them down and destroy them. The Critters attack the farm house and trapping the people who lives there inside.
Critters is a pretty cool 80's movie, one could say it's a Gremlins clone as it features similar creatures. I would pick Gremlins any day over Critters but it's still a pretty good movie to watch or at least it's entertaining.
I remember seeing this when not being very old and liking it a lot, seeing it nowadays it's not very good but it's nice to get nostalgic once in a while.
This movie really scream 80's and is not as good as a lot of other somewhat similar 80's movies. It's ok to watch though and I guess entertaining on some levels. The actual Critters are only half as cool as the Gremlins so that's a little bummer, and you're kinda bound to compare the two movies when watching this, it's hard not to.
Problem here is that while the Critters are supposed to be really mean, they kinda just end up being somewhat cute since we never get to see any real carnage or blood for the matter.
There are some sequels to it, three more if I'm not mistaken, but they are all kinda the same, and if you gonna watch any of them this one would be it and after that you can skip the rest.
Like I said earlier, it's nostalgic to some people and therefore you wanna watch it again, but if you never seen it you might as well just leave it be.
The story is about when a girl gets murdered and the police are unable to find the killer so these high school students, consisting of a group of brats, spreads a rumour online that it's a serial killer, known as "The Wolf", that's on the lose. In the online rumour they also describe The Wolf's next victims (that are supposed to be themsleves) just to try and fool as many people around the school as possible, but then the The Wolf actually becomes real and someone starts killing off people on the campus.
God damn, another movie you've been waiting to get your hands on and when you finally do, it turns out to be yet another boring teen slasher without anything special to offer.
Well, it might not be boring in the sense that you'll most likely fall asleep watching it but boring in the sense of that it doesn't bring you anything new or clever, and also the gore is minimal.
I was expecting more because when first reading about it, Cry_Wolf sounded interesting. I guess the story isn't too bad, it's more that the actors are irritating, unlikable (all of them) and in the end you never really got anything out of watching it.
Thing here is that the story is pretty good and it could've been a nice flick, only now it didn't turn out to be. I guess a lot of teens will like this one, but for me it's just unoriginal and irritating.
 The characters are all jerks, one way or the other, and the main character is to smug for his own good and it takes a lot of energy watching him on screen as he's very unlikable.
The killings are crap, you don't get to see very much, at least they could of had some good killings to make up for the rest but unfortunately there are no such thing.
The music in this movie is crap too, not so it will irritate you a lot if any but it's still there and it's still crap. Also Jon Bon Jovi has a part in the movie and he's crap too.
Cry_Wolf doesn't have too much going for it and the "twist" in the end is no good either. The actual suspense that's supposed to be there is nowhere to be found, and in the end I just felt kinda cheated.
If you're a kid with your head in the air give it a shot, other than that, there are better ways to spend your time.
Dark Harvest 2: The Maize is about a fathers two daughters who are trapped inside a corn maze that is haunted by the spirits of two young girl who disappeared there a year earlier. So the father have to go in there and try rescue them using his psychic abilities, uhhh yawn, what a load of crap.
I can't even begin to tell how BAD this movie is. I have absolutly nothing positive to say about it whatsoever and I'm truly amazed by the fact that some people will actually take the time and spend money making junk like this.
What goes on in their heads, does the director Bill Cowell actually think he's made a good movie, can he really be happy with the result?
If I did a movie like this, I would have to kill myself because I would've been to embarrassed to live knowing that I've created something so terrible.
This is definitely the crappiest movie I've seen in a very long time, and I still can't get over the fact of just how bad it is. Give me back my 100 minutes please.
If you really hate someone, then buy this movie for them when it's their birthday. You'll definitely scar that person for life.
This movie blows so much that I can't actually believe it. The actors (if we even can call them actors) are so lousy and gives such a bad performance it actually sends chills down your spine.
The special effects are the worst and I feel embarrassed for even taken time to watch this crap. Avoid at all cost. Everyone involved in the making of this should be ashamed.
Don't waste time watching this, almost any other movie would be a better pick.
Dr. Samantha Goodman is supposed to spend the weekend with her husband and sister in a winter cottage when an unexpected guest suddenly arrives. The guests name is Harlan Pyne, a sexual offender who Samantha treated, and who is convinced that she conducted unethical experiments on him. With him, Harlan has a young protege to help him out, and the two of them forces Samantha and her family to participate in a series of cruel and twisted games.
I picked up this movie quite recently without having heard a single thing about it. It's weird because usually you are bound to hear something about movies being released, but with The Dark Hours I hadn't heard or seen nothing on the net or anywhere else for that matter. I actually wish that this would happen more often, since then you of course have no expectations whatsoever, and that's always a good way to start out when watching a new movie.
The Dark Hours starts out giving us an idea what Dr. Samantha Goodman do for a living, and that she's surrounded by "crazy" people. Later on we also find out that she has a tumour and that's she's dying, which actually is a pretty big part of the plot itself. She heads to the winter cottage to meet up with her husband and sister, but soon someone's knocking on the door. Outside stands a guy freezing and tells that he were supposed to meet some people at a house nearby who apparently never showed up.
Being the nice people that they are, Samantha and company lets the guy in to warm himself up by the fireplace, but they soon regret that they let the young guy in as he's not as lost as he first seemed to be. It's here the movie takes off, and it starts with a pretty cool and unexpected scene which is actually kinda raw when thinking about it, and you can't help but wonder what's gonna happen next. After that, an old patient of Samantha's shows up and things just tend to get worse from here on out. This patient that is Harlan Pyne, forces Samantha and her family to participate in a few of his games, that all are pretty cruel.
 When playing these games, there's a lot of tension in the air and it's actually impossible to relax when watching this. It's clever and interesting, but at the same time very cruel, and you are bound to feel for the unlucky characters. It's nothing gruesome or gory, but it's very intense and most of all very realistic which sometimes makes it a bit hard to watch. Still you of course wanna see what's gonna happens next.
Then things take a different turn and the movie becomes something else. The basic story is simple and they could've stuck with that all the way but then it would've also just ended up being an ordinary suspense/horror flick that would not've been that special in the end. Instead, there's a big twist and nothing's like it first seemed to be. I can't really tell you about this as this would totally ruin the movie for those who have not yet watched The Dark Hours. But at least I can say that what happens is clever and makes the whole outcome of the movie so much better. There are of course tons of movies like this with a special twist towards the end but usually it's nothing special, but this one really comes through and is therefore well worth watching.
The acting is totally ok from everyone involved, and Kate Greenhouse who stars as Dr. Samantha Goodman truly stands out. She really captures the role and delivers a great performance that is great to watch. Music in this movie is non-existant, and one would think it might be weird when there's no music to the film itself, but it actually works pretty well and is nothing you really think about till after the movie's finished.
The Dark Hours could best be described as psychological terror instead of just being a horror flick as it's not really horror, thriller is probably a better definition. The gore is, just like the music, non-existant except for one scene that deals with self mutilation and were a finger's being chopped off. It might not sound like much, but it's actually kinda hard to sit through that scene since it's so graphical and a bit hard to stomach. Other than that, the movie relies on psychological terror and offers no real gore or cheap scares for that matter.
Very different compared to most other new horror and thriller flicks that you usually end up watching, so it was really nice with something different for a change. The running time is only 80 minutes and the movie feels kinda short, but still manages to fit every necessary thing in it during it's running time, and is also clever and delivers in the end. Recommended.
Liam Neeson plays a scientist who gets his lab blown up by a bunch of gangsters with him still inside of it. Not dead but deformed and unrecognizable the doctors at the hospital remove his neurons so he can't feel any pain and from this he gains a powerful physical strength. He then flees the hospital and return to his lab to use some synthetic skin that he was working on before this tragic thing happened. And now he's planing to take his revenge.
Darkman's a really cool movie by Sam Raimi from the early 90's but it still feels like an 80's flick. It's a comic book inspired movie and it has this comic book feel to it which is nice.
I can't help to think about what Darkman would have looked like if it had been made today instead, but being a bit "old" only makes it so much cooler and that it's not as flashy as all new comic book related movies is just a good thing.
Cool story with a cool characters makes for a good movie that Darkman really proves to be. Except for the revenge theme it also has a love story going by the side of it.
 When his lab got blown up he was presumed dead and his love also figured that he was dead. And now when he's back he's having problems facing her since he knows that he's not the same man that he used to be.
The story is pretty good, at least so it will keep you busy watching without getting bored. It has a lot of cool happenings in it and some nice effects.
It's a mixture of many different genres but that's only a good thing but I think the action genre stands out the most or anyway, it has a lot of action to offer.
Score by Danny Elfman, and I guess Darkman should appeal to a lot of people and of course fans of Sam Raimi's other work.
Recently separated Dahlia Williams gets a new job and a new apartment that she moves to with her daughter. The apartment is kinda worn-out and leaks water among other things. Soon strange things starts to happen and the black water seems to appear for her everywhere, driving her imagination to run wild. Also, while trying to keep herself together, her daughter seems to have got some strange imaginary friend.
I knew that this remake was gonna be bad, but since I really liked the original Japanese Dark Water, it felt like I just had to check out the American version. I'm actually quite sorry that I did, mostly that I wasted my time. Like I said, I was guessing it was gonna turn out bad but it was actually worse that I first had thought it would be. When watching this, you have the Japanese original flick in mind and you're bound to compare them even if you don't really want to. And by doing so, this one fails big-time.
On the other hand, it seemed like a lot of people actually really appreciated this movie, not for being a horror movie, but for being a very strong drama. It's somewhat understandable, but personally, I still think it's close to being shite anyway. Even if it's a strong drama, it still has the same story as the Japanese version so we really don't get anything new here, and that's boring for sure.
 Jennifer Connelly is a great actress and is very good in the role of Dahlia Williams, but it doesn't really matter how good of an actress she is, the movie's still boring. Compared to Hideo Nakata's original, it ends up feeling like just watching complete crap.
So with this movie being more of a drama than an actual horror movie also means that everything that's scary is not that scary. It has a few horror elements in it but does so not deliver on the horror front. The very few times it's supposed to actually be really scary, everything just goes down the drain and you end up feeling cheated, over and over again. I can admit that the movie has some good atmosphere going for it, and might even come close to being somewhat eerie at times. But unfortunately it never goes anywhere, and you find yourself just sitting around waiting for things that never gonna happen.
One thing that is really boring too is that you know what's gonna happen from having seen the Japanese version. So if they had made things a bit different it would've been nice, but here it's just the same tired plot. At least The Ring added some different stuff to it that actually made it a little bit different and therefore more interesting to watch. The outcome is a totally different thing, here I'm just talking about watching a new movie without knowing every single thing that's gonna occur.
Ok so this is not to be taken as a real horror flick, but the fact remains and that is that it still sucks, no matter what it tries to be. The actual lack of originality is overwhelming and even if it's nicely shot, has good actors and sometimes a very good atmosphere, it's still a snore.
When on their way to attend a wedding, a group of friends stop at a Bed & Breakfast for the night in the sleepy little town of Lovelock. But the night is filled with anything but rest, as the friends finds the Inn's chef murdered, along with the owner who suffers a heart-attack. They contact the local Sheriff who immediately is suspicious of the kids, but soon they find out that the town's folk has been possessed by an evil spirit who turns the citizens into zombie-looking things. Now, how can they stop the evil spirit, and what if it can't be stopped?
Dead & Breakfast is not half as funny as it claims to be, still though, it's an entertaining flick that features a lot of gore and splatter. Another thing it features that's on the plus side are some good actors that makes this flick more enjoyable. You have Jeremy Sisto from Population 436, the lovely Gina Philips from Jeepers Creepers, David Carradine from Kill Bill, Ever Carradine from Party of Five, CSI, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back etc, and Erik Palladino from CSI as well, just to mention a few. All put together, they manage to make the film a bit more entertaining I think, and these actors characters are all pretty likable.
Even if Dead & Breakfast is supposed to be a horror comedy, don't expect anything similar to Scary Movie or whatever, since it's not like that at all. I would say that it features some comical elements every now and then for the first hour, but after that it's basically goodbye comedy and heeellooooo splatter. One could maybe compare it to Braindead/Dead Alive since it goes in the somewhat same direction. That is starting out as more as a comedy but after a while turning into a pure splatter movie. Although, Braindead still managed to keep and deliver the humour even when it turned into a splatter-fest, something that Dead & Breakfast did not manage to do at all.
It starts off with that this group of friends decides to spend the night at a Bed & Breakfast while on their way to a wedding. At the B&B they meet the chef (Diedrich Bader from Drew Carey Show, Office Space etc) who plays some French chef which is not really funny, but still a bit funny though. He soon gets a knife in the throat, and the owner of the Inn (David Carradine), suffers a heart-attack. David (Palladino) sets off to get the local authorities, and comes back with the local Sheriff who's a real jerk at first, but later on becomes a bit more likable.
Soon they find out that an evil spirit has been released and have possessed the folks in the sleepy little town. Now, those who have not yet been possessed has to try and stop this ongoing madness, kill the zombies, and find the source of it all. It's not a very original movie, basically some people gets trapped in a zombie-infested little town and has to deal with the zombies and the weird locals. But at least it's entertaining, has a bunch of pretty funny moments (some moments are more stupid though), and has some shitty music accompanied by some decent music that switches place with each other every now and then.
Speaking of music, there's also some local cowboy dude with a guitar, singing songs for the viewer inbetween some of the scenes about what just happened or what's gonna happen. If you've seen 'There's Something About Mary' you know exactly what I mean with the dude singing as it's just the same. Unoriginal of course but still works. Another thing that works are the comic book influences, and there are comic book drawings shown inbetween some of the scenes and in the intro as well. It adds a nice little touch to the whole thing, and it's pretty cool.
So it's not very original but who cares? It has some decent comedy stuff and some comical things that does not work at all either. What it has though is a bunch of good actors, playing likable character and that made the movie deliver on one level acting-wise. Now, Dead and Breakfast actually had some pretty good gore, that was something they were not holding back on which was appreciated as well as the splatterfest towards the end. So, good blood, gore and splatter, a bunch of likable character, good pacing and a few jokes that works. Not too bad eh? It's far from great but at least it's watchable and pretty entertaining.
Dead Birds is about this group of outlaws who rob a band together were everything goes wrong, and then tries to flee to Mexico but ends up hiding from the law in a deserted plantation house. Soon everyone in the group starts to have visions one by one of events the occured earlier in the same house as they are in. The fear of what might be in the house with them starts to grow and the outlaws starts to turn on each other.
When I sat down to watch this movie I hadn't heard a single thing about, not read any reviews or hadn't talked to anyone who had seen it which was a very good and unusual thing. Since you usually get to hear something about a movie before you actually get to see it. So with no expectations what-so-ever to ruin the movie, it turned out to be a pretty decent and enjoyable flick.
I think the coolest thing about this movie is that it takes place in the 1860's and that adds a lot to the feeling of the movie itself.
It's actually a pretty simple story but it works really well and the movie gets somewhat intense every now and then. It's also pretty cool that you don't know what's in the house and the robbers search it through room by room and you're just waiting for something to happen.
At times the pace of the movie slows down a bit too much but it's really not that bad.
The house is somewhat creepy and especially since you don't know what's in there like I said before. The movie has originality and feels very fresh and creative.
It also has a great score and really good special effects considering the low budget. The actors do a good job but unfortunately we don't get to know the actual characters very well, we get to know them on the surface but it wouldn't have hurt to get to know them on a little bit deeper level.
Dead Birds had an original touch to it and offered some gore, an interesting story along with some good suspense. Definitely worth checking out.
Long ago in the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky 63,000 people died of something called the white plague. To get rid of all the corpses that were filling up the hospital, they built an underground tunnel to put the bodies there, a death tunnel. In present time, 5 girls have been chosen to spend 5 hours in the sanatorium and try to make it out alive. The sanatorium itself consist of 5 floors and is haunted by 5 ghosts. The girls have been separated from each other and the only way out seems to be through the death tunnel.
I had heard so many bad things about Death Tunnel, so when starting to watch it my expectations were very low. On the other hand, I thought that maybe that was a good thing since then it might turn out better than I had expected it to be for. Well, it sure didn't. Death Tunnel is actually like watching a 97 minute long flashy music video, and while that might be somewhat cool for a minute or two, after a while it just becomes brutally annoying.
The movie starts out with full-on horror right away, but since we have no background story or for that matter know the characters, the scares are not very effective. Then the movie jump back and forth between these girls in school, when they're attending a party were they get chosen to be the 5 girls to spend time in the sanatorium, and when they first arrive in the sanatorium as well. There are a lot of flashbacks, but it's still pretty easy to follow without getting lost. Some reviews I read earlier on this movie stated that it jumps between different times too much and that it was hard to keep track of everything. It's actually not, and I think they managed to do and show this pretty well to get the movie going.
Each one of the girls wake up in different rooms with some kind of mask over their heads, and a voice tells them that there's a key on the floor that will unlock their mask and after that they're free to go and explore the floor they're on....if they dare! Sheesh...
This could've been one hell of a horror movie because, if nothing else, it sure has the surroundings going for it. The sanatorium is dark, dirty and looks a lot like Silent Hill if you've ever played those games. Unfortunately they manage to do nothing with the creepy surroundings and even if we get tons of scares, they are so cheap and non-effective it's absolutely ridiculous. They've also thrown in tons of creepy and sudden sounds and noises into the movie, and that's something that makes the scares feel even cheaper, if possible.
We get to follow the different girls when they walk around on the different floors, they run into ghosts, they hear strange things, and weird things happen all the time. This is all just a load of flashy crap that does nothing for the viewer. 40 minutes into the movie I found myself to be bored out of my mind, things were happening in the movie all the time, but everything's just so stupid and pointless that you couldn't care less. An hours into the movie and till it finished, I couldn't stop looking at the time display on the dvd-player to see how much more of this I would have to take.
If I had to describe Death Tunnel with one word it would be uninteresting because that is truly what this flick really is. It's like the people who made it just focused on adding more and more horror elements into the movie, and forgot to have a solid script, hire actors that could actually act, have at least a tiny bit of character development and so on and so forth. It's just scare after scare that does not work, and all this combined with constant flashy gruesome imagery, that in the end does not come out to be as gruesome after all.
There's actually a story, with these 5 girls and one guy being in the sanatorium, all that have a link to the place, and getting deeper and deeper into that. The story's not that bad, but the way they made it is, and it ends up not working on any level whatsoever.
Gore? No not really, a little but nothing much. I read that there was gonna be some nudity, but it's just a shower scene that's not worth the time. Death Tunnel gets a rating of 2 out of 10. One point for having pretty hot girls in it that are nice to look at, and one point for the way the sanatorium looks, but that's it.
Looked like it really could've been something and had a few things going for it, but after a while you just noticed what a piece of trash this flick turned out to be. Do yourself a favor and avoid it.
It's WWI and Brittish Y Company has been separated from their regiment and discovers a German trench were they try and kill off the few Germans left there and then stays to hold the trench. While staying there and waiting for reenforcements to arrive, strange things start to happen to everyone in the company and it seems that evil is all around them.
You should of course never trust the comments on a cover for a movie as they often tend to be quite exaggerated, but still you can't help but to think that someone has actually written this and are meaning what they say.
It's amazing though, before actually viewing Deathwatch I looked at the movie cover and one comment said: "Blows the horror genre to pieces" and the second comment said: "Chilling suspense throughout", which of both couldn't be more far from the truth.
The first comment is just way too much so no reason to get in deeper on that. Second comment one could actually believe, but then after watching the movie and realizing that the main thing this movie lack is actual suspense, it just makes it even more irritating.
Anyway, I didn't expect too much from this movie to begin with, although I never thought it would turn out as bad as it did.
This movie had potiential for, while maybe not to be great, at least being able to deliver, unfortunately that didn't happen.
It's so boring and an hour into the movie after just a few lame happenings I was seriously thinking of turning the movie off, but I never did and finished watching it only to end up very disappointed.
The few things that happen are not at all worth waiting for and it completely lack of any horror and suspense what-so-ever. The enviroment and atmosphere is there and visually it looks good but does not really help.
It's not interesting and I couldn't wait for the movie to be over, also there are no scares (to wake you up).
We get a little gore but it ain't that much and nothing special really. The actors weren't too bad but I can't say they were very good either, some worse than others. I would skip this one if I were you, it's a snore.
One word: Boring. Even though horror and war might seem like a great combination, it so didn't work here. Don't spend your time watching this, watch R-Point instead which is not a great flick, but deals with the same thing and is way better than this snoozefest.
A group of friends who have no camping experience whatsoever decides to go camping and end up in the haunted Decamp woods. Things don't go according to plan and they soon find themselves being chased by a killer. One after one they're dying horrible deaths and has to struggle to make it out of the woods alive.
I'm not a big Troma fan and I often find their sense of humour to be quite the opposite of my own but some movies by Troma actually has some funny stuff in it and can be worth watching. Decampitated is one of those movies.
It sure sounds like your average slasher movie and it is a slasher movie only that this one have some different stuff to offer. It starts off really good with the killer killing one person and chases after a girl and kills her too, everything done in a really humorous way and it's actually quite fun to watch.
Then we get to see the group of friends take off to go on their camping trip and from there on the humour varies from extremely bad to quite fun the movie throughout.
It's low-budget but the effects are not that bad and we get some gore and splatter, also done in a humorous kind of way.
One other quite funny thing is that every time the killer appears to do his evil deeds it's always accompanied by jazz music which sure lighten things up a bit and is quite fun too just because the fact that it's so different.
The actors are your typical Troma actors and I guess you know what to expect considering that. But it's ok for what it is and even if the humour is way too dumb some times, Decampitated still has some really funny moments.
Definitely one of the better Troma releases out there along with Tromeo & Juliet.
Aliens come to earth, that is a college in Canada, in the form of hot babes to mate with males which will make their species live on. People start dying and disappearing around the campus and a guy named Luke figures out that the hot girls really are aliens and tries to stop them.
I tried to watch this movie a few months back but couldn't take how bad it was so I only ended up watching half before I HAD to turn it off.
Later on I gave it another try and managed to watch the whole movie from start to finish but as guessed, it still kinda sucked. So how come it sucked so bad?
Well, Decoys is a movie made for an audience consisting of horny teens and if you're not a horny teenager then chances that you'll like this movie are not very high.
Great story huh, like I said it's for horny teens who wanna look at pretty girls and get a sneak peak at half a breast or whatever.
Also the actors, if we even can call them that, are so lousy it sometimes hurts to watch them "act". Some are better than others though (I use the word better losely here) but there are quite a few that are really bad and it's horrible to watch.
The movie opens up with some shitty high school rock/punk music like in American Pie which makes you get irritated and feel sick right from the start, and that's not the good kind of sick.
I must admit that the special effects are not that bad and also the alien suits looks pretty cool but that's about it.
If you wanna see a good Canadian movie instead of this junk, then I would suggest you take a look at Ginger Snaps.
Dwight Faraday is a Detective that doesn't seem to be too happy with his job, maybe that's because he's the one getting all the weird calls, and handles the cases that involves animals. That's until one day when a series of bizarre murders happen. The murders grab Faraday's attention, since all the victim's seem to have been stomped to death with a massive force, and it looks like it couldn't have be the work of a normal human being. All the men killed were also in a state of sexual arousal, and one thing that they all seem to have in common is the fact that they were all last seen with a beautiful Native American woman. Could she have something to do with the murders?
Where Deer Woman fails as a horror movie, it picks up again due to its good comical timing. It's not a great flick, that may not be very original either, but it's for sure a very likable flick that is easy to get into, and that provides a few good laughs as well. Thing though is that I wouldn't call John Landis a master of horror since the guy haven't made too many horror flicks, but I guess he's famous for An American Werewolf in London so I guess that might be the reason to why he was asked to be in on the series.
And Deer Woman is really not a horror movie per se, it's more like a thriller with some humour in it. But I'm not too irritated by the fact that's it's not proper horror movie, instead I found it to be quite an intertaining piece of film with a likable Brian Benben in it who star as Detective Dwight Faraday. Basically, the movie has a really good feel to it, and even though it's super predictable, it was still enjoyable. The story is somewhat cool, but everything is a bit too obvious. You have the title that is Deer Woman, add to that a beautiful strange girl (well, a woman) who has been seen every time there has been a murder. And finally, the victim's all seem to have been stomped to death by some massive force that looks like it could've been caused by a animal of some kind (a deer perhaps?). Even so, it's still entertaining.
What Faraday eventually finds out after been investigating for some time, is an old Native American myth that is about half woman, half deer, that seduces men and then drags them to the woods to kill them. If the movie would not have had such a strong emphasis on comedy and just tried to be a horror flick all the way, it would so not have worked. Luckily that's not the case which makes it at least interesting enough to take a look at. Brian Benben's comical acting works really well, and I would say that he's the backbone of the whole movie. Without him, I bet it wouldn't have been half as ok as it now turned out to be.
Not really a proper horror movie, but more like a comical and sarcastic thriller which actually worked quite well. The story was not that special or interesting, but it was still entertaining, and the movie has an overall good pacing. Worth a look.
Francesco Dellamorte is the guardian of a cemetery in a little town in Italy were corpses buried there come back to life after seven days and has to be destroyed by Francesco or his loyal companion Gnaghi to be able to rest in peace. One day Francesco meets a beautiful girl and they end up making love on her husbands grave. Unfortunately her dead husband wakes up and bites her which makes her plunge to her death. But in this cemetary everyone comes to life once again.
If I were to do a list of my let's say my five all-time favourite horror movies, Dellamorte Dellamore would definitely be on it.
It's a fantastic film and has a truly great atmosphere surrounding it. The enviroment, the characters, the story itself and all the little things it has in it makes for a perfect movie.
This movie has a little of everything, it has the comic relief, Evil Dead style, combined with some splatter and blood. But it also has this love story to it which makes it somewhat genuine and different to watch.
Francesco Dellamorte is also a likable character and you can't help but feeling a bit sorry for him throughout the movie. His (retared) friend Gnaghi is also a likable character but not in the same way as Francesco is, but he's a real hoot to watch at times.
The little Italian town adds a lot of feeling to the movie and visually it's stunning and sometimes it's like watching a dark fairytale. The effects are very well done and the movie delivers on all levels. There are a lot of gore and the movie is very stylish and is a true joy to watch.
The ending is also brilliant but I won't reveal that here. Easily the best Italian movie I've ever seen and I've seen plenty.
One of the best movies to have come out of Italy. If you haven't seen it, make sure you do so. You won't regret it.
Half-breed Jake Greyman is working for the church as a demon hunter. After an exorcism gone wrong, Jake reports to Cardinal White, and they realize that a demon named Asmodeus is spreading his seed, impregnating mortals in order to raise offsprings. Jake starts hunting for Asmodeus together with a nun named Sarah Ryan who was sent by Cardinal White to assist Jake, something that he doesn't like. Will Jake be able to stop Asmodeus before he creates hell on earth?
Since I just recently did a review of the movie The Tooth Fairy that was written and produced by Stephen J. Cannell, I figured I had to do a review of Cannell's Demon Hunter from 2005 as well. But while The Tooth Fairy was an entertaining little piece of film, Demon Hunter was actually far from it. I have to admit that it was somewhat entertaining at times, but overall, it was not a good flick at all. I think the worst thing about this movie was the dialogue which had a really ridiculous feel to it. It was not that the actors did a bad job delivering the dialogue, it was just that everything sounded truly stupid when talking about demons, impregnating prostitudes, whatever. I know you're not suppose to take it seriously, but since the movie itself had a serious (yet bad) tone to it, it was kinda hard not to.
I've enjoyed a few films/shows that have had Sean Patrick Flanery in them, and I think he's an ok actor for sure. I can't say that he's great here, but at the same time he's not bad at all, it's just that the movie itself feels really bad at times, no matter how good the acting, or other things for that matter. One thing that was extremely cool to watch though were two scenes where Jake (Flanery) beats up a possessed demon girl. Of course I don't like to see girl's get beaten up, but since this was about demon girl's, I guess it's ok. Funny thing was that these two fights goes on for quite some time, and they are pretty brutal. They're just fist-fights but they're well done and you get the feeling that he punches them really really hard. It might sound really stupid, but personally, I think these two fights were the best things Demon Hunter had to offer.
 Now back to the bad stuff. The make-up and some of the effects used in the movie looks like shite. Some are ok I guess, but does still not come through looking all good either. For instance, there's one demon girl who tries to seduce Jake a number of times, her name is Succubus, and she has two horns on her head that doesn't look very convincing. They actually look glued on to her head, and 'are you kidding?' was the only thought going through my mind every time she showed her face (and horns) on screen. She was a pretty lady though, so we can forgive her for the bad horns I guess.
Acting-wise it wasn't so bad, I'm not saying it was great, but I thought everyone did an ok job, it's just that the story comes out looking ludicrous, and that basically made everything look really bad. The only one I thought should've been replaced by someone else was Billy Drago who plays the demon Asmodeus. He looked like an old worn-out, drugged-up rockstar, and they should've used someone different for that role for sure. Not that he's a bad actor per se, it was just that he wasn't the right man for the job, and it all came out just looking kinda stupid. Last but definitely not least; The score was among the worst scores I've heard in a movie for a very long time. The bands basically sounded like a bunch of amateurish rock-bands, playing crappy songs delivering one major headache after another. Absolutely horrible.
Demon Hunter had some entertainment to offer, but felt like a proper b-movie, and not one of those 'nicer' b-movies, but just a pretty bad one. It looked all right, and the acting wasn't bad at all, but the dialogue was really f**king crap, and made everything look bad. The story was ludicrous, and the score, well some of the songs, almost made me sick for a while, and instead of improving the movie, they managed to tear it down even more. It kinda reminds you of Constantine, since just like Keanu, Flanery is a demon hunter as well. Constantine was crap too, but at least it had some decent effects to look at. I would stay away from this disaster of a movie if I were you.
William Sadler stars as Brayker, a man who carries the last of seven keys that contains the blood of christ. The keys were spread around the universe to prevent evil from taking over. Now evil has found six of the keys and The Collector (Billy Zane) tracks down the seventh key that Brayker has and goes after him. Brayker ends up at a inn in a small town and together with the people in the house they have to try and stay alive through the night while evil lurking outside, trying to get in.
Here's another Tales from the Crypt movie and it's slightly better than their Bordello of Blood. Both are ok but Demon Knight has a better story and is a bit more fast-paced I guess or at least more entertaining.
I'm no fan of Billy Zane but he actually does a great job in this flick playing a demon and has good comical timing and is fun to watch. The actors are all ok but he stands out for sure.
Like a lot of other stuff by Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight also has it's fair share of humour which actually works quite well here. The story is good and it's a solid script which makes the movie really entertaining. The special effects are well done and the demons/monster looks pretty cool.
We also get a lot of gore which also works quite well and is much better executed than your average Tales from the Crypt stories.
It's of course not scary but we get a lot of action and a lot of comical horror and the movie never really has a dull moment and is quite interesting throughout, interesting enough to keep you wanna watch anyway. If you haven't had the chance to see it, I would recommend you to check it out.
Ethan Poe (Jeremy London), a descendant to Edgar Allan Poe who like his old relative also is a horror writer, goes to the small town of Tennison to attend a seminar. There he meets Ann Hedgerow (Katherine Heigl) and they are both attracted to each other. Ann invites Ethan to stay at her big mansion and for him to finish his book that he's currently working on there. Later on the police finds a dead prostitute and the evidence at the crime scenes leads to Ethan but without really proving anything concrete. Deputy John Burns, a personal friend of Ann's, becomes more and more suspicious of Ethan and start to investige the young writer and what his real reasons are for staying in the town.
To be honest, I can't help but feeling a little bit sorry for this movie. It's obvious what they wanted to do here, unfortunately the end result doesn't come out very good.
The first 30 minutes or so are really good and interesting. The acting by Jeremy London (Party of Five) and Katherine Heigl (Roswell) is great and they give a really good performance which leads you to think that this movie's gonna deliver something. But after a while you notice that it isn't going anywhere, it's going somewhere but not the right way.
A thriller like Descendant should have a good build-up and maybe some cool twist in the end, accompanied with some tension. But the actual end just seems like they just wanted to finish the movie or were just to lazy to come up with something a tiny bit clever. This is all a shame since the movie starts out kinda promising but after a while it just goes down-hill and never recovers.
This thriller has a lot of gothic horror elements to it and if you're a fan of Poe himself, it might be more interesting to watch as there are a few Poe references in the movie throughout.
Another thing is that this movie was made in 2003 but looks like it was made in like 1995 or something. It would've been different if they wanted it to look old, but that's not the case here. It kinda looks like your typical 90's tv-thriller, and Descendant kinda has that tv-thriller feeling going for it as well.
I can't recommend it, but they should be given some credit for what they've tried to do here. Too bad it didn't work out.
6 girlfriends reunite some time after a tragic accident to go on a caving expedition. What starts out as a fun adventure soon goes terribly wrong when, due to rockfall, they find themselves trapped inside the cave. Being deep underground, their friendships begin to fall apart and if that wasn't enough, the cave is filled with bloodthirsty creatures as well. They soon find themsleves in a struggle against not only the creatures, but also against each other while desperatly trying to make it out alive.
I was expecting The Descent to be a pretty decent horror flick since it's directed by Neil Marshall who gave us the really good werewolf flick, Dog Soldiers. Still, I would never have believed this movie to turn out to be as great as it did, as it is an exceptionally great horror movie, something we don't get to see too often. The Descent manage to do something that most movies fail to do, and that is to make you forget that you're just watching a movie. You get drawn into it and for 99 minutes there's just The Descent, nothing else.
The story is quite simple but it's all that's needed, and it delivers in every aspect. Forget your usual stereotypical teen cast, common horror clichés and cheap scares, and expect brilliant directing, fantastic gore, suspense to the brim and a truly claustrophobic atmosphere. It sounds like I'm really promoting the movie here, but I'm not, it's just a really good flick, something that does not come along often enough.
The movie is set almost entirely underground so of course it's dark. But the use of light is done really well, and a cool thing is that they use a different colours of light for each character, once they're separeted from each other. It's nothing fantastic but is quite original and is one of these little extra things that adds to the whole outcome of the movie itself.
So these British girls go to the Appalachian Mountains in the US to do some cave exploring. Not too much happens in the beginning and for a while on, although it's never dull and the overall pace of the movie couldn't infact have been any better. Once they hit the cave and have just spent a short amount of time there, things really start happening and from there on it's chaos and mayhem all the way. It's not too much character development but it's still enough to get to know these girls a bit, something that in the end makes you somewhat care for what happens to them.
What I mentioned before about a claustrophobic atmosphere couldn't be more true. Since they are stuck underground, it's dark and it's hard to get through places, it gives you this claustrophobic feel that is truly hard to shake off. This is definitely one of the high points of the movie.
Another high point being the creepy creatures that dwell within the cave. When finding out that these creatures are among them the movie, while staying true to what it started out like, takes a small turn and starts delivering more direct horror. Of course the suspense is still there since you never know when the creatures are gonna attack next and some of the scares are really effective. The creatures themselves look really good, are truly nasty and, simply put, just great to watch.
As far as I know, this movie has gotten some really good reviews, and that might make your expectations rise a bit, but even so, I'm almost certain that it'll deliver. It's a great horror flick that should not be missed.
Edmond Burke is a normal working man who's just another faceless person in the faceless grey mass. One day the rescheduling of a business appointment makes him instead go and see a fortune-teller who tells him that he's not where he's supposed to be. This makes him go home and tell his wife that he is gonna go out to never come back, and so he heads out into the seedy streets of New York at night. He ends up at a bar, and meets a man there who he has an interesting conversation with, and is given a card to a club where he can get laid. From there on, Edmond wanders the dark night in a sea of prostitutes, seedy bars, nightclubs, robbers and more. His journey eventually leads to insanity, and his life takes a turn for the worst.
We're all aware of how the choises we make can make our lifes take different turns, and lead us into other and new paths, sometimes good, but sometimes bad. Usually, most of the choises we make are kinda small though, and even if they have some impact on our lifes, they do not change our lifes completely. It's also quite common with people who all of a sudden snap, who has had stuff inside of them for a long time, and one day it all boils over. Watching Edmond kinda made me think about the movie Falling Down, starring Michael Douglas. I'm not saying that Edmond is a clone or anything, but they have one major thing in-common, and that is that you one day realize that you're not at all happy with your present situation/existence, and so you turn your life around completely, hoping for things to improve.
When Edmond one day come to realize that he's not happy with his situation, his life takes a drastic turn into a more dangerous existence. After leaving his wife, he soon finds himself on the backside of society, trying to get laid, but fails miserably at doing so for a while, and faces one let-down after another. Eventually he totally snaps when being robbed, and from there on, things just keep getting worse. But saying that things keep getting worse is not entirely true, since Edmond actually feels the total opposite. He feels more alive than ever, and by feeling that way, it shortly after lands him in bed with Julia Stiles. But happiness doesn't last for long, and as more and more people keep disappointing Edmond, his situation only keeps getting worse by the moment.
 The movie has its fair share of sleaze in it, and it's actually a bit depressing to see at times. Even though you're only watching a film, what you see is there for real as well, and this at times serves as a reminder of how parts of society looks like. I'm talking about all this stuff that has to do with sex, all the prostitutes, people trying to rip you off, punks, scum, and so on, and so forth. And even though Edmond doesn't seem to make the smartest decisions at times as well as you don't feel total sympathy for the guy in all the different situations he finds himself in, you're still bound to feel a bit sorry for they guy and for some things that happens to him.
Greatest thing with a movie like this is the fact that anything can happen. This guy wants to change his life completely, wants to get laid (without over-paying), and eventually doesn't feel too bad after killing some one. Then comes the regrets, but that's a different story. The fact is that a lot of flicks are pretty narrow so to speak. They stick to one category, and stays in that category, and do what they're expected to do. And since we've seen that more than a number of times, it's nice with a flick that feels like it can be anything if you know what I mean. If you don't, watch Edmond and maybe you will, in any case, the movie's definitely worth a watch.
The cast is really good with William H. Macy of course standing out as Edmond, delivering a great performance. I quite recently saw the remake of The Omen and complained a bit about Julia Stiles being in it. She's in this one as well, and while not giving a bad performance, I still feel, just like with The Omen, that they could've chosen someone else for the job. We even get to see Jeffrey Combs (Re-Animator) playing a role as the receptionist at some sleazy motel, as well as Mena Suvari and Denise Richards playing prostitutes. There's also a few other good apperances, but you'll see it when you see the movie, so enough about that.
Directed by Stuart Gordon who gave us the Re-Animator trilogy, Edmond is not a horror movie per se, but might still work for an horror audience. It's a great drama that leans towards being a thriller as well, that makes you think, and that has a great story to tell. Some of the dialogue in the movie is great, while some feels like the things you would say and consider to be amazing statements when being high on pot. However you may see things, I can say that Edmond is definitely a movie worth seeing. Truly recommended.
Bassist Dick Gibson and front man Willy Nutsack of the metal band Dream Reaper are having a problem. While Willy wants to continue playing metal and sing about sea monsters and other fantasy things, Dick wants the band to take new directions, playing more emotinal type of songs. But that's really nothing compared to the problem they are about to face. The actual Dream Reaper appears, and tells Willy to dissolve his precious band, otherwise the Reaper will kill them all. Willy does not take the Reaper seriously, but when his band mates start to die one by one, he figures that the Reaper means business, and so Willy and the remaining parts of his band must find away to stop the Reaper, elm street-style, before it's too late.
To make a full-length movie is of course not an easy task. You need actors, cameras, a story and a whole bunch of other things, and one of those things is cash. A lot of horror movies that are being made are quite often so-called low-budget movies, that might not look half as flashy as any Hollywood flick or whatever, but that might as well be just as good or better. With Dream Reaper it's another story though since this movie is actually a so-called no-budget movie. A lot of low-budget movies sometimes look surprisingly good; And the reason for that can be anything from that the make-up is really well done to that the people behind the movies are skilled people who are able to create wonders with just a tiny bit of cash. But a no-budget movie is a no-budget movie, and it of course shows. It doesn't really matter just how skilled you are, you still need some cash to make it look good. It's a bit sad, but shouldn't come like a big surprise.
Something you can't buy though is feeling, and Dream Reaper has got some genuine feel to it, no doubt. You can easily tell that these people involved had a good time when shooting it. So even if it didn't have the (needed) cash, at least it got the heart. Like I said before, it's not easy to make a movie, especially if you have no money, so at least Kevin Strange and c/o from Hack Movies should get some credit for trying. Not only that, they actually managed to accomplish something.
Watching Dream Reaper felt something like watching a Troma movie with lesser budget. It's a horror comedy, that is first and most just a straight forward comedy, but that has a horror theme baked into it. We get to meet the metal band called Dream Reaper, a band who are playing epic fantasy metal with front man Willy Nutsack who likes to sing about sea monsters among other things. Although, we never actually get to hear the band play for real which is a shame. I was expecting to hear some metal tunes, but unfortunately there was nada. Bassist Dick Gibson, who seems to be in the closet, wants to change the direction of the band and start playing softer, more emotional songs, something that Mr. Nutsack does not seem to appreciate. So they argue, and Nutsack leaves the rehearsal room in anger.
Later, when enjoying his favourite tv-show, a strange figure in a black dress with a red hood shows up and tells Nutsack to dissolve the band or people will start dying. Nutsack ignores the person and figures he's just a nut, but when one of the members of the band is killed, they start to question whether or not the strange figure was behind it. Later, another member of the band turns up dead, and the rest of the group must figure out a way to stop the crazed killer before they all end up in a casket.
Now, since it's a no-budget movie, it of course doesn't look that sharp, neither is the sound very good. It's of course a problem, but that doesn't mean that the movie's not watchable, because that it is. To describe the acting, I would have to use the word goofy. And again, since it's a no-budget movie you don't get the greatest actors on the face of the earth, but like I said before, you can easily tell that they had a good time when shooting the flick. Other than that, since it's a goofy comedy, serious acting is not required, and it's not worse than your normal Troma movie for sure.
For a comedy, it's actually pretty good and it has a number of laughs to offer depending on what type of humour you're into. The humour is of the lowest kind though so if you're a too serious dude, maybe you should stay away from watching Dream Reaper. Also, a lot of the jokes are gay-related, and even though they are completely harmless, if you're easily offended by that sort of stuff, it's recommended to stay away as well. There are quite a few masturbation scenes, not graphical, but still masturbation scenes. Most of them had some funny stuff in them, but they could've been a hell of a lot shorter. It's fun for 20 seconds or so, but after a few minutes, you're bound to wonder how long it's gonna go on for. This is the same type of problem that I had with the killing scenes, basically that they're too long and felt too dragged out. Also, the whole movie felt a bit too long, and personally I think it would've been much more effective if it would've just lasted for 30 minutes instead of it's running time of 105 minutes. This is often the case with comedies, that they are funny early on, for the first half-hour or so, but after that it starts to feel like too much. And that goes for most comedies that are just pure funny movies, and not just for Dream Reaper.
To summarize this movie up, I can say that Dream Reaper offer a lot of positive as well as negative things. Most of the negative things are quite obvious ones since it's a movie made without any money put into it, but also that it feels a bit too long, and many scenes are way longer than they should've been. On the positive side though, Dream Reaper offers some good laughs, and that the people involved had a good time when making the movie shines through. I hope they keep it up, and they should get some credit for what they're doing. And who knows, Hack Movies might be the next Troma for the 21 first century.
Elvira works presenting horror movies on tv and things are not going too well economically but then suddently she gets word of that her aunt has passed away and that she stands to inherit something from her. Thinking that she's about to inherit a lot of money so she can start her own show in Las Vegas, Elvira goes to the town of Fallwell, Massachusetts to claim her aunts fortune. But instead of receiving a big pile of money she is left to inherit her aunts house in the same town. The town itself is quite a dead one but once Elvira gets there everything changes for the town's people and while a lot of people there hate her guts, some people actually start to adore her for being something new and different in their otherwise boring town. In the house she also finds a book of spells which her evil uncle is after too.
I don't know how many times I've watched Elvira Mistress of the Dark but I can tell you it's a lot of times. I think it's a brilliant and hilarious movie, and being somewhat of a b-movie only makes it rise even more.
I love flicks from the 80's and this one is among the best, considering the genre.
This movie is quite warm if you would say so and has a lot of fun stuff in it. Just the way people see Elvira when she comes to town is kinda cool to watch, some hate her for being different and some love her for the exact same reason.
It's done with so much humour so it never gets a bit serious but it's still a thinkable fact. The movie is a pure comedy but has some horror elements to it, like the Elvira character itself and other small stuff.
I remember playing the game Elvira on Amiga 500 a long time ago and the whole thing is a cool concept.
If you like cheesy 80's movies, cos it truly is a 80's movie, then you might wanna give it a try. If you've never heard about it before or if you're really young then maybe there are other movies out there that would suit you better.
Emily Rose is the daughter of a very religious family and while going to college, she believed she became possessed by 6 demons taking over her body. She gets medical treatment which doesn't seem to work and since both her and her family are religious they turn to their faith and asks their priest for help. The priest performs an exorcism which fails and later on Emily dies and the priest goes to court being accused of causing her death. He gets represented by a driven female lawyer and tells Emily's story to the court.
Having heard a lot about The Exorcism of Emily Rose I was expecting a slow court room drama instead of a horror movie but it actually turned out to be both and to my surprise it didn't lack in the horror either. Not that it's very scary really but it definitely has it's moments of horror.
The drama part is very good and these two combined, horror and drama, makes for a really good movie.
What also makes it great is that it's based on a true story, and that sometimes makes you think differently when watching compared to if it would've been fiction.
I felt this movie had a lot going for it, it's based on a true story which makes it more interesting. When thinking that these events actually have taken place for real it adds a lot to the movie and makes you wonder.
Whether you believe in demons or think it's just a hoax doesn't matter, it's still very interesting and captivating. It's a really good interesting drama with a few scares, it's not very scary but it still adds a lot to it and I really like what they've done with it.
Although for people only interested in horror this might not be the flick for you. Laura Linney who plays the lawyer who represents the preist is very belivable and I was kinda amazed of how good of an actress she really is.
Even if you don't want to, The Exorcism of Emily Rose still will make you think and that's a good sign for a good movie.
On Scalleum, a remote farming island off the north coast of Wales, a girl claims to have been abducted, and shortly after find herself to be pregnant. Nobody seems to believe her story, but Michelle Fox and her crew from cable tv program "Weird Worlde" head over to Wales to check things out. And also to improve their ratings which are not that good for the moment. Michelle and her crew do not believe the girl's story either, but once there, they do a reconstruction of the whole incident, in order to make good tv. But soon after the reconstruction, real aliens actually arrive, and they are not that friendly. Infact, they are pure evil.
Only thing I really knew about Jake West, was that he had made the British vampire flick Razor Blade Smile, which was somewhat entertaining, but felt a bit too tacky at times. I read a lot about Evil Aliens before it came out, and while it all sounded pretty darn good, I was still afraid I was in for some real low-budget tacky kind of flick. But wow, this movie really came as a big surprise, and I was pretty damn amazed now when I finally got to see it. It turned out to be funny as hell, and even if I had heard that the budget was minimal, Mr.West has truly worked wonders with the creation of Evil Aliens.
Let's first of all get this low-budget thing out of the way. I have no idea how much money was spent on this flick, but for a low-budget movie, it really looks quite amazing. So no need to worry about things not looking that swell here, because they really do, something I would never have expected at first. Since it's this type of flick that combines splatter, humour and gore, I guess it will be compared to Peter Jackson's Braindead and Bad Taste. And if I would compare how things look, Evil Aliens comes out looking f**king stunning. Also the acting here is really good for this type of flick, and never really has this low-budget horror flick feel to it. I'm not saying that the actors are gonna win Oscar's or anything, but the acting here really works well, no question about it.
 Except for that Evil Aliens has a really cool story and looks amazing for being a low-budget flick, there are two things that are truly wonderful here, and they are the humour and the gore. Talking about looking really good, the gore looks better than that, it looks excellent and I'm not just saying that because I liked the overall movie. Thing is that there's a lot of gore and gory scenes in this movie, and they all look brilliant and are really impressive. There are tons of movies that have had a much higher budget, but where the gore hasn't looked half as good. The gore here is absolutely top-notch all the way.
The humour. Oh it's just brilliant at times, but I don't wanna spoil anything by letting you know what's what. Let's just say that the humour really works, not at all time of course, but definitely most of the time, and when it works, it's hilarious. Another thing a lot of horror movies has is sex or some nudity, and you get that here too, but in a different way. Every sex scene, or that are scenes that has something to do with sex, are either really funny or gross. Actually, they're often both. The aliens themselves look really good, and the dialogue and score is most of the time top-notch.
If you have a good sense of humour and like horror and splatter, this is the ultimate pick. I never expected it to be as good as it turned out to be, but I was pleasantly surprised as well as I was really impressed all the way through. When writing this, I heard that Jake West's gonna directed Pumpkinhead 3, so that'll be something to look out for, as well as what else the man tends to do in the future. Highly recommended.
A group of American university students travels to Ireland with their teacher to learn about Druids and Celtic Legends. They move into a nice house that is surrounded by a big forest, but the care-taker around where they live is a very strange fellow who warns them, not once, but many times about not to stray from the path or they will die. They of course pay no attention to they guy, and just figure that he's some weird freak. A long time ago, a clan of cannibals lived among where they are and ate people who came there. And even if all of them are supposed to be long gone, unfortuantely for the students and some other people, there's still one disfigured mutant cannibal roaming around the woods, and they will all soon get acquainted with him.
There are of course different reasons why you watch different movies. Sometimes you wanna see a strong drama, sometimes you wanna see comic book influenced action, sometimes a fairytale-like story, while sometimes you just wanna turn your brain off and feast your eyes on nudity and gore. When it comes to Evil Breed, I'm talking about the latter option. The reason why you would wanna see this movie is probably not for that it would have a strong story-line, but for the fact that it has four porn-stars in it plus a helluva lot of gore. Since Evil Breed has a few adult film stars in it, you kinda expect it to have a lot of nudity and sex scenes, but it does not really have that. You'll see some tits, but there's no more than in your average slasher flick. On the other hand, if you wanna see these girls naked, you can always buy their actual porno films.
Don't expect a great story or great acting and you'll probably be fine. Movies like this you have to take of what they truly are, and if you want a smart story, good actors and all the rest, then Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain is totally the wrong choise. I had a few reason why I wanted to see this flick, and they were because I wanted to see porn-stars in a horror film, that I wanted to see gore, and that I wanted to see what the hell Richard Grieco was doing in a flick like this. Other than that, I of course wanted to be entertained as well, so let focus on these things instead of complaining about the lousy acting etc, as that is something that you should expect when it comes to this type of films.
Let's start with Richard Grieco, and to be honest, I'm a big fan of the guy. It's not like he's one of the greatest actors that the world has ever seen or anything close to it, but I like watching him on screen. All I can really say is 'If Looks Could Kill', man what a great movie. Evil Breed actually starts off with him, showing him and his girlfriend out camping in the forest, and suddenly the guy ends up on a roasting spit, while his girlfriend is split in half. Sounds like a great start huh? It sure was.
After that, the movie slows down for quite a while, showing the 'teens' when in Ireland, their teacher and some other characters. Since there isn't too much actual story to the movie itself, all you're really waiting around for is of course to see as many people getting killed as possible, and also how they are killed. Early on in the movie when the group of students are in the kitchen in the house that they're in, the dialogue is taken right outta the movie Scream. I have no idea why they did this, it's not funny and it just feels very stupid. Later on there's some reference to Ted and Sam Raimi, something that feels quite stupid too and it makes no real sense why they had this in the movie.
So the students mess around, and the care-taker warns them about something bad that's gonna happen but no one cares to listen to him. He's a strange guy and his Irish accent sounds kinda made-up, same with Ginger Lynn Allen who also tries to speak Irish. Later on two students go out in the woods for a walk where they meet Jenna Jameson who's looking for her two friend that were out camping in the forest, and that we got to see in the beginning of the film. The two students run into the mutated cannibal and from then on, it's killing time all the way.
Don't be fooled by the cover as Jenna Jameson's in just two scenes of the movie that maybe last for 3 minutes all together. Although, when looking at the extra material on the DVD, the scene when she gets killed is longer than in the movie and much more graphic. The mutant removes her silicon implants which is somewhat funny if you're in the right mood. The pacing is quite good, and even if the acting sucks, it's definitely watchable. The best acting comes from Bobbie Phillips, who plays the students teacher and delivers a good performance. The cannibal look kinda cool, and we get to see some gory scenes, nothing utterly gory that one haven't seen before though, but it's still ok for what it is.
While being far from being great, it's still totally watchable. If you know that the acting's gonna suck and try not to think about it, you'll be fine. Not half as much nudity as expected but it doesn't really matter. One thing I didn't quite get though was the terrible ending which didn't really make sense. And even though I think I know what they wanted to show, it's still not good. It's an ok slasher flick that sometimes is so bad that it's good, and if you keep that in mind, it can be some entertaining 78 minutes of film, but in the end it's neither very good or the least bit memorable.
Evil Ed is about Edward, a somewhat nerdy film cutter who works for the culture department but later gets to work with a movie project called Loose Limbs which is a gory horror series. Working on that and seeing all the gore, blood and violence makes Edward slowly go more and more insane and turn into Evil Ed.
There are not too many horror movies coming out of Sweden, and with me being swedish myself I must say it's a shame.
With Evil Ed things changed, well not really changed but it was something different anyway, as it's not just another horror movie. It's a movie in the same vein as Braindead and Bad Taste with loads of splatter and gore and that's always welcome.
One thing though with Evil Ed that is both cool and at the same time a bit stupid is that the actors in it speak english, I don't know why they decided to do that but in one way it's pretty cool but on the other hand some of them tend to have this very strong "swedish-english" accent which is quite horrible to listen to.
But if you can get pass that the movie is very entertaining, humorous and offers more than a fair share of splatter and gore.
Evil Ed is a low budget movie but considering the small amount of money that was put in making this flick, it turned out really good. The effects are very well done and gives a good result.
The movie has a little of everything and will definitely work for fans of splatter. It has a lot of twisted humour and I think it's great they could come up with a movie like this and I hope we'll get to see some other similar stuff coming out of Sweden in the future. But it's really hard to expect anything.
Pretty much in the same style as Braindead and Bad Taste. Enormous amounts of splatter, and with some humour the qite works at times. For being a low-budget movie, it's very well done and really entertaining to watch.
The film's about this boring guy who's preparing his thesis on mythology and takes his dumb friends with him to some abandoned plantation that's supposed to have some legend to it, and there they get killed of one by one.
I thought this movie would be better than it actually turned out to be and I have no idea of why I thought so in the first place. I mean look at the cover, that kinda says it all, what a stupid cover, if I wanna see a girls breasts on film then there are plenty of other movies for that.
Anyway, it's not so bad that you feel sick after watching it or that you sit and fast forward throughout the movie, it's watchable but so not memorable.
The movie's like your average slasher, but it might also be a mix between a slasher and a ghost movie. I don't know and don't really care. Thing with these movies are that you kinda know what's gonna happen before it actually happens and that they not to often have a proper ending that satisfies or delivers, and it's the same case with this one.
The actors are not very interesting to watch and you couldn't care less if they get killed, you're kinda just hoping for them to get killed and that's the main reason that keeps you watching the movie.
I haven't said anything positive have I? Anyway, if you're bored it's ok to watch, just don't expect too much, if anything.
Professor Abronsius and his assistant Alfred goes to a village in Transylvania to look for vampires. They come across an old inn which is located nearby the castle of Count Krolock and decides to stay there for the night. At the inn Alfred falls in love with the inn keeper's daughter (played by Sharon Tate) but unfortunately she is taken away in the night by Count Krolock. So Alfred and the professor heads to the castle to rescue her and to kill some vampires.
This is a really cool horror comedy directed by and starring a very young Roman Polanski who together with a professor goes to Transylvania in the search for vampires. The movie was made as early as in 1967 which adds a lot of feeling to it when watching it today, so don't dismiss it because it's old, since that only makes it better.
Fearless is so not the right word here as Alfred and the professor are anything but fearless and that's one thing throughout the movie that makes it funny. Also the whole scenery and the inviroment of Transylvania is really cool and visually great. With snow-drenched landscapes, creepy forests, the fog and the overall dark night. The castle if visually great too and sure gives the movie a vampire feel.
The comedy is delivered in a great way and works really well and is often quite funny. The horror part of the movie works well but it's never scary since it's actually a comedy and the vampire theme just adds elements of horror to it.
The actors all do a great job and especially Polanski is fun to watch and it's impressive the he directed, wrote and also co-stared in the movie. The professor is a hoot to watch too since he's really scatterbrained and a confused old man, also referred to as "The Nut" by his colleagues.
This is actually a great comedy with a cool vampire theme to it and if you haven't seen it you should look it up and give it a try. Definitely recommended.
Phillip, an obsessive Australian cyber crime investigator, spends his days tracking down sickos on the internet. One day he finds this feeder/gainer website, and becomes convinced that it has something more to it than what it at first shows. It seemed that a woman had mysteriously disappeared after that she hit the weight of 600 pounds. He traces the website to Toledo, Ohio in the US. But his boss doesn't see eye to eye with him, and so Phillip goes to Toledo on his own without support.
I've had Feed laying around for some time now, and to tell you the truth, I've actually been avoiding watching it for the fact that it seemed to be just too gross. It's not your normal type of horror movie, and neither does it have any horror movie scares in it, instead it's scary for what it actually shows, how sick this whole thing with feeders and gainers are, and the fact that things shown in the movie actually happens for real. To my big surprise though, it wasn't really as gross as I first had thought it would be. Not saying that it's not a bit gross, disgusting, repulsive, whatever you want to call it. But what I mean is, at least I had no problem sitting through it.
The movie starts off with Phillip entering a house, and in there finds one man eating another man. Cannibalism, but if they are both in on it, one wants to eat, one wants to be eaten, then is it not ok? The movie asks a couple of these questions, but that's another story that I won't go further into here. The movie itself of course deals a lot with these weird types of turn-ons, but also shows a lot of sex, some sadism, and add to that a disgusting feel like a thick layer over it all the way through.
 But it's not a movie you'd watch just to feel disgusted by, then what's the point? Feed is actually a well-written fine piece of cinema, very different, and so needed in a sea of unoriginal horror flicks. It's something totally different from your normal type of horror, and different is always welcome, and when it's good as well, it's a pretty sweet deal. The acting is, if not as sweet, at least above decent and the movie looks kinda slick at times with different colours and some cool settings. Another pretty good thing was the score which was a mix of a lot of different genres, but that brought some more life and feeling into the movie.
One cool and different thing was that the movie didn't just deal with the nuts obsessed with feeding and gaining, but also with our good guy Phillip's sexual behaviour, which added a little extra to the whole cake. The ending is not really what you would expect, and that's always good. On the other hand, it's so different it doesn't leave room for any good guy any more, but I won't tell you how it ends though.
I would definitely like to recommend Feed, since it's different, interesting, and not just an all disgusting experience like one first might think it is. Except for a disturbing theme, it has a few disturbing scenes, but it's not really as bad as it sounds. And also, I would recommend staying of the hamburgers while watching this.
When about to go on a roller-coaster with a group of friends, Wendy Christensen suddenly has a premonition that the roller-coaster will crash. She panics and is let off the roller-coaster together with some of her friends, and a few minutes after what she saw would happen in her premonition comes true. Since they all were supposed to die in the crash but managed to cheat death, they now have to try to cheat it again as it comes after them one by one in the order that they were supposed to go.
I'm a little late here, should have watched this movie a few weeks ago but was never in the right mood to do so. Meanwhile I've been reading a few reviews about it on different sites on the net and a lot of people seemed to really like it. I'm a big fan of the second movie, the first one was ok but the second one was a bigger improvement over the first one as it was more fast-paced and had some great gore to it as well. So what about the third one? Well, it's basically the second movie all over again, and while it might be entertaining, it really had nothing new to offer that we haven't seen before.
From the reviews I read about this movie earlier, everyone seemed to be really excited with the scene involving a roller-coaster that the movie starts off with. So when I started to watch Final Destination 3 I was somewhat excited too about what was gonna happen, how much gore it would involve and how nasty the scene would be. I shouldn't have read about it before, because all that scene left me with was disappointment. Sure it was well done and was somewhat entertaining to watch, but was also over pretty quickly without leaving too much of a big bang.
And from there on it just went on in the exact same vein as the second movie, but while the second flick had some actual suspense to it, this third installment felt a little too predictable and unfortunately offered nothing new. You know the story too well, and the only reason I could find why to watch this third follow-up was to see how they would kill off people in different ways. I can't say that they haven't been creative when coming up with the different death scenes as all of them are actually pretty cool, but that was also the only thing the movie has going for it. Final Destination 3 sure was inventive when it came to that sort of matter and while that is actually enough for one to wanna see it, it still would've been nice if it would've offered something more, something that would've made it a little different.
In the end this movie is all about death, that is, if you don't wanna see death or anything that has to do with death it's recommened to stay far away from this flick because it's all about death. I think I over used the word death here but you get my point. Tanning beds are something I would not go close to now and I think the best death scene in Final Destination 3 was the one that featured tanning beds. I don't wanna spoil it for those who have not seen the movie yet, but that scene was actually great and it's hard to see how some people felt that the roller-coaster scene was so amazing without ever mentioning the scene involving the tanning beds.
There are quite a few scenes where you'll get to see people die in different kind of inventive ways and that's what manages to keep this movie interesting. Although, I felt that the death scenes came much more unexpected in the sequel than here. In this third movie they were way too predictable, all of them. Still fun to way though, but way to predictable. Can't say much about the actors, you get your regular teen cast and they give a performance that's totally ok considering what kind of movie this is.
We never get to know any of the people here very well and there are no strong characterisation. One thing I liked about the second movie was that they brought in the girl from the original movie and used her knowledge to be able to stop death. That was something new and different but unfortunately we don't get anything like that here. One other thing is that the movie felt way too short, I think a running time of 93 minutes should be enough but when the credits started to roll I could hear myself thinking 'is that it?'.
I had hoped for a little more but I still found Final Destination 3 to be quite an entertaining flick. It's fast-paced, we get to see a lot of people die in different cool ways and the ending was also interesting. Nothing that special but if you liked the two previous movies, you'll definitely like this one too.
Scientist Seth Brundle is working on teleportation. After some failed attempts to teleport living things, he finally figures it out and tries to teleport himself. But when teleporting himself, a fly happens to be in one of the transmission booths, and after that, Seth gradually turns from man into a giant fly.
David Cronenberg (Videodrome, Scanners) is truly a brilliant director that stands out among many others. With The Fly he has created something different and genuine. Thing is that if this movie would've been directed by someone else, chances are that it would've just been a cheesy Sci-Fi flick, 80's style, but Cronenberg did so much more with it. It's a horror flick, but it's also a very good drama that has characters one can really feel something for.
I've never been a fan of Jeff Goldblum, but here as scientist Seth Brundle he delivers a fantastic performance. You actually really feel for his character. The transformation from being a man to becoming a man-fly is also so well done. Best thing with that is that it happens gradually over a long period of time during the movie, and that makes it even more interesting than if it would just happen at once.
Geena Davis stars as Veronica Quaife, a reporter who Seth shows his invention for in the beginning of the movie. They later become romantically involved and Veronica get to witness the transformation as well. Watching the man she loves turn into something so hideous. She delivers a really good performance as well, even though Jeff Goldblum's the one who really stands out.
This is actually a remake of the original Sci-Fi movie made in 1958. I haven't seen the old one so I can't say that this one is better, but I can guess since I think this is one of the best horror movies ever made. There are some really good horror flicks out there, and this is truly one of them.
The special effects are so amazing and everything looks absolutely fantastic. And even though this movie was made in 1986, it still looks great today. The FX was also made by a Chris Walas, the same guy who ended up directing the sequel, that is The Fly 2.
The Fly has a perfect mix of horror and drama. The story is so well told, interesting, gripping and the whole movie's just captivating from beginning to end. The FX are really cool and some scenes are kinda disgusting/repulsive, while others are nice and very thoughtfull. An amazing movie that's just a must see.
The recently passed Seth Brundle planted his seed in Veronica Quaife who dies while giving birth to their son Martin. A man named Bartok of Bartok Industries adopts Martin, only to keep him as a science project since Bartok's aware of Martin's insect genes. The young boy grows up extremely quickly, and is fully grown at the age of five. He gets a job at Bartok Industries, working with the TelePods that his dad used to work on, and that transformed him into a fly. As Martin's fly genes are starting to kick in too, he escapes Bartok Industries with the help from his girlfriend, after finding out the real reason for why they kept him there. He goes out to find a cure for what he's about to become, and also to seek vengeance.
This is actually a pretty good movie, but since it's a sequel, you're bound to compare it to the original. And when comparing it to the original, The Fly 2 end up not being so good after all. It's a pretty good story, taking off where the first one left off. Thing though is that there are way too many things that are basically the same as in the first movie, just that they do not come out even half as good this time.
For instance, you have the two people who fall for each other again, but the way Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis portrayed it in The Fly felt really genuine, here it doesn't have the same feeling to it at all. What Geena Davis felt for Jeff Goldblum when he started to turn and, in a way, had to go through what he was going through was so well acted and actually quite gripping. Here Daphne Zuniga's supposed to feel the same way for Eric Stoltz as he begins to turn as well. But it doesn't have the same real feeling to it and it's very hard to feel anything for the characters like you did in the first movie.
That's one reason why it fails. Another is that Jeff Goldblum looked really horrible, going from being a normal man to being a giant fly. It's not as well done here, even though the guy who directed the movie did the special effects for the first movie. I mean, it's well done, but does not nearly have the same effect as the first movie had. Seth Brundle ended up looking really repulsive, but Martin just end up looking like a big mean fly from some terrible creature feature. While The Fly managed to be disgusting yet sad, this just end up looking kinda ridiculous.
There are a few other things one could really complain about but I won't do that here, instead let's talk about the positive aspects of the movie. First off, if you've seen the first movie, this is actually somewhat interesting to take a look at too, since it still really relates to the old flick. It also features some footage of Seth Brundle that Martin watches to find out some stuff about his father. Although when Veronica Quaife, in the beginning of the movie, is giving birth to Martin, she's played by someone that's not Geena Davis. And since Geena Davis was the one being pregnant, it actually looks kinda dumb. Sorry, being all negative again...
What this movie has going for it, except that it relates to the first one in a good way, is that it's actually kinda fast-paced. Although it's a bit too long, it would've been better if the movie would've been like a normal 90 minute feature instead of it's 105 minutes of running time. There are easily some scenes that could've been deleted. But the story is ok for what it is, and even do you don't really get to feel too much for the characters, you never really get bored either. We get some gore and some splattery scenes, but nothing spectacular really. The ending is kinda ok, but a bit to moral and nice for my taste, that is, the bad guy gets what he deserves. The first movie had a much better ending.
If you've seen The Fly, you might wanna give this a try too, but don't expect it to be as good as the original. The effects are kinda cool, but were of course a hell of a lot cooler in the first movie, well everything actually was cooler in the first movie. The acting is totally ok, and Eric Stoltz is actually pretty good as Martin. It's kinda fast-paced and at least it's very entertaining. Although it does not have the same feel to it, and atmosphere as the first movie had. Good on a lazy sunday or something like that though.
The movie itself is like the old 1980's version only that they have worse actors/actresses now, but basically it's the exact same story without anything cool whatsoever happening.
The Fog 2005 is a remake of the 1980's version and I don't understand why they bothered to do a remake of this movie in the first place. Or why they keep doing remakes of so many movies that just end up being terrible, except for Dawn of the Dead which ruled.
Problem here (and with a lot of remakes for that matter) is that a remake should take the old movie and then try and improve it, adding new improved stuff to it and so forth. Not just remaking it again without adding anything much...if so, then what's the point?
This movie is really hopeless and it actually really blows when thinking about it. I like the orginal The Fog, it's somewhat entertaining even though it's far from Carpenter's best. But it's so much better than this new one.
For me personally, it just felt like a waste of time, it would have been better to just watch the original version again to avoid the irritation you got from watching this one.
I guess one of the worst things about these remakes are that so many people are unaware of that they actually are just remakes and that they have no idea that there was an original version before, and that's a shame.
It really sucks so don't spend your money on this. It's not scary, it really has nothing to offer except you being angry after seeing this junk. Just stick with the original flick, it's not great but way better than this lousy remake.
The Louisiana swamps suffers from people being attacked there and the police have no idea of what's going on so they send in a biologist and a local coroner to start investigate what could be the cause for these attacks. They find out that a group of genetically engineered Chinese snakeheads are responsible and now they have become the prey. They later end up at a houseboat village in the deep swamp where they meet other locals and together they have to fight for their survival against the monster fishes.
I really wanted to like this movie and probably went into it with much higher expectations than I should of had. The biggest reason also for watching a movie like this is because you actually wanna see the so-called Frankenfish but unfortunately you don't get to see too much of him.
And with a title like that you can't really take it too seriously so you expect it to at least be fun or gory but it turned out to be neither of those. Add some crappy actors to that and the end result doesn't come out too good.
The story is ok but what they've made out of it is not ok at all. It could have been a really gory and entertaining movie but it fails miserably to deliver.
There are a few cool scenes when they get attacked by the monster fishes but all in all that does not make up for the whole movie. The actors are crap and not belivable at all and brings everything down way too much for one to being able to enjoy what's going on.
The swamp of course makes for a nice enviroment and the actual Frankenfish looks really cool but even though we get to see it we don't get to see enough of it. It's somewhat ok entertainment for one and a half hour if you're really bored, just don't go in expecting too much.
Jeffrey Franken is a medical school dropout who likes to make experiments at home. One day his family are having a birthday party in their back yard and Jeffrey's fiancée gets killed in a accident with a lawnmower. As he's truly in love with this now dead girl he decides to try and bring her back to life again. Unfortunately he was only able to save her head from the lawnmover remains so he goes in to the city and tries to lure prostitutes into a hotel room so he can get body parts from them to use to re-animate his girl.
Say cheese! If you're into cheesy movies you're gonna love Frankenhooker as it is truly a cheesy flick. That doesn't mean that's it's bad though, it's actually far from it, only thing is that you should just know what you're getting yourself into. If you're looking for a serious horror movie this is so not it. Frankenhooker has a lot of horror elements in it, that plus a lot of gore, but it is first and most a comedy. Forget Shakespeare and say hello to Frank Henenlotter, the genius behind such great films as the Basket Case trilogy, Braindamage and of course this one that is Frankenhooker.
The actual title of the movie says a lot. If you're familiar with the Frankenstein story, you will see that Frankenhooker has a lot in common with that but is of course slightly different and that's just one of many reasons why it's so great. Now this movie was made in 1990 but has a really strong 80's feeling, and personally I love these types of 80's flicks so that of course only adds more positivity to it. It's way over the top at times so expect nothing else, but if you can take it for what it truly is, you're definitely in for a fun ride.
 Jeffrey Franken is a hobby scientist who dropped out of medical school and who for the most of the time just stays at home making experiments. One day his family are having a party in their back yard and tragedy hits young Jeffrey hard when his fiancée is killed by a lawnmover. Just the fact that she gets killed in a lawnmover accident tells you a lot what type of flick this is. Personally I think it's brilliant and makes for a really cool scene. The only thing left of his once beautiful bride to be is the head, something that Jeffrey keeps since he has plans for it.
Being a man of science, he figures that he can re-animate his girlfriend and bring her back to life once again, thing though is that only her head is still intact. So he hits the city in order to lure prostitutes into a hotel room and there steal some of their body parts needed to put his girlfriend together. He doesn't just kill the hookers the old fashioned way, but instead gives them some of his "super crack", a drug so strong it makes them explode.
After a lot of trouble he finally manages to gather all the part needed to bring his girlfriend back from the dead. And so he does, only thing is that she doesn't quite come out looking like she did before, but instead looks more like a purple zombie hooker. If that wasn't bad enough, she takes off to go on a killing spree in New York and Jeffrey has to try and find her before it's to late.
As you probably can tell, Frankenhooker has a lot of weird elements in it, something that makes it funny and interesting. Yes, it's pretty goofy and while some stuff is a bit too much, most of the time Frankenhooker is a riot. The acting is ok for what it is and it truly has this great 80's feeling to it. Plus that there are tons of gore and a lot of nudity, something that of course makes it even better. Even though it's low-budget it still looks very good and is a fast-paced flick featuring a lot of weird and funny things.
Look, whatever you do, don't take this the least bit seriously, cos if you do, it will so not work. But if you take it for what it is and you like over-the-top humour and gore, Frankenhooker can be quite entertaining. Recommended.
Merv Doody has been watching horror films all his life, and seems to know everything there is to know about slashers and serial killers. One day a psychotic fellow from the local asylum shows up in Merv's home and tries to kill him, but is very unsuccessful in doing so. So Merv, the big horror fan, together with his best mate Onkey, takes the looney under their wings, and tries to teach him how to become a murderous killing machine, and so be able to make the greatest slasher the world has ever seen. Problem though is that the psycho learns too well, and soon becomes a threat to everyone around, even to themselves.
Freak is an hilarious British horror comedy about two guys who turns a unsuccessful psychopath into a mean killing machine. Since it's a British horror comedy, it might make you think of Shaun of the Dead, and it's about just as funny with a bit more raw kind of humour, something that I really appreciated. The humour is a bit more nasty at places, is truly funny, but never takes it too far which was a good thing as well. I was happy to see that it was not too over-the-top, and so the humour really worked well all the way through with a couple of scenes that were actually so funny, I had to rewind and watch them again.
In the beginning of the movie are told the story of how an innocent little vegetarian boy later became a twisted psychopath, or a sissy killing machine, whatever you'd wanna call it. And right there from the start, I was sure I was in for a great hilarious time, and luckily Freak Out delivered all the way through, and not only that but the very ending left nothing to wish for either. What we're dealing with is a low-budget movie, but Christian James and c/o has truly worked wonders with it, delivering an awesome story, humour that really works, along with good directing and last but definitely not least, a pretty awesome score.
 The score itself is definitely worth mentioning since it has these type of songs with funny lyrics about what happens in the movie. This is something I really dig and Trey Parker's and Matt Stone's have been known to use it in their movies, and it adds so much more to the overall experience. But apart from the lyrics being hilarious, the music used is also really catchy and adds a great feel to the whole film. At times I found myself to be so caught up in the music and the lyrics that I didn't pay full attention to what was going on on-screen. So there was yet another reason to rewind.
When I started to watch Freak Out, I didn't expect too much from it, but I soon became aware of just how clever and funny the movie turned out to be. The makers of the film seemed to pretty much have nailed everything pretty much on the spot, and even if some stuff may not have been that great, I was way too caught up in the greatness of it all to even notice the "bad" things. So don't think of it as yet another low-budget horror flick as it's actually well worth tracking down. I promise you won't regret it.
Freak Out turned out to be a hoot! It's a comedy with a horror theme that is both clever and hilarious. I just watched it last night, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna re-watch it in the next couple of days again because that's how good it was. Truly recommended.
Camp Crystal Lake is about to reopen. It suffered from some grisly murders years before and a young boy named Jason Voorhees drowned in the lake due to that some camp counselors didn't pay attention. A group of teenagers come to Camp Crystal Lake to prepare it for the opening, but one by one being brutally murdered by some unknown killer.
This is the famous slasher movie that spawned a number of sequels and has inspired a lot of film makers to date. It was so long ago since I saw this movie the last so time it was kinda cool to watch it again. Simply because I hardly didn't remember anything.
So is Friday the 13th really such a good movie or is it just overrated? Personally I think it's a bit overrated but still that it is an excellent slasher flick that's highly entertaining and it's easy to see why.
To begin with, in all newer teen-horror flicks you always get these obnoxious teens that always go from mildly to extremely irritating. The jock's, the nerd's, the girls that are too hot for their own good and so on. All the boring and worn-out stereotypes.
Here you get normal teens, that act like normal people and who are not put into categories and trying to be something they're not. And this all makes it so much easier and less irritating to watch, as it makes you focus on the actual movie and script and not the shitty teens and what they're about.
Secondly, they know what they wanted to do with the movie and that they never try to do more than they're capable off. Unfortunately this movie was heavily cut when it came out, so if you plan to watch it, try to find the uncut version of it.
Spoiler Alert
Friday the 13th Part 1 also has a female serial killer, and when thinking about it, not too many movies do. Jason is not the main character here, he's a part of it, part of the background story and we also get a great appreance of him in the end. But Part 1 is about Mrs. Voorhees, Jason's mom, who's behind all the slayings.
To be honest, towards the end when the killer has been revealed and Mrs. Voorhees is chasing after Adrienne King, it gets a bit dull. Considering that she has killed a high number of people over the years, but this girl won't let herself be killed. Mrs. Voorhees stumbles and falls and makes all kind of stupid mistakes when she wants to off the girl. It was quite a drag to watch until it ends with a nice decapitation. So at least you get something for sitting through the mess.
If the movie would've ended this way, it would have been complete shite, luckily it doesn't. The actual ending is one of the main, if not the main, reasons that makes this movie come out great. Adrienne King, after killing Jason's mom, paddles out in a canoe in the lake and when you think all is well, Jason suddenly appears from the water and pulls her under. This scene is awesome and definitely the best scene in the whole movie and the whole thing is worth seeing only because of this, if nothing else.
Since this is a definite slasher classic, people into horror should've seen it. If you don't like it that's one thing, but at least then you know what you're talking about. You also get to see a very young Kevin Bacon which is nothing special but still a bit fun. Could've of course been more gory, but it's entertaining and a milestone when it comes to slasher flick.
Alice (Adrienne King) manages to escape from Camp Blood after killing off Mrs. Voorhees and are now back home, trying to cope with everything that has happened. But Jason, who apparently never drowned, saw his mother being beheaded and seeks revenge on Alice. Five years passes by and a camp next to Camp Crystal Lake is built up and a bunch of camp couselors come there to do their thing. This of course upsets Jason since he lives next door and now he has to go on a killing spree.
So the story continues and this time it's Jason who handles all the killings, not his mother like in part 1. He hasn't got his famous hockey mask yet, and he doesn't get that until the next sequel. So this time he wears a type of white sack over his head which makes him look somewhat like a executioner or say a hangman from the old days, it actually looks pretty cool.
It feels like part 1 had a little more to it than this one, as part 2 just feels like a pure slasher with nothing else to it whatsoever. It's good though since your brain can take a vacation for about 87 minutes, you really don't need it here. You didn't really need it watching first movie either, but this time it's even more true.
Also the killings were a bit cooler in part 1 once it got going. There are of course some ok killings here too, but nothing that really makes you go wow. It sure could've featured some more deaths, along with more gore and some nudity. On the nudity part, we get a little, and with a little I mean hardly anything. Yes, I know I could watch a porno flick if I wanted full nudity, but this is a slasher movie, it's supposed to have some.
Jason isn't as big here as he appears in the later movies, that's also a big difference. Here he's somewhat normal size and actually has to struggle a lot when he fights the head couselor of the camp. To be honest, it's a little irritating, you kinda want him to be able to just smack people around like they were bugs. But on the other hand, it's makes him more vulnerable, which in the end makes him feel a bit more human.
When it comes to the acting, I kinda liked the people in part 1 better. Although, the people in part 2 do an ok job too. Most of the characters are totally ok, then there's some guy that really blows, red hair, don't know his name and being too tired to look it up. Other than that, the acting is totally ok for what it is and suits the movie just fine.
Spoiler Alert
Best scene in the movie is probably when Jason's chasing after Ginny (Amy Steel). It goes on for a while, and even if it's not that intense, it's still a little intense. I think the coolest thing is when, after being chased for a while, Ginny hides in a cabin under some table and is so afraid that she actually wets herself when Jason's searching the room. It brings some realistic fear into the movie which is a nice touch.
Another great scene is in the very end when Jason comes crashing through the window and we actually get to see his face. You expect something's gonna happen, but it's a scene that could still make some people jump I guess. And even if you know what gonna happen, it's still kinda cool.
Friday the 13th Part 2 is not as cool, and does not have the same feeling as part 1 had. It's also a little bit lamer with lesser killings. On the other hand, this is where Jason actually comes in for real, so at least that's something. We get a few cool scenes, well a couple that are above the rest but nothing that special really. It's quite entertaining at times though and really easy to watch. If you enjoyed the first movie, then Friday the 13th Part 2 might be something you wanna check out too.
A group of friends go to a farm near Camp Crystal Lake for the weekend. Among them are Chris Higgin's, a girl who was attacked by Jason two years earlier. Jason of course don't like them being around, so he tries to kill them off one by one.
This is the third movie in the Friday the 13th series and I have to say that this is easily the best one of the three. It's also in this movie that Jason gets his famous hockey, that became the series trademark, from some fat blob who no one likes anyway. I kinda liked the sack from part 2, but the mask is of course pretty cool too.
So how come this is the best movie out of the three? Well first off, this is the one that has the most to do with the actual slasher theme, it's here it gets nasty. Secondly, we finally get some good gore and some really cool killings. They were ok in the two past movies but are way better in part 3. Other than that, this movie is a bit more fast-paced and a bit more brutal.
It's still a brainless slasher, but at least it's very entertaining. Directed by Steve Miner who also directed part two, and it turned out better than part two did. Jason must have done a hell of a lot of push-ups since he's way bigger in this flick, and that's a good thing cos you wanna see him have the upper hand. In part two he was too small so that was also a step in the right direction.
We get to see a new side from one of the characters who actually dares to fight Jason back, again and again, and even tries to hang the poor man.
We also get to see a motorcycle gang that Jason gets to kill. Must be the lamest motorcycle gang ever, but it's kinda fun to see. Other than that we get an old man who warns the kids in the beginning, and things are pretty much the same as in the other two movies, except that this one's more gory and has more go in it.
Like I said earlier, the killings are pretty cool in part 3. There's one scene were Jason fires a harpoon at a girl which ends in a tragic or cool way, depending on how you see it. There's also a cool scene were a guy stand on his hands and gets to taste Jason's machete and his girlfriend later finds him dripping blood from the sealing down on the magazine, Fangoria, that she's reading.
The overall acting is ok, but some scenes are pretty horrible featuring some of the kids. The main girl, who ran into Jason two years earlier, actually does a really good job with her character. The other are so-so, but in the end it's not that bad and totally watchable.
So even if it's brainless as said before, it's entertaining, has more gore than the two earlier flicks, is fast-paced, and we get to see some really cool killings. We also get to see a lot more of Jason than in part 2. The ending is basically the same as in part 1, just done a little bit differently here, but it doesn't matter, it's 95 minutes of fun. Recommended.
Jason got killed in the third movie and is brought to a coroner, but obviously he's not dead. So he rises, kills a couple of people at the morgue and makes it back to his favourite place, Camp Crystal Lake. This time a bunch of clueless teens go there to have some fun, meaning to drink some beers, lay in the sun and have sex with each other. The teens also meet the Jarvis family who are residents to Crystal Lake, and they all have to meet Jason who's having a bad day and wanting to kill as many people as humanly, well unhumanly, possible.
I saw all of the movies in the series quite long ago, and watching them all over again sure has it's ups and downs. While the first movie dealt with Jason's mother, the second dealt with Jason, and the third one dealt with Jason again, but being more brutal than the two earlier movies and also that he got his hockey mask in the third installment. This fourth movie is somewhat just like the third one, there's really nothing new to it at all which is quite boring as the three earlier movie at least had something different to them.
It's just as basic as it can get, a few teens arrive at the same place we've seen a bunch of times now and gets killed. The murders in this movie are pretty cool at times though. For instance when this hitchiking fat hippie chick gets some sharp object through her throat, and squeezes the banana that she holds in her hand. It adds a little extra and is sure fun to watch. But even if there are some pretty cool killings at times, it's still nothing that special.
The teens in this fourth movie are the most annoying and retarded teens in the series so far. Not that you felt anything for the previous killed teens, but this time you can't wait for them to get whacked. Other than that it's the usual type of stuff, everyone's clueless and horny and just have sex on their minds. At one scene in the movie when the teens are in their cabin and start to dance to some 80's stuff, it's especially one guy to watch out for. His dance is the most ridiculous looking thing ever, but it's quite hilarious to watch, although it's pretty embarrassing at the same time.
The acting's not top-notch in any of the movies, but this one carries the crappiest actors so far as well. We get to see a very young Corey Feldman, and I guess he's doing an ok job together with some of the other people. I was actually referring to the teens when I said this movie carries the crappiest actors so far as they are just plain lousy. The others do an ok job, and since it's a Friday the 13th movie, you just have to take it for what it is.
The movie's never slow, but it's just so darn predictable so it tends to get a bit boring at times. Although, some of the killings make up for that and some of the killings sure don't. It's also quite a drag when Jason's chasing after Tommy's (Corey Feldman) big sister in the end of the movie. She keeps hitting him with stuff and it just goes on and on, when he could've easily finished her off almost straight away. What the hell?!
Only reason for watching this movie is for the killings which are sometimes quite cool and inventive, but in the end nothing that special. And of course you might wanna see it too if you've been watching the previous movies. But don't expect anything and make sure to turn off your brain before you start watching.
Friday the 13th A New Beginning tells the story about Tommy, who after killing Jason in The Final Chapter grows up to be a troubled young man. Now, several years after the confrontation with Jason, the memories still haunt Tommy, actually so much that he has gone a bit insane. So he's shipped of to a camp in the woods(!) for mentally challenged teens to rest and relax. But someone shows up and starts killing people and that person looks exactly like Jason. But is it really him this time?
When watched the movies in the Friday the 13th series for the first time, you actually got at least one year between each movie. Now when watching them all over again with just a few days inbetween. it's kind of a drag. First off you're older and harder to impress, secondly the movies are way to similar to each other, and it kinda feels like watching the same movie over and over again.
While part 4 was just too similar to part 3 , part 5 actually follows one of the characters that happened to survive in part 4. Tommy, (Corey Feldman in part 4, now John Shepherd in part 5), has grown up but is haunted by the memories of what happened between him and Jason and lives in constant fear. This is actually a pretty good concept, at least it gives the movie something to stand on. But since this is just another braindead slasher in the series, it never really takes that concept anywhere remotely good.
There's a little twist here, someone's dressing up like Jason and are killing people, but it's not very clever and does not impress. The movie just ends up looking quite dumb. There are actually a lot of plot holes here, or things that don't make no sense. Well, blame the writers.
The gore is minimal and the nudity is almost non-existant. That sucks, since that's basically the only reason for watching movies like this. A lot of people die in different ways, but since you don't really get to see it in detail, it leaves you with absolutely nothing. The score is basically the same boring thing we've all heard before, and does not add any real feeling or atmosphere to the whole thing.
The acting is as expected far from top-notch, but even if it's not well performed, it's still watchable, considering what kind of movie we're dealing with here. There are of course a mixed bland of characters, with some that stand out more than others. Like the redneck mom and son who are both quite lousy when it comes to acting, but still manages to deliver some comical relief to the whole experience.
One thing I was getting truly sick of when watching all the movies in a row, were the lame chases at the end of each movie, as it just goes on and on and you can't wait for it to finish. It's just a waste of time, and if it would've delivered any kind of suspense it would been one thing, but it never does, it's just a drag to watch. Actually, part 2 had a pretty good chase scene, but that's about it.
Somewhat entertaining at times, but with minimal gore and nudity, a story that's too messed up and ridiculous, and things that just keep repeating themselves in one movie to the next. The end result does not come out very good and I seriously think it would've been better if the Friday the 13th series would've been a trilogy instead. Or that The Final Chapter would've actually been the very final chapter.
Tommy and his friend Hawes goes to Jason's grave to once and for all make sure that the man's really dead. To make sure of this, Tommy takes a iron pole and pierce it through Jason's body. Unfortunately for Tommy, lightning hits the pole and brings Jason back to life. And once again it's up to Tommy to stop the psychotic killer that is Jason Voorhees.
After the boring part 5, it was actually kinda nice to see part 6 again, as it is so much better and has a lot more go in it. Also, the guy who played Tommy in part 5 did a lousy job doing it, but here (played by Thom Mathews), Tommy's actually a pretty good character to watch, less irritating and more "normal" than before.
Part 6 actually starts out really good, and it's something that makes you wanna keep watching. Tommy and his friend goes to Jason's grave to see that he's really dead, he wakes up and it makes for a pretty cool scene. Watching that scene kinda gets you in the mood of watching the rest of the flick. Of course after seeing Jason rise from his grave, Tommy panics and goes to the sheriff's office in hope that they'll help him since Jason's after him. But they don't believe him, and he has to fight the battle alone, with Jason's coming after him and cops wanna lock him up. Fortunately for him, the sheriff's daughter have the hots for him and wants to help Tommy out.
This might be the best sequel in the Friday the 13th series as it's first and most fast-paced and has a lot of action and horror mixed together that works really well. Being fast-paced makes for it also being entertaining and not as dull and slow like the other sequels were at times.
It's a really campy movie and for instance we get to see a group of people who are out in the woods playing paint-ball. It's supposed to have some comic relief to it, although it's not very funny, you kind of get the feeling you're watching Police Academy or some similar stuff.
The score's pretty good this time, or at least it's bearable. We get a lot of 80's rock music and that makes the 80's feeling of the movie itself more present. Plus getting to hear Alice Cooper makes it pretty cool too, it sure fits the movie if nothing else.
Expect for being kinda the same thing as with the other movies, that is Jason killing people around Camp Crystal Lake, now named Forest Green, is that Jason is a lot stronger here and can take a lot more abuse. That was truly one thing that was irritating to see before, for instance when they hit him with something and he fell over and stayed down for too long etc. This time it seems like almost nothing can stop the guy which is a very nice change.
Far from being fantastic or even close to it, but a very entertaining horror/slasher movie that is fast-paced and delivers all the way through. The acting is your typical Friday the 13th type of acting, although a notch better here I guess. Skip part 5 and go directly for part 6 instead.
Charlie Brewster's really into horror movies and likes to watch a tv-show called Fright Night hosted by a guy in a dracula suit named Peter Vincent. When two men move in next door to Charlie he starts to see strange things, like girls coming over to the house and that the two men carries out what looks like a body-bag in the morning. He later finds out that his strange neighbour is actually a vampire but unfortunately no one believes him, not his girlfriend nor his best friend. They later give Charlie the benefit of a doubt and seek out tv-host Peter Vincent to help Charlie reveal if the guy next door really is a vampire.
I remember first time I watch this movie not being very old and I found it to be really cool. I viewed it again a couple of years ago and it's still good, somewhat cheesy but that's totally ok, it's a 80's movie so what can you expect.
I guess Fright Night is a horror comedy but it's not really funny nor scary, on the other hand it's very entertaining and well worth watching. Of course it has its horror elements too since it deals with vampires. Expect some over-the-top acting but still it has a very cool story and the fact that it was made in the 80's only has advantages, I don't think this would have worked as well being made today.
If you're not into 80's stuff or haven't seen movies like this before I guess it wouldn't be too enjoyable. But being a fan of old flicks like this, watching Fright Night is a hoot. Charlie Brewster's just a kid and since he likes horror movies it's of course hard for the people around him to actually believe him, or for that matter believe in vampires in general.
I said earlier that the movie isn't that fun but it's actually kinda fun watching Charlie running around like a confused kid being all stressed out. Well worth watching.
Three years have passed since Charlie ran into his vampire neighbour Jerry, and now, after been seeing a shrink for some time, he's convinced that it was all in his imagination, and that vampires do not exist for real. Soon though, four strangers start showing up, lead by the beautiful actress Regina who has an interest in Charlie and his buddy Peter Vincent. They later find out that Regina is actually Jerry's sister, and now she's here to seek revenge for what they did to her brother by turning Charlie into a vampire.
Watching Fright Night 2 felt somewhat like watching the original Fright Night all over again, only this time it was so much worse. When being a kid, this movie might've been fun, campy and just frightening enough, but watching it now all over again, many years later, it was somewhat of a drag. I like the fact that they've kept the original Charlie and Peter, only Charlie's girlfriend's new this time around. Some sequels tend to fall flat just because they change too much stuff around compared to what was in the original, plus the change of actors as well, so at least Fright Night 2 has those things going for it.
Charlie's just the same as in the original flick, nervous and constantly worried. I would've been worried too if I would've had vampires chasing after me, but watching him on screen for too long is actually a bit irritating. Still, it's pretty funny at times, campy, and stays true to the original flick which is nice.
This time it's about revenge, and a vampire lady named Regina and her three henchmen seeks out Charlie and his friend, the fearless vampire killer that hosted Fright Night, Peter Vincent. Charlie's at first convinced that there are no vampires, but soon things start to happen that makes him change his mind. He seeks out his old buddy Peter, and tells him all about what he saw, and together they check things out. But it appeared as if Charlie saw things that were not there, but when he leaves, Peter gets to see what Regina really is. Now it's his turn to convince Charlie but it doesn't go too well. It seems like Regina's revenge is actually working and Charlie starts to turn more and more into a vampire.
When I watched Fright Night 2 now again, I was interested and in the mood for it till half-way through. Then it started to drag, become too predictable, and did not feature the same kind of campiness and humour that the original movie had. Maybe I was a bit tired and should've watched it another day instead, but it kinda felt like watching the first flick all over again, only that it was much worse this time around.
I don't wanna say it's a bad movie, because it's really not, it was just that it was hard to stay interested all the way through, while 15 years ago or so it wasn't. It has some cool enviroments, and some scenery is pretty nice and adds to the whole vampyric feel. The character Regina was slightly boring, and while one of her henchmen look like a transvestite on roller-blades, the other one kept eating bugs. It sounds funny but it was not. The third of the henchmen though is the guy that adds comedy to Fright Night 2. Even if he wasn't that fun, he still had some pretty funny things to say, and if it wouldn't have been for him, I'm not sure I would've smiled once.
I remember this movie as being somewhat better, but things change and it was a long time ago since I last saw it. Good thing is that it stays true to the first flick, but the bad thing is that it stays too true, and it somewhat felt like watching the original flick all over again. It's far from a great 80's movie but it works, and might be interesting for people who liked the first flick. Other than that, there are way better horror comedies from the good old 80's out there.
Annie (Cate Blanchett) lives near Savannah with her kids and makes a living as a clairvoyant (that's the gift). A woman that has an abusive husband and fears for her life comes to see her for reading of cards. The same woman later ends up dead and Annie, using her gift, leads the police to where the dead body is. The husband, Donnie Barksdale (played by Reeves), gets accused of murdering his wife which leads to a trial and Annie start to fear for her life since Donnie keeps paying her visits and threatens her. During the trial Annie has to go through a lot and people question the credibility of her gift. As time goes by, she realises that Donnie might not be the murderer after all.
The Gift from director Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, Darkman, Spider-Man etc) really came as a surprise. Of course being a fan of his for creating the Evil Dead trilogy, but that doesn't mean that he could make a great thriller. I was pretty sure it was gonna be too Hollywood for my taste, but it actually turned out to be a really interesting suspense flick.
There's a lot of famous actors involved like Billy Bob Thornton who has written the thing together with Tom Epperson (don't know bout that guy) and we also get excellent performances from Cate Blanchett, Hilary Swank and Giovanni Ribisi.
Keanu Reeves is not bad, still a little stiff as always but actually quite ok to watch here and he's very convincing as a wife-beater. Overall the movie has a great cast that delivers a good performance which in the end makes a good movie.
The script is also well-written and it's a suspensefull story, not actual horror, but has it's chilling and thrilling moments.
The Gift of course has a twist in the end and it's ok but not as clever as one could've hoped for, but it does the job though. The Gift is a atmospheric thriller with a really good build-up for suspense the longer the movie goes all the way to the final climax.
We also get to know the characters pretty well and so we feel more sympathy for them, especially when it comes to Cate Blanchett who captures the role of Annie perfectly. But the stand out character is definitely Giovanni Ribisi who gives such a great performance as a mentally unstable man and Annies only friend.
If you're up for a really good and well-written suspense thriller with a great cast that really delivers, then look no further.
Gary Busey plays a crazed killer who in the beginning of the movie kills a father and brother but spares the sister. Unfortunately for him he should have killed her too since her testimony later sends him to the electric chair. His mother recieves her sons ashes and drops it off at a bakery were the girl works and there it happens to get mixed in the gingerbread dough which makes the killer come back to life again but as a gingerbread man, well a gingerdead man. There he goes beserk in the bakery and tries to kill everyone inside...yawn.
Look at the title, look at the cover and read about the story. You would think that you're in for a funny and entertaining movie experience, well think again cos The Gingerdead Man is an awful flick.
If this movie would have been made in the 80's it might of been cool but watching this now is just horrible.
The humour is non-existant and gore is nowhere to be found. The gingerdead man look ridiculous and all the effects really suck.
The actors give the word crap a new meaning and there's one girl who won some contest called miss pretty face who looks like she's been hit with a frying pan.
This movie should either deliver suspense or humour but it just delivers a headache. The story ain't all bad but the final result sure is. Avoid. I'm sorry I saw the freaking thing.
Ginger is on her way to become a woman and has to experience all that comes with the territory (can't tell you too much about that). She and her sister are very close and are somewhat outsiders at their high school and has a deep interest in staging and photographing scenes of death. On the night of Gingers first period which is also the night of a full moon Ginger gets bitten by a werewolf and her sister tries to do everything she possibly can to help her sister out before she becomes a full-on werewolf.
I hate most teen horror flicks, well hate might be a too strong word to use but at least I often find myself quite bored from watching these stereotype teens, listen to their stupid dialogue and only thing you get awarded with is that you get to seem them die, but sometimes that's not very satisfying either.
But then once in a while a teen horror flick comes along that is different from most of the unoriginal crap out there and Ginger Snaps is one of those movies.
It's still a movie with teens, I don't think you can ever escape from the enormous teen horror industry but at least it's a really good flick for a change.
It's a simple story but it's also about becoming a woman and all that comes with it and to become a werewolf and all that comes with that. It might sound silly but it really works well here.
Talking about teen horror flicks earlier, this stands out in many ways. It's more clever than your average flick and doesn't really borrow from other movies, not so you can really tell anyway.
It also features scenes of strong gore which is a major plus and the black humour throughout the movie makes it more interesting and fun to watch without ever being stupid or anything like that.
The film has a solid script and will keep you interested through the whole thing and it never uses cheap tricks or other dumb things to keep the audience in their chairs.
Thing with this movie that's also great is that it takes it's time and you get to know Ginger quite well to actually be able to somewhat care for what she's going through. And with taking it's time I don't mean that it's slow paced or anything like that, it just has a very good build up which is one of the reasons why it delivers in the end.
If you wanna see a really good werewolf movie which is different from all the other werewolf movies out there and that is somewhat unique in it's own kind of way, then Ginger Snaps is truly recommened. And if you like this then you might wanna check out the two sequals or that's actually one sequal that is Ginger Snaps: Unleashed and one prequal that is Ginger Snaps III: The Beginning.
After mixing blood with her sister Ginger, Brigitte is now also infected with the virus that will slowly turn her into a beast. Only thing that prevents her from becoming a beast, or at least what can slow the process down a bit is the monkshood. So she's shooting up with monkshood and passes out, later to be found by the police who assumes that monkshood's an illegal drug and so puts Brigitte in rehab. In there she meets a young girl that goes by the name of Ghost that helps her deal with her problems and that tries to help her escape the werewolf curse.
Many sequels have a tendency to suck, luckily this doesn't. Ginger Snaps: Unleashed is a worthy follow-up movie to the almost excellent original Ginger Snaps movie. From then on with the third movie it goes a bit down-hill but that's another story.
This movie continues where the first one left off and I would say that it's just as clever as the original and has a good and solid story. So don't expect a boring sequel with no originality, because it's not. It'll put it's claws in you and will keep you interested the movie throughout. Also, this one offer a bit more gore than the first one did as well. Yiihaa!
If you liked the original there's not a chance you'll be disappointed here, as it's just as intense as the original. And as said before, has a solid and an interesting story that will keep you glued to the screen. Well, not glued maybe but you know what I'm getting at.
Even if it's somewhat of a teen-horror flick it's far from your average teen flick of the same genre. It has a kind of a creepy atmosphere going at times which creates the perfect mood for this movie. The acting is excellent and overall, there are not many things to complain about.
It might not have the exact same dark humour as the original movie but it's not too far from it and delivers some of that, even if fewer times. What it has more of is violence and gore and some of the werewolf attacks are really cool and super well done.
At times it gets really intense and the movie has a really good flow so to speak. The ending is also really good and that makes the whole thing from beginning to end come out really good. I have no idea what kind of budget they had when making this, but it looks fantastic and I guess it's not that high budget, although it sure looks like it.
If you liked the first movie, this is a must see. If you haven't seen Ginger Snaps yet, then watch that one first, then this.
Ginger Snaps 3 takes place in the year 1815 and the two Ginger sisters survive from a sinking boat while their parents do not. Alone in a forest they meet an indian who can forsee their fate and who takes them to a fort. The fort is under siege since there are apparently werewolfs lurking outside.
Ginger Snaps 3: The Beginning is a prequal to the other two movies in the trilogy. Anyway, it's a trilogy until they decide to make a fourth movie, but if they will I do not know.
Unfortunately this third installment is the worst in the series and lack some of the good things that the two earlier movies had, especially the first Ginger Snaps which was a great little flick.
The first two movies, Ginger Snaps and Ginger Snaps: Unleashed, are both really good and reading about the third one and where it takes place sounded like it could maybe really be something, unfortunatley it's not more than ok.
Emily Perkins who was brilliant in the two first films are still good here but we don't get to see too much of her but instead more of Katharine Isabelle who also is an ok actress but not nearly as good as Perkins and that brings the movie down a bit.
The movie has some atmosphere and the enviroment is really nice and the fort is visually great to look at. The action is not great but we do get to see a fair deal of the beasts towards the end of the movie. But until that happens the movie stays kinda still and is a bit slow paced or at least uninteresting.
It's not a bad movie but it doesn't rank as high as the two previous but if you have seen the two earlier ones I guess you would wanna check this one out too.
A group of friends play a prank on one of their mates when playing hide and seek in a cemetary. Things go too far, and the friend accidentally ends up dead, while another friend is imprisoned for causing the death of him. Five years later when the guy is released from prison, the group of friend gather to pay tribute to their deceased friend at the same cemetary. But what they find there is some masked killer who's seeking revenge.
I wasn't sure whether The Graveyard would turn out to be a bad flick or not, at first it actually seemed quite interesting. Unfortunately this turned out to be yet another low-budget crap-fest, with a totally unoriginal story, something that looked like a lame Friday the 13th rip-off, and plus that, no decent gore at all. Why spend time and effort making a flick like this in the first place? It has been done hundreds of times before, and it's just as boring each time we get to see yet another crappy clone.
A bunch of friends have gone to Camp Placid Pines, where I guess they are supposed to camp. Instead they find a cemetary right next to the camp, and starts messing around until one of the friends turn up dead. Five years later the same people show up at Camp Placid Pines to honour the memory of their deceased friend, but instead of having a nice time, they are all greeted by some killer wearing a mask, and who wants to rip them apart.
That's about all the story has to offer, except for the twist in the end that sucked so much I really wanted to throw something at the tv. Instead I threw the movie in the trash, which I think was the right thing to do. The lack of originality was overshadowing everything else this movie might had to offer. All the characters are pretty unlikable, some worse than others, and the actual acting's not that great. The killing scenes are horrible (not in a good way), and while the movie offers some typical slasher flick nudity, it's really not that exciting either.
The Graveyard is also packed with clichés, and while that sometimes can be a funny thing, here it doesn't work at all. It has all these little things many slasher flick has, and there are even lesbians getting killed(!). Even if this sounds funny or whatever, it's not, and everything just feels really poor. Other than that, the killer looks like shit wearing some stupid looking mask that looks more dumb than scary.
Been sitting through so many crappy flicks like this for way too long, and that just can't be good in the long run. It's sad to see yet another new horror flick turn out to be a total flop. I don't really wanna complain, but honestly, there's nothing else to do since this movie didn't hardly have one decent thing to offer.
In a dark and dirty textile factory in Maine, many workers seem to have gone missing. The factory is located just next to a cemetary and it's infested with nasty rats that seems to have a taste for human flesh. It's run by Warwick, a sadistic man who's just out to make some bucks, and who does not care too much about his employees or what happens to them. One day John Hall comes to the small town and applies for the job of operating the machine in the factory. Since it's too hot to operate it during day, he has to work at night which is called the graveyard shift. One day when they are cleaning up in the basement in order to turn it into an office, they come across a door in the floor and they decide to go down there and check things out. Something they soon wish they hadn't done.
Graveyard Shift is based on a short story by Stephen King, and while some of his writings have worked well on screen, some have not worked that well or at all. Graveyard Shift actually made a good transfer from a story to the silver screen, and is quite a nasty little flick. Now, one thing I absolutely hate (except for work and life in general) is rats, and this movie is completely packed with disgusting horrible rats. If someone would ask me if Graveyard Shift is a scary movie I would have to answer yes since I'm scared shitless of rats. Other than that, it's not really that scary but it's still quite nasty like I said before, and also features some cool gore, especially towards the end.
When a machine operator is devoured by rats, a new-in-town man named John Hall takes his place. It's a small town with some narrow-minded people who mock him, but John doesn't really seem to care. He's the hero of the movie and is quite likable. A man who's not as likable is the man who own the textile factory, and it seems like he couldn't care less about his employees.
There's also The Exterminator, a somewhat weird guy who runs around and kills vermin. More and more people go missing around the factory due to something that lives underneath it, but the people doesn't figure out what until later on. One day they find a door in the floor when they are cleaning up the basement and decides to go down and take a look what's there. Not only do they find crazy man-eating rats, but also some kind of giant bat/dragon-like rat that seems to live down there.
The movie has some ok characters, at least most of them are interesting enough. The 'hero' of the movie John Hall, played by David Andrews, is a nice guy, but not so nice and heroish that it ever feels irritating to watch him. Even though Warwick, the owner of the factory, is a real a-hole he's still interesting to watch and adds a lot to the film. The Exterminator is a weird character, played by Brad Dourif who played Gollum in some crappy flick apparently called Lord of the Rings. Andrew Divoff (the Djinn from Wishmaster 1-2) also shows up, playing a worker at the factory and somewhat of a bastard as well.
Like with so many other Stephen King stories/movies, it revolves around a small town and we get that whole small town feeling which is both nice and somewhat disturbing at the same time. With disturbing I mean the way some people act, and not that the town's too small. Even though Graveyard Shift is not really that scary, it still has some creepy moments and the rats makes it even more creepy. The big 'monster' is quite cool and well-made, and it doesn't actually look very fake which is a really good thing. There's not a lot of gore in the movie, but towards the end there's quite a gory scene.
Graveyard Shift is a pretty decent movie based on a cool story by Stephen King. It's not brilliant and it's not that scary, but has some creepy atmosphere at times and A LOT of nasty rats. In the very beginning there's a scene were a lot of rats attack and eats a man, and I found that quite hard to sit through as I really hate everything when it comes to rats. It's a cool 80's movie, with a nice small town feeling that adds a lot to the movie as well. Not Stephen King's best work, but still good enough. Recommended.
Launa's sister Nikki has mysteriously disappeared while gone camping in the mountain town of Halcyon Springs. Together with two friends, Launa heads off to the small town to look for her sister and finds out about an old abandoned prison where she thinks Nikki might be at. She asks a local man named Mason for help, since he used to be a guard at the prison and together they all head to Halcyon Ridge Correctional Facility. But soon after their arrival, they come upon an ancient evil that has awaken within the walls of the prison.
To tell you the truth, I often have my doubts when about to watch an indie film and so was the case with The 8th Plague as well. But to my big surprise, The 8th Plague did not just turn out to be one impressive movie, it was also one of the best indie flicks I've seen to date and while it might be an indie film, it didn't feel like one at all due to that it looked smashing and did things right. The acting was belivable, the directing was good, the colors were above decent and sure did their part of creating a certain atmosphere, but most of all, it had the tension and the horror that I'm always on the look-out for.
The story revolves around Launa, the fact that her sister Nikki has disappeared and that Launa needs to find her. Together with two friends, one ex prison guard and a local cop, their search leads Launa and c/o to the town of Halcyon Springs and furthermore, to the Halcyon Ridge Correctional Facility which is an old abandoned prison. Once there, the group stumbles upon an ancient evil which is released upon them and not only does Launa need to find the truth to what happened to her sister, but she also has to try and make it out alive. The story was cool enough, but the abandoned prison itself created one helluva horrorish atmosphere and I guess did a lot for the film itself. Inside the prison walls, once the movie gets going, it never stops delivering full-on horror for even the slightest minute and was one great horrific ride from start to finish.
 It's not too often movies manages to completely draw you in and to be able to hold you like that all the way through, but this one sure did. I know that I'm giving the movie a very positive image now, but trust me one this, it had so much to offer. I have absolutely no idea what kind of budget they had when shooting the film, but let me tell ya, it looks great and 5 minutes into the movie, I had already forgotten that I was watching an indie film, that's how good it looked. But even though if you could tell or whatever, The 8th Plague had so much going for it both on the horror and gore front as well as it did deliver a whole lotta tension and suspense which made one busy enough not to concentrate on that it was in fact a low-budget film, if you know what I mean. When it comes to gore, the movie had some really horrific moments to offer and I'm happy to say that it did never hold back, but instead always went all the way and that was appreciated and of course made everything come out looking a lot better in the end. It sure had some nasty scenes so beware!
The evil that's inside the prison comes in the form of zombies, or that is those that have been exposed to the evil itself. All the zombies or the people who had been affected by it looked pretty nasty and attacked in a way that sometimes made it hard for you to sit still while watching it. It's not too often a movie manages to make you site on the edge of your seat, but this one delivered doing that too. Some stuff might be predictable for hardcore horror fans, but it also had some unexpected stuff that came right out of the blue and I was truly thankful for that. If you want great indie horror, but that rises far above the normal indie standard, The 8th Plague would be an excellent choise.
I'll definitely watch this movie again real soon. It had the gore, the horror, the great scares as well as the chills and the thrills. Always accompanied by an atmosphere that made you sit on the edge of your seat, waiting for what would come next. I for one am definitely gonna keep track of Franklin Guerrero Jr. as this guy obviously has a lot of potential. Instead of holding back, it went all the way at times and had most things that you'd look for when it comes to great horror. You need to see this one folks, it's as simple as that.
Preston Rogers returns to his home that is a remote cabin in the woods to recover after have being treated for six month due to a mountain climbing accident. But things does not stay calm and quiet for long since Preston discovers a huge beast out in the forest, that is the legendary Sasquatch. Trapped in the remote location, Preston must find someone who will listen to him so they can stop the beast before it goes on a killing spree.
There has been a bunch of lousy films made that has dealt with the subject of the Sasquatch (Yeti, Bigfoot), but that all have been quite boring, so it was great to see a movie that actually did the beast justice. When I first heard about Abominable, I heard that Lance Henriksen (Pumpkinhead) were gonna be in it and I thought that he would star in the movie, so at first I was a little disappointed that that wasn't the case. He's in the movie though, but for just about 15 minutes or so, and the same goes for Jeffrey Combs (Re-Animator) who can also be seen in this flick. But even so, Abominable turned out to be an exciting creature-feature with the lead Matt McCoy doing an excellent job.
The story is very simple and goes something like this: Preston Rogers (Matt McCoy) who were in a mountain climbing accident that took his wife's life and paralyzed Preston returns to his home in the woods to recover from the tragic event. He has one guy named Otis (Christien Tinsley) with him who's supposed to take care of Preston, and in the house next to his are a group of girls, on vacation in the mountains. It doesn't take long before Prestons sees some kind of mysterious creature from his window, lurking out in the woods, but Otis does not believe him and thinks that he still suffers from the accident. Eventually the Sasquatch goes on a bloody rampage and Preston must do everything in his power to stop the beast.
 The monster itself looked and acted in a pretty cool way and there were no CG in the film, so that was a big plus. It's an angry monster that goes berzerk and tries to kill all the humans around, and the film featured a couple of quite nasty scenes that even had some fine gore to offer. One guy got his face bit off and one girl was pulled through a very small window which looked extremely cool. Other than that, the film had good pacing, some fine action scenes and some pretty good tension and suspense to offer as well. There were not too much gore, but I'm quite sure gorehounds won't be disappointed.
If I'm gonna complain a little it would have to be about that the beast's weakness seemed to be car horns which came of as something that felt a bit stupid. I liked when you only got to see the Sasquatch for a very brief moment, it looked nasty but still had some mystery to it. Towards the end you got to see it up-close a number of times and it looked a bit like a huge hairy mongoloid caveman, which was more funny than scary. But even though Abominable wasn't really a scary film, it still had a lot to offer on the horror front and had some fine suspense to it at times. All that accompanied by good belivable acting from all the cast members made Abominable turn out to be an entertaining and bloody ride.
As far as I'm concerned, Abominable is definitely the best Sasquatch movie to date. The 94 minutes it lasted for went by very quickly and it ended in a very cool way. You should definitely give it a shot.
When driving home from Julie's birthday celebration, Nick, Julie and their two friends are hit by a big truck. Later on Nick wakes up in the hospital and finds out that his girlfriend did not make it, and neither did his two friends. But by looking at old photographs, Nick can travel back in time and so he does in order to save Julie.
I'm a big fan of The Butterfly Effect which I thought was a great movie that was original and had some real suspense to offer. This sequel is basically just a clone of the first flick, only that it had no suspense to offer at all and just felt like a very tired sequel. Even though it wasn't a complete mess, it tries to do what the first movie did but basically just fails at every try and delivered a story that pretty much had snooze written all over it. Obviously I had no expectations to begin with and it just looked like one of those boring sequels, but it was worse than I first had thought it would be and it was very difficult staying interested the whole film throughout.
The Butterfly Effect 2 started out in such a cute and cuddly kinda way that I almost got sick. Luckily it took a different turn shortly after which made me wake up for a brief moment, but unfortunately it didn't stay that way and it was a hard task not snoozing off once in a while. All the characters in this movie are new, and while I liked Ashton Kutcher's character in the original, I can't really say that I liked Eric Lively's character Nick a whole lot. I didn't have any expectations when I watched the first movie, but afterwards I was truly impressed with Kutcher's performance, I didn't expect him to pull it off in a suspenseful flick like that. But while that movie felt new and fresh, this one basically borrows and uses the exact same kind of ideas, only problem was just that it didn't feel new any more, and was more of a lame clone to a terrific film.
 Instead of reading his old journal (like Kutcher did), Nick can travel back in time by looking at old photographs. So Nick's girlfriend dies in a car accident and leaves Nick totally devastated for one year. He has headaches every now and then and doesn't seem to do as well at his job as he did before the accident. Eventually he discovers that he can go back and alter the past by looking at old photographs, and so he does but altering the past of course will have unexpected consequences in present time. If you've seen the first flick, you obviously know exactly how things goes, it's just that while nothing is really new here, it's also quite boring and a helluva lot more lame than the original movie was.
So he goes back and forth in time, changes things that changes other things and it never seems to be exactly the way Nick wants things to be. The acting was all right for what it was, but I can't say that I cared the least bit for any of the boring characters. The were also some sex scenes that were used as fillers and so boring it almost made me throw stuff at the tv. The CG looked good and was used a lot, but since I hate CG, it was not a good thing. The 92 minutes felt like 192 minutes and during the whole film, I just wanted it to end. I guess it would work somewhat ok if you're really hung-over and have absolutely nothing else to do, but other than that, it's not something I would recommend.
The Butterfly Effect 2 felt like a bad rip-off and I was just as annoyed during the movie as I was afterwards. The original flick was really good, but this tired sequel didn't even come close to any of what the first movie had. You should most definitely not bother with this one.
Heather, a neglected teenager, is dropped off by her parents at a boarding school deep in the woods. She's not too happy about her situation and it soon gets worse when her classmates starts tormenting her. The teachers are uptight and all Heather wants is to go home, but her mother won't let her. It doesn't take long before students start disappearing and Heather starts to have horrible visions along with that she hears strange voices. She realize that the school is not what it first seemed to be, and also, is there something out there in the woods that has a connection to the school somehow?
I've been wanting to see The Woods since I first heard about it, but I was somewhat disappointed with the way it turned out and at times when watching it, I was close to falling asleep. Now, I watched it kinda late and I was tired but I'm sure that if the movie would've had more to offer, it would definitely have kept me totally awake. But I'm not going to start complaining right away, because The Woods had some quality stuff to offer for its viewer and one of those things was a man named Bruce Campbell. I truly believe that you can't go wrong with putting this man in your movie since even if he would appear in some really crappy film, his presence alone just lifts things up. Don't expect to see too much of Campbell though, because the movie's not about him and I'm not saying that he was the only good thing the movie had to offer, so read on for what else.
Lucky McKee has his own unique style which could be seen in both May and Sick Girl, not that I thought those two films were that great, but at least he separates himself as a horror film-maker, and that's of course always cool. The Woods is really no exception when talking about a different kind of style, something that made it seem more interesting, well, at least for a while. It takes place in the 60's which made it have a certain kind of mood or rather a certain feel to it, something that was also quite interesting and that made it different. It looked very slick and had these tones of different colors which were sort of candy for the eyes. In other words, it had a lot of different qualities to it, but that's something that'll only get you so far.
 Heather who's a troubled teenager is sent to a remote boarding school that she doesn't like one bit. Things soon gets worse when her classmates starts harassing her on a daily basis. The teachers and the principal are strict and very uptight, and basically, life at the school isn't easy at all for Heather who just wants to go home. Eventually, strange things start to occur and students disappear and all that's left of them is a pile of leafs in their beds. Heather hears stories about witches, that from the beginning were some sisters who attended the school. If things weren't bad enough, Heather hears voices, has horrible visions and it seems like something strange is out there in the woods.
From a horror point of view, The Woods had some semi-ok stuff to offer, but unfortunately not close to enough. There was this scare early on in the movie that had a freaky feel to it which made my hopes go up, but something similar was never to be seen again which I felt was just too bad. I guess some of the other scares were kinda ok but just not very effective, and I kept losing interest because at times the movie felt more like a teenage drama rather than a proper horror movie. Acting-wise Marcia Bennett who played the principal of the school stood out and delivered a really good and believable performance. Agnes Bruckner was totally ok as Heather and did a fine job, even though I can't say that there was anything special there. The other were ok, and Bruce Campbell is always Bruce Campbell which is a good thing, but like I mentioned earlier, the movie's not about his character.
To be honest, I expected more. Why, I don't know, and even though it was definitely watchable I wouldn't watch it a second time. The 60's mood does a few things for the film, but on the horror front I guess it would work best on clueless teenagers who get scared easily. It looked nice and had a number of things going for it, but in the end, it was just not my cup of tea.
A mutated Tasmanian Devil is stolen from a lab by two activists, and when they later set it free by an old cemetery in the woods, the creature kills them both and starts killing other people around the woods as well. At the same time, a group of college students are heading for the same cemetery to shoot a zombie film that is supposed to be called Cemetery Gates. Meanwhile, two scientists, one of them being the father of one of the college students, discovers that their hideous creature that they call Precious is missing, and starts seaching the countryside for it. It doesn't take long before they see all the carnage, and now the question is, will they be able to stop the beast before it kills again? Well, probably not..
I started watching Cemetery Gates without knowing absolutely nothing about it, and now after having seen the whole thing, I would have to say that the title of the movie was somewhat misleading. What are your thoughts when you hear Cemetery Gates? Maybe that it would be about a cemetery, and maybe something about the dead rising from their graves or something like that.. am I getting warm? So I was a bit surprised when the film turned out to be sort of a creature feature instead about a mutated Tasmanian Devil that is killing people around a forest that just happens to have a cemetery close by. Ok, so there are some college students in the film that are supposed to shoot their own little zombie film that is called Cemetery Gates, but you only got to see that for what - maybe 5 minutes of them actually shooting the film. So now I've been complaining for a while and none of it really matters, I just woke up and am in desperate need for some coffee, but still, it's not a good title.
While I found Cemetery Gates being entertaining enough to sit through, I still found a lot of faults that it had to it as well as I found some stuff that worked quite well in the film. I think that it was a pretty hard movie to put a rating on since some of the stuff to be found within the film were really good, while some other stuff were totally pointless and just made the movie look stupid. I ended up giving it a 5 which means that it's a decent flick, but I believe that the film had no real balance and went from being really crappy to being really good, going back to being stupid and after that back to being all right again. And so it went on, all the way through. In the end I guess it worked out all right, but the ride there was a bit irritating.
 Basically it goes like this; some scientists have been working on mutating a Tasmanian Devil. Two activists steals it without knowing what it really is in order to release it into the wild, but with both of the activists ending up dead. Some college students travels to a cemetery to shoot a zombie film, but soon runs into trouble with some local hicks as well as the monsterous beast that is out there in the woods, killing everything it comes in contact with. The scientists responsible for the mutated creature eventually discovers that their beast is missing and starts searching for it, and it doesn't take long before they find trails of blood and carnage that the beast has left out there in the woods.
I believe that the movie looked totally all right, only problem was when you sometimes got to see the beast up-close, or when it was running away, it looked like some dude wearing a monster costume. But the film makes up for it when it comes to blood and gore, and delivers truck loads of that. I'm not kidding here, and if you love to watch splatter and carnage, Cemetery Gates actually has a helluva lot to offer. Then it comes to the humour, and even though I can admit that I have a really low sense of humour most of the time, most stuff here comes of as just totally childish and it's just the stuff that idiotic teens could appreciate, if even that. There's a lot of humour in regards to this bimbo that is part of the zombie film crew, and that was just all so stupid it almost made me sick. None-inventive and just there for no good reason whatsoever. The film itself had a lot of these pretty negative things that brought it down, but at the same time, it made up for some of those crappy things along the way.
I would recommend Cemetery Gates to horror fans that just wants to have a good time and not wants to overthink thing. If not taken seriously, the film is actually not all that bad and sure has some all right stuff to offer, with the gore and splatter being the highlights. Acting-wise, you can expect your normal low-budget horror film type of acting, not all bad, but not a 100 percent convincing either, but it works for this type of movie though. Look out for one scene in the forest featuring two stoners with one of them seeing the beast in a cuddly stoned type of way..hilarious indeed. Even if I'm not a big fan of the flick now, I'll definitely save the film to later re-watch it again, because I have a feeling that this might be the type of film that'll grow on ya.
The story is about famous serial killer Gary Ridgway and how he killed prostitutes and dumped their corpses off at the Green River near Seattle, Washington.
Green River Killer is definitely one of the worst movies I've seen in a very long time, it's so horribly bad that I actually felt sick after watching it. Not that it's a sick movie but that it blew so much it makes me feel bad just thinking about it and that I wasted time on watching this piece of junk.
Not that I expected much from it in the first place but I thought it could maybe be an interesting take on the Gary Ridgway story. But no, it's complete crap from start to finish.
Only time kinda worth watching is when they show real footage from an interview with Ridgway and when we get to hear him talk. Although even that's not really that interesting either, but the only "good" thing that the movie has to offer, the rest is just the worst kind of movie experience possible.
It's shot with a crappy camera and the overall movie looks like complete shite. It's supposed to take place in the 80's and let me tell you, there not even one decent looking person in the whole movie. I've never seen so many ugly people in a movie without getting a break. Not to rack down on people's apperance but everyone's so ugly it's hard not to think about it.
The acting is so horrible I won't even go further into that. And we get to see George Kiseleff (who stars as Ridgway) drag hookers home and after boring the viewer with some crappy sex scene for 20 minutes he strangles them and dumps them off at the river. Then onto the next hooker and repeat everything again, and again.
The movie is so slow and boring it's amazing and the acting is the worst ever. The music in it is extremely bad and annoying and to be honest this is probably one of the worst flicks I've seen in my entire life. There's absolutely no reason whatsoever to watch this piece of crap. Stay away, you've been warned.
It's about this girl Karen Davis (played by Buffy) who lives in Japan with her boyfriend played by Jason Behr (ever seen Roswell?) who studies there. Karen is to be a caretaker for a woman who has some kind of sleeping disorder but when she goes to the womans house she starts to get terrorized by images of a boy and a ghostly woman.
Another remake, another headache. This time it's a remake of the excellent Japanese movie Ju-On: The Grudge, here entitled only The Grudge. When I first heard about that they were gonna make this remake I just wanted to puke.
It's bad enough with all the remakes as it is, but also that this one was gonna star Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so what I was asking myself was how the hell am I supposed to get scared with her in it, there's no chance of that. Only thing she can do is to drag it down and she does an excellent job ruining it for everyone.
Too bad is also that so many people rent this movie and have no idea that it's actually a remake and that there's a so much better original Japanese version out there but that's just the way it is I guess. They should put a sticker on it.
If you've seen the Japanese version there's no point watching this as it's the same story only that everything is a lot lamer and not even half as creepy. So what about the story?
Biggest problem with these American movies compared to the Asian version is that the American movies loses all their mystery that surrounds the Asian flicks and therefore makes them kinda boring or at least pointless to watch.
Weird thing though is that this movie is actually directed by Takashi Shimizu who's also the director of the original movie, and it's hard to see how he first could make such a brilliant film and then make this crap, it's actually a shame.
You think that since he did the orginal movie he should be able to pull this off as he has done it before and knows what it's all about but unfortunately it doesn't happen like that here.
I can't find this either entertaining nor scary, it's better to just watch the original movie again. I guess it works for clueless teens though.
Set in the 1800's, a man named Mr. Ralston goes to visit an old woman who's a necromancer. He asks her to raise his newly departed wife from the dead, and bring her back to him. The woman says that she can't help him, but after that Ralston has plead and begged, she tells him that she will help him, but that he has to listen to her story first, and if he still wants to raise his dead wife after hearing the story, so be it. And so, Ralston gets to her the tale of Haeckel:
Now Haeckel is a young medical student who believs in no God, but only science, and that everything can be explained. He has heard about re-animation experiments in Germany, and just like Victor Frankenstein, he tries to bring the dead back using science. When he gets the message that his sick father's condition has gotten worse, he depart to go visit his old man, to be at his side. On the way there, he meets Walter Wolfram on a rainy night, who invites him into his home. There he meets Wolfram's beautiful young wife Elise, but that night she leaves the home to go and visit her dead ex-husband at the Necropolis close by. Haeckel follows her, and enters the land of the dead where science is nowhere to be found.
Haeckel's Tale is the 12th and last episode in the first season of the Masters of Horror series, since the 13th addition by Takashi Miike was never aired (but will be released on DVD shortly when writing this). Directed by John McNaughton (Wild Things) who might also be famous for 'Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer', but that is no master of the genre per se. Still though, I thought he did a pretty good job with Haeckel which came out as an interesting little tale. Written by Clive Barker (you'll probably recognize some elements) and teleplay by Mick Garris, creator of the MoH series.
I liked the fact that this movie was set in the 1800's, and it was also cool with the concept of a tale within a tale. What I mean with that is that you're watching one story were this old necromancer lady tells a man a another story, and that story is about Haeckel, hence Haeckel's Tale. Early on, when the tale of Haeckel is first being told by the old lady, it comes out looking like a Frankenstein rip-off, and you get to see young Haeckel trying to bring a dead female corpse back to life using the power of lighting. Well, you know Frankenstein, don't ya? But it's not a rip-off, and as the movie goes, it leads to other things, mainly dealing with necromancy and bringing the dead back to life.
 Since I don't want to spoil anything for those who yet haven't seen this flick, I'm gonna keep it short and not go into too much detail. Basically Haeckel is a young determined man who only believes in science, and while a lot of people seem to believe in magic, Haeckel is sure it's just different kinds of tricks. One day he hears about this necromancer, and goes to visit him. The necromancer sees that the young man has doubts, so he makes a dead dog live again, but Haeckel still thinks it was just some kind of trick that the old man pulled. Shortly after he leaves to go visit his sick father, but on the way there when about to spend the night in some barn, an old man warns him that the barn is haunted and invites him to stay the night in his house instead. Haeckel is immediately attracted to the old man's wife, a young beauty named Elise. In the middle of the night he wakes up and sees that Elise's leaving even though her old husband begs her to stay. When asking the old man, Haeckel finds out that she's going to the Necropolis to visit her dead ex-husband who the necromancer (that made the dog live again) has evoken. Haeckel follows her, and gets himself into a whole lotta trouble.
The movie has really good pacing, good acting, and I found it to be very interesting almost all the way. There were some twists and turns towards the very end when the movie got an whole other feel to it, and it turned a bit campy so to speak. I'm a bit indecisive whether or not I liked the actual ending, but what I'm sure of though is that I liked most parts of the movie, and found it to be pretty entertaining, and interesting. The fact that it dealt with necromancers was a cool idea, and made me wanna look up more movies that deals with that as well (any good tips?). Even if I didn't find it to be scary, it still had a few pretty good scares to offer, and on top of that, a whole bunch of gore, blood, and some brief nudity and necrophilia for people into that sort of thing. Anyway, not great, and not sure about the ending, but I would still consider it well worth a look.
Haeckel's Tale sure had a Barker feel to it, and even though it was not directed by any 'master', it still came out as a pretty decent horror flick that had a few scares to offer, along with some decent gore. The overall story kept the interest up, but the ending might've been too campy, or that I was just not in the mood for that sort of thing. Either way, it's worth checking out.
When Mattie's boyfriend Josh hangs himself, Mattie is devastated, but it doesn't take long before Josh tries to contact Mattie and her friends from beyond the grave. She starts investigating the reason to why Josh hanged himself and finds out about this computer virus that infects people and also about those on the other side trying to get into the world she lives in through technology that is computers, cellphones etc. Those things on the other side wants what they don't have anymore, and that is life, and now they've come to take it.
Pulse turned out to be one sad pathetic remake, probably the worst remake to date so far, even The Fog was slightly better and that says a lot. It might look all right, but is basically just hollowness defined and has nothing to offer except for a major headache. It actually took me three times before I could sit through the whole flick. The first time I watched the intro, it was ridiculous and just the thought alone of watching what would come after that wasn't very appealing. Second time I watched half the flick and it was just crap, but eventually I figured that I had to watch the whole thing which I just recently did and that I now kinda regret doing.
If you've seen the Japanese original that is Pulse/Kairo, you know how the story goes. Personally, I think that Kairo is one of the better films out there when it comes to Japanese horror, and obviously it was a hard movie to remake, but on the other hand, that's no real excuse either. I'm not gonna go into detail about the Japanese film, but if you've seen it, you know that it captures this whole concept of loneliness and isolation as well as it captures horror and mystery in an excellent way. This American remake just felt like a really lame clone, trying to do what the Japanese had done, but failed miserably at it every step of the way.
 Since we already knew the story from the original, they should've put more focus on being different instead of trying to do it all over again since of course that wouldn't work, but apparently they thought so. It has none of the genuine feeling that the Japanese Pulse had, none of the creepy atmosphere or none of the scares or feeling of desperation either. I found it extremely hard to sit through the whole film and throughout the whole movie, it felt like nothing of what was going on could've mattered less. It's just a very shallow movie that has no soul, no feeling and is what I would call a menace to horror society.
What may be the worst thing here is that this movie obviously had a pretty high budget and that's always a bad thing when the films turn out to be total crap. I mean, there are way better ways to spend that money, film-wise that is, since there are a lot of talented people out there with original ideas that could work wonders with just 10 percent of the budget or so, but unfortunately most of them never gets the chance (yours truly included haha). The acting was not bad but I can't say that it was great either, and in the end it doesn't really matter because this film was just one big commersial crapfest that should be avoided. Sad thing, like always, is that there will probably be a lot of teens finding this movie to be a scary horror film and that has no idea that it's just a remake. But what can you do, the world is full of idiots..
Just watch the original Japanese flick and avoid this one. It's not worth the time and you won't get any smarter watching it (you might get dumber though). I can't belive that they even released this one, and I wonder if the people behind it are happy with the final result. I would definitely beat myself up for making a movie like this.
Nicole has decided to run away from home and together with her boyfriend Jess, they're driving from Texas on their way to Los Angeles. Along the way, they stop at a rest stop and it doesn't take long before Jess is abducted by some mysterious stranger. Left alone, Nicole is soon pulled into a cat-and-mouse game with a twisted psychopath and has to fight for her life to be able to stay alive.
Rest Stop was surprisingly enough one good terror type of flick that had the tension and suspense as well as some gruesome scenes that delivered the type of horror that affects you in a positive kind of way. It's not too often these kinds of flicks comes along, and for a while it reminded me a little about Jeepers Creepers, not the whole demonic thing that JP had to it, but the very tension that could be found early on in that film. It started off right away and had a nice flow from start to finish with not all the action happening in the last 15 minutes or so, but that was spread out little by little throughout the film. Even when Rest Stop slowed down it still delivered the tension which made it somewhat impossible to ever relax as long as the film kept on running. I found this to be a great thing since too many times it just takes too long for something to happen which makes you loose interest, but Rest Stop had a really good flow, delivering scenes filled with tension and right after came the calm, but that still had some of the tension in the background and that you never really could shake off either.
Another thing that made Rest Stop hit the spot right away was the score that the film had which made the movie deliver a certain feel. Instead of playing nu-metal and shit like that, the movie had some country music stuff to it as well as some other things, but that all captured everything in a really good way. So with that in the bag right away, everything felt and looked much better than I first had expected, not that I had too much expectations to begin with, but films like this can go either way, luckily this one kept on the right track for the whole ride. Sorry bout that, it actually didn't make it all the way since the last 5 minutes or so were confusing as well as a bit stupid. The ending made no real sense and it left you with some unanswered questions. But not those kind of questions that are needed to keep some mystery, but instead questions that made you question if the movie really was that great. When thinking about it now, it was not, but if it hadn't been for the very ending it would've been really cool all the way.
 Now, since I started to complain a bit, I might as well complain some more. What I said before in a positive way about that the movie has scenes filled with tension, to right after those let things slow down was infact not all good. You see, Rest Stop deals with this serial killer who plays this game with Nicole. He appears and terrorizes her for a while to later go away and to later return once again and spread some more terror. This worked really well until maybe halfway through the film, but eventually it got a bit dull when nothing happened and the killer just kept taking off after a few minutes after scaring poor Nicole. In the end, I guess this works well as well as it does not quite work, you be the judge. At least I found the movie to be pretty interesting all the way through and these complaints that I've had are not that big of a deal really. So it might have a few faults to it, but still has a helluva lot to offer.
Acting-wise Jaimie Alexander who plays Nicole delivers a really good and belivable performance. Being stalked and harassed by some deranged killer can't be easy, but she manages to capture the fright and at the same time the anger she feels towards the psychotic dude. Talking about the killer himself, you never really get to see the guy, not clearly anyway and that kept some mystery which was a very good thing. The gore wasn't over-the-top and it didn't feature ridiculous amounts of it either, still the film sure had some to offer. But I wouldn't watch this for the gore or whatever, but for the suspense alone, because it's a pretty darn good suspense type of flick that has a gruesome horror theme to it as well.
I found Rest Stop to be very entertaining, and a few scenes will most likely keep you on the edge of your seat, that is if you get into the whole flick. It had good pacing and a terrific score as well as it looked sharp and had a very good cast with Jaimie Alexander as Nicole standing out. It sure delivered some fine tension and was all right all the way through except for the very ending which came off as a bit stupid. But in the end it had a lot more going for it rather than against it, and if you're a horror fan, you should check it out.
Best selling thriller novelist Rachel Carlson's son drowns near her home and leaves her devastated. About 8 months later she feel that she has to get away from London where she lives, to be alone and to finish her next book. A friend of her finds her a quiet place on the Scottish coast by searching the internet where Rachel rents a cabin. Once there she thinks it's the perfect place to write, but soon she starts seeing her son coming back from the dead and also starts spending time with the light house keeper, that she later finds out died 7 years ago. In the end she doesn't know what's real or what's just her imagination and she finds herself having to fight for her life.
I've had this movie lying around for a few weeks and the reason why I didn't view it right when I got it was because it didn't seem to be that interesting. I've never thought that Demi Moore was a bad actress, but on the other hand I can't say that I really like any of her work. So to watch a supernatural flick starring Demi Moore was not that appealing to begin with. When first started watching it, it felt pretty standard but after a little while it became somewhat better, that's until the final 15 minutes or so. I felt that the story had a lot of potential, but got kinda screwed up and uninteresting towards the end.
This is a movie that my mom would've liked, as it has the kind of suspense that she thinks is just about enough to make a decent thriller. But for me, being a huge horror fan, it's just so not enough. It started out pretty standard, got a bit interesting for a while but in the end it came out as being a very standard thriller. I can't give the ending away but it sure did ruin the little mystery that the movie first had. So the very outcome wasn't too good but the movie itself actually had a few things going for it, just not enough to satisfy.
What it really had going for it was the Scottish scenery which is just so nice and of course adds a certain atmosphere to the movie itself. After the death of her son, Rachel rents a cabin on the Scottish coast and is supposed to finish her book there but runs into all kinds of trouble. She's completely isolated from the rest of the world, and that also adds a little to the whole thriller feeling. That is, you know that she's alone out there so whatever sound or mystic sight is of course a bit strange. After spending just a short time on the coast, her son keeps re-appearing for her which is one of the two supernatural elements this movie has.
She soon meets the light house keeper and starts spending time with him and also get romantically involved. When she later on goes to a birthday party in the nearest town she finds out that the same light house keeper died seven years ago. I really liked this because it was here it got a bit freaky. The thing with the dead son showing up every now and then was nothing special, but the light house keeper was different. And it actually felt a bit like The Others, when she understand that the person she has been seeing actually died a long time ago.
If things could've stayed that way it would've been excellent, but instead they managed to ruin that freaky feeling big time by adding a shitty twist that left no mystery whatsoever and so ruined everything that once was good. I don't know why they keep doing this, exactly the same thing happened with White Noise, it also had a lot of potential but then they made the ending ruin absolutely everything.
No, unfortunately it's not scary. It got a tiny bit freaky for a while with an eerie feeling to it but they managed to wash that feeling off pretty quickly. The acting is good though, like I said I'm not a big fan of Demi Moore and she's nothing spectacular here but still manages to do the job, and the other actors are ok. Nothing fantastic but not bad either. Best things about Half Light, except for the nice Scottish scenery, is the score which is truly nice and adds some feeling to the movie as well. We get to hear some keltic music, some nice piano and violins and some other calm but very suiting music. I could definitely see myself buying the soundtrack here.
It starts off ok but does not feel very original, the middle part is the best and actually has some suspense to it but is ruined by the worthless ending. It's a somewhat ok movie but nothing I would watch again. Great scenery, great score but in the end a very standard thriller that won't appeal to an horror audience.
14-year-old Hayley Stark has been chatting online with a 32-year-old fashion photographer named Jeff for a few weeks, and one day, Hayley suggests that they should meet for real. They meet up at a coffee shop and really seem to hit it off right away, even though the big age difference. While Hayley flirts, Jeff tries to restrain himself and their meeting ends up with Hayley inviting herself over to Jeff's house. Once at the house, things takes a different turn, and while Jeff might be a pedophile, the little girl isn't so innocent either.
Hard Candy is a movie that, if you're a man, will grab you by the balls and literally rip them off, at least that's how I felt after sitting through this dark drama thriller. And while the movie proved to be one pretty awesome film, that feeling it delivered sure was a lot trying to cope with. When I first sat down to watch the film, I can honstely say that I didn't really know anything about it, that's except for that it would deal with a pedophile and a young girl. Since pedophiles are something that is both repulsive and bad, you of course figure that Jeff, who's the pedophile, would do nasty stuff throughout the film while you would sit and feel sorry for the girl. But that would've been too easy and luckily it was the other way around. I really don't want to get into the whole subject of pedophiles but I can honestly say that I felt truly bad for this one, despite them being bad by nature and despite this just being a movie. Chances that it'll get to you are quite big I guess, it sure got to me, not that I really could relate to it but for the fact that it was a pretty strong movie.
It's kinda hard to review Hard Candy without delivering possible spoilers, so I'm just gonna try and keep it brief and not go into too much detail. And since there are a lot of dumb people out there, I just want to make it clear that I do not approve of pedophiles and what they're into, so don't send me any stupid emails if I happen to say that Jeff seems like a nice guy or something like that. With that being said, let's move on. The movie starts off with that you get to see a computer screeen where a chat session between Jeff and 14-year-old Hayley is going on, and since we're living in the computer age and all, I guess the concept will seem familiar to most people. The two decide to meet at a coffee shop called Nighthawks and so they do. Now, since you know that Jeff is a pedophile before you've even seen the guy, you kinda figure that you won't like him once you get to see him, but I must say that he looked and seemed all right (that's except for scheduling a meeting over the internet with a young girl). The girl on the other hand I didn't like one bit, and it just kept getting worse.
 The way the character that was Hayley came off right from the start made me dislike her a lot right then and there. Kids should be kids right? Well, this girl seemed like an obnoxious adult trapped in a little girl's body. The way she talked about things, the dialogue itself, and how she acted all grown up and a bit artsy almost made me a bit sick right from the start. Jeff on the other hand seemed nice, but the fact remains, and that is that he met up with a little girl and that is just plain sick. Ok, so they're both jerks I guess, but they sure do a good job at it. Jeff has a lot of charm and seems like a really nice guy, but all that charm and the feeling of him being nice also makes him extremely creepy, but that is only because you know what he really is. Already at the coffee shop, Jeff starts manipulating Hayley, telling her that he has to wait 4 more years for him to be with her, and also says that she both looks and acts older than she really is. Playing around with a 14-year-old girl's emotions, that's not too nice, but later when the couple goes back to Jeff house, things sure takes a different turn and hell begin, but not for the person you first would've thought.
The acting is really good, especially from Jeff (Patrick Wilson) but at the same time Hayley (Ellen Page) does a great job too, it's just that I hated her throughout the flick and long after, but on the other hand, you have to be quite good to make a person feel that way, if you know what I'm saying. The fact is that during these 103 minutes that the movie lasts for, these two actors has a lot of weight to carry on their shoulders. Since it's just basically those two alone throughout the whole film, they have to make it work, and they sure do. The movie could've been a bit shorter I guess and while it's all ok in the end, some of the dialogue and scenes seemed just to serve as fillers. It's not a big thing though, and while I can't say that it was an easy film to sit through, it sure was one interesting film.
Hard Candy was a quite disturbing experience that will probably stay with you for a while after that it's over, I know it did that for me. If you're a guy you should be warned that there's especially one long scene that is absolutely terrible to watch, and while I didn't fast-forward through it, I sure was close to doing so. It'll make you cringe for sure. With that being said, Hard Candy is a good and tragic thriller with a lot of drama in it and is a film that is well worth watching. Don't dismiss it for the fact that you think pedophile shouldn't walk the earth or anything like that, because it's different, and different's always good.
Greg is a photographer who is having an affair with a Japanese model of his. When his wife, who seems to know all about it, one day confront him, they get into a big argument which leads to Greg accidentally killing her. He puts the body in the trunk of his car and drives towards a place called Black Lake to dump the body. But the ride there proves to be anything but easy.
With a lot of Japanese people involved in the making, including the director Junichi Suzuki, Haunted Highway feels a bit like a Japanese horror movie with an all American cast. Well, except for Greg's Japanese girlfriend that is. I really don't blame them for trying with this Japanese/American mix even though the end result could've been better. Still, I felt that Haunted Highway, previously known as Death Ride, had a few things going for it and in the end I consider it to be watchable. The good stuff includes that the movie kicked off right on frame one with no real build-up, but instead it dived right into the horror straight away. This can of course be considered negative as well as positive, but talking about this film here and now, it worked quite well.
I have to admit that when I'm about to watch movies like this, that is new horror flicks that you've really heard nothing about, I'm always a tiny bit scared what I'm in for. That is scared in the sense of the movie being bad, rather than scared as in that the movie will actually scare me. My biggest worry is always about the acting, because if the acting proves to be crap right from the start, I just can't focus on the movie as much as one should. Luckily, the acting here was decent, and I thought that Rand Gamble who plays Greg did an excellent job. The only complaint, acting-wise, that I really have would be about Hinano Yoshikawa who plays Yumi, Greg's mistress. She felt a bit too stiff, and the way she delivered her lines didn't sound natural at all. Nothing to get too wound up over though, but at the same time, it sure could've been done a lot better.
Basically, it goes like this: Greg is having an affair on the side which apparently his wife knows about. They have a big fight and Greg accidentally end up killing her. He puts her dead body in the trunk and starts driving towards a place called Black Lake. Black Lake is the place where him and his wife got married and he figures he can dump the body there (romantic kind of guy eh?). But on the (high)way there Greg starts having ghostly visions and seeing things that he doesn't know if they're real or not. Now this is the biggest part of the film and we actually get to spend over an hour with Greg and his car on the road. During that time, Haunted Highway offers tons of scares with some being kinda effective and some being kinda stupid which translates to being non-effective.
For the fact that so much happens at all times, the movie manages to keep your interest up, or at least that's how I felt. Story-wise it's nothing special but it gets the job done, scare-wise it could've been a lot better but I have to admit that some of the scares actually worked quite ok. Although there are too many non-effective scares that drag things down a bit, but it still delivered on some levels. For a horror movie, while it's not great, it's definitely not bad either. If you ask me, I've seen way too many horror flicks so all the scares were a bit predictable, still I felt that some of them were ok and did the job even if I didn't really get scared literally. Other than that, it had some good atmosphere going for it and the score wasn't too bad either.
While Haunted Highway might not a be a great horror flick, there are tons of worse movies out there, and at least this one had a few decent things to offer. For the fact that so much stuff happened all throughout the film, it was quite easy to keep the interest up. Don't expect too much (or anything) and it could might be worth a look.
Haute Tension is about two female friends, named Marie and Alexa, are to visit Alex's parents in the country. When gotten settled in and are about to go to sleep in the evening, a car pulls up next to the house and a man breaks in and kills everyone in the house except for Marie who gets away and Alexa who the killer takes with him. Marie then tries to follow the killer to save her friend but will she make it?
There has been a lot of fuzz about Haute Tension and a lot of people seem to be somewhat amazed by the movie. So what's so special about it? I wouldn't say that there's anything really special about it except for that it feels very fresh compared to a lot of similar movies out there, and also that it gives gorehounds what they want and that is gore.
I guess it also helps that it's a french movie, it makes it a bit different too since there a thousands of movies like this that has come out of the states. And the french also has this thing for making dark films and movies that feels a bit more realistic, that's how I feel about it anyway.
It sounds simple but everything is not what it seems and that is what Haute Tension is all about. It also gives you a somewhat clever twist in the end which actually works well.
The actors do a fine job keeping the suspense and fear alive and the killer is bizarre and merciless and is really cool to watch. The title is very appropriate since the movie carries a lot of tension and suspense.
Usually with these types of movies you don't really care to much about the killings but Haute Tension will make you sit on the edge of your seat, well that may not apply for all but still, it's a adrenaline rush from beginning to end. It also has a fair share of gore and some really gruesome scenes.
I guess the movie has already achieved some cult status, and I guess it will become a horror classic in a not too distant future. Do yourself a favor and watch it along with Alexandre Aja's The Hills Have Eyes remake.
Humans only use a fraction of the brain but for Alex it's a different story. His brain is using some of those regions that normal people never use which enables him to speed-read books and remember everything that's in them, among other things. But it all gives him terrible headaches as well as horrible visions that includes flashbacks to a childhood he had forgotten about. Now he must face his childhood that deals with the murder of his mother, the separation from his brother and the father who abandoned his sons. As the headaches and visions keeps getting worse, there's also someone who makes people disappear and a monster stalking him. Or is Alex the monster?
Headspace is a different indie piece of film and since it sounded like it was going to be quite original, I've been waiting to check it out. After seeing it, I thought it was original as well, but I'm not quite sure whether I really liked it or that I just liked the fact that it was a pretty different movie experience when comparing it to most of the stuff that you normally watch. At least I can say that the film was good and that it had a lot to offer, as well as it was thinkable, but I think I need to watch it at least one more time to be able to form a 'real' opinion to whether it was really good or just good enough. Other than that, for an indie film, it's absolutely smashing, the cinematography is awesome, the acting is solid and it both looks and plays out really well.
Most indie flicks doesn't look half as good, and five minutes into the film, I had totally forgot everything that's indie, it just looked to darn good. If more indie movies could accomplish this, that is not just looking great, but being smart and feature good solid acting as well, I would never have any doubts when about to watch an indie feature. Don't get me wrong as I really enjoy watching indie flicks, it's just that many of them lack a certain quality, so obviously Headspace came as a nice surprise.
It's amazing when thinking about that we only use 10 percent of our brain, and it of course makes one think a bit more about it when watching this movie. Alex uses much more of his brain which in one way is a good thing since that makes him being able to do stuff normal people can't do. On the other hand, this power also gives him headaches, nightmares and terrible visions. It starts out with nightmares but things eventually gets worse which kinda leads to a slow descent into madness. As the movie moves along, Alex keeps getting smarter but at the same time his condition gets worse. Eventually he gets to go see a specialist who wants to study him, but all Alex wants is to be cured since it feels like things are getting worse for him by the minute.
One night he dreams of some kind of beast-creature with claws, and after that, people start turning up dead. For a while he belives that the monster has come to life and is killing the people around him, but he's not sure if that's the case or if he's just going completely mad. For some reason this movie has a few bigger names in it like William Atherton (Ghostbusters), Udo Kier, Sean Young, Olivia Hussey and Dee Wallace-Stone, and I'm not really sure why, could it be for promotional purpose? It sure works but it wasn't really needed either since I think the movie has so much going for it as it is, semi-famous actors doesn't really improve it nor do they bring it down. Christopher Denham who plays Alex delivers a good performance and over all, the acting is definitely good, something that's quite unusual when it comes to indie flicks.
Even though it has a monster in it, I would still say that it's a psychological thriller that every now and then touches the creature-feature concept. Not quite sure about the ending as it felt like it kinda just cut off leaving a lot of stuff unexplained. Now, I'm not much for movies explaining every single piece of mystery they have, but it kinda felt like Headspace left some things unfinished. But watching it again might make me change my mind. Anyway, Headspace is a really good-looking and original indie film that you definitely should check out. Since a lot of new horror flicks coming out these days are just too unoriginal, Headspace was a nice and surprising break from all that. Recommended.
In the 1950s, atomic testing was done in the desert of New Mexico and some people who lived there refused to leave and were caught in the nuclear explosions. The people became mutated sub-humans that was no longer part of society and lived in the mountains till present day. The Carters, an American family on their way to California takes a shortcut through the desert but their vehicle's tires blow and the family finds themselves stuck there. Soon they discover that they are not alone, and that there are something horrible living in those mountains, something they'll soon be aware of.
This is exactly what a remake should be like. You take a movie that is good and then you improve it and make it even better. You stick with what the old movie had, but you also have to add something new, whatever it might be. Because otherwise, what's the point of remaking movies at all? Alexandre Aja sure knows how to do it, and having created the great Haute Tension before, I had complete faith in him that he would deliver with 'Hills' as well, and he sure did. In the huge flood of remakes that come out these days, it's easy to get sick of the whole scene, but once in a while something good actually comes out of it and manages to top the original movie as well, like Dawn of the Dead and now Hills.
It seems as Hollywood has not too many ideas these days so they are willing to do remakes on anything they can get their hands on. But I think that the movie you wanna remake has to be a good movie originally. Take The Fog for instance which is an ok flick but really nothing special, so no reason to remake that or The Amityville Horror etc. Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes was a good movie to begin with and I'm a big fan of the original, but honestly, this new remake is much better. It has everything the original version had, only that it has more, it's more raw, more intense and looks f**kin awesome to say the least.
The acting is great, I couldn't find one character that I didn't care for (I'm talking about the Carter family here). This is a normal family that I guess a lot of people can relate to, and that's what makes it even harder to see when they get tortured and terrorized by these mutated cannibals. One thing that really hit me when watched The Hills Have Eyes was that you know exactly what's gonna happen. You know that this family will have to face the people in the hills, and you know that some of them will die and get tortured for sure. Still, when it actually happens it comes like a shock, and that's pretty amazing when you think about it.
Since this family is easy to relate to, it also hurts more to see what they have to suffer through. There's no real character development at all and we don't really get any background info on the family characters. So you don't know them, but still it hurts to see them get hurt. It's good and bad at the same time, but with the bad actually being something good as well since you are watching a horror film. And that's what makes this movie so great, the family members are easy to root for, you know what's gonna go down but still you're surprised when it actually happens. It's just very cool.
Also the feeling of the 70's has been captured perfectly and gives the movie a great overall feel. Add to that a good score, plus hearing California Dreaming that really fits into the whole thing perfectly. The gore is there for sure, but never too much so it becomes something else. It's serious gore and it's a serious movie. The suspense is delivered perfectly and the movie carries so much tension it at times feels like you can cut through it.
I'm happy to have seen it. The Hills remake was a great flick with great directing, a good score, great acting and that has so much tension to offer. It's easy to get drawn into the movie and sit on the edge of your seat till the very end. It's not scary in the way that'll make you jump, it's more that it's at times very gruesome, nasty and it's hard having to see this family having to go through so much shit. Still it's a great flick and if you're a horror fan, this is surely a must see.
Jim and his girlfriend Maggie travel to Texas to visit an old friend of Jim. On their way there they pick up a hitchhiker who turns out to be a real psycho.
The Hitcher 2: I've Been Waiting is a sequel to The Hitcher, a movie that I hardly remember, expect knowing it was a really good and violent flick, starring Rutger Hauer. This sequel is basically a ripoff of the first movie, this time starring Jake Busey as the blonde psychotic hitchhiker. Even if this flick is not that good, I must say that Jake Busey still does a pretty good job as the demented hitchhiker.
It's of course a b-movie, and don't get me wrong as I have nothing against b-flicks, but this one actually seems more like it was made for tv which makes it quite boring. It has some violence but is not half as violent as the original movie, although we get a fair share of action sequences, and even if it's not that good, at least it's not a snore.
The actors are all pretty ok, but C. Thomas Howell is quite a drag to watch as he's not very belivable. Fortunately he passes away halfway through so at least that counts for something.
Another bad thing is that, while it's somewhat entertaining, it's still very predictable. There are no clever twists whatsoever and the actual ending is a bit lame. They could've easily come up with a better ending, as the ending was just way too simple and it feels like they just wanted to finish the movie off without having to put too much thought into it.
If say you have a hang-over, and are to lazy to watch any serious stuff, this movie sure works. It's kinda entertaining and at least there's something going on all the time. But in the end it's not that good so don't expect too much, if anything.
An invisible assassin has gone rogue and is after biologist Dr. Maggie Dalton since she's the only one who can help him. Since she has a killer after her, 2 detectives are to guard her house, but the killer strikes and a female officer gets whacked in the process. Seattle detective Frank Turner who's partner just got killed, goes after the assassin together with Dr. Dalton to seek revenge and to put a stop to the whole charade.
Uhh my head, it hurts really bad, and my eyes too. Why did I watch this crappy flick? Let me start off with saying that I hated the first flick, I'm not a big fan of Kevin Bacon, but it wasn't just him, the whole movie sucked. So since the first movie was so bad, I figured that the sequel might be better. Yeah I know, I should get my head examined. I never expected Hollow Man 2 to be a good movie, but I thought that it could might have some entertainment value. But now after I watched the movie, I can't recall the last time when I got so freakin bored.
Even though there was a lot of stuff that happened the movie throughout, it was still extremely boring. Maybe because it was all too predictable, and you knew EVERYTHING that were gonna happen. While watching this shitfest, it hit me just how meaningless this movie really was. It looks like it had a pretty decent budget and everything, but it was basically just like the name says, hollow. Most irritating thing when it comes to movies like this is that there are so many potential writers and directors out there who never gets a chance because they don't have the money to do their films, or just never gets a shot at it. And then we see movies like this, that costs a lot of money but contributes with nothing more than a braindead script and a lot of pointlessness.
Christian Slater's on the loose. He used to be some solider that took part in some experiment of becoming invisible. Now he's killing off people and must be stopped. The police, the FBI, the National Security and all the rest tries their best, but in the end only Peter Facinelli who's a detective can stop him by becoming what the assassin is; invisible. ZZzzzZzzzzz.
I have nothing against Christian Slater, he's not a great actor but has been in some cool flicks. Although, seeing him in Alone in the Dark was quite horrible, but that was not really his fault since everything that movie had to offer was true garbage. Peter Facinelli is an actor that I actually like, but not here though. Again, it's not this guy's fault either, it's just the script that sucks so much goat balls. I can't really understand why they made a sequel to such a crappy flick in the first place.
Look, just save yourself the headache and don't watch Hollow Man 2, it's so not worth the time. It suffers from a horrible script and the movie is so predictable it's simply ridiculous. The action scenes are not cool, and even if the CGI does not look bad, it still doesn't add anything positive to the film itself. Avoid this and go and rent Fletch instead and have a good time.
France 1944, during WWII, a troup of US soldiers finds a few strangely maimed bodies. Hitler has unleashed his secret weapon, and soon the soldiers will become more than aware of what it is. Lieutenant Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and a bunch of other soldiers to go behind enemy lines, find the source of the weapon, and destory it before it's too late.
Nazi zombies and werewolf's. It might sound cool, but didn't quite work all the way, especially when talking about werewolf's, since that basically just came out looking kinda ridiculous. Although, Horrors of War wasn't half as bad as I first had thought it would be. That on the other hand doesn't mean that it was a really good movie, but it looked quite all right, the acting didn't make you cringe, and the pacing was pretty good. But on the negative side thought, it wasn't the least bit memorable, it had no effective scares, and it seemed like it had a hard time deciding whether to be a horror or a war movie, and I guess that's why it became both. Horror and war seems like two great categories combined, unfortunately it didn't really work this time either, same as with Deathwatch, The Bunker etc. Only war/horror combination that seems to have somewhat worked ok was the Korean flick R-Point, which I thought was a good flick, even though that wasn't great either.
At least the way Horrors of War starts off kinda made you wanna see what would happen next, plus that, the intro itself looks nice as well. But in the end, that really means nothing if it doesn't come out looking ok when it's over. My big question though is that, when making a movie like this, why not take things up a notch? Why not make it a slightly sick, gruesome and disturbing experience, instead of having a guy wearing some werewolf-looking mask that looks like it was purchased from some novelty store. Having just a tiny bit of gore instead of having a real bloodbath? This is war and horror, one kinda expects to see blood, and a lot of it. And then these Nazi zombies which looked kinda cool, but that wouldn't even scare a 12 year old.
I'm pretty sure that all the everyday Joe's, and the rest of the commersial movie goers will not go watch Horrors of War. The audience for a movie like this is of course an horror audience so why not make it a full horror experience instead of holding back so much? It kinda sadness me watching stuff like this at times, because the very foundation and the idea behind it is not that bad to begin with, it's just that they never seems to be able to do anything proper with it, and like I said before, are holding back too much. Why not just try to please the real horror fans instead of trying to please all different kinds of people, especially when you know that this movie will be seen by horror fans, and at the same time will probably not be seen by people who are not into horror. I just don't get it, and this thing just keeps repeating itself when it comes to a lot of new flicks coming out these days.
The movie featured a lot of war scenes, but even though they were ok, they were just not as good as in a proper war flick. And the horror is just not as good as in a great (well, good) horror flick. Even though it didn't really fail with delivering both war and horror, the way it delivered it sometimes just felt a bit wrong, and could've been done a bit better. The acting all through the movie was actually decent, and I found myself having no problem with the cast, except for one guy playing some German doctor...he sucked big-time. I'm gonna stop my complaining now, and say that while it had a lot of faults to it, it was still watchable.
Blood and bullets, zombies and werewolf's, you get some of it all, but in the end it was nothing spectacular or even that great to begin with. At least the movie had some decent things in it, and I thought it was ok to watch. Even if it wasn't very suspensefull, a lot of stuff happened the movie throughout so at least it provided some entertainment.
2 Americans and one Islandic backpacker are in Amsterdam and get locked out from the hostel they're staying at. They are invited to a guys house who tells them about a hostel in Slovakia where the women are beyond beautiful, and that they are specially into American men. So of course these three horny guys set out to find the hostel, but when they do, it's not exactly what they first thought it would be like.
Hostel is one of those movies that you got to hear a lot about before it actually came out, same with director Eli Roth's previous movie Cabin Fever. There has been a lot of talk about how gruesome and gory this flick would be etc, so of course the expectations when finally getting to see the movie were, not through the roof, but still pretty high. Having high expectations is always a negative thing and has once again proven to be. This does of course not mean that the movie is bad, but to be honest, I was definitely expecting a hell of a lot more.
So these 3 guys go backpacking through a stereotype Europe, and the first half hour or so mostly deals with girls, sex and these guys hormones. This is kind of a drag to watch and is just completely braindead, but you know things are not gonna stay that way for long, and they don't either. Even if the first half hour or so is a part of the story and definitely needs to be there, it still feels like a filler. The dialogue is nonsense, and so is the little humour that it has as well. But hang in there, because things are about to change.
Then it takes a turn for the better or the worse (depending on how you see it), and the movie finally takes off and gives you something that makes you wanna keep watching. The boys end up at a hostel in Slovakia, hook up with some girls, and suddenly the first guy goes missing. Soon the second guy goes missing as well, and the third guy is the only one of the 3 that we get to follow the movie throughout. They came there to meet girls, but there was another reason for why they were told of the place.
The story sounds very simple, and while it is, it still has a bit more to it than what you first would think. I can't tell you what though since that would ruin the whole movie experience for you if you have not yet seen Hostel.
So what about the gore? I expected Hostel to have tons of utterly gory scenes, but ended up feeling kinda cheated and disappointed at the same time. The gore and blood is definitely there, combined with terror and intensity, but it's not nearly as much as I first had thought it would be. There are a few scenes which are a bit gruesome, but if you're a horror fan and have seen tons of horror flicks, it's really nothing new or sensational, even though it's quite cool. Why I felt a bit cheated was simply because you had to sit through all the pointless crap in the beginning of the movie, and when the nasty stuff finally began, it wasn't as nasty as one would've hoped for. But I also definitely have myself to blame, since I read and listened a lot to what other people said about the movie, and that raised my expectations way too much.
Even though Hostel has a running time of 95 minutes, it still felt a bit too short. I was actually surprised over the fact how soon it was over, and it felt like another half hour wouldn't have done any harm. Maybe this was because it actually takes a while before something really happens, and when it does, it's over a bit too quickly. Still, it's very intense for a while and during that time, the movie is just great.
Last but not least, the acting is totally ok, not great, but can't really complain either. There are a lot of unknown East European actors who do a pretty good job as well. Also, Hostel has a quick cameo by Takashi Miike, who we get to see for a few seconds, it's nothing special but still somewhat cool.
Sorry to say, but Hostel was not nearly as good as I had hoped for. I really wanted to like this movie, but the horrible first half hour was just a drag and the gore was somewhat of a let-down. Still, it was entertaining and featured some really good stuff as well. Even if it wasn't that great, I'm still actually glad I got to see it since, among the bad, it also has many great things to offer. One thing I will do though, is that I'm gonna re-watch Hostel later on because, just like with Cabin Fever, I think this is a movie that'll grow on you, and that keeps getting better the more you watch it. If you're a horror fan, Hostel is a definite must see, but don't read up too much on it before viewing it.
It's a few weeks before the Presidential election, and at the same time, war is going on overseas. When the Republican Commander-In-Chief appears on national television, he wishes, infront of the cameras, that those who died defending their country could come back to life again, return, and say how proud they were to serve their country. After that it doesn't take long before the dead soldiers starts coming back to life, zombiefied, but ready to vote. Will they be celebrated like heroes, or the opposite, and what will happen if they don't get to vote?
Homecoming separates itself a bit from the other episodes in the Masters of Horror series, since this is a story that is just not another horror flick, but actually is about something that a lot of people can relate to. Something that has been a big subject now for quite some time. Although it's not like in the real world, as this one has a little twist to it, but it still works as a reminder to what has happened. Bad thing though is probably that the 'right' people will never see it.
First off, I'm not a very political person. Politics has a tendency of being quite boring, but on the other hand, there are issues you just can't avoid, that might directly affect you, someone you know or whatever, you get my drift. What happens in Homecoming is a good thing, that anyone from any country can enjoy and not just Americans. Since where-ever you may live in the world, you're bound to have heard about it, (not the movie itself, but the actual events of course). Still you don't need to have a political interest or anything like that to be able to enjoy Homecoming, you can just watch it as another decent horror flick.
The movie is delivered by Joe Dante who has made such movies like Piranha, Gremlins 1-2 etc and I must say he did a good job directing it. At times it feels like you're watching a news program/debate on tv since it has some of that stuff in it, as well at it deals with the war and the soldiers abroad that we all know of. I was a bit afraid when I first started to watch the movie that it would be too political and too preachy, but luckily it was not. Instead it felt like a good satire with some horror elements in it as well. It's not scary, but it's still definitely a horror flick.
It deals with politics though and not just undead soldiers. We basically get to follow a guy named David Murch who works for the president and who would like to work under him for another four years. He goes on tv, and when an upset woman who has lost her son in the war is on the air for a brief moment, David has to do a spin and so he wishes that the soldiers could come back to life again. His wish comes true, and suddenly zombie soldiers starts showing up everywhere. But they don't wanna eat flesh, instead all they wanna do is to vote (and not for David's team) and as soon as they've done that, they die. David team up with author Jane Cleaver and political man Kurt Rand, and together they try to set some spin to this whole event to not let it affect the presidential race.
Homecoming is of course Anti-Bush, and even if it's not too political, it still has a little too much politics in it that shine through a bit too much at times. It's not a big thing though, and the movie's still absolutely enjoyable. The pacing is good, and the story develops in a good way. Also the ending wasn't really a let-down either, and I think if it would've been, it would all have turned to crap. Just wrote about Chocolate from the Masters of Horror series as well, and while that movie had a horribly shitty ending, it had a lot to offer till the actual end. With Homecoming it was a different story and the fact that it stayed ok with no real let-downs all the way through, made it come out looking slightly above decent.
If you're extremely commited to politics, I guess it sucks if your views are on the opposite side than to what the movie has to offer. Other than that, if you're not interested in politics or just a tiny bit interested, I think you should be ok. I know I was, for most of it anyway. It's a decent flick, and there are zombies, unfortunately there are not any real gore, and the movie is more focused on delivering black humour than actual horror, which is something it was very light on. Nothing really special, but still worth a look.
A family consisting of a husband, wife and daughter move from New York to Boston. Actually they move to a house that's by the cemetary and that was formerly owned by a Dr. Freudstein. The house is cursed and Dr. Freudstein is still alive in the basement, only to come out to cut people up.
House by the Cemetary is an ok Lucio Fulci flick, although far from his best. And compared to movies like The New York Ripper or The Beyond, this is kind of a let-down.
One thing, actually the worst thing about this movie is definitely the kid in it. This kid is so ridiculously annoying that it practically hurts to watch him on screen. I can't believe how they could go with that retarded little monster. You think someone at the set would've noticed and said something like this kid's gonna ruin the whole flick, or something similar to that. But no, he's there and he'll irritate the hell outta you. Ok I know it's the dubbing too, but the kid is just irritating as hell.
I would say that House by the Cemetary is a movie for Fulci fans exclusively. Those who have watched some of his other flicks will probably enjoy this one too even if they probably think he has done greater work before. But for people who would just watch this for the fact that it is a horror movie, the end result might not turn out to be so good as it's actually not that good of a movie to be completely honest.
Ok so you don't watch this because it has an interesting story to offer, you watch it for the actual gore, and gore you'll get plenty of. If you're a splatter fan, gorehound or something like that then by all means go ahead. But for people not into that kinda stuff or people who want something more, it's probably better to stay away.
I'm being kinda nice giving it a 6 out of 10, but I've seen it a few time over the years and I guess it has kinda grown on me. First time watching this, I would probably have given it a 3 or a 4.
It has a nice atmosphere going at times, especially round the house and can manage to be a bit creepy too. Although it never stays that way for long and so loses the viewers interest.
Recommended for Fulci fans, and for people into splatter and gore. It's a cool old flick, but in the end it's not that great. Totally watchable though.
9 people who all are strangers to one another find themselves wakes up in a big house with no idea of how they got there. After a while they find out, from a voice through speakers in the building, that in end there are only supposed to be one person left of the nine and that person will recieve one million dollars. And from there on chaos breaks lose.
It doesn't sound that original, the recent excellent movies Saw and Saw 2 had somewhat of the same theme in it, and it's basically also the same theme as with My Little Eye etc. had, but I must say that this was still a really nice piece to watch.
It's like a reality-show were you have all kinds of different (dumb) people who are put together somewhere and has to work together and you always have some moron screwing everything up, some bimbo, some good-guy etc, and it's the different types of characters that makes it interesting of course.
What makes this movie a bit scary is how real it actually feels, since you've seen people act like this for real on tv before and the stupid things some people will do under pressure, and just the nature of humans in general.
None of the characters are really likable, like Dennis Hopper who's playing the role of some Irish priest and has a really stupid fake accent which is very annoying to listen to. Then there are all kinds of types, but none that you really feel anything special for.
Best thing about this movie is the actual ending which is somewhat unpredictable, (I didn't see it coming), and the ending is really good, but I won't reveal anything here. Worth a look.
A college professor experiments on a corpse of a girl, trying to bring her back to life again. But something goes terribly wrong and soon the whole school is infested with zombies. Some government agents are sent to the school to get a blood sample from the zombie that started the spread of the disease in order to find a cure for it. Together with a special army unit they enter the school, although their mission is everything but easy.
I was expecting crap, and while I didn't strike gold, I still got something out of House of the Dead 2 as it proved to be quite an entertaining zombie flick. Not too often but once in a while a sequel manages to surpass the original movie and that is just what happened here. On the other hand it didn't come like a big surprise since it would actually be quite difficult to make a movie that would be worse than Uwe Boll's House of the Dead. I'm glad he wasn't involved in the making of this sequel since the man has a tendecy to ruin everything he touches when it comes to making films.
Ok, so it's of course not a brilliant movie with fantastic acting and that has a really intriguing story or anything like it. But it still managed to be entertaining and not too dumb, and it really had a Resident Evil feel to it...that's the game and not the shitty movies. The movie started off pretty bad, showing some braindead teens crashing a party, and we get to see some tits and hear some really stupid dialogue. So the way it started out wasn't too good and I was afraid I was in for a real crapfest, but fortunately it all changed pretty quickly and gradually it became better and better.
Sid Haig appears in the beginning of the movie as the college professor who experiments on the dead and is the cause of all the later problems. He's doing good but is just in the movie for a few minutes. Soon after, the zombie disease has spread throughout the school and a team is sent in to find a cure to be able to stop the disease from being spread further. Now the team consist of some pretty stupid characters, although the two lead characters are both pretty likable, one of them being a woman who's kinda easy on the eyes as well.
They search the school, room by room, and encounters zombies every now and then. The zombie make-up is really good and they look quite nasty, something that will appeal to all zombie fans out there. The movie is not that interesting but at least it's fast-paced and has things happening all the time. With things happening is mostly that they run into zombies, and more zombies, and more and so on. It's fairly predictable and you kinda know what to expect, but it still manages to be quite entertaining and the acting's not too bad either. Ok, some of the actors suck, but the leads do a pretty decent job and overall it's definitely watchable.
A movie like this with little gore would be terrible but luckily there are tons of gore and it looks pretty good as well. Of course it's not scary and there are no real unexpected jumps, but it still does the job on the horror front. There are a couple of moments that has a little tension to them, but overall it lacks a bit of suspense. Like I said before, it really has a Resident Evil feel to it, been playing the games quite a lot it was actually fun to see how similar this movie was at times. More similar than the actual Resident Evil movies which is kinda strange, although it's a cool thing so what the hell.
The story is not that interesting but still does the job. The dialogue is at times pretty dumb, not whacky or fun, but just plain stupid. Although it's a minor thing and is fairly easy to ignore. House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim is pretty fast-paced and quite entertaining for a B-movie. And if you're into zombies and gore you'll definitely have a good time watching this flick.
It's about a group of young people who are going to watch some game in another city which they are driving to. However their car break down and they get stuck in a small town were they find a house made out of wax.
I was pretty sure this movie was gonna suck big time. First of it's a remake, and most remakes that come out are often really really horrible ones with a few exceptions.
Secondly Paris Hilton's in it and I was pretty sure she was gonna drag this movie down a whole lot, but after watching it I was kinda surprised since she actually managed to give an ok performance and we also get to see her die which was nice.
The movie starts out like your typical teen horror movie and in the beginning I kinda yawned a lot and didn't feel too positive about it, but from like 20 minutes into the movie it all got better and stayed like that till the very end.
The acting is not terrific but it's ok for what it is, but the best thing about this movie are the death scenes. People get killed in a lot of cool ways and it's worth viewing just because of that.
The story is nothing special really but it's cool anyway and the movie is fast paced ones it gets started and delivers in the end too. It has some cool scenery and it's somewhat intense at times. Definitely worth a look.
David Hess from Last House on the Left stars in this movie as Alex, a grease monkey who has a thing for young ladies, that is raping them. He and his friend who owns their own shop are off to go out to boogie but meet some snobbish couple who asks them to fix their car. They also ask them to tag along to a suburban house party which they do. After hanging around the party for a while Alex and his friend realize that they were only brought to the party for the rich people's amusement and all hell breaks loose and Alex starts to torment and rape the guests.
From the maker of the excellent Cannibal Holocaust is here The House on the Edge of the Park which may not be quite as good as CH but is still a fantastic movie from Ruggero Deodato.
I remember first time viewing it, I had been sitting through a bunch of other Italian flicks for a few weeks time and were getting really tired of some of them but this one kinda brought back the interest again as it felt kinda fresh and was somehow really captivating.
It's not the usual kinda horror you get here but instead this movie is pretty bizarre and twisted, not to mention sick but most of all it feels pretty realistic and that's what makes it work so well.
The acting is very good and especially very belivable and that gives this movie a more realistic feel to it. Even though Alex is a psychotic who rapes girls and who is a violent kinda guy, you still feel some sympathy for him since the snobbish people are horrible so it's not that bad when he goes berserk on them.
Not too much actual gore and some attempted rape and sex scenes, a lot of sleaze that is nudity combined with violence. Although it's a good story and the violence and everything surrounding it is really good and gives it a certain atmosphere which works well.
May put some people off but if you're into this sort of thing I would definitely recommend it as it is a very good movie with a solid script.
Lucas and Clementine lives a peacefull life together in a big secluded house, but one night they wake up from hearing strange noises. It seems someone or something has broken into their house, and that they are not after money or valuables, but that they are after Lucas and Clementine.
One thing I like, no wait, one thing I love is when I get my hands on movies I have heard absolutely nothing about. As I usually spend my days trying to do as little work as humanly possible and instead reading up on movies, news, whatever, so usually when I get to see a movie, I've followed it for a long time during it's production and the making of it. This of course gives you some expectations, and one thing I have learned but never been fully able to deal with are having high expectations, something that always seems to be a bad thing.
So it was nice for a change to have heard nothing about this new French horror opus entitled Ils, (or Them in English). Another thing that was great was the fact that the movie was neither American nor Asian, but French. Reason for that is simply for the fact that 70 percent of all the horror you watch tend to be American, and 29 percent tend to be Asian, so it's always nice to get that 1 percent every once in a while. Ok, so I'm half kidding, but I guess you get my point, it's nice with some different foreign stuff, and this time it's French, a country that has delivered quite a few good flicks over the years. Interesting, well, at least that's what I first thought...
Ils is a really simple movie that has the famous cat and mouse theme baked into it. Basically, this couple Lucas and Clementine one night hear strange noises outside their house. They head down to the first floor, goes out the front door and sees that someone is stealing their car. After that, someone breaks into the house, well more than one, and the couple has no idea what's going on except for that danger lies ahead. After a while, they manage to flee from the house and heads to a big forest located close by. They keep being chased, and things stay pretty intense for a while.
Can't really tell you more about the story or about what happens, although I can say that it started of pretty good, got way better, and then got way worse. Basically it's dark at all times and for a while the movie's a real nail-biter. It sure delivers suspense, in fact a helluva lot of suspense, but eventually it gets stupid and ends that way as well. But as long as the couple are being chased, and you have no idea what's after them, it sure delivers some good horror/suspense. This goes for most horror flicks, as long as it keps its mystery, it's usually a helluva lot better and scarier. Once the mystery is gone, or that is that things have been revealed, something good (which means bad/scary/horrible) has to come out of it. But when you find out what is what in Ils, things just plain sucks.
The acting is good though, and the couple sure seems really scared and freaked out about what's going on. One thing I like was the somewhat shaky camera at times as it made things feel more realistic, and not just like watching another horror movie. When I say a shaky camera, it doesn't mean that it's so shaky that you won't be able to make things out, that you will. Ils is also a pretty short flick that only lasts for 77 minutes, and those minutes goes by pretty fast. The movie's fast-paced and never dull, while what was chasing them truly is dull as hell. It's too bad, it could've been so much better.
The first hour or so is pretty great and delivers a lot of nail-biting suspense. It's only the last remaining 15 minutes that almost completely ruins it when you find out what's after poor Lucas and Clementine. Since the outcome sucked, I thought I should give it a pretty low rating, but since it had so much other good stuff to offer and looked pretty slick, I felt that it had a lot of things going for it as well. A simple but ok story, a lot of suspense, some horror, but a brutally bad ending. Not the first time, and it will unfortunately not be the last time either I guess.
I Spit on Your Grave has a really simple story. Jennifer Hill is working on a new novel and needs to get out of New York so she rents a cabin upstate and goes there to write. There she attracts the attention of four locals who one day rapes her. Some time after the incident she recovers and sets out to seek revenge on the men who raped her.
When it comes to I Spit on Your Grave there are a lot of differing opinions out there. Some claim it to be a underestimated flick that actually tells a brilliant story about revenge and is somewhat of a milestone when it comes to this type of cinema. Others claim it to be totally overrated and that it's quite boring and not that graphical at all.
I wouldn't call it brilliant and I can definitely see why some people would find it to be quite slow and boring. First off the movie's from 1978 and is not made for the MTV generation, so if you have a really short attention span then just forget about it.
But for people who does not need everything on screen to be fast-paced it's ok. I wouldn't call it slow either, sometimes it drags a little but not too much and never so it gets really annoying or anything like that.
One thing that might make it seem a bit slower and that is a really negative thing is that there's no music in the movie. Maybe they made it this way to create a certain mood or feeling but I think that some music in the background would've helped creating a better or more suiting mood for sure.
It's a simple story but it works and is well executed. The actual rape scenes are bad, not in the sense that they are poorly done but that they are horrible to watch but it doesn't even come close to the one in Irreversible which was just brutal and really painful to look at.
One thing though is that after she gets raped the first time and you think that's it, she later gets raped again and then a third time. It goes on for quite a while and even if the scenes are not super graphical, it's still horrible to watch since you know what's going on and might be hard for some people to sit through.
When it comes to the revenge part of the movie I'm actually a bit indecisive if it's good or not. The way she offs the guys one by one are pretty cool and well done, but it takes too long and is not brutal enough, considering what they done to her.
I guess it's brutal but again not graphical enough. But if you see what's going on and use some of your imagination it tends to get better, or worse depending on how you see it.
I Spit on Your Grave is not for everyone to see, as the rape scenes may be to hard for some and the overall movie being too slow for some. I would still recommend it though. It's a good old flick with a horrible theme.
Eugene and pregnant Jody Scott are having a baby shower in their home, and after that all the guests have left, one uninvited guest stays. He introduces himself as Frank Davis, a man who had a monster baby, and warns the couple that their child might be one of these babies as well. After some time, the couple begins to trust Davis, who explains that these special children might be the next step in human evolution. He's a member of an underground organization who protects these children and studies them, and so he helps the Scott's out when Jody gives birth to what proves to be what Davis warned them about. But there's also another organization who wants to rid the world of these monster babies, which all leads to a horrific confrontation.
I wanted to say that this is an old cool horror flick that is worth checking out, but instead I'll have to go with that this is an old shitty flick that it's recommended to stay as far away from as possible. I remember seeing this movie, and the first, way long ago when I was still a young lad with a bright future ahead of me, but since I didn't really remember anything about it from back then, I decided to take a look at it again. Big mistake folks. Well, a few things in it were a tiny bit hilarious, but overall it was a really bad flick, way too drawn out, and not nearly enough horror to satisfy on any level whatsoever.
Since it's a sequel as well, it tends to repeat itself a bit, and borrow too many ideas from the first flick, instead of coming up with new ones. But since that is the basic formula for sequels, I don't wanna complain too much about it. The basic idea is not really bad, but the way it was executed is just too bad. It felt like it took forever before anything remotely interesting happened, and when something actually did happen, it proved not to be worth the wait.
 Biggest problem with It Lives Again is that it's just so predictable it's ridiculous. That on the other hand would've been totally ok if it would've had some decent scares, gore or whatever to it, but unfortunately there are not to many of these things to be found. Although, I have to admit that the babies looks pretty nasty, and I wish that they would've been given more screen time, because it was just not enough. It takes what feels like forever before you even get to see one of the small mutants, and then when you actually get to see them attack someone, the violence is too toned down.
The character development is non-existant, but with a movie like this, I guess you're not really looking for strong and well developed characters. What you look for is some cheesy horror, some blood, some gore, and some entertainment of course. It fails pretty much with being entertaining because it's just too slow. I have nothing against slow movies, but slow movies has to be interesting, and this is so not interesting. I mean, you don't really care about the characters, or the story, since it's not that kind of movie. This is just a movie you expect to be a whole lot of fun, and you just wanna see blood, mutant babies and a helluva lot of cheese. Basically, I think it's just too serious, it should've been more in the same vein as movies like Basket Case, Frankenhooker or whatever, cheesy and fun, but still nasty and gory if you know what I mean.
It Lives Again provides a tiny bit entertainment, but is basically just too slow, drawn out and lacks the horror, gore and cheese it should of had. To its defence, I have to say that it looks all right, and the acting could of course have been better, but it's still definitely decent. It Lives Again is just not worth the time though.
Danny St. Claire is a park ranger who spends most of her time alone with her trusted old friend, that is a bottle of vodka. She has issues to deal with, having recently just been in an accident where her best friend got killed, that she feel she's responsible for. Her boyfriend Justin, who's also a ranger, comes to see her and to help her deal with her problems. It seems to work at first, but soon they get other things to focus on when apparently some kind of beast is loose in the woods. Shortly after, two campers turn up dead, and Danny's boyfriend is next to go. She then runs into some Native American Professor, who explains what they're dealing with. And what they're dealing with is apparently some old creature, awaken from its slumber. Will they be able to stop it before it kills even more people?
Yikes, It Waits turned out to be the snooze-fest of the year, and even managed to give me a slight headache, and wasted my precious time among other things. I kinda figured right from the start that it was gonna suck, so basically I watched it only for two reasons; 1. Cerina Vincent is hot. 2. The monster might look cool. Well, take my word for it: Even if Cerina Vincent is good-looking, watching It Waits is so not worth the time, and the monster looked like a lame and cheap version of The Creeper.
Throughout the whole movie, I found myself struggling really hard not to fall asleep. If this was the intention with the movie, that is to make people fall asleep, then I have to congratulate them, because they've really succeeded. Like if the overall movie wasn't boring enough, in the middle of the flick, some Native American Professor appears and explains everything about the monster to park ranger Danny. This guy was so freaking boring, and it kinda reminded me of when being back in high school, half asleep, while a teacher kept babbling on about something one couldn't care less about. Thing is that I'm usually not like that, and can sit through most stuff even if it's painfull, but this guy and the whole flick in general just had snooze written all over it.
The viewer has to wait for what feels like an eternity for the actual monster to appear, and when it finally did appear, it was like getting a bucket of disappointment splashed all over your face. So while the monster took a hell of a lot of time to show itself, one must admit that the title is kinda appropriate as it sure waits, and waits, and waits. It kinda looked like a stupid version of The Creeper. Like they've stolen that character, then made him look a little less terrifying, and attached some shitty wings to his back. Poor thing, he was ugly as hell and not even frightening... I kinda felt sorry for the guy. Actually, the monster was a female but who cares?
When it comes to scares, the movie had a few very cheap ones, non-effective none the less. The little gore was somewhat graphical, but if you've seen a few horror flicks before, it has nothing new to offer on that subject either. Now, the acting wasn't half-bad, while that doesn't mean that it was really good either, at least it didn't completely suck. The score did though, and was one of the reason that caused that headache that I mentioned earlier.
It Waits looked all right, and while Miss Vincent always looks more than just all right, the monster didn't look anywhere near all right. All right? Problem with this movie was that it took too long for something to happen, and when something finally did happen, it didn't satisfy at all. The ending was really lame (I'm not gonna give it away though) and the overall flick was extremely boring. For a creature feature, this truly was a huuuuuge waste of time.
Jack Starks is a Gulf war veteran who's sent home after being shot in the head. Although he did not die but is suffering from amnesia. Back home, one day he's hitching and gets picked up by a stranger who kills a cop that pulls them over. Jake goes to trial and can't remember what happened so he's wrongfully accused and ends up in an asylum for the criminally insane. In the asylum Jack is treated with experimental therapy by a doctor, who puts Jack in a straight jacket and locks him up in a body drawer in the morgue. During his time in the body drawer, Jack gets flashbacks and visions of his future and finds out that he's gonna die in only four days. So his only chance for survival is to get back into the body drawer to find out how he's gonna die.
This movie actually made me think of The Butterfly Effect for the simple reason that both movies deal with time travelling, and share some similar things, even though they are not too alike. I was actually amazed with how good The Jacket really turned out to be considering I had no real expectations to begin with. I know Adrien Brody is a good actor but here he's beyond good. But it's not just the acting, it's actually the story that's so darn interesting. From start to finish, there's not a dull moment, every little scene has something to offer and it truly draws you in and does not let go until the credits roll.
For being a thriller, it does not actually have that much suspense to offer. There are some scenes in the movie that of course has some moments of suspense, but nothing really big. But like I said earlier, it's super interesting and once in a while during the movie when Jack gets his flashbacks all of a sudden, it kinda makes you jump a bit. Although it's never scary, things just come very unexpected at times and kinda hits you out of the blue.
Expect for Adrien Brody giving an excellent performance with his character, all other actors in the movie truly does a good job as well. Since the movie jumps back and forth in time, the actors has to perform in multiple realities. Still being the same characters, but with or without the knowledge of other times, and everyone makes that truly believable as well.
The directing is brilliant and the script is very well written. Since the movie jumps back and forth and has so much going on at all times, it still manages to be very clear and gives you just the right amount of clues to keep track and to keep up. This is one thing it has really succeeded in doing. With another director, things may have looked and been totally different of course, but as we get to see it now, it's perfect.
Even though it's not scary or that suspensefull, it still manages to keep you tense all the way through. Also this is the type of movie that could of easily had a really weird ending, with just cutting off so you would have to think for yourself. But it doesn't, and even if the ending is kinda what you expect, it still delivers and makes the overall experience truly worth while.
I wish there were more movies like this, but on the other hand if there was, maybe this wouldn't have been as interesting as it turned out to be. It's fantastic and you should definitely give it a go.
A group of strangers in a bar are suddenly attacked by a bunch of monsters who wants to feast on them. Trapped inside the bar, the group has to use all they can think of as weapons against the beasts who are killing them off one by one.
Feast didn't have too much of a story to offer, but instead it focused on providing splatter, entertainment and is first and most a movie that you should check out if you're up for some good-looking mindless fun. Not even 15 minutes into the movie, mayhem is at hand and limbs and guts are flying across the screen, people are being ripped apart, and it's basically a gorehounds wet dream come true. Then it slows down a bit until Henry Rollins who played a great character puts one dead monster on a stick and sticks it out the window only to show the creatures outside what they're dealing with, and that is mankind. Unlucky for the group, the dead monster turns out to be a baby and after that little incident, hell is unleashed upon the group who has to struggle and fight for survival. One thing I really liked early on was the fact that there were a lot of people in the bar to begin with, and so some of them could be killed right away without leaving to few left to root for.
Early on, Feast had this Tarantino feel to it or rather this From Dusk Till Dawn feel, since the group are trapped inside a bar, fighting evil monsters. But there were so much going on in Feast that you soon forgot about that and instead just enjoyed the movie for what it had to offer, which was quite a lot. Throughout the film, one was treated to almost non-stop action, and this combined with massive amounts of gore and splatter made for one really entertaining ride. Even though it slowed down a bit once in a while, it didn't take many minutes before there were chaotic blood-splattering scenes to get excited by yet again and again.
 When I first started to watch it, some of the characters came off as a bit too macho and I was afraid that it was gonna go like that all the way through, luckily it didn't. And even though the characters had no real depth, you still got to know them a bit which was absolutely enough, since this was not the type of flick that you'd watch for the sake of deep characters that you would feel for, but instead for the action, monsters and mayhem alone. The way the characters were introduced were both good and bad at the same time I guess. Early on, when there was a new face on screen, the movie paused and showed some basic information in text about that specific character. That way, you got to know who each and everyone were right away and got that over with so that the film could put its focus on the action and horror instead, which it did. I guess this was a good thing to get that out of the way, but at the same time, I usually hate those type of things, just like I hate movies that explains what happened to all the characters after that it's over. No biggie though, and I guess it served a purpose.
Some of the killings or monster attacks if you prefer that, were pretty gruesome and that's a really positive thing since this is the type of stuff you wanna see when watching a flick like this. The gore was definitely there all the way through, but never really over-the-top so it looked ridiculous or anything like that, everything that had to do with that looked pretty much super-duper. Acting-wise I have no real complaints and thought that all of the cast members did a fine job. On the plus side is also that the movie looked very good, had a nice red tone to it and it seemed like it had a pretty high budget for a horror film. Anyway, it looked real sharp.
If I were you, which I'm not, I would defintely give Feast a go. Like I said before, it's mindless fun so don't expect anything too complex, but if you just wanna have a good time and get some great entertainment for your money, this one is well worth it.
Sea World in Florida opens a new attraction called the Undersea Kingdom. Soon a Sea World diver named Shelby Overman disappers and Michael and Kathryn, a couple who both works at Sea World goes into the Undersea Kingdom to try and find out what happened to him. In the water they discover a young great white shark, and they decide to take it back to Sea World and be the only ones in the world who has a great white in captivity. Later on the young shark dies and Overman's body is found, and when looking and the body, Kathryn is convinced that the young shark couldn't have done it. They soon discover that the mother of the young shark, a 35 foot long murderous great white is also inside the Undersea Kingdom, and suddenly everyone at Sea World are in great danger.
Lately I've been watching way too many new flashy horror movies so I figured that it was time to take a look at some old crap, and crap it surely is. Haven't seen Jaws 3 for a very long time, I had forgotten everything this movie was about, and maybe I should have kept things that way, but now it's too late anyway. Of course it's not even comparable to Jaws, none of the sequels are, but at least it wasn't so boring that I had to turn it off. Although, it's quite dull to say the least.
Only reason you would watch a flick like this is either for the suspense, or for the killings and the gore, or both. And even though it has a few kinda cool scenes the suspense is nowhere to be found, and the gore is of course non-existant. What irritated me the most when watching Jaws 3 was that there are so many scenes when people are falling into the water and the great white is swimming around but does not attack. What is that about? Counting all the people that are splashing around and falling into the water when the shark is around, the body count could've been great but instead it ends up being everything that is opposite to great.
We get to follow Dennis Quaid and his girlfriend who's a marine biologist, both of them working at Sea World that is owned by Louis Gossett Jr. Dennis Quaid is not one of my fave actors but he's actually pretty likable here. They soon discover that a 35 foot long great white shark has entered the Undersea Kingdom and is attacking (or at least should be attacking) everything around it. Also a group of people who are going on a guided tour gets stuck in the underwater tunnels so they have to try and save them, evacuate Sea World and somehow find a way to get rid of the killer shark.
The story is actually somewhat ok to follow, but the lack of suspense is just too great. Also when things finally are happening, they don't seem to have that much to them either. As I said earlier, there are a few cool scenes featuring the shark, but that never really takes it anywhere and turns out to be just one lame scene after another. Also the lack of blood and actual kills are just too big for one to fully be able to enjoy the movie. It actually feels a bit like this movie was made for kids with all the happy dolphins and that kind of stuff.
What it has going for it is that it's over pretty fast and even if it's dull, it's not really a snore. It's just too bad that the shark is such a sissy and doesn't kill more people. Sometimes it goes towards being a bit nasty, but every time that's about to happen, it manages to switch over into Disney mode, and we all know what that's like, uuuhh..
Jaws is still a good shark flick but the rest are unfortunately not nearly as good. Jaws 3 is a tiny bit entertaining at times but way too lame for one to fully be able to enjoy. Also the 3D stuff look like complete crap, I didn't have any glasses or whatever on and I didn't watch it in a theater, but I don't think it would've had come out any different in the end.
Danny and Trish are driving home for a college break, but are on the way attacked by a car, and almost pushed off the road. When driving past an old church, they see the same old car, and a man wearing a trench coat dumping something that looks like wrapped up bodies with blood staines on them down a pipe. Shortly after they decide to head back to the church, and look down the pipe in case of finding something, or someone. Accidentally, Danny falls down the pipe, and what he discovers down in the old church basement is truly a terrifying sight. And if things weren't bad enough, now the thing that lives in the church is after them.
The fact is that the first 30 minutes or so of Jeepers Creepers makes for a great horror movie experience. It has a lot of tension, a lot of mystery, and has some really good scares to offer. But the minute you actually get to see the Creeper, all is ruined. Well, it's not that bad, and all is actually far from ruined, but it's not half as good as early on in the movie. The very tension in the beginning is so thick it feels like you could cut it with a knife, and tension like that is kinda rare, and always appreciated.
What makes it eerie early on is the fact that you don't know anything about the Creeper. The movie starts out with Danny and Trish, two bickering siblings, driving their way home for a break, and all of a sudden, this driver comes out of nowhere and almost pushes them off the road. They are both shocked of course, but eventually figures it was just some crazy driver. But it doesn't take long before they see the old rusty car again, parked outside an old church and a man dumping something that looks like bodies down a pipe. After a while they head back to the old church to check out what the man was dumping, if it were actually bodies, and if so, could any of the victims still be alive? This scene delivers a lot of tension as well, since you know that the guy who dumped the bodies could show up at any time. Eventually Danny falls down the pipe (congrats, very smart move) and finds something horrible down there.
 So far so good, but after that, the movie basically turns into a big chase, were Danny and Trish are being chased by this ancient demon called the Creeper. Apparently, this man-creature comes out every thirteen years or so to feed, and now it's time for that again, and the siblings finds themselves being chased by this horrible thing. Now, the Creeper isn't really that horrible after all, he looks a bit like the Djinn in Wishmaster, but with wings. As soon as he shows himself, the scares automatically goes out the window, and instead it turns into some standard kind of monster horror flick that is not very memorable in the end.
The acting is good with Gina Philips and Justin Long playing the two siblings who are being chased by the Creeper, and they do it very well. Other than that, the movie looks slick and has some decent gore to offer. The score's not that great, and the "Jeepers Creepers" song quickly becomes a bit of a drag to listen to. But overall, it's not that bad, and it's an ok horror movie that starts off really good, but after a while starts going down-hill a bit, fortunately never so much so it's no longer watchable. Because that it is.
Jeepers Creepers is not a bad horror flick, it's just that the first 30 minutes or so are really good, but unfortunately it just becomes worse after that. It's still works though, and provides some entertainment for sure, it's just that the eerie feel and the scares it had to it early on are missing in the rest of the flick. Watchable.
This broken-down bus of high school jocks, cheerleaders and some coaches is stranded on a country road and gets attacked by the Creeper, a beast of some kind who comes up to earth every 23 years to feed. Also a farmer who lost his younger son to the Creeper earlier sets out to get his revenge.
I don't know why they felt like it was necessary to do a sequel to the first movie. Jeepers Creepers was pretty good when it came out and there was no reason to do a second one, but they did and here it is, and it's as expected not very good.
Jeepers Creepers actually had some genuine scares in it, at some point a creepy feeling to it and was kinda intense at places. Jeepers Creepers 2 has nothing of that to offer, it's just a dumb sequel, totally pointless.
That's about it and it's crap.
First off you have all these annoying idiots in the bus and you have to sit through all their stupid jokes and dumb comments and remarks. After that you're so sick and tired that you don't really care what's gonna happen anymore.
Why do so many of these teen horror movies have to have such a stupid dialogue in them? Only thing that happens with that is that either you end up hating the characters more than you did at first sight or you just don't care, but either way, nothing good can come of it.
So the Creeper keeps attacking the bus and everyone's screaming and it's quite boring. And then you have the revengeful farmer on the side which is actually somewhat equal to the Creeper but this is not very interesting either.
I guess it has some entertainment value, but not much. I hope they don't make a third movie but they probably will. Those bastards...
Medical students Jay Jekyll starts experimenting with a strange drug similar to ecstasy that makes him become someone else. At first he's a bit frightened by what the drug turns him into, but keeps experimenting in order to improve it. It doesn't take long before he's addicted to the drug, or rather that he's addicted to being the person he becomes when taking the drug. And that person is Hyde.
I have to admit that I wasn't expecting a single thing from Jekyll + Hyde, and figured it was just gonna be yet another b-movie that I would later regret sitting through. But to my big surprise, the film actually turned out to be more than just decent, it was actually a really good flick. Even though I guess we all know the story about Jekyll & Hyde, and for the fact that the story has been turned into different kinds of films over and over again, I have to say that this one really had an interesting take on the subject. With a good script and actors that really pulled it off, Jekyll + Hyde proved to be one helluva good film. I guess having no expectations help quite a bit, but still, it's not a film to dismiss as yet another lame take on the tired old story.
Even though the movie has some horror elements in it, I think it would be somewhat wiser to refer to it as a thriller, because that is really what it is. This time the person that is Hyde is really no monster per say, or that is looking at him from the outside. When taking the drug, Jay Jekyll becomes Hyde, with Hyde being a violent, sexual predator, but he doesn't transform into a giant hairy beast or any of those things we've seen before. Thing is that Jekyll is a nice, somewhat nerdy person, while Hyde looks better and has way more confidence. And even though Hyde is one bad mother, it's still kinda hard not to like him.
After a short time, Jekyll becomes obsessed with being Hyde and wants to be him all the time. Eventually things starts to go down-hill and it all ends in tragedy, something that I have to give this movie credit for as well since I hate happy endings. Happy endings have a tendency to make you forget the movies, while tragic endings have more feeling to them and therefore they're more memorable. You don't have to agree with me on this, but I think this movie really delivered on that front. Since the story is familiar to most people, it of course makes the film itself a bit predictable, thing though is that it doesn't really matter that much. The way they've put it together is really good, and the actors makes the story come alive in a very good way.
I'm happy to say that the acting was very good, because that's always my greatest fear when about to watch some new horror flick. You might recognize Bree Turner who a little while back had a role in the Masters of Horror episode Incident on and Off a Mountain Road. She delivered a good performance here, but Bryan Fisher stood out playing Jekyll/Hyde. Well, especially Hyde, Jekyll I couldn't really care any less for, still a good performance though. Other than that, the movie actually delivers a bit of tension along with a little gore and violence. Not too much though, but what's the most interesting thing here is the captivating story.
An interesting take on the old story which to my big surprise actually worked really well. Good acting, and above all, it was very interesting all the way through. If I we're you, I'd check it out.
Police officer Frank Spivey one day stumbles upon a man who is about to murder a young girl, and it all ends with Frank shooting the man down. The girl's face is horribly disfigured, and it seems like she can't speak either. When he later on realizes that she has nowhere to go, he takes her home and lets her stay with him until he can find some other place for her. Soon though, Jenifer starts to become a huge problem, eating up Frank's family's cat and what else. But even so, Frank seems to have become obsessed with the girl and lets her stay with him. As time goes by, the more Jenifer makes Frank's life miserabel, and in the end, there's only one way out.
I didn't expect too much from Dario Argento's addition to the Masters of Horror series, but I was really impressed with what the man had accomplished here. I've seen most of his flicks, and have found a few of them to be quite enjoyable, although, I'm not a huge fan of his work. Thing though is that he really hit the spot with Jenifer, which is a genuine creepy flick that stayed with me long after it was over. And I love horror movies that do that to you, makes you think about them long after you've finished watching them, just as much as I hate it, if you know what I mean.
Best thing with Jenifer though was the story, as it was easy to get into, and extremely captivating all the way through. I heard some people saying that it was nothing special, not memorable etc, and of course we all have different kinds of taste. But honestly, I can't really understand that trail of thought. When constantly watching so much horror flicks, week after week, year after year, you end up seeing a lot of flicks that are just repetitions of other flicks. So when movies like this comes along, not very often but it happens, it's like finding that fine pearl after looking through hundreds of empty shells.
It was strange seeing Steven Weber in the role of the man who ends up taking care of Jenifer. He's usually a funny guy, and when the movie started, I wasn't sure if it could even be scary with him being in it. Well, I was dead wrong. Not only is he NOT funny, but he also does one hell of an acting job. I sincerely felt sorry for the guy, and his performance works all the way. I think this was on the plus side as well, not that he did a good job, but that he actually worked really well in a horror flick that was actually quite creepy. Apart from that, he wrote the teleplay for Jenifer as well, which is another cool thing. Carrie Fleming who plays Jenifer is great, and the make-up is...how can I put it..awesome! The girl really looks creepy, at the same time, you feel a bit sorry for her, even though she acts like she does.
The ending was somewhat predictable, but even so, it was a great ending, and I can't see how it could've had a better ending. So what if it's slightly predictable, it makes the whole thing come together, and just makes the outcome very good. There's some gore in the movie which was well needed, not for the fact of getting to see actual gore, but to show what Jenifer really is.
I'm actually really impressed here, and would never had thought that Jenifer would prove to be such a good flick. It had a great creepy feel to it from beginning to end, and even if the ending was a bit predictable, it still delivered big-time. Credit to those who did the make-up, as it just looks amazing. If you haven't seen, do yourself a favor and rent or buy a copy of it. Not to be missed.
Kelby gets word that his old man has died, and together with his fiancé he heads to his home town to attend the funeral. Haven't been back home for 13 years, once there he meets two of his former old friends that he share a dark past with. A past that made him move and start his life over, but that is now back and this time there's no escaping it.
Joshua, released by Fangoria/Gorezone, is an indie film with a gruesome plot that is really hard to describe without ruin the movie for those who have not yet seen it. All I can say is that Joshua is a truly creepy movie, that has a story that stays with you long after the movie is over and those types of films are quite rare.
Kelby's father dies while serving time on death row and while Kelby seem like he couldn't care less about his father, he still goes back to his small home town in Indiana, bringing along his new fiancé to go with him. Once there, he gets a visit from an old friend of his and later at the funeral he meets yet another one of his old friends. You can easily tell that things between them are not very good and the further the movie goes, the more is revealed to why. Because together they have a dark childhood secret that now is brought back to life again and makes for a terrifying tale that is quite brutal, not to say frightening indeed.
A lot of indie flicks have this bad feel to them. Often, even if the stories are good, they might still feel too cheap and usually they feature some really horrible acting, something that seems to be quite hard to escape from when it comes to these types of films. It's always fun to see indie flicks though, just to see what people can make out of an extremely small to a no-budget, but the very outcome of most of these films are unfortunately not that great for most of the time.
 Joshua came like a real surprise, as I was expecting this movie to be watchable at best, but ended up really liking it, especially for the script which is brilliantly delivered. It's a sick and twisted movie and is so not your average predictable horror movie, but there was actually a lot of thought put into this one. Little by little the story is revealed and it just becomes darker and darker as well as more horrifying. It's clever and impressive and at the same time truly dark and sick. It's interesting all the way through and comes out looking really good in the end. (Maybe too good because I know I had problems sleeping.)
When finished watching it, I was actually really impressed. First off, I wasn't really expecting anything and secondly, the fact that it was an indie flick that was so well made with such an interesting and gruesome story just made it seem even more impressive. There are not too many scares, actually there are no scares that would make you jump out of your seat or anything like that. It's more psychological and the plot itself is so sick, it's hard not to be affected by it - I kid you not. It's has this creepy feel to it that constantly grows the longer you watch.
Long after the movie was over, it kinda hit me just how sick the plot really was and thinking about it now does not make me feel too good. It sounds like a negative thing, but is infact the total opposite. Not too many movies succeed with doing this and writer/director Travis Betz should get a lot of credit for his accomplishment. If you liked Ringu, the Japanese film that is, this is something you'd wanna check out.
Joshua is a really impressive indie film with a story that stays with you long after that the film is over. It's truly a clever movie and I can't wait to see what Travis Betz will do next. Truly recommended.
An exotic dancer named Gina is attacked in a motel, but is rescued by some neighbour. Later on she goes to the police station for questioning, and after that she plans to take a bus and go some place far away from all that has happened. The local small town sheriff, Lieutenant Krebs, offers her a ride to the bus station, but instead of taking her there, he abducts her and locks her in a cell in his basement. In the weeks that follow, Gina has to start seeing things the captors way if she ever hopes to escape from the unstable man.
The Keeper is a typical thriller featuring Dennis Hopper as the small town sheriff who's a mentally unstable man with a messed up childhood. Asia Argento stars as Gina, an exotic dancer who is kidnapped by Hopper and has to stay locked up in a soundproof cell in his secluded country home. As time goes by, she learns that she has to start trying to please the man, playing mind games, in order to be able to escape. And that's about it.
I'm not a huge Dennis Hopper fan, although I like a lot of his work. But recently he has started to disappoint more and more, and for every bad movie he makes, it seems to get harder and harder for him to pick himself up. I was somewhat disappointed with his performance in Land of the Dead, then his horrible performance as the priest with the phony accent in House of 9, and now this. He's not bad here, but on the other hand not nearly as convincing as one could have hoped for.
Lieutenant Krebs (Hopper) has this so-called point system that works as a kind of reward system. That is, do good and you get some points and eventually some high amount of points will give you something in return. That is what he's trying to teach Gina, how to make points, and while of course refusing at first, she figures that she'll have to play his game in order to be able to escape. I can totally understand what they were trying to accomplish and do here, but it's just not very convincing and ends up carrying a constant stupid dialogue that makes everything come out looking pretty stupid and with a just too wooden feel to it.
Another thing that kind of put me off a bit was that there's no mystery whatsoever. Things happen fast in the beginning with Gina being assulted, then kidnapped, but then everything slows down quite a bit. Within the first 10 minutes you already know who the kidnapper is, what he wants to do, and that his hostage's only goal is trying to escape from the place where she's being held, and that's it. Then you figure that there must be some clever twist later on, since this is the type of movie that really needs to have a twist to it. Big no. You can actually predict what's gonna happen within the first 10 to 15 minutes and there are no unexpected events ever occuring which in the end makes The Keeper a pretty dull movie experience.
There's a little more to it, but on the other hand it's not very important. Lieutenant Krebs comes out looking like a straight arrow cop, but underneath the surface he's supposed to be psychotic. But even though he's a weird fellow who says he has Gina locked up for her own good, he never comes out looking like the proper psycho that you wanna see. He's just too nice (yes that's the whole thing but it's just not very effective) and it never really goes anywhere. Movies like this has to have some suspense in them, that's one big element a thriller like this can't survive without, but it's really nowhere to be found. The girl manages to escape a couple of times, but when you see there's still a good half hour left of the movie, you know he's gonna catch her and things are gonna repeat themselves all over again.
The camera-work is ok for what it is, but it's not the type of movie you'd watch for the camera-work. The score is decent and even if it's not the least bit memorable, it still fits the movie and works well in the background. The acting is so-so, not bad but Hopper and Argento are not nearly as convicing with their character as they so needed to be. The suspense is really nowhere to be found and the dialogue is a bit stupid and contains too much nonsense at times.
I found myself having no problem sitting through The Keeper, but it sure did not deliver the goods. For being a thriller it's quite a dull experience that features no real suspense. Hopper is a bit disappointing as the not fully psychotic psycho, and Argento is ok at times but still comes out as pretty weak in the end. If you're looking for a good suspense thriller, it's recommended to look elsewhere.
Television journalist Ann Baurer is spending time in the Brazilian rainforest, covering some story. One day though, she stumbles upon Dr. North's experiment, to raise genetically mutated bees and sell their venom's healing properties as medicine. Unfortunately, these bees also contain a fast-acting virus which is extremely deadly. And now, several cases of bees are being shipped to New York on a jet. Oh noooo!!!
There's no real excuse for making a movie like this. Only excuse I can think of, that would be worthy, is if the people behind it said they made it so bad so it would actually be funny to watch. And while it kinda is that, I don't think that was their real intentions when they made it. I know some people that have awful taste when it comes to movies, but still, I'm pretty much sure they wouldn't go for Killer Buzz either. It's actually quite amazing when thinking about why movies like this are made in the first place, and who the hell they are for? Who actually watches the whole thing and likes it? I would like to meet that person, or actually I wouldn't, since that would just be too scary for real I'm sure.
Rutger Hauer, you kinda wonder how he ended up in this piece of junk that they call a film. Recently I saw him in Minotaur, and that was also surprising since that was a crappy flick as well, but still, it was a lot 'better' than Killer Buzz proved to be. I've had this movie laying around at home for quite some time now, and have just been avoiding to watch it. Last night I decided to give it a go which wasn't the smartest decision ever made, and it would've been so much better if I would've just kept avoiding to watch it. After finished watching it, it felt like one had gotten hit over the head really bad, and today, I suffer a terrible hang-over from it.
Hauer plays some crazed terrorist called Ezekial who wants to keep the bees for himself, and therefore causes a lot of trouble for others, him and his army. There's also this tribe of Indians called The Shadow People (where have I heard that before?) that doesn't make this movie any more interesting. Early on, the movie's actually so bad that it's at times kinda funny, but after some time the fun is gone and it's just all bad all the way through. It's not even a proper horror movie, it just deals with bees and feels more like a really shitty and pointless action flick that was meant for complete idiots. I really can't go on writing about Killer Buzz, it's just not worth the time.
This film is so freakin bad it's not even funny, and there's no point of going into detail about it since there's really no good reason to watch it in the first place. I hope I never have to sit through anything like this ever again (even though I know that is bound to happen sooner or later).
A guy and his girlfriend sitting in their car on a hill sees something big falling from the sky and land not too far away from where they are, so they go there to find out exactly what it was that fell from the sky. They stumble upon a big circus tent in the middle of a forest which has all of these clowns inside, but they don't seem like your normal circus clowns.
Here we have a true classic cheesy 80's movie that I guess have somewhat of a cult status, no wonder since it's a very cool movie about murderous clowns from outer space, how cool isn't that?
There are so many small details in this movie that makes it great, you have everything that has to do with clowns and circuses, even their space ship looks like a big circus tent. Then the clowns are mean as hell and instead of being "normal" earthly clowns, these ones comes from outer space.
After coming to earth, these clowns goes around and captures people trapping them inside cocoons made out of cotton candy and brings them back to their tent (well space ship) to drink their blood (no, the clowns are not vampires). Funny thing though is that no one in town realises what's going on and they are not afraid of the clowns either because the clowns look like, well clowns.
Another cool thing that has to do with the details I mentioned earlier is that they kill people with stuff that clowns use and that simply just looks like clown gear but are all deadly weapons. So no one realises what's going on except for this couple that saw when they came from the sky and two of their friends who are similar to some kind of village idiots working driving a ice cream truck.
It's a b movie, don't expect anything else, but it's still very well done and has some cool effects and even if it's low budget it still looks like they actually had some budget to it. It's not a serious movie but it's so not supposed to be either.
t's highly entertaining and enjoyable and if you haven't seen it yet, well then you've definitely missed out on some good stuff from the great 80's.
A man out diving is bit in half by a creature in a lake in Maine, and the local sheriff teams up with the local game warden to find the killer beast. Also joining them is a paleontologist from New York, and Hector Cyr, a rich and eccentric crocodile lover. Will they be able to figure out what's in the lake and stop it before it kills more people?
The first time I saw Lake Placid I was really disappointed since I thought they would be dealing with some kind of prehistoric monster and not a crocodile. So yeah, the crododile is unusually big, but nevertheless it's still just a crocodile. It was the cover that fooled me, and if you look at it you see that there's a huge beast and a small Bridget Fonda on it. If you compare their sizes, the beast is just enormous and unfortunately it doesn't look like that in the actual movie. But when I watched Lake Placid now a few years later I was aware of the cover and the actual size of the beast, so let's just take it from there.
So a man gets bit in half in the beginning of the movie and is dragged back into the boat by the local sheriff who's with him. That's a really cool scene since you get to see him laying there in the boat with everything from his waist down completely gone. There's one other scene later on which is kinda just as cool but that's about it. That's the type of stuff you wanna see in a movie like this so it's a shame it didn't have more of that gory stuff.
Naturally they have to figure out what's in the lake and stop it before it kills again, and the sheriff teams up with local game warden (Pullman) to investigate further. Since they found a tooth in the dead divers body that proved to be prehistorical, a New York palaeontologist (Fonda) is sent to Maine to find out more about the tooth and where it came from. She's a sarcastic little broad and is quite annoying to watch, it's supposed to be fun at times but her comical timing is just non-existant. Also joining them is a rich crocodile lover (Platt), a special and odd kind of character who has a lot on his mind and who's not afraid to say whatever's on it.
Together they go out to "hunt" this beast which they soon figure out is a 30 foot Asian crocodile, and a lot happen on the way. It mixes comedy and horror but the horror is not very strong. There's actually a lot of comical situations and remarks throughout the movie, and while some being really amusing, some is not. It's a bad creature feature, but since the makers seem to be totally aware of the fact that it is, it never tries to be anything else which is a really good thing.
Lake Placid is fast-paced and has some funny and cool moments, but is so predictable it's ridiculous. It's a B-movie and is probably just supposed to be entertaining, but it's so easy to tell what's gonna happen next all the time, even in the end and that brings it down a little. There's no tension, but some of the crocodile scenes are pretty cool to watch, like when it eats a cow or drags a whole bear into the lake.
The acting is ok, Pullman is not the least memorable and the rest are somewhat annoying at times even though Platt's character says some funny stuff at times. I actually found the local sheriff (Brendan Gleeson) to be most likable, and even if it's nothing outstanding, he's still giving a good performance. The score is crap and the "romantic" stuff in the end was just completely terrible.
It's not a great creature flick, but it's an ok B-movie that has some funny stuff in it. It's entertaining and is at least not boring. Don't expect too much and you'll probably have a good time watching it.
Land of the Dead is about that the living dead has overtaken humanity and the last people on earth live inside a city protected from what's outside. There are two classes of people, the rich who live in nice skyscrapers while the unfortunate live on the streets inside the city. What protects the city is an enormous tank called Dead Reckoning controlled by a group of people who later loses control over the tank to a man out to destroy the city.
I know a lot of George A. Romero fans have been waiting for this movie and now when it's finally out is it as good as hoped for? Personally I didn't think it was bad but it wasn't that great either.
Just because it's from the same man who gave you the Dead Trilogy doesn't mean it has to be a fantastic movie and it's really not. Since Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead was made long ago and were all really good zombie movies or lets call them landmarks there's still nothing that says that Land of the Dead (coming out so many years later) is gonna be just as good, I dont' think you can't even really compare them either.
I was really looking forward to this movie and I'm sad to say that I'm somewhat disappointed, even if it's not that bad really it's way worse then I had hoped for.
The cool thing here is that the living dead are actually smart, and not all braindead like most other zombie movies. Dennis Hopper's in it but he doesn't add anything to the movie really, I'm not really a Dennis Hopper fan either especially not after seing him recently in House of 9 which otherwise was an ok movie. It's also irritating that John Leguizamo stars in this movie, since he's a lousy actor, it would have been so much better if they had chosen someone else to play his part.
These are just minor negative complaints which doesn't really matter that much. I guess a lot of people really wanna like this movie and keep telling themselves to, even though in the end it's not that good. All in all it's an ok movie but also a very forgettable one.
Luke and William travel through the California desert when they're kidnapped by a psycho. This is the first part. Later, with the help of a friend they manage to escape and gets caught up in a bar that suddenly gets attacked by the legion of the dead. That's the second part, and this part is exactly like From Dusk Till Dawn. Well not exactly, this one's complete trash.
Legion of the Dead is a movie from German crap-meister Olaf Ittenbach, creator of The Burning Moon and Premutos among others. And even if Premutos is kinda crappy, it still had a lot more going for it than this flick has.
This is actually a From Dusk Till Dawn ripoff, you can't escape from the fact that it is, and it's truly noticable when you see it which is not a good thing to begin with. If he's was gonna try and rip it off, then try and do it somewhat properly, not like this as this is just plain horrible.
But let's get away from the fact that it's a ripoff. So what else does this movie have to offer, gore? Yeah some, but most of the time it just looks way too cheap and ruins the experience. Again, watch Premutos instead, it's bad but at least you'll get some proper gore. Maybe not proper but still a hell of a lot better than what you get here.
Just like From Dusk Till Dawn this movie is kinda divided into two different parts. Yeah it's a ripoff all the way.
I can't believe that Ittenbach made this movie, not that I'm a fan of his but it just seems so stupid to completely rip a movie off that most people who would watch Legion of the Dead most likely have seen. People take other people's ideas all the time, but cases like this are just too much.
The performances from the actors are so wooden that it actually hurts to look sometimes. And most of the time when watching this, it feels like the movie was just thrown together without any thought behind it whatsoever.
So what do we actually get here? Good dialogue? No. Decent acting? No. Gore? Yeah, shitty gore not worth the time. Nudity? No. Good directing? No. Nice photography? No. A good story? Hahaha. Plot holes? Yes. Stay away, you've been warned.
Five friends are on vacation in a Chinese city when they one night decides to go to a Kareoke Bar. In there, one of the friends happens to offend a Triad boss, but luckily a Japanese guy named Miles is there to help them get out from the place before the shit hits the fan. Once out, everything seems to be under control, and the friends head of to a sleazy porno theatre called Venus Theatre to relax and to forget about the unfortunate mishappening. They buy tickets and enter the place, unknown that the Triad boss and his men have followed them. The bloodbath is about to begin...
Obviously, Live Feed seemed to be somewhat similar to Hostel, dealing with a group of trapped people being exposed to severe torture. But other than that, the movies are a bit different from one another, and I wouldn't put too much weight on comparing them. I mean, Live Feed might not be a very original movie, but the main reason for watching this is of course not for originality, but for the gore, blood and carnage. Now gore is something that this movie offers a helluva lot of, and even if it has its faults when talking about the acting, the score, the script itself, whatever, at least it delivers full-on gore and carnage, which will probably make every gorehound out there jump with joy. Well, at least those parts of the movie won't leave the gore craving sickos unsatisfied.
I found it to be quite hard to put a rating on Live Feed, and the reason for that is because when looking at it from one point of view, it has some extremely bad things in it, but looking at it from another point of view, it also has a lot to offer. Let's break it down, shall we? On the negative side of things, there's too much crap in the way before we get to the good stuff, exacly like it was with Hostel. Now, this is not a huge thing really, and once the nastiness kicks in, the movie kinda redeems itself so to speak. Thing with Hostel was that it promised a lot, and when you finally got to see it, your expectations were pretty much through the roof, which is never a good thing. With Live Feed, I wasn't really expecting anything, although I can admit that I was interested to see what they had done with it gore-wise, but I never really thought it would be a very good flick to begin with. And I think that made all the difference; that is no expectations, and therefore I could take the movie for what it really was, nothing more, nothing less.
 The actors were decent at best, with some of them being really lousy. The prize for worst actor in the movie goes to the Triad boss who shows what crappy acting is all about. I could definitely go on complaining about the acting but I don't really see any reason to, you'll notice when you see it. Since I want to get the complaints out of the way, it's probably best to dive right into the score which was truly the most annoying thing this movie had to offer. All music were basically just irritating, and while I can see the reason for why they played traditional Chinese music early on when the group visited a night market, the fact still remains, it sucked. Sometimes the music was so bad and irritating that I found myself having a hard time to focus on what was going on in the movie, now that's a real downer. Other than that, the fact that they were really not in China, but in China Town somewhere made it come out looking a bit stupid as well. Also, the Chinese guys couldn't seem to decide whether or not they should speak English or Chinese to each other which also made it look a bit dumb. These are little things though, and if you try (hard) not to think about it, you'll be ok.
The very best thing that Live Feed had to offer was the giant butcher who was wearing a freaky leather mask. When this guy first made his apperance, my jaw almost dropped to the floor. I mean, talk about being intimidating. This guy was H-U-G-E, and by wearing this bizarre mask, it sure made him look even more freaky, and also for the fact that you knew that he was gonna brutalize the group of unlikable teens kinda made you forgive the movie for its previous faults. This giant was definitely the highlight of the movie. Gore-wise you get to see a lot of nasty things, dismemberment, torture and most things that you can think of. There's for instance one scene where they force a snake down a girls throat using a plastic tube, pretty gross. So if for nothing else, at least you'll always have that.
There's basically just one reason why you'd wanna watch Live Feed, and that is of course for the explicit gore. It has its fair share of problems, and I really wonder why you got to see a naked chick dancing on stage early on in the movie for what felt like forever. This was shown with full frontal nudity, but didn't really make any sense or didn't have anything to do with anything, just totally pointless. I guess I could see a bunch of clueless teens enjoy this sort of thing, but it just felt extremely unnecessary and above all, way too drawn out. This thing kinda put me off right from the start but about 40 minutes into the movie, it suddenly got a helluva lot better, and actually managed to stay that way for the rest of the movie. Why it gets a "higher" rating is simply because of the huge butcher which looked really nasty and was great. Other than that, the gory stuff sure was entertaining enough. This review of Live Feed was for the unrated version, and since I haven't seen the rated version, I can't really say how different things would look. But if you're only after the gore and torture, I see no reason why you'd wanna watch the rated version.
A recently divorced lady and her two sons are forced to move in with her father, due to financial problems, in the town of Santa Carla, California. Santa Carla has a high murder rate and are famous for people disappearing without a trace and the youngest son Sam gets to hear that the town is inhabited by vampires who supposably are behind the murders but refuse to believe it at first. The elder son Mike meets a girl that he falls for but she's hanging with a crowd that are not your normal human beings. Later Sam sees Mike showing signs of becoming an actual vampire and together with two young vampire hunters that he met earlier, they set out to destroy the head vampire to get rid of all the vampires and to save his brother.
The Lost Boys is a pretty cool 80's movie and probably among the better vampire flicks ever made. Most vampire movies have a tendensy to suck (no pun intended) or take themselves too seriously which only makes them end up more goofy in the first place.
The Lost Boys actually manages to have a really good balance between comedy, thriller and horror. The comedy is 80's style but not too over-the-top and works pretty well without ruining the actual suspense parts of the movie.
The story is pretty cool but far from brilliant but works well and makes for a really good and entertaining movie. The twist in the end is nothing special and you can probably figure it out at least half way through the movie. This doesn't really matter though since it's a really good and most of all a entertaining flick with good performances from all the actors involved.
We get to see a young Kiefer Sutherland as a vampire and 80's star Corey Feldman as a vampire hunter, he's not really a good actor but his 80's movies are actually kinda fun to watch, same with Corey Haim who plays the youngest son Sam.
It's a serious movie but has a little humour here and there which works pretty well without taking the suspense off. We don't get to see that much blood and gore even if it deals with vampires but it's not that kind of movie and is not necessary either. About the directing, score, acting and special effects etc, there's nothing to really complain about since it's all well done.
For a lot of people I guess this movie is kinda nostalgic seeing it nowadays, and for younger people who haven't seen it you might wanna give it a shot since it's such a cool and classic vampire movie.
Influenced by the writings and works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (better known as H.P. Lovecraft), LovecraCked! The Movie delivers nine Lovecraftian tales that are all tied together by an investigative journalist who tries to find out who this mysterious writer really was. Along with that the reporter keeps digging for clues about Lovecraft, one short film after another is shown; All being indie films with some being good and some that could've been a helluva lot better.
There has been a lot of adaptations of Lovecraft's works with the most famous one probably being Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator, not to mention The Necronomicon itself used in Evil Dead. If you're a big Lovecraft fan who likes and admires the man for his utterly obscure writing skills, LovecraCked! The Movie might not be your cup of tea since it mixes horror with comedy, and to make things better or worse, depending on how you see it, there's even some porn to be found in one of the short films. When talking about Lovecraft's writings, there are really no excellent adaptations out there to compare to what the man has written and LovecraCked! The Movie is no exception. But this is not a movie you should watch because you're really into Lovecraft, but for the fact that you get a wide variety of different indie films. Some made by people who might have a bright future ahead of them, while some made by others who should not make movies at all.
Let's break it down shall we? The first short story is called The Statement of Randolph Carter, directed by Jane Rose, and it had a pretty good feel to it even though it didn't really do it for me. The style of the film itself was pretty cool though and it was 'stupid' enough to work on some levels. Unfortunately it was over in a blink, but was kind of a good, sort of a tease, to start off with. Next one out was called The History of the Lurkers by Justin Powers, and even though I found it to be far from being great, the people behind the film definitely deserves some credit for originality. It takes place in modern day with a punk-rocker who can summon true evil (that was an hilarious scene for sure). The lurkers themselves were quite frightening but in a funny sense of the word.
What follows the lurkers is a short film called Remain, directed by Ashley Thorpe, that proved to be one of the best segments LovecraCked had to offer. Filmed using stop-motion technique, something that made things seem even more creepy and felt a bit like watching a video by the band Tool. It had some disturbing imagery to offer with an artist painting a canvas that comes alive. This piece was right on the spot. Fourth flick called Bugboy from Swedish director Tomas Almgren was, according to yours truly, the very best segment on the disc. Filmed in black & white, Bugboy looked really awesome and had a Cronbergian feel to it (couldn't help but to think of The Fly when watched it). It had a good but really simple story that worked wonders and even though it was really short, just like all the segments, it was still enough time for it to really satisfy. The film had some nice effects, nice make-up and I honestly think the black & white helped it look a lot better.
5th segment called Witches Spring by Brian Barnes was a drag to watch, and even though it was really short it was still too long and just looked and felt way too amaturish. Dealing with some pretty girl that were supposed to be a witch that lures some horny guy to her apartment and tries to steal his youth. It really had nothing to offer and was the worst so far. 6th segment called Alecto, directed by Simon Ruben, actually felt a bit too long as well, or that is that it was too drawn out. It had some cool stuff in it, like the puppets, but felt a bit too artsy and was really not my kind of thing. But at least it was different and it really separated itself from the other segments, something that was both negative as well as positive I guess.
Grady Granros's Chaos of the Flesh was the seventh film and had also been shot in black & white just like Bugboy which made it look really good. Unfortunately it felt like somewhat of a clone to Dario Argento's version of 'Jenifer', even though they were not exactly similar to one another. I have to give it some credit though for how nice, not to mention creepy, it looked and the make-up was awesome. This piece was really worth watching as well. Segment number 8 called Re-Penetrator, directed by Doug Sakmann, was basically a porn parody of Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator. It had some hardcore sex in it, some bad acting (I'm not gonna complain about the acting because after all, this was a porno), and a lot of blood, gore and some disgusting stuff. The girl in it was moaning for all she was worth there for a while and now I have a hard time facing my neighbours. But apart from that, Re-Penetrator sure provided some weird fun.
Last out was something called And This Was on a Good Day which best could be described as an animated music video. Watching this felt like being on drugs and the film stood out and was really captivating. I was in fact really impressed by this one, maybe because it was just so different from the rest, I'm not sure. Directed by Brian A. Bernhard it was definitely one of the highlights on the disc though.
To tell you the truth, I have some problems giving LovecraCked! The Movie a proper rating. I would say that half of the short films shown had some, to a lot of potential and were great to watch, but some of the films on the disc brought everything down a bit as well. The actual comedy by the investigative journalist between the films did not do too much for the movie and also I felt that it took away some of the seriousness some of the films had to offer. But if you're up for a bunch of different H.P. Lovecraft inspired indie flicks, LovecraCked! The Movie ain't half bad.
Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale) has not been able to sleep for a year. This causes him to see things, or is it just him? He starts recieving strange messages and past and present soon starts merging together into one. He starts searching for clues of what's happening to him.
Christian Bale is truly an amazing actor, especially for his fantastic performance in American Psycho. Here he has turned himself into a skeleton and is so thin it's hard to look at at times. Although this makes you see him very differently in the movie and also adds a certain feel to it.
The Machinist is not a genuine horror movie, but a creepy thriller with a constant eerie atmosphere always present. It creates a certain mood excellently and manages to stick with it the movie throughout.
 It's hard to describe this movie without ruining it for people who haven't had the chance to see it yet. The Machinist is way different from most other thrillers out there.
It's utterly dark and takes itself totally seriously all the way through without ever failing doing it. Like other thrillers it builds up more and more until the final climax. But it's actually dark and eerie from beginning to end even without any special build-up. It just has that feeling to it which works brilliantly.
Don't think too much of the story, it can't really be explained without spoiling the whole thing and we don't want that. This is one of those few movies that actually has to be seen to see what it's all about. So do yourself a favor and go rent it, it's worth it for sure.
A group of bank robbers are on the run from the law and hide in a abandoned house. Next to the abandoned house is another house which is inhabited by a serial killer and of course the bank robbers are unaware of this. One of their hostages escapes and runs to the next house for help and from there on all hell breaks loose.
Every once in a while a new horror film is about to come out that horror fans seem to talk about and you kinda get your expectations up. Unfortunately too often when actually viewing the movie itself, it ends up being not so good after all. Malevolence is your typical example of this.
From what I've read and heard, a lot of people seem to have really liked this movie for some reason. But I for one cannot see what makes it so good as it brings nothing new to the screen.
Some people also claim that it's paying homage to flicks like Halloween etc, and yeah I guess it does but does this make the movie better? Of course not, wheter or not it pays homage it's still an unoriginal movie with bad acting and a laughable killer, you can never escape from that, homage or not.
If it's gonna pay homage it has to do it in a clever way otherwise it's not homage, it just borrows from other flicks. I've only said negative things so far, but the movie is actually watchable and have a few good things in it. Although they're very few and in the end I'm not sure it's worth it.
Malevolence is a slasher movie that tries to have some of that 70's feeling to it which works kinda ok but unfortunately not all the way. It's low-budget with a story that could have been delivered in a so much better way, unfortunately we never get to experience that here.
It has some of the worst sound effects ever heard which just makes it ridiculous and I can't believe why they used it in the first place.
When thinking about it, this movie ain't that good as it has too many negative things going for it and that are in the way for one to focus on the good. The acting is at times horrible and the scares are few and non-effective. If you're really into slasher flicks then you might wanna check it out but don't expect too much.
People turn up dead in the swamp and the new local sheriff has to do something about it. So he investigates further and finds out about an old legend that is Man-Thing, a monster living in the swamp. The movie is also about this unlikable oil tycoon who's drilling in the sacred Indian land and destorys nature and therefore angers Man-Thing, get it. There are also people who disapprove of the oil tycoons doings and this is more what the movie focuses on instead of the monster itself which is only a little part of it.
I'm not really into creature movies as they have a tendency to suck, but as a Marvel fan I thought it still might be interesting, unfortunately it turned out not to be anything more then your average B movie with a shitty monster in it.
With lousy actors, low budget and a crappy monster how is this going to be any good? Well it isn't very good but I guess on some levels it's somewhat entertaining. Did I mention the lousy actors, anyway they really suck and this screws up the whole "experience" for me. The actors are so bad and does such a shitty job that sometimes during the movie you just feel like turning it off. But then you (almost) wanna know how it's going to end and the end blows more then anything seen in this movie before and this leaves you with absolutely nothing.
Like I said, it has some entertainment value but so little that I don't know if it's worth anything, but if you can get pass the horrible acting I guess it can be ok, I'm not sure since I couldn't get passed it.
If you are willing to overlook a lot of faults then this might be ok but definitely nothing I would recommend. I'm really disappointed since it's Marvel but what can you do.
May couldn't seem to make any friends as a little girl so her mom gave her a doll to be her best friend. Forward several years ahead and in present time May is a teenager, still without friends, but still with the doll. She's a strange young lady who works as a veterinarian assistant and manages, through her work, to meet a girl who she becomes friends with. She also meets a boy for whom she falls for, later to realize that she's to strange for the man, and things doesn't seem to work out with her female friend either. After being let down, she decides to create her own best friend, using parts from different people.
Here we got a great story, but it didn't quite work for me as May (Angela Bettis) herself is just way to freaky and creepy. So everything with feeling sorry for her kinda goes down the drain, she's just way too weird.
It's to bad for her that she hasn't got any friends, but the way she acts and talks to people and everything is just too much, so hey no wonder. She actually has no real problems meeting people, it's just the way she handles things after meeting them. She freaks them out, and it's totally understandable why they don't wanna hang out with her anymore.
The acting is very good, nothing to complain about there, but May as a person is just very hard to relate to. Anna Faris from Scary movie shows up as one of May's friends, and she's exactly like in Scary Movie, or The Hot Chick for that matter. No real change in character, but she's still ok here though. It works anyway.
It's a little bit like a modern Frankenstein tale, without the actual science. We get some gore from how she kills people, and it's somewhat ok. Nothing spectacular though, and this is not a movie you would watch for the gore.
The score is horrible I tell you, just truly horrible. There's this "horror music" that pops up once in a while with some childlike humming, and it's just a pain to listen to as it takes away your focus on the movie and instead makes you irritated about what you hear. Truly annoying.
There's some black comedy in the movie as well. Very dark at times and works pretty well every now and then, but a flick like this sure could've had more of that. Other than that, it's an ok story, a bit too tame at times and kinda hard to relate to. Although I think it's worth a watch, but don't feel like you've missed out if you don't get to see it.
The story takes place long ago in the Iron Age where youths were taken from their families and sacrificed to the Minotaur, a mythical beast that dwells beneath a great palace. Theo is haunted by the loss of his sweet love who was taken earlier, and sacrificed to the Minotaur God. But he has a feeling that she might still be alive, and that the God is not really a God, but a beast that actually can be killed. He comes up with a plan, and when some families are taken to be sacrificed, he let the soldiers take him too in order to get to the beast and kill it.
Minotaur is a Sci Fi Channel movie from LionsGate, but with it being a movie for the Sci Fi Channel, it kinda put me off a bit right before I had even seen the flick itself. On the other hand, it stars Rutger Hauer and Tony Todd, and even if it felt like a proper B-flick, I still thought it could might be worth a look, since those two guys were in it. Honestly, I was expecting Minotaur to be pure shite, and while it didn't turn out to be a really good flick, it was still a bit better than I first had though it would be.
Now, with it having Rutger Hauer and Tony Todd in it did infact not really improve the flick, and while Hauer was not the least bit memorable, Todd was not even close to delivering the goods. So what was left was the beast, The Minotaur, which actually looked quite all right, something that came as a surprise since I was expecting some shitty kind of minotaur-looking monster. It's well made and believe it or not, the movie actually had some gore to offer. Not much and not that great, but still some gore, and you know what they say, a little gore is better than no gore, and I for one really can agree on that.
Another thing on the plus side was that the movie takes place in an age long ago, the Iron Age to be exact. That was way better and felt more suiting than if the movie would've taken place in present time, having a mythical beast in the middle of it all. It takes some time before the beast shows itself on screen, but the very moment it showed itself made for a pretty good scene. It's was gory, sudden, and The Minotaur looked pretty awesome. After that thought, things just keep repeating itself when Theo and c/o were trapped in underground tunnels beneath a palace, trying to make it out before The Minotaur would devour them.
The Minotaur kept showing up every now and then, killing some of the people down in the tunnels, and since Theo was the fine hero and wanted to kill the beast, I guess you can figure out how it all ends. It looked kinda ok, the acting wasn't half-bad and The Minotaur was well-made and looked pretty cool. Still though, the story wasn't that interesting and after a while, even The Minotaur itself got a bit boring.
It was not so good so that I would recommend it, but at the same time, it turned out to be better than I first had thought. It's a watchable movie, but still felt pretty much like a not the least bit memorable type of B-flick.
The Doyle family consisting of a mother, her son and a young daughter moves to start a new life running a funeral home somewhere in California. The house is old and have definitely seen better days and around the house is a graveyard. There are rumours about a man who disappered, returned and killed his parents and then disappeared again, and the locals fear the place. It doesn't take long before the Doyle family becomes aware of that something's lurking beneath the soil of their new property, something that raises the dead from their graves.
Been waiting to check out this new Tobe Hooper flick, but unfortunately it left me very disappointed. I have no idea why and how Hooper could make a movie like this. While it practically oozes horror and has a lot of potential, in the end it just ends up being completely ridiculous. Actually, everything is quite ridiculous from beginning to end. I thought he did a really good job with the Toolbox Murders remake, but the man definitely seems to have lost it again, big-time. Weird thing is that he has made some really good movies in his days and on top of that, some really horrible ones as well. I mean, of course every movie he makes can't be great, but the differences between his movies are just so big it's hard to know what to expect. As with Mortuary I never saw it coming, it's just so darn bad.
40 minutes into the movie I couldn't wait for it to end, but thought that it might pick up after a while. It never did and the ending itself is just so horrible and lame it's amazing. I actually felt a bit cheated after watching Mortuary, as I said before, it practially oozes of horror all the way through, but is just so cheap, predictable and non-effective it almost hurts. It's so bad because I really wanted to like it, and it sure could've been a decent flick. The story is nothing special but it works fine, it's just everything else that's so bad. I would like to have seen this exact same movie directed by Rob Zombie, I think that could've been something. That with a change of all the actors too. Oh the actors, I don't even wanna go there.
This family buys a mortuary and the mom is supposed to become the new local mortician of the small town they now live in. Funny thing is that I thought that she was a mortician before moving, but she doesn't seem to have clue to what she's doing. Their new house is not very new and is super shitty to the max to quote The Hellacopters, and there's also some black fungus or some kind of mold looking stuff that clings to the walls and floors around the house. The son of the family meets some new friends and gets to hear the local story, some sort of urban legend about a man named Bobby Fowler who disappeared and years later murdered his parents to disapper once again. The daughter of the family also claims that she saw a man in her closet that looked like they described Fowler. Soon the dead comes alive again and everything turns into a big uninteresting and non scary mess.
The award for being the most irritating person goes to the little daughter of the family. Either she's super happy and acts like a retard or she screams and whins until one just wants to chop his ears off. She so annoying and meaningless it's undescribable, I almost got sick putting up with watching her constantly whining, screaming and crying. Then we have the local sheriff who's such a bad actor I can't even find words to describe it. Other than that, all the other actors suck beyond belief. There's not one single decent actor or actress in the entire film, unbelivable.
We get a little gore here and there but it's nothing much. The scares are so cheap and they use a lot of loud sounds every now and then to scare the viewer, something that's just irritating and doesn't work at all. Mortuary has a lot of things going for it on the horror front, like the creepy old house, the graveyard just outside, the fact that it's a funeral home with coffins and stuff inside. But it never does anything good with it, instead it uses tons of old clichés and that makes it just too lame to put up with. The atmosphere is at times pretty nice, but is ruined by the worthless acting and the stupid and non-effective scares.
The reason I gave this movie a rating of two out of ten is because: 1. It has a lot of potential and some of the surroundings look really good. And 2, because even if it's complete crap it's at least fast-paced, stuff happen all the time and it's over pretty quickly. They use some CGI effects towards the end that look so stupid and ruins everything even more, although I don't know if that's really possible. I hope Tobe Hoopers next project will be better than this, on the other hand it sure can't be any worse. Avoid.
Susan Stevenson (played by Ursula Andress) goes with her brother by plane to South America to look for her lost husband. Once there they hook up with Dr. Edward Foster who are familiar with the area and the three of them heads off into the jungle. Dr. Edward Foster figures that Susans husband went into an area called Ra Ra Mea that is apparently cursed, so they head there and run into more than they had wished for.
Mountain of the Cannibal God is one of the many famous old Italian cannibal/horror movies and it's quite a good one. Not as good as Cannibal Holocaust which is in a class by itself but other than that it's a pretty good and fast paced cannibal adventure movie that you should check out if you're into this genre and haven't seen it yet.
Like other similar movies in this genre, this one also contains a lot of animal cruelty, I don't know what's up with that, not that I fight for animal rights or anything but it's not cool or funny to watch or anything, just dumb and pointless. I know it's part of the genre and all that but I still think it's totally stupid.
Except for that I felt that this movie had a good flow, it's interesting and keeps itself interesting the whole movie throughout and is fast paced and offers a nice suitable enviroment.
The actors do an excellent job and are very convincing, especially Ursula Andress and Stacy Keach who are both brilliant. The effects are pretty good especially considering for the time the movie's from.
I can't say that there's any real horror in the movie, it has more suspense to it I guess and the cannibals are pretty cool to watch. It's as much a adventure as it is a horror flick and if you're into that then give it a go, it's well worth watching.
On a deserted mountain road at night, Ellen crashes into another car that's left on the road, and after that, her car won't start. She goes out to see if there's another person in the other car, but when a monster-like man shows up, she flees into the forest. Being chased through the forest, Ellen starts setting traps for the monster, and fights back with any means necessary. But after a while she's captured and soon finds herself locked up in some sort of a basement where horrible things happen.
Incident on and Off a Mountain Road was the first addition to the Masters of Horror series, and was directed and co-written by Don Coscarelli, (Bubba Ho-Tep, Phantasm). It's sort of a cat and mouse flick for a while were a pretty girl is being chased by a monster-like man, who looks like one of the mutants from The Hills Have Eyes. During the chase, and during the rest of the movie, there are flashbacks every now and then, telling the story about Ellen and her former husband who was obsessed with survivalism and self-protection.
On one hand it sucked being married to the guy, but on the other hand, he learned her a lot about how to protect herself, how to survive and how to handle possible enemies. And being chased and taken prisoner by some mutant guy, she can apply everything she learned earlier in order to escape. This is a good thing for her I guess, but for the viewer it's not as good. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent story, and the movie's very entertaining. It's just that the monster guy is first off not scary enough, and secondly, he's too weak and not nearly as brutal as I would've liked him to be.
Actually, Ellen's husband is more scary than the actual monster-like guy. Since he's a normal looking dude, but who has something that's seriously wrong inside of his head, it makes him a bigger threat, while the monster guy is just, well, what you expect him to be. So even if I didn't like the guy, the story about him and Ellen is actually quite good and well developed. Anyway, she had to deal with her husband, and now she has to deal with the monster, but can't tell you how it goes though.
The acting is ok, and so is the scenery, while the lack of gore is not ok, and it's not half as scary as one wishes it would've been. Still, it works and is a pretty entertaining flick, and a good start to a great series. It starts off right away, and keeps feeding the story while there's a lot of horror action inbetween. What it gets credit for is that it starts out as a typical slasher kind of flick and could've easily been one, but instead it manages to do something else and also delivering, if not the least bit original, a pretty good story.
Incident on and Off a Mountain Road had a pretty worn-out plot, that dealt with a serial killer in a remote area who preys on those who pass by. Still, there was more to it than that, and the flashbacks used on and off throughout the movie, made it develop into something else than your average slasher type of flick. Far from great, but entertaining and a good start to a great series.
When horror writer Sutter Cane mysteriously disappears, insurance investigator John Trent is hired by the company who publishes Cane's book to find the missing man. Trent starts looking for clues to where Cane could've gone to, and his investigation leads him to a small town that is Hobb's End. Now, Hobb's End is not supposed to exist for real, but only in Cane's books. If that wasn't enough, there are more things from Cane's books that should not exist in reality either, but they do, something that Trent soon is about to find out.
John Carpenter's flicks are always, if not great, at least very entertaining, and In the Mouth of Madness might one of the best things that Carpenter has done to date. Personally I think that it has more real horror in it than most of Carpenter's other flicks, is more eerie, and features some creepy atmosphere. Although, it features some black humour as well, and Sam Neill does a good job delivering it. Actually, I'm no fan of Sam Neill, I usually think he's decent at best (no, Omen 3 was not a good flick), but here, the man is actually really good and it's definitely the best movie I've seen him in.
John Trent is an insurance investigator, he's really good at what he does and he has confidence in himself. One day, a big publishing company wants his services since they seem to have lost their best writer, a man named Sutter Cane. The writer sell loads of his books, and these books also seem to have a weird effect on people. Trent doesn't believe the hype and thinks that Cane is just a horror hack, but accepts the job and starts an investigation. After that, strange things starts to happen. For example; Trent is attacked by a maniac with an axe when having lunch with a friend. He later finds out that the same man worked for Cane, and in bookstores everywhere, there have been things happening, violent outbreaks, people all of a sudden going berserk etc.
Trent starts to read Cane's books, and soon after starts having nightmares that seems extremely real. Shortly after, when putting all of Cane's books together, he sees something and starts cutting the covers of the books out. The pieces eventually form a map, a map that leads to a sleepy little town called Hobb's End, that is featured in Cane's latest writings. So Trent sets course, following the map, to Hobb's End together with Linda Styles, Cane's editor. They soon find the town, which is an odd thing since it shouldn't exist to begin with, but that's not the only thing they find...
In the Mouth of Madness basically deals with a horror book that comes alive, what's in the book turns into reality, and since it's horror, it's a scary reality. There are monsters, twisted images and stuff, but no real gore. But it doesn't really need gore to work, it's how bizarre it is that actually makes it work. Creepy kids all over the town, people who mutates into monsters, and a bunch of people driven to absolute madness. Sounds great eh? It pretty much is. The acting is good and belivable from all the cast, but Sam Neill definitely stands out. The movie has a really good atmosphere. and a creepy and somewhat eerie feel to it. Don't expect to be scared Ringu-style, but it still works as a scary horror flick.
Easily one of Carpenter's best that makes you think of Lovecraft, but that still manages to stand on its own. Sam Neill delivers a great performance as the insurance investigator who stumbles upon this ghostly town that is Hobb's End. The scares are pretty decent, but there are really no sudden scares, it's more that the whole movie is quite eerie and has a creepy feel to it. Definitely recommended.
Many years ago Angie's parents were killed by some clown known as Mr. Jingles. Ever since then, Angie's been in the state psychiatric hospital, and now, after a long time, she seems ok enough to be released. She moves in with her aunt and her two cousins Heidi and Dylan, but there's someone else who also wants to welcome the girl home, to finish what he once started.
This little piece of film, if we even can call it that, have a really good shot at becoming the worst movie of 2006. Apparently it's a sequel to some DTV movie that came out in 2003, entitled S.I.C.K. (Serial Insane Clown Killer), which I haven't seen and do not plan to see either. I'm telling you now, if you haven't seen it yet, don't bother, there might be a chance of brain damage because this is far more crappy than your normal b-grade low-budget horror movie. Everything in this movie is just completely wrong. The acting is beyond abyssmal, the directing, how it's edited, the music, the story, well, everything is complete crap. I've been sitting through a number of extremely horrible flicks, but this one takes the prize.
It starts off with this clown, Mr. Jingles, going on a killing spree in a house. Now, this guy looks like a fat drunk in a ugly clown costume, and couldn't be any less scary. The fact is that if you would meet this guy for real, chances are pretty big that you'd beat his ass for looking the way he does, rather than you getting scared of him. I can't understand why Lionsgate picked this up, and when you watch it, you kinda wonder if the people there have even seen it. Let me put it like this, if you ever have been thinking of writing a script for a movie, but felt that it might not be good enough, then take a look at this movie, can't possibly be any worse right? A movie like Mr. Jingles proves that anything goes.
I still can't believe I sat through the whole thing, it's just 80 minutes, but still is a complete waste of time. Starring at a spot on the wall for 80 minutes would probably be more enjoyable since this was just one major headache. The gore in the movie is absolutely ridiculous, and the effects are so crappy you wonder why they even bothered. Well, that you wonder with everything this movie has to offer. The actual killings are among the lamest you'll ever see, and even though there's some blood gushing every now and then, it all just looks like a big joke.
The story is complete crap, and there should be a law against even putting stuff like this on paper. The make-up, no, let's not talk about the make-up... If you take a look at the cover, the clown actually looks a little bit cool, to bad that guy wasn't in the movie though, but instead some ridiculous looking clown. I just can't go on anymore...
I can't believe that movies like this are actually being made and sold around the world. Any retard could come up with a script like this, and the movie looked so bad it almost made me sick. When watching these types of flicks one wonders if the people behind it really are proud of it. I mean, do they really think they've accomplished something good here, that horror fans will actually enjoy? Well, probably, because after all, it's a sick world we live in.
Zoë Tamerlis is a mute woman who, one day when on her way home from work, gets raped i an alley. She makes it back home, but in her apartment is a robber who also rapes her. But this time she manages to fight back and end up killing the robber. After that her life changes, and she's no longer the innocent girl she once used to be. She starts roaming the streets of New York at night and extract vengeance on men with her 45 caliber gun.
This is an exploitation movie by Abel Ferrara (Body Snatchers, The Driller Killer), and even if it was made in 1981, it still feels extremely 70's. It's a movie about vengeance and it's somewhat similar to I Spit on Your Grave, Baise Moi and Death Wish combined.
It's a pretty simple story, a woman gets raped not once but twice, and seeks revenge. Thing though is that you think she wanted to seek revenge on the people who actually raped her, and even if her first victim is the second rapist, we never get to see her deal with the first one. Instead she seeks revenge on men in general. Some that she end up killing are sleazy and are coming on to her, but others she just kill for the simple reason that they are men. And that's when you stop feeling sympathetic for the girl.
I mean, it's totally understandable that she wants revenge and that of course makes for a good story. But the fact that she's just killing innocent random men makes it become too much, and makes you no longer feel sorry for her. You can tell that she's a pretty innocent girl at first sight but we never really get to know that character as she changes to the revengefull girl within the first 15 minutes of the movie. It of course gets worse and worse the further the movie goes, but since we never get to know the innocent girl very well, it's hard to feel sorry for her, except for her being raped of course.
The fact that she's mute adds a lot to the movie as well. We kinda find out during the second rape scene when the rapist put his hand over her mouth and tells her not to scream, and seconds after realizes that she actually can't scream, even if she wanted to.
The actual rape scenes are not graphical at all, we don't get to see anything, and they last for maybe 15 seconds all together. Take I Spit on Your Grave or Irreversible were the rape scenes are really drawn out, and even if it's horrible to watch, it still adds more to the whole outcome. Unfortunately it's too "nice and quick" here. If it would've been more to it, then we might have felt even more for the girl if you know what I'm saying.
She becomes more and more demented the further the movie goes, and it all ends at a party where she goes berzerk. The acting by the lead is very good and believable and same with the rest of the characters in the movie. Only exception is Zoë Tamerlis landlady (Editta Sherman), who's a quite terrible actress.
There are no really slow moments in the movie and it goes by pretty quickly. The story is pretty good but becomes a bit too much for one to being able to relate to. It's kinda entertaining and we get some violence of course, but nothing very graphical. If you're into exploitation movies you should definitely give it a try. In the end it's an ok movie, but nothing spectacular.
Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers a so-called Munchie in a cave in Peru when he's there looking for proof of U.F.O's. He and his son who's with him name the creature Arnold (instead of Gizmo) and takes him with them to the States. Paul that is Simon's son are supposed to watch Arnold once home but does not watch him properly and Simon's brother Cecil and his son steals Arnold away. Then Cecil's son is supposed to watch after Arnold but like Paul he's not the brightest boy. Things go out of control and Arnold multiplies into more Munchies.
Munchies from 1987 is a horrible Gremlins ripoff, or a Critters ripoff, or both. There's another similar movie out there entitled Ghoulies by director Jim Wynorski (Chopping Mall) that is complete trash but still I think it's better than this one. I'm not sure though, only thing I know is that they both suck.
Problem here is that, except that it's a movie for kids, is that the Munchies who apparently are out for blood are just way too cute and does not provide the comical relief like the Gremlins did.
I saw this movie first time about a year after it came out and even then as a kid, I forgot about it right away after seeing it. Watching it now was actually quite horrible as it didn't bring any nice nostalgic moment, just a headache and add to that some anger for the waste of time.
Look at the title on the cover, looks like Toys R Us or something.
They have a craving for junk food and have a mean streak. What the hell is that?
This movie so wanna be Gremlins but ends up just being a complete waste of time for the viewer. It doesn't really deliver on any level, except in the beginning when it starts out as an adventure film but then quickly turns into a real crap feast.
The special effects are really poor and so is the acting. Maybe it could've been an ok Gremlins parody but it just ended up being a total Gremlins knockoff that comes without any humour or horror.
Since it's a horror/comedy you kinda expect some elements of both but I'm not sure if you get any here. There might be some small humorous parts in the movie but they're easy to miss since you have to sit through so much crap inbetween. Stay away.
Jacob, a journalist who has taken to time off work to write a book, is one day having his handicapped sister over, and gets to meet her future husband for the first time. Jacob, along with his mother and his wife, thinks that his sister Julie is moving a bit fast, but still can't deny her to get married to this stranger named Anker. Right after the wedding though, Julie commits suicide, and a devastated Anker moves away to Jylland, a Danish island. Soon after, Jacob finds some suspicious obituaries, and realizes that Anker had a handicapped wife before he met Julie, who also died. This makes Jacob go to Jylland to visit Anker, and to ask him about some things. But when he arrives there, Anker is about to marry yet another handicapped girl. Could this all just be one major coincidence? Jacob starts to investigate, and the deeper he digs, the closer he comes to the dark truth.
All of you who have been watching Asian horror flicks for some time, do you remember when you first started to get into Asian horror? How those first movies you watched had a totally different feel to them compared to standard horror, and that chances that they would be scary were pretty great? This was exactly how I felt when I started to watch Mørke, it had this great feel to it, and had a really strong storyline that just kept getting more and more eerie as the movie kept rolling on. Personally I consider Denmark to be one of those countries that makes the best movies in the world. There are many great countries that makes good flicks, but Denmark has a tendency to spit out movies that are just awesome, whatever genre they may be. Horror may not be their strongest export, but when it comes to action comedies, they pretty much know exactly how to pull it off. One reason for that is simply quality over quantity.
Mørke is a psychological thriller that has an eerie story about a man who marries handicapped and braindamaged girls, who later are found dead. This movie made me at first think about another Danish horror thriller called Nattevagten (Nightwatch) which I saw a very long time ago, and that was scary as hell when I saw it. Mørke didn't really come off as half as scary, but still had a really eerie feel to it all the way through. The movie offered 110% mystery, and little by little, things were revealed and sometimes it shed light over things, and other times it just became even more eerie. The only reason why I can't give this movie the highest rating is because it didn't really have any twist to it. You know who the killer is all the way through, but you don't know the reason why, and it's because of that it manages to deliver a helluva lot of mystery among other things.
 The movie also has a lot of moment that makes you doubt what you think it's all about. You are quite certain what's what, but then, every now and then, there are moments when you're not so certain anymore, and I really liked that, the fact that due to some things that happened, it made you doubt what you first thought was right. There are really no scares per se, but Mørke sure has a great deal of tension to offer. The plot is extremely good and it's hard to take your eyes, or mind for that matter, off when watching it. It draws you in, delivers an eerie feel, some tension, a lot of mystery, and you can't wait for more clues to be revealed.
The acting is absolutely brilliant. So good that you at times forget that you're just watching another movie, and of course the plot has a lot to do with that as well. Nikolaj Lie Kaas really stands out playing Julie's journalist brother, who due to his sister's suicide starts an investigation which leads him into a great deal of trouble. The island of Jylland itself makes for a great and gloomy location, where most of the movie takes place in the small village of Mørke. Mørk means dark in Danish, and so mørke means 'the dark'. The movie looks slick with nice photography, a great location, and an overall eerie but yet sad feel to it. On the horror front, it doesn't have too much to offer, it's eerie enough, but never really becomes full-on scary. What makes it good though is some of the tension it delivers, plus the story itself is reason enough to watch it.
Mørke felt fresh and original enough, and was a nice break from 'standard horror'. It was not really scary, but it sure was a bit eerie, had some tension to offer, and best of all, provided an extremely interesting story which made the film pretty much captivating. Definitely recommended.
Ed Jr cleans his dads guns as a kid and while cleaning a gun it accidentaly goes of killing his mother. Many years later Ed and his friends are talking about going on a holiday when Ed gets a call from his dad asking him to go to their condo at the beach and close it up. So Ed and his friends decides to go and spend their holiday at the beach condo. But when getting there they all start to get killed one by one by some mysterious killer.
The Mutilator is one of many of the slasher movies that came out in the 80's and I guess it's kinda popular among fans of slasher movies. It's an ok slasher but in the end really nothing that special, especially nowadays since you've seen this type of stuff a thousand times before.
Although, watching The Mutilator a long time ago it's was a pretty cool movie and it should be part of every gorehounds film collection. It wouldn't have worked nowadays but since the movie's from the 80's you get all the typical 80's stuff to go with it which makes it quite enjoyable to watch.
It's an average slasher movie so don't expect anything else, and also I guess it's somewhat nostalgic to some people who watched it when it first came out. And that it always a reason to watch a film again much later.
The story is nothing special and the main reason why people watch this type of movies are for the killings and not really the stories. We get some gore and violence of course but as so often it would not have hurt with more, anyway it's kinda ok for what it is.
The actors are not really that good and some are more irritating to watch than others, especially one character who really brings it down at times and is supposed to be the "funny guy" but who has no idea of the actual meaning of the word fun. The teen characters are also kinda stereotypical for this type of movie, but as said before, main reason for whatching stuff like this are for the killings.
It works if you're bored, but in the end it's not really that great. One of those semi-ok 80's slashers.
The movie start out with a not so beautiful chick stepping out from the shower and gets attacked by a cannibal rapist (yes a cannibal rapist). He stabs her and starts to eat her when two cops arrive and kills the cannibal. Later on a satanic cult are chanting satanic hymns on a graveyard and when one of the members starts urinating on a grave, the cannibal rapist appears woken to life once again from the chants and not the urin (or so I would think). And once again the bloodthirsty cannibal man is on the loose.
Doesn't the cover look cool? At least I thought so several years back and bought the movie only for that reason, well a small reason was for the title too. Anyway I wasn't really surprised that it was a shitty movie, more disapointed over the fact that it was a really shitty movie, still with a cool title though.
Great story huh, it's actually so bad at times it's funny but most of the time it's just unbelivable bad. It's of course VERY low budget and the actors don't really deserve to be called actors, although like I said before some stuff is actually funny to a certain degree but it doesn't make up for the rest.
It starts off pretty good and the first 20 minutes are ok to watch, after that almost everything turns to crap and at some places it's actualy really hard to sit through, not because it's too gory or scary but just because it's so horribly bad.
We also get to see a demon baby flying around carried in the air by a visible string and you can tell that the baby is a doll from a 1000 feet away. I usually have no problem whatsoever with low budget horror and sometimes it can of course even be great but this is just too much.
I give it 2 out of 10 for the humour parts which are extremely few but I can't honestly see how anyone could like this. There's also a sequel out there but that one I will never lay my hands on.
Some barrels that contains nuclear waste that re-animates the dead are brought from Chernobyl, Russia to a big corporation in the States. When some youngsters are out riding their dirt-bikes, one of the guy's has an accident but instead of being taken to a hospital, he's taken to the corporation that experiments on the dead. His friends sneak in to the corporation in order to free their friend, but at the same time they accidently release a horde of brain-craving zombies.
One thing is for sure, you won't get any smarter watching Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis, chances that you'll get dumber are pretty great though. Being a big fan of the 'trilogy', I of course wanted to check out this fourth installment in the series even though, in the back of my head, I knew it was not gonna be that good. Problem though is that this movie was not just slightly below what the three previous movies were, it was actually quite awful and it's a shame that it's supposed to be the 4th movie in the series. When writing this I haven't seen the fifth movie yet, but I'm not sure I want to see it after that I had to sit through this shitty flick.
It follows in the same footsteps as the previous movies, dealing with toxic waste and zombies craving brains, but that's all. Other than that it has nothing in common with anything from the other flicks, and is truly a huge waste of time as well. Even though we eventually get some zombie action, the movie starts off really bad and you get this negative feeling which is not a good start. It takes almost about one hour for something interesting to happen, but when it finally does, you're already so freaking bored since you had to sit through so much shit, you couldn't give a damn about the rest. And when I say that something interesting happens, it's not really interesting, it's more that something actually happens.
The story is complete crap with a bunch of teens sneaking into a corporation in order to free their friend who has been taken there. And while doing that, this retarded group releases a lot of zombies and has to fight their way out, and that's about it. Now these teen characters are a horrible bunch of über-idiots and it's hard not to get pissed off while having to watch them and see them 'act'. There's no character development whatsoever and you couldn't actually care less about what happens to anyone of them. Infact you want to see them killed as soon as possible since they suck so hard.
These characters are actually worse than your normal bunch of stereotypical teens. The acting is so wooden it's amazing, and that goes for every character in the movie, not just the teens. A lot of movies feature some bad acting, but here it actually goes beyond just being bad, it's actually quite painfull having to watch it at times. This alone manages to ruin the whole movie, even though it has a high number of other flaws and failures.
The gore is there and we get to see a whole lot of head-shots and some fine brain eating, but in the long run it's just not worth it. The make-up's pretty good and the gore looks really good at times as well, but other than that Necropolis is just pure garbage. It takes way too long before things actually start to happen, and when they finally do, they prove to be not that entertaining after all. Secondly the acting is so darn awful that you won't believe it till you see it. And third, it's a shame to see this as Return of the Living Dead 4 when the first three flicks were so great.
While the gore is somewhat decent, everything else is just complete garbage and this should not be considered part of such a great series. It's just 88 minutes long, but it's some truly boring and pointless 88 minutes to sit through, so do yourself a favor and avoid it.
In Halloween Town where Jack Skellington is the pumpkin king, people seem happy about what they do, all except for Jack. He's bored of doing the same thing on every Halloween and is not a happy camper. But one day he stumbles upon Christmas Town and discovers just how fantastic christmas can be, but does not quite understand the real meaning of it. Jack is so taken with the idea of Christmas that he wants to do that instead of Halloween so he kidnaps Santa Claus and takes over the job to deliver the gifts to children everywhere. Unfortunately, the meaning of Christmas is lost and Jack can't seem to get things right.
Summer is upon us so I thought it would be a great idea to write a review for The Nightmare Before Christmas. Seriously though, christmas or not, it's a fantastic flick that can be viewed over and over again, even if it's nearly summer time. Now I'm not a big fan of people singing in movies, but this is a movie where it actually works, the songs are great and the lyrics has a lot to them too of course, telling a great part of the story.
Jack Skellington is one cool dude and Halloween Town where he's king is one cool place. But Jack has gotten sick of Halloween, doing the same stuff year after year has lost its appeal and he can't seem to be bothered with it anymore. One day when out walking feeling sad, he stumbles upon Christmas Town and decides that Christmas is his new game. He runs back to Halloween Town all excited and starts talking about Christmas to the people who lives there, what it is about and how it works. The people in Halloween Town of course are a bit confused, all they know is Halloween and now suddenly they have to change everything they know since their king said so. Since no one in Halloween Town including Jack knows squat about Christmas, things of course doesn't go hand in hand with what a real Christmas would be like.
There's also a sub-plot about a girl in Halloween Town who falls for Jack and admires him from afar. That makes it different as well and it's nice to get a little romance in the middle of everything. There are a lot of things that makes this movie great, the story itself is simple but well-crafted and the whole fairy-tale feeling of the movie is amazing. It's has a lot of humour but is still dark and sad at times. One could interpret this movie in different ways as well, while some may just see it as an entertaining animated movie, some might find some kind of message in there, for instance about how you want to escape your boring routine/everyday life etc.
While being amazingly entertaining from start to finish, having fantastic and likable characters and songs that fit everything that goes on so well, the best thing might be the actual eye-candy. It's visually stunning to say the least. Personally I hate all these new animated movies that are so flashy and great looking, but that in the end are just completely hollow and has no feeling to them whatsoever. One couldn't ask for any more feeling when it comes to The Nightmare Before Christmas, it has all that and a bit more.
The Halloween Town has all these amazing character consisting of zombies, vampires, a stitched-up girl and more, but different from your normal type of vampires etc. The sceneries are fantastic and everything is very Burton-esque or Burtonish, whatever you wanna call it. It has a lot of horror elements baked in, some actual suspense, some romance and some sad moments, but are all lifted up with some comical relief, thrown in here and there just at the right time.
It's impossible to have any complaints here, as this is by far the best animated movie out there. If you haven't seen it, you better try and get your handson it asap, even though summer is upon us.
A very long time ago the armies of the Light and the armies of the Dark reached an armistice. They both signed and agreed upon that it's forbidden for the Dark to interfer in the matters of the Light, and the other way around as well. In order for this to work, they formed the so-called Night Watch and the Day Watch to keep both sides in check. But there was also a legend about The Other, a person who will become a powerful weapon and who can tip the balance between the two sides, depending on which side that person choses. Fast-forward to the year 1992 in Moscow where Anton discovers his identity as an other and has to choose between Light and Dark. Fast-forward another 12 years and now Anton is fighting for the Light side. His mission is to track down a boy that could might be the Great Other, and also find out the secrets to the boy's mother, who just as the legend was told, is a cursed woman that eventually will make the legend come true. Meanwhile, the Dark side is also after the boy.
The coolest thing about Night Watch is not that it's just a very good flick with awesome special effects, but that it actually comes from Russia. I mean, it's not too often one actually sit down to watch Russian movies, but all of a sudden Night Watch comes along and looks so fantastic and really proves that Russians can make horror/fantasy flicks too, something I hope we'll see more of in the future. Not only does it look good, but it's original as well and felt fresh and interesting. Another thing one would think about is the acting, but the acting proved to be top-notch and I was honestly both really surprised and happy, getting so many great things all at once.
If the exact same movie would've been made in Hollywood, it wouldn't have been half as cool I guess. Just the fact that it's from Russia and that they actually speak Russian in it makes it of course feel different, and different is always good, or at least always welcome. Now, I'm not completely sure about the budget for this movie, but I think I read somewhere earlier that it was around US$ 5 million. But to be honest, this movie looks absolutely awesome, and much better than a lot of movies with a higher budget. Add to that some brilliant camera-work which makes it even more interesting plus great directing, and a dialogue that, even if it's fantasy and far from reality, does not feel forced or too stupid.
The pacing is really good, and while it might slow down a tiny bit every now and then, the story is interesting enough to keep you from falling asleep. But then you have all the action sequences, there are tons of them, and they all look extremely impressive. There are actually a lot of things that are very impressive when it comes to Night Watch and the movie looks so darn stylish that I was kinda shocked when I saw it. It's eye candy all the way, and like I said before, the actual camera-work is really interesting to watch at times.
Apart from that, what I found to be the most interesting thing was all the little things that this movie has to offer. I think that Night Watch might require a second viewing for one to be fully able to capture it all. I don't wanna spoil anything by giving stuff away, but there are a lot of things to look out for, and that makes this movie feel even smarter. Also there are a lot of different things in the flick which makes it quite cool as well, like that the vampires are not really your usual gothic cry-babies, or rocket-powered vans and cool shape-shifters. It's hard to explain and at the same time I don't wanna ruin the experience, it just has to be seen in person.
The only real problem I had with Night Watch was that it felt a bit too chaotic at times. There are a lot of stuff going on, and while it's not really that confusing, the story still felt like a bit of a mess at times. Don't get me wrong, the story is somewhat interesting too, it's just how it all comes together and what is what. But this movie has so many good things going for it and there are a helluva lot of reason why you should watch it Be it for the stylishness, the fact that's it's a really cool foreign film, the action, the fantasy, the vampires, the directing or whatever, it's basically all good.
There are a lot of reason why you should check out Night Watch, it's stylish, different, original, and of course very entertaining. The story is ok, and the movie has so many fantastic things to look at, some really awesome looking scenes, and is a real feast for the eyes. The acting is good and so is the score, and the actual ending makes for a sequel, something I'll definitely wanna check out. Another thing I noticed was how good the subtitles were, as sometimes when it's translated from one language to another, things go missing and it might feel like you're not getting everything that was supposed to be there. But here the subtitles were actually really good, and it definitely felt like they made great sense all the way. Highly recommended.
Moments after his birth, the son of Robert Thorn dies, and Robert is offered an unusual deal by priests at the Catholic hospital; To take another womans baby, since the woman just died from childbirth, leaving her newborn baby behind. Robert accept, says nothing to his wife about what just happened, and pretends everything is as it should be, swell. One day, Robert is visited by Father Brennan who warns him about his son Damien, saying that he's the son of The Anti-Christ, and that Robert must accept Jesus, but Robert does not care, thinking Brennan is just some nut. But maybe he should've listened to the old man...
Watching this remake of The Omen is pretty much like watching the original version from 1976, only that this new flick lacks the genuine feeling that the 76's version had. Storywise it's the same, everything that happens in the movie is the same, and it also ends the same way as the original flick did, so really, it has nothing new to it. It's a bit like with the remake of Carpenter's flick The Fog, that the very remake is an exact copy of the original version. But while the remake of The Fog sucked incredibly hard, The Omen actually works on some levels. Yeah that's right, I'm talking about the death scenes.
There's one decapitation scene that is a must see since it pretty much looks absolutely amazing. Other than that, there are some other ok scenes, but nothing really that special. I won't go into detail what the story's all about, because you should've seen the original flick, and if you haven't...well, then watch it before watching this remake. One thing that sucks is that a lot of kids today will be watching this remake never knowing that it actually is just a remake. Seems to be the same thing with a lot of remakes, especially with Asian ones.
Anyway, I remember the 76's version scaring the living crap outta me when I watched it at the young age of 11 over at a friends house. Watching it, well actually the trilogy, again many years later, I found it not to be so scary after all. It was still a pretty good flick though, a landmark in horror, and the sequel wasn't bad either, but the third installment sucked. I guess they'll make a sequel to this one as well since it ends the way it does, and that's nothing I'm really looking forward to.
I first thought this remake would be pretty lame, and while it is a bit lame, it still somehow works somewhat ok. I'm glad I saw it, and even though I never thought it was really that good, it's still definitely watchable. One problem I had though was Julia Stiles. Honestly, I can't stand her and can't see why they had to have her playing the mommy, anyone could've done that. Let her do her stupid non-funny comedies and romantic crap-flicks, because watching her here was just terrible. It's not that she's a horrible actress, it's just that her very presence makes me sick to the bone. Liev Schreiber was ok as the daddy Robert Thorn, if even a bit stiff, and Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick was ok as Damien, even if the young man couldn't have been less scary.
It's pretty much like watching the original flick all over again, but does not have the same feeling as the 76's version had. Not scary at all, but it has an interesting story and one death scene that makes the rating go up, up, up. Watchable, but in the end, nothing special, just another remake among too many.
A busy couple goes on holiday to the Caribbean and are really happy to be able to get away since both of them work so much and don't have too much spare time. Anyway so once they're there they decide to go scuba diving several miles out in the open sea and they do so on a boat with a group of other scuba diving people. Once out there the boat with the other scuba divers do a misscalculated head count once finished and leaves for land not realizing that they forgot the couple in the water.
I like shark flicks, only problem is that there are hardly no good ones out there, you have Jaws which is the king and then the rest is either just ok to watch or just plain horrible.
What made this movie a little more interesting is that it's based on a true story, and movies based on true stories are usually better in my book. This is not a very good movie, but since it's based on a true event it's still very interesting.
It's kinda horrible when you think about it, to be left out in the open water with land so far away, and it adds a lot to the movie that it's based on a true story since you can't help to think about the people who were actually left like that for real.
The rest of the movie is just them in the water drifting and trying to make some passing ships see them which they never do. And then it's the sharks too.
I actually expected to see more of the sharks in this movie because we don't really get to see a whole lot, but at some part of the movie towards the end it gets very intense and just that scene kinda makes up for the whole movie which otherwise is somewhat boring every now and then.
The acting is lousy, and the movie is very low budget so don't expect too much. But in the end, it's interesting and even though it's far from great, I'm still happy that I got to see it.
The Creed family moves to a house in the small town of Ludlow and everything seems fine, except for that there are big trucks roaming the road just outside their house. When the young son of the family is out playing one day in their yard, he goes out by the road and is accidentaly killed by a trailer. Struck with grief, the father finds out about an old Indian cemetary not too far from where they live, where you can bury your loved ones and they will come back to life. He buries his son there who's soon brought back to life but the problem is that once brought back, the dead are nothing like they once were...they're pure evil.
There are two movies that has scared me absoutely senseless and that made me lay awake night after night with my eyes open for a long time before I could finally get some sleep. One of them being Ringu, and the second one being Pet Sematary. Now, if you would watch Pet Sematary nowadays it could might be a very good horror flick and even if it would have some scary stuff in it, it still wouldn't be that bad. What made it so scary is that I watched this movie at the young age of 11, and at that time it couldn't have been more scary. I believe I was constantly afraid and thinking about Pet Sematary for almost a year after first seeing it, and that was a lot to cope with. When watching it now it's of course nothing special, but I still have respect for it since it succeeded to scare the crap out of me 16 years ago, and that I still remember it like it was yesterday.
Even though if it's not really that scary nowadays, I still think it's a very good horror flick from the late 80's with some freaky stuff in it. The freaky stuff being the mothers sick sister named Zelda, played by Andrew Hubatsek, a guy(!), something that makes it feel even more freaky. I still don't like to see him/her on screen today, that character totally creeps me out. On the other hand, I have to give the movie a lot of credit for managing to do that and deliver that nasty feeling.
I'm not a big Stephen King fan, although I've read some of his books and watched almost all of his films, or that is the films based on his books. And if I would have to pick a favourite one, I think Pet Sematary would be it, but still there are some other cool ones too (not to mention a lot of bad ones). I'm a big fan of the story here though, it's somewhat simple but still pretty cool and it actually has horror to the bone. Like with all Stephen King flicks, the movie is set in a small town which always brings a certain type of atmosphere which is pretty good and suits the whole thing.
So this family moves to the town of Ludlow and everything begins with that their daughter's cat dies when only the father is at home. The neighbour, an old man named Jud, shows the father to an old Indian cemetary that is just behind a pet cemetery, spelled pet sematary, close to their house. The father buries the cat and soon it comes back to life but acts strange and looks terrible. Right then and there the father should of course let things be but when their young son is killed on the road just outside their house, he buries him too since he can't stand the thought of losing him.
The father works as a doctor and when first moving to Ludlow, a young man named Victor Pascow is brought to him due to a traffic accident. The father tries to rescue the man but he dies in the process. Soon Pascow returns to the father as a ghost to warn him about the cemetery and that it's not wise to bury people there, but of course the father won't listen and has to find out what happens the hard way.
A good word to describe this movie is eerie, because it truly is eerie, even when watching it today. The story makes you get involved, is a little gripping at times and it's easy to care about the characters. The mother named Rachel is haunted by the memories of her sister Zelda who had spinal meningitis and that looks so freaky it's amazing. The make-up effects are so well made and everything looks truly good and horrifying. The woman who plays Rachel also recently appeared in Tobe Hooper's terrible flick Mortuary, again in the role of a mother.
Pet Sematary has an interesting story and according to yours truly, it's probably the best Stephen King flick out there. It has a creepy atmosphere, is eerie and is definitely a great horror movie from the late 80's. The actors all do a good job and the movie has an overall good but creepy feel to it. Recommended.
A couple sneak in under a fence to an abandoned US Army test site at night and discover a swimming pool. Naturally they go for a late night swim, unaware that the pool is filled with mutated piranha and so they're eaten alive. Later on a young woman is hired by one of the kids father to search for the couple. On her search she meets a man who lives up in the mountain close to the Army site and drags him along in her search since he's familiar with the area. They find the pool and drain it to see what's in it. Unfortunately they've now let the deadly Piranhas out in the river and they're headed towards a summer camp downstream.
This movie is a lot like Jaws in many ways, although Piranha has some comedy to it as well, something that (luckily) Jaws never had. It works just fine here though without ever getting too goofy.
There are a lot of creature movies out there and most of them are truly awful. Piranha is not one of those as it delivers what it promises without ever trying to hard to be something it's not. Like a lot of other movies has a tendency to do.
The mix between horror and comedy works very well here and one could also say it has some adventure elements to it too. It's a very good thing that it doesn't try to be a full-on horror movie as that would've never worked at all. There are no scares but the fishes are kinda nasty and some scenes are actually somewhat graphic. No real gore but a hell of a lot of blood.
Compared to Jaws, this one's not half as brutal but still works pretty well. There's especially one scene where a boy and his dad are in a canoe and the dad gets stuck with his hand under water. He's then attacked by the piranha and dragged down into the water, eaten alive infront of his son. It was a terrific scene that actually brought some real tension to the movie.
So what about the rest? Well the acting is totally ok, I didn't actually find one single person irritating and that's a good sign. It's nicely shot and the fact that it was made in 1978 makes it look older and somehow gives it a bit more feeling to it. I definitely prefer this over newer movies. It's also fast-paced with a simple, yet kinda interesting story. The score is ok, nothing you really think about and nothing you really remember when the credits roll though.
For people who are after a lot of gore and real scares, look elsewhere. But if you're up for something entertaining and a bit fun, then you might wanna give it a shot.
While driving through the New Jersey's Pine Barrens, the car suddenly breaks down and leaves a family stranded in the middle of the woods. While the others wait in the car, the husband goes to look for help. He comes upon a house and asks to use the phone, but instead he gets in trouble. Now, the others are sick of just sitting in the car and waiting around so the wife goes to look for help as well. Meanwhile, there's something out there in the forest, a presence of some kind, but what it is no one is sure of. What's outside there in the forest is something of pure demonic evil, and the family soon wishes that they would've taken another route.
I have to admit that I've been somewhat eager to see Satan's Playground, mostly because of the cool title, but not surprisingly, the title proved to be way cooler than the actual movie. Not saying that the movie was all bad, because it sure had some quality stuff to offer, but as a whole, I can't say that I had a great time watching it. It had things in it that were extremely good and worked wonders, the best one being an old freaky lady sniffing coke (that short scene was hilarious), but it also had a bunch of things that brought it down a notch every once in a while, and came off looking a bit too B at times (not talking about the good B-feel here). I guess it all depends on how you see it, the mood and the expectations. One thing I did not enjoy at all was the fact that it held back on gore way too much when it should've been there. While it wasn't a gore flick, or a flick that you should watch for the sake of seeing gore for that matter, I still felt that most killings off screen were kinda unnecessary, and it would've been better to get to see the whole thing go down each time instead of taking the camera away from the place of action.
Satan's Playground has the style of 70's and 80's horror and that is something that works truly well in the film. It's spooky, a little creepy every now and then but still delivers some black humour that works well, and I was happy to see that it wasn't a too serious flick, the humour balances it out really nicely. Imagine a huge forest, and there's nothing there except for trees and in the middle of it all one crappy old house. Inside the house lives an old lady that looked like a proper witch out of an fairy-tale named Mrs. Leeds. Now, Mrs. Leeds had 13 kids that all had some faults to them, and most of them being dead with only two retared freaky kids left to help her carry out her 'work'. Mrs. Leeds herself is one of the best things that Satan's Playground had to offer since she delivers creepiness as well as some bizarre humour and was a cool nasty fairy-tale like character.
 Basically, people seem to get stuck out there in the New Jersey's Pine Barrens and in order to get some help, they seek out the only house (Mrs. Leeds house) that seems to be there, but unfortunately for them, the house is inhabited by those who want to do the stranded harm instead of helping them out. But this house alone in the creepy forest, apparently inhabitated by the Jersey Devil, gave the movie a spooky feel and the forest alone created a great eerie atmosphere. There's something out there that's evil, but you don't know what.
I guess the movie pays tribute to Evil Dead as well and has those famous (and great looking) scenes where someone is chased through a forest and you see the one chasing through the eye of the camera. The movie also has some mystery to offer to what's really out there in the forest, the whole Jersey Devil thing and it was too bad Tomaselli didn't take things further with that, because it kinda left me unsatisfied and could've featured more of that. Acting-wise it's all right with Mrs. Leeds being the best character and added some creepiness to the movie. Other than that we get to to see Ellen Sandweiss from Evil Dead, Felissa Rose from Sleepaway Camp and Edwin Neal from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so the film had a pretty cool cast.
I'm not fully sure exactly where I stand when it comes to Satan's Playground. I really liked some aspects of the film, while at the same time it featured a lot of things that really didn't do it for me. The ending was all right I guess, but didn't leave me fully satisfied either, and also, like I said before, I would like to have seen and heard more about the actual Jersey Devil. I wouldn't say that Satan's Playground is a great horror film, and while it just lasted for 81 minutes, it still felt quite long and towards the end I found myself having problems staying completely focused. But at least it's worth a look because it's not bad, it's like so often more a matter of taste. You might get more out of it than I did.
On a Caribbean island resort people are suddenly turning up dead from mysterious attacks. Anne Kimbrough, who takes people on scuba-diving trips, starts investigating and discover that the attacks are caused by genetically mutated fish that have wings and can fly, and that seem to be able to attack in water and on land as well. She tells the hotel manager at the resort what's going on but he refuses to close the beach down, something that in the end causes great consequences.
Here we have James (T2) Cameron's full length debut, and I guess he can't be too proud of it. It's the sequel to 1978's Piranha, but unfortunately, like with so many other sequels, not half as good as the original movie. I can't say that Piranha was a very good movie, but still managed to be quite entertaining without ending up being too goofy. This one's the total opposite, it's cheesy as hell and just ends up looking quite ridiculous.
I have nothing against cheesy flicks, I actually love a lot of them, but this one's too much and just feels silly and uninteresting. I saw this movie a long time ago and did not recall it being so bad, as in the end this is just a waste of time, nothing else. Although, it's always fun to see Lance Henriksen, and here he's good too, only thing is that the script and the overall feeling of the movie itself is so bad.
Piranha 2 basically starts out the same way as the first movie did. In Piranha we got to see a couple take a late night swim in a pool that was full of these nasty fishes. In Piranha 2 we get to see a couple diving, and we also get the lamest sex scene ever, and then of course they're attacked by the nasty creatures as well. Actually just watching the intro to Piranha 2 just kinda puts you off right then and there.
The next 25 minutes or so are the worst 25 minutes I've had to sit through in a long time, since the only thing we get to see is people around the resort and it's like watching a lame comedy. The first 25 minutes doesn't contain any horror whatsoever, but is just pure comedy which is so not funny at all. It's was actually a real struggle to sit through that as the actors truly defines the word terrible. After that, the movie kinda takes off but it's still not that good, although not as bad as before.
What the first movie had going for it with the fishes was that they only attacked under water. Here they can fly and attack people on land as well, and it just looks so stupid every time you get to see them go after someone. Worst thing is that it does not look realistic at all, and it all ends up looking like a big joke. You might think it's cool that they can attack everywhere this time, but trust me, it's not. Even if it's cheap and cheesy you can't really laugh at it either, it's just plain dumb.
One could at first have thought that it could've worked as a so-bad-it's-good type of film, but even there it falls short. It's just a waste of time and is neither funny nor scary for that matter. The first movie's watchable, but I would recommend staying away from this flick.
Census taker Steve Kady from Chicago is sent to a small town called Rockwell Falls whose population of 436 have remained the same for 100 years. Once there, Kady starts to interview people, and starts asking question about the unchanged population but no one seems to wanna give him an honest answear. The idyllic little town also has all these golden rules to follow, and everyone seems completely happy there and calls it 'the most perfect place on Earth'. But something is fishy in the quiet little town, and the censustaker is soon to find out what, and why the population always remains at 436.
When I sat down to watch Population 436, I was pretty sure I was in for yet another meaningless 'horror' flick. Not only did it seem bad, but it also featured Fred Durst as one of the actors. Now, I absolutely hate Limp Bizkit, but to my big surprise the guy was actually pretty darn good, and was one of the few likable characters that were in this movie. Another thing that surprised me was the fact that Population 436 didn't turn out to be such a lousy movie after all. It wasn't great, but it was slightly above decent and I found myself to be quite entertained from beginning to end.
Steve Kady is a Census taker who's on his way to investigate the population in a small town called Rockwell Falls. The population has remained unchanged for 100 years and has stayed at the number 436. Very strange indeed. On his way there, he stops at a gas station to ask for directions but the people there won't give him an answear when they hear the name Rockwell Falls. Soon after on the road, Kady gets a flat tire and catches a ride with a deputy who takes him to the town.
His first impression of the town is that Rockwell Falls seems like an idyllic place to live in, and even though people are a bit strange, they welcome their new guest with open arms. Kady soon starts to interview people around the town but doesn't seem to get any straight answers to why the population has remained the same for so long. The deeper he digs into the towns secret, the more he starts to see how things really are, something that puts his life at risk.
Population 436 had a simple story and was extremely predictable. The very ending was good but was also very predictable as well. Still, it was a good ending that made the whole outcome seem a little better. I would describe this movie as more of a mystery thriller than an actual horror film, since there's hardly any horror elements in it. There's some suspense which works pretty well, but there are no scares to be found anywhere. Also, you won't have to use your brain too much, since like I said, it's very predictable, and it's not hard to figure out what's gonna happen next, or how it's all gonna end.
Having recently just seen 2001 Maniacs, Population 436 at times looked like a total rip-off of that movie. Even though it was slightly different it was still very similar at times, especially in the beginning. A small southern town that is inhabited by a lot of strange people, some outsider that comes into town and has to deal with the crazy people there, and what they wanna do to him. Ok, so it's a bit of a copycat, but apart from the setting the story is a bit different, and once I had gotten over the fact that it looked too much like 2001 Maniacs, I found myself to enjoy the film.
Even though it was too predictable, it still worked with being entertaining enough for one to sit through the whole thing. The acting was totally ok, I've nothing to complain about there really. Jeremy Sisto delivers a great performance as the census taker who has to deal with the secrets of the town, and Fred Durst surprised me with his performance as a likable cop. No gore, no blood and more of a suspense thriller than an actual horror movie. Not great but way better than I first had expected it to be.
The first fallen angel, even before Lucifer, is Premutos and he's out to rule the world, both living and dead and in present time a man starts to have visions of historical times long ago were he lived a life as Premutos son. He keeps having flashbacks of different time eras, like from the middle age and so on. Later his father finds an old book together with some potion buried in their garden and gives it to his soon who starts reading it and uses the potion and so mutates into a monster, awakens a legion of zombies and sets out to bring Premutos back.
Premutos is so not for everyone as it's mainly for those heavily into splatter and gore and Olaf Ittenbach, (The Burning Moon, Legion of the Dead), delivers tons of these two things in his movie and that is the main reason for watching it.
Forget budget, forget decent actors, forget most of the common things involved in movie making and be ready to embrace heavy amounts of gore throughout the whole movie. If you're into gore, splatter, low kind of humour, and are willing to overlook the acting and the very low budget, then you should give Premutos a go.
First off the story is actually really cool, especially when we get to see the flashbacks of ancient times, they have a nice atmosphere to them and brings a lot of "feeling" into the movie. Problem though is that a lot of stuff looks cheap and I wonder what this movie would have looked like with a higher budget.
You have to understand that this is truly a b-movie so don't expect anything else when watching it. The actors are really crappy and the worst thing for me when watching it is that the movie is in German, it's dubbed to English and there are no English subtitles which would have been so much better.
So you have to struggle with the dubbing which is also quite bad in a lot of places in the movie and this brings it down a notch, well it brings it down a whole lot actually. So basically there are a lot of things that you have to overlook when watching Premutos.
I don't know if there has been a copy released with English subtitles on it now though, if that existed it would help a lot. There are some funny stuff in the movie but not too much.
Only reason to see Premutos is for the splatter, gore and if you're a fan of Ittenbach, other than that there would be no point whatsoever for taking time to watch this.
When Ed Harley was a young boy, he saw a man get killed by some kind of demon. Many years later, Ed is a local storekeeper and has a young son who he takes care of alone after that his wife passed. One day some city kids show up in the country close to his store and starts riding their dirt-bikes there. Harely leaves in order to go home and pick something up for a customer, and leaves his boy to look after the store. But the boy's dog runs away, and when the young boy's chases after it, he is accidentally run over by one of the kids dirt-bikes and dies. When Harley comes back and finds his dead son, he takes him to some old witch deep into the forest, were she resurrects a demon named Pumkinhead in order to avenge his son. But for that, a high price must be paid, something that Harley is soon about to find out.
Pumpkinhead is a really cool horror movies from the late 80's. What makes it stand out the most is the fact that it at times feels like watching a dark fairy-tale, and while the story of Pumpkinhead is quite simple, it has a very good feel to it. The actual monster, Pumpkinhead, looks great and the viewer get to see a lot of him, up-close as well, and the special effects are really well done. Another thing that makes this movie really good is that it stars Lance Henriksen. The man is a really talented actor, and here he plays the local storekeeper who's boy gets killed, and so he seeks revenge by resurrecting the same demon that he saw when he was a kid.
He looks up a witch who lives deep into the forest, and later heads to a cemetary to dig up Pumkinheads corpse and bring it back to the witch. The scenery here is amazing and really adds to the whole fairy-tale feel, not to talk about the actual witch herself as well. She then helps him bring Pumpkinhead to life in order for him to avenge his son. So Pumpkinhead is let loose and goes on a killing spree, killing off the city kids, one by one. But soon Harley starts to see how he kills off the kids through the very eyes of the demon, and snaps out of his rage and realizes he must put a stop to Pumpkinhead. But to stop Pumpkinhead isn't easy, as bullets don't seem to bite, and in the end there seems to be only one way to put a stop to it all...
Pumpkinhead is a great horror movie with a good looking monster (I'm talking about the effects, not the monster being handsome) and that has a really cool fairy-tale like story to it. Unfortunately the gore is minimal, but it's not really needed either for it to work. There are some blood and some totally ok killing scenes, but some more actual gore wouldn't have hurt. One thing that is pretty cool with Pumpkinhead is that every time he kills someone, he later shows the other kids the corpse and not just throws it away. He lets them see the corpses so they'll know what to expect is gonna happen to them. That's pretty nasty but is more humerous than scary I guess.
Pumpkinhead has a lot of good things going for it. The story is simple, yet quite brilliant, and the whole fary-tale like concept adds a lot to the movie itself. Some scenery is really nice, and the monster looks great and is quite nasty (even though he could've been a hell of a lot nastier). Lance Henriksen delivers a really good performance as the father who seeks revenge on those who killed his son. It's a movie that is really easy to get into and it's hard not to stay interested the whole film throughout. Recommended.
It's the year 1850 and Lilith Silver (Eileen Daly) gets caught in the middle of a pistol duel and gets killed but is brought back to life by Sir Blake, one of the duellers, who guilt ridden of causing her death and so he makes her one of his own immortal kind. In present time Lilith Silver works as an assassin who kills members of the The Illuminati that are taking over businesses and the government. What she doesn't know is that the head of The Illuminati is the actual vampire that once gave her immortality.
Here's a different take on the vampire genre starring British actress Eileen Daly (Cradle of Fear) who plays the role of a hired killer. It was very hard to actually rate this movie since it's both good and bad.
First off to let you know what you're getting yourself into if deciding to watch Razor Blade Smile is that it's a very low budget flick and if a movie is low budget but still good I usually can stop thinking about that it looks crappy, that's unfortunately not the case here. Although even if the production values are very low it's still so entertaining on some levels that it somehow makes it work anyway or at least kinda work.
I guess in the end it all depends on what kind of person you are, what you've seen before and what you're willing to sit through.
It's a great story but the way it's delivered is questionable and a lot has to do with the very low budget and the crappy acting. Eileen Daly is actually somewhat fun to watch as Lilith Silver and even if the acting could've been much better it's still ok for what it is.
But then you have the other actors which are crap, especially the head of The Illuminati (Christopher Adamson) who gives an awful performance.
Apart from these things, Razor Blade Smile is actually a really entertaining movie if you can take it the right way. We get some gore and a lot of blood but the most interesting thing about this movie is the script which is really good, but unfortunately they didn't have the cash nor the actors to quite pull it off.
It's ok for what it is though and if you like vampires and can stand very low budget movies and horrible acting then by all means give it a shot.
Medical student Herbert West returns from Switzerland after having worked together with a well known scientist who died under mysterious circumstances. West enrolls at Miskatonic University to continue his research where he also meet Dan Cain who becomes his roomate, and who he later involves in his experiments. West uses Dan to get him access to the morgue where he can experiement on the dead, trying to re-animate them. But bringing the dead back to life has its price, something that both West and Dan soon will be aware of.
Nothing beats an old good horror movie, and Re-Animator is one of those classic horror films that can be watched over and over again. Watching re-Animator is way better than sex or drugs, but it might as well be a good idea to combine the three. I'll have to try that some day. Together with the Evil Dead trilogy and the Return of the Living Dead trilogy, I consider the Re-Animator trilogy to be among the best horror flicks that are to be found out there. I know that some people will disagree with me, but everyone has different kind of taste so no need to send emails about that, thanks. One of the reasons why this movie's so great, is for the fact that it mixes dark humour and excessive amounts of gore in a really good way.
A young man named Herbert West returns from Switzerland and enrolls at the Miskatonic University to study there, even though he seems to know more than the actual professors who works there. What West is interested in is how to bring the dead back to life again, and he's struggling to make that happen. Once at the university, West immediately has different opinions with Dr. Carl Hill on the subject of the brain and what happens when a person dies. And the two of them soon becomes great enemies to each other.
Dan Cain who's also a student at the university is looking for a roommate, and soon West shows up at his doorstep and wants to move in as fast as possible. Dan's girlfriend Megan who's the daughter of the Dean at the school, immediately becomes suspicious of West, but Dan ignores her warnings and lets West move in. Soon after, West starts to set up a lab in the basement and Megan's cat goes missing and is later found in West's fridge which only makes both her and Dan more suspicious of West's real intentions. It doesn't take long before West drags Dan down with him conducting his re-animation experiments, and people start dying and things go chaotic.
Even though Re-Animator features a few scenes that might seem to be somewhat disturbing and that has a lot of violence, it's always made with such amount of dark humour it's hard to take things too seriously. And that's what they have really succeeded in doing here, combining real horror with a big dose of humour. There's a fine line between what's enough and what's too much, and they've really done well in not crossing that line either. When talking about gore, it's over-the-top, but if it wouldn't have been like that, this movie wouldn't have turned out to be half a good as the actual gore is a huge part of the overall experience.
When it comes to acting Jeffrey Combs truly stand out as the mad scientist, and might as well be the very best mad scientist in movie history. Bruce Abbott is great as his assistant who gets involved in all the crazy stuff West is doing, and we get to see him as West's assistant in the sequel Bride of Re-Animator as well. The score is brilliant and fits the movie perfectly. Actually, the whole movie is quite brilliant.
Re-Animator is a fantastic horror comedy that spawned 2 great sequels. It has a lot of great humour and a massive amount of gore. It's super entertaining and takes an unexpected turn halfway through the film which is a really cool and different thing as well. When it comes to Re-Animator, I have absolutely nothing negative to say. A true horror classic
Lisa (Rachel McAdams), after a visit to Dallas, takes the flight back to Miami. Before entering the flight, she meets Jackson (Cillian Murphy) and their attraction grows. When on the plane, Jackson actually has the seat next to Lisa but he turns out to be something totally different from the nice guy she first though he was. Planning to kill the deputy secretary of Homeland Security who's gonna stay at the Lux Atlantic Hotel, the very same hotel that Lisa is the manager of. So he needs her help, and if she refuses, her father will be killed.
To be honest, I don't understand why so many people were so attracted to this movie. It's just a standard thriller and it's not even that clever. Personally I don't think it's bad at all and it's very entertaining, but in the end, it's not fantastic or even remotely close to being so either.
Is it because it's Wes Craven who directed it? You tell me. I think he has done a lot of good flicks, but I sure don't think that everything the man directs is brilliant.
What Red Eye really has going for it is that it's fast-paced and that it never really slows down. It sure has some tension and suspense but does not offer the kind of suspense that makes you chew of your nails or anything like that. It's good for being a thriller and you get 85 entertaining minutes of film, but it's nothing that stays with you long after viewing it.
 What I kind of missed when finished watching Red Eye, was that it had no clever twist in the end, and that's maybe one of the reasons why it won't stay with you for long after seeing it. It also has a very basic story, don't get me wrong as it works really well, but in the end the story's nothing that special either.
About the acting one can't really make any complaints since both Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy do a very good job with their characters. On the other hand I'm not a fan of Cillian Murphy and find him kinda irritating to watch. Although I think it works pretty well here, better than in Batman Begins anyway.
The majority of the film takes place on the airplane with the two main characters, and even if that might sound a bit boring, it's the most interesting part. It's actually when they get off the plane that it starts to become a too standard kind of tv thriller.
This is simple entertainment that works really well if you want nothing more. Both Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy manages to do a good job with their characters and also manages to create some tension. Red Eye is a fast-paced flick and it's a fun ride that is worth watching, but not a movie that you'll remember and that'll really stay with you. Recommended.
A group of rednecks finds a barrel of radioactive waste and uses it to brew moonshine. But drinking the nuclear waste makes them turn into flesh-eating zombies. That is into redneck zombies. At the same time some people from the city are on vacation and happens to get lost in the woods and unfortunately they run into all these zombies and has to fight for their lives to make it out alive.
Yet another Troma release and I was thinking the other day that it's kinda funny when you read reviews about Troma movies on the net as there are usually two different kind of versions.
First are the reviews by those who absolutely loves everything that Troma puts out and who gives their movies the highest ratings possible. And then you have those that are the total opposite and have mainly written the reviews just to critisise Troma's work. But this is not a bad thing as we need some balance right.
But once in a while you find those who neither love or hate Troma's productions and can like some movies while considering others to be crap. This is one of those reviews.
When it comes to Troma movies I would say that Redneck Zombies are not one of their best accomplishments, but it still has some fun stuff in it, not nearly enough to satisfy all the way though.
Thing is that this movie is supposed to be bad and it has everything going for it to make that happen. So a warning to those people who are thinking of renting this, don't expect any seriousness whatsoever. What you can expect is a super cheesy movie that is shot on video and has cheap jokes, horrible acting, is really low-budget and has bad special effects.
With that said you should know what you're getting yourself into. But if you're a fan of Troma and their other releases and like those then you should definitely give Redneck Zombies a shot too.
I thought the first 30 minutes of the movie was kinda fun to watch and very entertaining. Unfortunately after that things got a bit slower for a while and I remember feeling quite bored. It gets going again, but when it did I wasn't really up for it. Maybe if I would have watched it another time the rating could've been higher but for now it have to stay this way.
It has this "so bad it's good" feeling to it but didn't quite do it for me. Other than that expect a lot of Troma style gore and splatter and if you've seen other Troma releases before you should know what to expect. If you wanna watch a "good" Troma release I would recommend Tromeo & Juliet or maybe Terror Firmer among a few others.
A group of college kids are on the way to some big rave, and when driving on some deserted road in the middle of nowhere, their car breaks down. A deserted diner lies close by and so does some cheesy motel. So the kids stop there to rest, while waiting to get back on the road. They get the feeling that they're not alone, and soon they run into a strange trucker who's looking for his wife. Shortly after the smell of death starts to surround them, and they see visions of dead people, and realize that there's something out there. Something that's out to get them.
Reeker starts off with a great intro that makes you wanna keep watching, and it all looks very promising. The scene in the beginning is gory, and splatter enters the movie fast. So like I said, it looks very promising, but shortly after, it slows down a bit, both the pacing and the gore.
It follows five college kids, on their way to some big rave, and when their car suddenly breaks down, everything takes a turn for the worst. The five kids consist of three guys and two girls, were one of the guys are blind. One of the other guys has a fun time messing around with this blind guy early on in the movie, and even if it's somewhat mean, it's not that bad and adds a lot of humour to the movie. And the movie featured some more humour as well, which actually worked pretty good without ever taking the seriousness away.
After a short time, they realize that there's something out there, and they all start to get a bit worried. And they are right, as something actually is out there, and it looks pretty cool as well. While Reeker might not be the most original horror movie to date, and while it might have borrowed a few things from other movies, it was still entertaining and mysterious enough to be able to sit through without complaining. It had some cool gore to offer, and I read somewhere that it was really gory which is not true at all, but still had some entertaining gore, and that's always something.
The overall acting I found to be quite ok, as all of the characters was pretty likable when talking about the five kids. Movies like this always has some unlikable character, and while these were not great in any sense, they were still likable enough and never irritating which so often seems to be the case. For a low-budget movie, Reeker looks really good, and the whole concept with that someone who's out there reeks of death was an interesting thing that gave this movie some new life.
The cool thing about this killer is that he's way different than most of your normal slashers out there. It's some kind of a supernatural being that looks pretty freaky, and like I said before; reeks of death. It takes a while before the viewer get to lay eyes on him, you know he's there at times but don't really get a 100% view until much later. And when finally get to see the nasty thing, it doesn't disappoint.
These are all good things, but I had some problems with this movie too. First off, since the beginning made you go wow, you were kinda expecting other things to be like that later on in the movie, but unfortunately that never really came. The movie of course had its share of cool things, but nothing as impressive as it was right from the very start. Another thing was that the movie was a bit too dark at times, well at most times which felt kinda bothersome.
The darkness wasn't really that big of an issue though, but the lack of scares and the pacing was. I felt that the scares weren't effective enough, even though they might work on other people (judge for yourself), and I felt that the movie could've used some more actual feel of terror, as it just wasn't enough. The overall pacing was somewhat ok, but at times it slowed down way too much, and it was a bit hard to stay interested at certain points. It had a big twist in the end which was kinda cool because when I was expecting it to end, it came, and made the whole thing come out looking a bit better.
Reeker was kinda hard to rate, since on one hand it was quite cool and had some interesting things to offer. But on the other hand, I felt that there was something missing, and so I couldn't give it a higher rating than 6. May it be that it could've used a lot more gore? I don't see the reason why to hold back, as this is the kind of movie that could easily go all the way and it would've looked so much better. Nudity is not a big thing, but again, movies like this needs some nudity as well as huge amounts of gore, and the total lack of nudity was a mystery. Still, for a low-budget movie it looks very good, and you can easily tell that there were some thought put into it. So even if it doesn't rank that high, it's still well worth a watch.
Biochemist Dr. Alec Holland developed a formula that could regenerate organic matter, but when his rival Arcane broke into his lab and tried to steal it, Holland was set on fire and dived into the swamp. Holland, who was covered in the formula when he dove into the swamp, became a mutant that were called Swamp Thing. Fast-forward in time, and Arcane is working on different experiments in his mansion together with a group of scientists on how to prolong life. One day his stepdaughter Abby Arcane shows up and gets dragged into her stepfather's sick experiments. But luckily for her, Swamp Thing is out there to make the world a better place.
The Return of Swamp Thing is a sequel to Swamp Thing, based on a comic from DC Comics. It's a humerous and at the same time a lame 80's sci-fi adventure with a young Heather Locklear falling for our green hero in the swamp. I'm actually a bit of a fan of Jim Wynorski (Chopping Mall etc) who directed this movie, not that he's a great director, but that his movies often are cheesy and campy. And campiness is something you'll find plenty of in The Return of Swamp Thing. And it's also one of those movies were the expression, so bad it's good can be used to describe it.
It's actually not a good movie, and I don't know if that expression above would be the totally correct way to describe it, it's up to you to decide. This is a movie I thought were somewhat cool many many years ago, but watching it now, it was most of the time quite embarrassing. I like Heather Locklear and I'm a huge Melrose Place fan (yeah yeah yeah, I know) but watching her here isn't actually that good. She's the best there is though, because the rest of the cast are really awful. This movie oozes of bad acting, and some of it is just horrible having to sit through. On the other hand it makes it more cheesy, and I think that if the acting would've not been as cheesy, the movie would've looked even worse. It's a campy flick, so don't expect anything else.
Thing is that Abby Arcane is obsessed with flowers and plants, well maybe not obsessed but she cares deeply for them, so it's no wonder that she falls for Swamp Thing who's covered in plants. Swamp Thing is a nice dude who used to be a biochemist, but got his lives wrecked by Abby's evil stepfather Dr. Arcane. While Arcane and his team are conducting experiments on how to prolong Arcane's life, Abby finds Swamp Thing and together they find love. But things doesn't stay nice for long, and it all makes for some predictable action.
Thing to look out for when watching The Return of Swamp Thing though is a little fat kid with red hair. There's one scene early on when he and his friend are going through the friends dad's collection of adult magazines, when suddenly a monster comes knocking on the door. This whole scene, together with the dialogue, is so extremely bad that it ends up being a whole lot of fun. The same kid are in a few scenes after that and he just brings everything down so much, it's so fun to watch. Ok that he's just a kid and while I don't wanna rack down on kids, he must be one of the worst actors of all time. He has cheese written all over him and while he's so bad you're most likely to get a headache from watching him, at the same time it's great fun.
The movie manages to have somewhat of the comic book feel to it, as well as a lame 80's comedy feel to it as well. The acting is absolutely terrible, some worse than others, and most of the time the movie's so bad it's actually a hoot to watch. Surprisningly there's no nudity at all in the movie, something that's very strange considering the fact that Wynorski directed this flick. This man is famous for having a lot of flesh shown in his movies.
I can't really recommend it since it actually sucks, but at the same time if you wanna see a really campy and cheesy movie, this is a really good pick. It's more one of those movies were you get a group of people, a fridge full of beer, turn off your brains and just have a good time.
A man who works at a medical supply warehouse is curious of a barrels contents and opens it not realising that it contains a deadly gas which makes the dead re-animate. Soon there are tons of zombies running amok in Louisville, Kentucky and are only after one thing, to eat brains.
Brrrrrraaaiiinnnsssss!!! The Return of the Living Dead is a fantastic horror movie that could've been part of a fantastic trilogy, but then, not too long ago when writing this, they decided to do not only a fourth but a fifth movie as well. Anyway, this movie has a little of everything to offer, at least for fans of horror and if you haven't seen it yet then you have truly missed something.
According to me this is one of the better horror films out there and it is a true joy to watch. It delivers tons of black humor among with tons of gore and splatter and will definitely satisfy people into this type of stuff.
Fun thing when dealing with zombies here is that you don't get the usually slow and brain damaged ones but these ones are actually fast and can both talk, think and feel.
The Return of the Living Dead features a lot of cool characters that adds a lot to the movie, from the warehouse manager who lets the chemicals out, the owner of the warehouse who'll do anything to save the name and reputation of his company to the very original mortician who works next to the warehouse and of course a bunch of other people too.
The special effects are great and the overall performances from the different actors are very good as well. It's fast paced to say the least, and out of the 91 minutes running time there's not one boring minute to find. Definitely a must see.
Colonel Reynolds works for the government with a group of scientists that work on bringing the dead back to life so that the military can use them. He has a son name Curt and Curt has a girlfriend named Julie who gets her boyfriend to steal his dad's security pass so they can get access and sneak into the military base were the re-animation is going on. Later on when Curt and Julie are riding Curt's motorcycle they get into a accident and Julie ends up dead. Curt then takes her body back to the military base to try and bring her back to life again which he also success in doing but she ends up being completely different and things doesn't seem to work out the way they were supposed to.
Brian Yuzna has made some great movies like The Dentist and more. He has a certain style to his movies which makes them different and very enjoyable and so is Return of the Living Dead 3.
You would think that a second sequel would most likely suck but Return of the Living Dead 3 is among the best actual sequels I've seen that I can think of when writing this. It stays true to the brilliant original movie even if it goes its totally own way and that is just one reason that makes it great.
If you have seen other movies by Brian Yuzna you might can figure out what kind of movie or what typ of humour to expect, if you haven't it doesn't matter, either way you're in for 97 minutes of great entertainment.
It has some gore and some horror elements but it's all done with a type of humour so it never gets scary, but is always a 100 percent entertaining. The story is pretty cool, one could say it's somewhat tragic, and the effects are very nicely done. The actors all do a good and belivable job and the movie is fast paced and will grab your attention easily.
Great gore, great fun! Very different and not as good as the first flick, but that separates itself from the original and the sequel as well, but still has the great Return of the Living Dead feel to it.
When about to head to a concert with two of his friends, Alan Parker receives a phone call and finds out that his mom is in the hospital due to having a stroke. So Alan skips the concert, after all his mother comes first, and hitchhikes to get to his old hometown where his mother is. But the way there proves to be nothing but easy as he meets weirdos and starts having visions of different kinds. Eventually he is picked up by a stranger who proves to have returned from the other side to give him a choise. A choise between life and death.
When I was young, well not that I'm old now, but when I was much younger, I was somewhat of a Stephen King fan. Actually 'fan' might be a too strong word to describe it, but let's just say that I was a bit into King's stuff. I read most of his books, and watched most of the movies based on the man's books, short stories and novels. Then when I got a bit older and came to my senses, I realized that his stuff was never that great, with a few exceptions like Pet Sematary and Graveyard Shift among a few others. But I think that a lot of his old stuff is still pretty good, at least it had something to it compared to the things he has come up with in recent years which have just been a total waste of time. And speaking of a total waste of time, Riding the Bullet is exactly that.
This is not Mick Garris first take on turning Stephen King's writings into something for the screen, but I've never been really impressed with any of Garris adaptations. One thing that the man has done though which really stood out, was to come up with the Masters of Horror series, that was truly brilliant, other than that, nothing really. Riding the Bullet is no exception, it actually plain sucks, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I haven't read the book, and now I'm so not going to either since the story pretty much blew and was everything that's opposite to interesting. If having a bad story wasn't bad enough, add to that some totally uninteresting characters, pathetic scares and basically, just a whole bunch of complete garbage.
We get to follow Alan who's into some dark stuff, and already then and there, things took a pathetic turn. He soon finds out that his mom is at the hospital in Maine because of a stroke that she had. So Alan heads towards Maine, and to get there, he decides to hitchhike which wasn't such a great plan. On the way he meets some strange fellows, some that's out to hurt him and on-top of that, he starts having more and more visions of terrible things. Well, these things are supposed to be terrible, but they are actually just so bad it's terrible if you know what I mean.
After a while, David Arquette comes along and delivers a terrible performance (again with the terrible), playing some dead guy who's so freakin bad I felt ashamed when I saw it. He gives Alan a choise whether he wants to live which means that his mother would die, or the opposite. Btw, the title, Riding the Bullet, suggest that this Bullet is a roller-coaster that Alan was afraid to go on when he was a kid. Boohoo, who cares... At times it's supposed to be scary but it fails miserably at being anything but scary. Other than that, the story was a mess, and it was just a real drag sitting through the whole thing. Maybe the book is ok, but for a horror movie, it didn't work at all and I feel sick now.
It looked all right, but that was the only thing it had going for it really. Basically it was just a big mess that featured some crappy and unbelivable acting, some extremely lame scares and a whole heap of other things considered bad. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from it as it's just not worth the time.
Karin gets to inherit the old family estate when her grandmother passes away. She drives out to the house together with her boyfriend in order to clear out the property and then to sell it. Soon she meets a somewhat weird guy named Pierce who tends the horses, and fixes things around the estate. Later on Karin starts seeing things, and after her boyfriend leaves, things only gets worse. There seems to be many dark secrets that surrounds the house, and they also seem to be connected to her childhood when she was there as a kid. Meanwhile, Pierce is getting even more weird and Karin starts to feel really uncomfortable around him. Does he have something to do with all the strange things that are going on?
Someone who had written comments about this movie on IMDB, wrote that the flick sucked donkey balls, and that pretty much sums it up. Now, I never thought this movie would be great plus that the title sounded kinda stupid as well, but I figured I should give it a shot since I actually liked Gina Philips in Jeepers Creepers. She's not great here, but at the same time she's far from being bad as well, it's just that the story is so darn stupid and you can't help but to wonder what the hell the writers were thinking when they wrote this piece of junk.
Even if I was never expecting this movie to be very good, I still found it to be somewhat interesting in the beginning. Well, at least I tried to get into it even though it didn't felt very fresh or creative. While the shitty story unfolds, the viewer has to sit through a higher number of extremely cheap scares. But this movie didn't actually have one scary thing in it really, although it succeeded with being so bad that it was actually scary, so I'll have to give it some credit for that.
The way this movie was set up felt too standard and unoriginal. Karin inherits the family estate and goes there with her boyfriend to clean it up to later sell it. Apparently there's something wrong with the house, and Karin starts seeing things and suffer from 'horrible' nightmares. Her boyfriend leaves and she's left alone there, but fortunatly or actually unfortunatly, a weird care-taker named Pierce lives around there too. But something is not right with the guy, and Karin is soon to find out.
So many cheap scares in the beginning, and then it switches between being a supernatural flick and more of a terror type of flick. None of these things work though, and I would label it a shitty thriller that has no thrills or scares that are the least bit effective. The longer the movie goes, the worse it gets, and the last 15 minutes or so I actually felt quite ashamed for everyone who was involved in the making of this crapfest.
The acting is somewhat ok from Gina Philips and from Jenny Mollen who plays Gina's sister. Not that I had a lot of respect for Tom Sizemore before watching this mess, but now I have none. This guy can't play a psychopath for shit, and it was almost frightening to see such a terrible and unbelivable performance. I don't even remember the score, but considering that I didn't remember it, it couldn't have been that great.
Another new 'horror' flick that was complete crap...not really a big surprise. I can't think of one good reason why you would wanna put yourself through watching this. It really has nothing to offer, and the story was so bad that I feel a bit sick when thinking about it. Stay far away from this, it's so not worth the time.
It takes off kinda were the first one left off, it's now some time later and Rachel (Naomi Watts) moves to Oregon with her irritating son Aidan (David Dorfman) to start a new life. But unfortunately Samara returns and messes things up again and Rachel has to find a new way to put Samara to rest once and for all.
This is actually not a remake of the Japanese Ringu 2 but instead a sequel to the The Ring, US remake of Japanese Ringu. And this somehow made it work for me on more levels than expected.
The first one, US version of The Ring was better than expected but not even comparable to the Japanese Ringu, it was good but no movie has scared me shitless like Ringu, maybe except for when you were really young and were easily scared by most horror movies but that doesn't really count.
So good thing here is that we don't really have to talk about remakes anymore, only sequels (of which most of the time might not be a good thing either but still...)
The Ring Two does unfortunately not have the dept of The Ring but is still watchable with a few good scares.
It doesn't really have the same creepy atmosphere as the first film and some stuff feels repeated. I was somewhat anxious to see The Ring Two since it's directed by original Ringu director Hideo Nakata, but even though I'm not totally disapointed I still feel it could of had some more to offer.
Naomi Watts does a good job as Rachel once again and I guess David Dorfman as Aidan does a somewhat good job too even though I totally had enough of him in the first movie, I just hate kids in movies, can't stand them.
In the end I think The Ring Two was totally watchablem, and kinda entertaining even though it's very forgettable, and doesn't really "stay with you" once finished.
Based upon a true story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, a travelling vendor who killed people and used their body fat to make soap. Some mutilated cadavers are discovered giving way to the legend of the Werewolf of Allariz. A man, Romasanta, a travelling vendor who's a charming man and is appreciated by the women in the villages he visits. But he's also the werewolf feared by all. He meets Barbara who discovers who he really is and hunts him down to bring him to justice.
This movie had bad written all over it, I should've known by just looking at the cover, it looks way too cool to be any good. So here I was expecting a gorefeast accompanied by some werewolf action, but instead I got a slow-moving drama with little gore and no action. If I would have known it would be a drama, things might have turned out a little bit different. But what's up with the cover, it sure looks like horror to me, and I hate when they do this with covers, trailers, promotions. That is fooling people into thinking it's something that it's not, and I don't see the reason why anyone would do so, all that's gonna happen with that is just that it's gonna disappoint a lot of people. Well, it sure fooled me.
The only thing that kept me from turning the movie off and that was a tiny bit interesting was the fact that it is based on a true story. I had never heard about this legend of Romasanta before, so it was a little interesting to see what the man did and how everything happened. Not interesting enough though, I was still bored out of my mind throughout the whole flick, and had to take small breaks every now and then to not loose it completely.
The movie follows Manuel Blanco Romasanta, a soap vendor, and a man who seems so sensitive it's kinda disgusting at times. I guess that is to show that even though he was a beast, he was still nice and everything and you're supposed to feel sympathy for him. It's too much anyway and took a lot of energy to sit through. He's portrayed by Julian Sands who might be a good actor but that I got completely feed up with within the first 10-15 minutes into the movie.
This girl named Barbara is trapped by a wolf in a barn and when Romasanta walks in, the wolf runs away in fear, so he ends up saving Barbara's life. He then leaves Barbara to take her sister and her sister's daughter to another town to find a secure place for them to live due to all the recent wolf attacks. But since the man is pure evil (but at the same time sensitive like a little girl) he kills the two females on the way to the new town. He then returns to seduce Barbara, but she suspects that he had something to do with her sisters death. So together with the men that found her dead sister, she sets out to have justice brought upon Romasanta.
Even if the story was a little bit interesting, you just couldn't care less what was gonna happen. This girl Barbara, played by Elsa Pataky, is really nice to look at so at least it had that going for it. We even get to see her tits but it's so not worth the time. Since it takes place around the 1850's, it has this old fairytale feeling to it which is a nice touch, but that doesn't really help much either. So anyway, the man is eventually caught in 1852 and confesses to have murdered at least 13 people, although he claims that he's innocent because he's was a werewolf. He was later diagnosed with the psychological condition of lycanthropy and were never sent to death as some people thought he should've been, but instead he was sent to a full life sentence.
Ok, so the story and the fact that it has actually happened for real is somewhat interesting, but I've could've read about that for like 10 minutes or something instead of wasting 90 minutes sitting through this boring flick. I guess it will work for some people, but don't expect a horror movie, because it's really not. I sure couldn't take it and the flick is now resting in the garbage can.
When Amy and her fiancé, Nick, are out driving, they happen to be in a car accident. A ambulance crew arrive on the scene and takes Nick, who's badly injured, away without telling Amy to which hospital they're taking him to. She goes to the nearest hospital in hope to find him there, but he seems nowhere to be found. Outside the hospital, she meets Lucas who was in the other car that Amy and Nick collided with, and he tells her that he's looking for his sister who was in the car with him, and that the ambulance crew took her away as well. Together they start searching for where their loved ones could've been taken, and their search leads them to a hospital that burnt down several years ago.
Room 6 is a low-budget horror movie that deals with the supernatural, but that does not look very low-budget at all, in fact, it looks really good. At first I had no idea what to expect, but the movie opened up with such an awesome scene, I was sure I was in for a good ride. And I was, until the last 20 minutes or so, but more about that later. The movie opens with Amy (Christine Taylor: Zoolander) laying on a operating table just about to have some surgery done. She can't move a muscle or talk for that matter, but she is awake, and the doctors are preparing to open her up. She tries to get their attention, to tell them that she's awake, but since she can't move, it's of course an impossible task. Talk about your worst nightmare, but it makes for a great opening scene, and gets the viewers full attention right from the start.
Later on, Amy and her boyfriend Nick (Shane Brolly: Underworld, Underworld: Evolution) are out driving when they all of a sudden crash into another car. The people around the scene of the accident seem strange, and when the ambulance crew arrive, they act even more weird. They drive away with Nick in the ambulance, and do not tell Amy to where they're taking him. She panics and heads to the nearest hospital, but he's not there. Then she runs into Lucas (Jerry O’Connell: Stand by Me, Scream 2), who was in the car they collided with, and he tells her that he's looking for his sister, and together they begin to search for their loved ones. While searching for Nick, strange things start to happen to Amy, and she starts to see people turn into zombie-like creatures for just a brief moment every now and then.
A young girl from the class that Amy's teaching (she's a school teacher), points Amy in the right direction to where to find Nick. It seems he has been taken to a hospital called St. Rose Mary's, but later Amy finds out that the hospital burnt down five years earlier. As she keeps searching for clues, things start to become more and more strange, and Lucas appears to be quite different from what she first had thought.
I must admit that the longer this movie kept on going, the more and more excited I got. I haven't seen a movie that have had such a good pace, such a good story, and so many scares and supernatural happenings all the way throughout in a long time. As I kept watching, Room 6 just kept getting better and better. But since the movie proved to be so darn good, I started to fear for the actual ending since that might make it or break it. And unfortunately, it did break it, and even if it didn't ruin the whole experience, the movie came out looking way worse than it did half-way through.
Even if I personally didn't find Room 6 to be very scary, it still had a lot of great scares to offer. The effects used in this movie are really good, the monsters make-up is great and they look pretty creepy, and the use of flickering lights and shadows in the hospital gave the movie an eerie feel. Best thing though with Room 6 is that it never slows down. Things/scares occur so often, but it never feels too much, it just makes it more interesting and draws your attention. It's fast-paced, but still you get a pretty well-developed story, and even if you don't get to know the characters that well, it's still enough for them to be belivable, especially Christine Taylor's character.
Room 6 is of course not a completely original movie, if you've seen Jacob’s Ladder, you'll notice that it has borrowed a few things from that flick. When watched it, I also felt that it reminded me a lot of Silent Hill. Been playing those games like crazy for years, it had a slight Silent Hill feel to it, especially when being in the haunted hospital. I don't mean anything bad with this though since Room 6 still managed to stand on its own and create a pretty creepy atmosphere.
We get to see some hot naked nurses drink blood, and while that might sound pretty awesome, I still felt that that scene was pretty tacky and unnecessary (no, I'm not gay), but it felt like it took some of the seriousness away. Save that stuff for slasher flicks or whatever, this story was just too good to have stuff like that in it. Anyway, it's a minor complaint that doesn't really matter at all. The big complaint though is for the actual ending, or the last 20 minutes or so. I don't wanna give the ending away, but the last remaining 15-20 minutes at the hospital just became more and more ridiculous and uninteresting. The movie was really great all the way, but that last remaining part was a big let-down.
Room 6 looked smashing, had tons of scares, great effects but a pretty bad ending. It's not the whole world though, and you should not avoid the movie for that single reason alone. The acting was really good, and not even comparable to your normal low-budget horror type of acting, as this was truly high-class acting. Christine Taylor really stood out and made a terrific job with her character, and while the others were not bad either, she definitely stole the whole show with her performance. I've only seen her in comedies before, but she really proved that she can do horror as well, and that was a cool thing. Even though I didn't care for the ending, I would still really recommend Room 6 since it had so many other great things going for it.
A young mother, whose husband was recently killed in the line of duty, one day comes across a 'wishing stone' in a mysterious antique shop. She can't resist the stone, but when she wish for to see her husband one last time, her wish also releases Rumpelstiltskin who has been trapped inside the stone for over 500 years. Rumpelstiltskin will stop at nothing to steal her infant son's soul and armed with just the fairy tale legend, the mother must fight to defend what she holds most dear.
Here's an old (only ten years, but still) classic from Director Mark Jones (Leprechaun, producer of Leprechaun 2 and writer of all the Leprechaun movies) which is called Rumpelstiltskin, based on the fairy tale. Even though the film was made in the mid 90's, it has the feeling of a cheesy horror film from the good old 80's, and that is one of the reasons for why I consider this to be a pretty cool flick. It's of course somewhat similar to Leprechaun with both movies dealing with characters from fairy tales, with those characters being evil as well, but I think Rumpelstiltskin is slightly better than those Leprechaun movies, with the first one being watchable and the others being close to crap. I've actually only seen the first three of those movies, but to protect myself from getting brain damage, I've stayed away from the rest, Leprechaun in Space/in the Hood or whatever they're called.
First off, this is not a movie to take seriously, and while I'm sure most people know that, it's still good advise for those who don't. With that said, if you take Rumpelstiltskin for the kind of fun and cheesy horror it really is, it's actually a pretty good ride. Now, Rumpelstiltskin is an ancient being who all of a sudden happens to find himself in modern day Los Angeles with all what that means. It's far from being hilarious but it sure has some comical situations to offer, and many of them due to him not being use to the modern day of age and how things work. He learns though, and will stop at nothing to get the mother's little baby.
Now, the plot might be a bit weak and the fact that Rumpelstiltskin delivers a few too many one-liners that doesn't really work doesn't really help the situation either. Like I said before, it's not a serious movie and you really need to take it for what it is, and that is one cheesy horror flick. But if you're in the right mood, and don't feel like anything too heavy, Rumpelstiltskin is a pretty good pick. It delivers what it is supposed to deliver, and that is a fun and horrific 91 minutes of cheese, and when looking at it like that, it gets the job done.
Ok, so Rumpelstiltskin will most likely annoy you, but at the same time it will also amuse you if you're in the right mood for this type of film. It's a movie that is easy to criticize, but just leave all the seriousness aside and take it for what it is, and I'm pretty sure it will be worth it. It might be stupid at times, but it has a bunch of really good scenes that are well worth watching it for. And compared to all kinds of crap made these days, this movie ain't half bad.
The devil's son lost a wager to an angel and had to play the good Santa that everyone's familiar with for a 1000 year, but in Santa's Slay, the 1000 years have now gone by and now Santa can be mean again, wreck things and kill people. This is the story, it involves some kids too that's trying to stop him but it's not important.
Ho-ho-ho only 6 days to christmas when writing this and I just saw Santa's Slay, a movie that will bring you in the mood and the spirit of christmas, or maybe not.
This movie has high entertainment value but don't take it too seriously, this is a b-movie just meant to be pure fun. Although it's a b-movie it doesn't look really low budget which often is the case so that was very nice for a change. Also there are a lot of familiar faces throughout the movie.
The greatest thing is that ex wrestling star Bill Goldberg takes on the role as Santa and is truly a mean one. I just realised it sounds like I'm promoting the movie, don't get me wrong as I am not.
Again this can't be taken seriously and if you just go with it, it's actually quite fun at times and even when it's not that fun it's still fast paced and entertaining.
It's fun to see Bill Goldberg walking around in a santa suit and being an a-hole, he's perfect for the part. It's also kinda fun to see a santa acting like this, the total opposite of what he's supposed to (I like to recommend the movie Bad Santa too, it's great).
It's not bad but I can't really say that it's good either, it's just very entertaining and is fun to view if you're bored and feel up for some unserious comedy.
One thing that brings it down a lot though is the music, it has the most shitty songs I've heard in a long time and two times when watching the movie I actually had to press the mute button cuz the music was so bad I actually started to feel nauseous.
Just take it for what it is and nothing more and you'll be fine.
Satan Rides the Media is a documentary by Torstein Grude, that was aired in early 1999 in Norway. As the title suggests, it deals with Satan, or that is satanism, in the media which was a huge deal at the time, due to that a bunch of churches were burnt to the ground in Norway. It tells about the satanic enviroment in Norway so to speak, dealing with black metal, and some of the people involved in the scene. But its main focus is on Varg Vikernes aka. Count Grishnack of the band Burzum, who didn't just burn down several churches, but who also murdered Øystein Aarseth of the black metal band Mayhem. Basically this documentary is about Vikernes, what he did, his trial, how it all started, and what happened to the black metal scene after that Vikernes was convicted to serve 21 years in prison.
Satan Rides The Media is actually a quite fair documentary which tells you about what happened in Norway in the early 90's. Usually when watching stuff like this, there's always an angle to it, but to my big surprise, Satan Rides The Media was told in a straight-forward way, explaining what happened and why, without ever judging or taking sides. It lets the people involved tell what they know from their point of view, whether it be some guy from a BM band, the journalist who did the interview with Vikernes which later led to his arrest, or Vikernes himself for that matter, among others. The fact that the documentary is of the neutral kind, and does not take a stand, but instead shows us and explains what happened helps a lot. It's never about taking sides, or fearing the evil satanists for that matter, but instead just to get an insight to what it was all about.
Vikernes in prison |
Vikernes at the trial |
If you know nothing about the scene, and is totally new to everything this documentary has to offer, you might find it strange and horrible at the same time. For me personally, growing up in Sweden and being just a few of years younger than the guys who used to be big names in the scene, I've heard about all of this a countless number of times during my teen years (when I used to do a death/black metal zine as well). It was still interesting to see Satan Rides The Media though, and especially to see the interviews with Vikernes. When the arsons started in Norway, it of course spread a lot of fear among the people there, and at the same time it hurted a lot of people who were involved in the scene because of the music, and not for satanism which everyone seemed to believe. There were just a small group of people, so-called satanists, who commited these crimes, and then the media blew it up in the papers, creating a lot of hype, and spread fear among ordinary people in Norway at the time.
Mayhem was the first band in Norway to start playing black metal, and soon after them came others, in particular a one man band called Burzum, with the one man being Vikernes or 'Greven' which translates to 'The Count'. Øystein Aarseth, the guitarist of Mayhem, opened a shop called 'Helvete' which translates to 'Hell', and had his own record label were he released Mayhem's recordings on. Øystein Aarseth's stage name was Euronymous, and he was the big name in the scene during that time. Mayhem are also famous (or infamous) for their singer called Dead who blew his brains out, and later Euronymous discovered the corpse but did not call the police. Instead he got a polaroid camera and went back to where Dead's body was to take pictures of the corpse. One of these pictures ended up being the cover for Mayhem's album 'Dawn of the Black Hearts' (see pic to the left).
Since this documentary has its focus on the crimes commited that involved people in the BM scene, you never really get a full insight to the music itself, what it is and how it evolved. You still get to learn a few things regarding the music though, but first and most, it's all about crime. Most people involved in the scene back at the time weren't satanists at all, they were just into the music and everything that came with it, that be the hair, the clothes etc. Since BM music lyrically deals with the subjects of Satan, death and so on, I guess it was natural for people and journalists to see the people involved in the scene as satanists. But of course most of them weren't, and aren't in those bands that exists today. It's just an image, and that is basically all there's to it. When breaking it down, it doesn't come out as very mysterious at all. But back in the day, when black metal was something new, it sure had a lot of mystery to it, and that was what made it interesting.
Satan Rides The Media has in a good and true way a lot to offer for those interested in the events that took place in Norway in the early 90's. You get to hear all sides of the stories from different sources that had some involvement in what happened, whether it be the BM people themselves, or the journalists writing about them. It was fun to see that a journalist actually admitted that they had printed a lot of false information, and had made things up in order to get exclusive news. Satan Rides The Media proved to be a great and fair documentary, and is definitely recommended to check out if you have any interest in this whole thing.
Satan's Little Helper is about this annoying little kid (and I truly mean annoying, all you wanna do throughout the movie is to drag him out from the screen and smack him hard), erhhh.. Anyway, the kid who sets out to find Satan since it's Halloween and finds this masked killer which he believes is Satan and becomes friends with him and follows him (as his little helper hence the title) around while he kills off people one by one. The kid is convinced it's not for real and just goes along with it and having a great time, and let me tell you, this kid is the worst, it's actually hard to watch this just because the kid is such a retard.
I've seen one good movie by Jeff Lieberman and that was "Squirm", although I use the word good very losely here. Anyway, I started watching this one without any real expectations, I had heard some stuff about it and it seemed like it was worth a watch, which I actually think it was even though it could've been better.
It actually kinda had the feeling "so bad it turns good" and that was what made this movie quite enjoyable in the end. Don't get me wrong here, it's very cheesy and have all these countless faults but the actual story is pretty cool and the dark humour in it are at some moments in the movie really good and funny as hell and that kinda makes up for the bad things.
Funny thing though is that the guy who plays Satan/the masked killer actually never says a word, just nods. Wait till you see it, it's better then it sounds, it's actually pretty great.
It's actually the guy who plays Satan who's the whole reason for watching this movie. There are some really funny scenes with him doing stuff and the humour is really black which gives it a great feel.
It's hard to give this movie a proper rating since it has a really cool story and some really hilarious stuff in it. On the other hand it's a low budget film and looks somewhat like a student film at times. Plus the kid, oh the kid drags it down, can't stand him, he's gonna grow up to be an asshole for sure.
Jigsaw is back and this time he let the police catch him only to reveal that he has locked a large group of people in a house and that they only have 2 hours to find a way out before they'll inhale too much lethal nerve gas and die. The house is of course full of traps and the people in there has to try and work together to be able to make it out alive.
I guess Saw 2 has been a kinda anticipated sequel to last years hit Saw and for a sequel it's a pretty good one.
It doesn't beat the first movie but is still a very good follow-up. It's very similar to the first one as it deals with the same theme only that they made it a little different this time around.
I was afraid that Saw 2 would be a let-down and I'm happy to say that it was not. It's actually a lot gorier than Saw and some scenes will probably make you cringe.
There are a lot of detailed gore so people into that will definitely be pleased. The actual horror is there, one could say in your face, the whole time but never so it gets really scary, more towards sick and disgusting.
Saw 2 is fast paced and stuff happen all the time the whole movie throughout so don't expect any dull moments here.
The actors are good and they all do a fine job and I guess some are more likable than others. It of course has a twist to it but I liked the ending in the first movie a lot better, not saying that this one was bad though, but nothing that made you go wow.
If you've seen Saw and if you liked it, then you should definitely see this one too while waiting for the third movie to come out.
Substance D is an illegal drug that has flooded the streets, and over 20% of the population has become hooked on it. But there are those who wanna put an end to the drug as well, and one of those is Bob Arctor, who's an undercover cop in Orange County, California. Arctor is ordered to spy on his addicted friends, but is a drug-addict as well, and ends up having a paranoid journey.
There are already tons of reviews for A Scanner Darkly on the net, so I'm just gonna keep it quite short and simple here, and not go into too much detail since there are loads of reviewers who has already done that, and frankly, it's starting to become a bit boring. So let's start with the animation, and when I thought about it after seeing the film, I found different ways on how to look at it, both good and not so good. A word to describe it with is cool, cos seriously, it looks really cool, actually it looks so cool that it takes focus away from the movie itself and the story. For a while in the beginning of the flick, I found myself to be too caught up in the animation, and what everything looked like, that I actually missed out on the story, and so I had to rewind and watch it again. I'm not kidding.
But after a while you got used to it, the animation that is, and so you could focus more on the actual story, which is a story based on an autobiographical novel by Philip K. Dick. I guess the story itself was pretty good, at least I had no problem finding the movie to be quite interesting. But on the other hand, if it wouldn't have been for the animation, I'm not sure it would've been half as good. I mean now it's special because of that it's animated, but if you took the animation off, would it really have anything special to it then? Honestly, I don't really think so, the animation is at least half the thing, if not more.
As far as the animation goes, it looks awesome, and that's reason enough to watch it, just to see how cool it looks. Other than that, once you get into the story, it pretty much does the job too. The acting is good and Keanu Reeves is actually not bad at all, and not really as stiff as normal which was a nice change. I'm not a fan of Robert Downey Jr and all of his chatter here (most of it of the pointless kind) kinda made your brain hurt at times. Woody Harrelson plays a guy who's kinda confused, and was pretty good to watch with him being slightly over-the-top, but it sure worked all right. Winona Ryder also appears in the movie, and is pretty good even if she doesn't "steal" the show.
At times A Scanner Darkly made you think about such movies as Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Spun and last but not least, Requiem For A Dream. Biggest reason for that is that they all deal with drugs, but it has a bit more to it than that, it's hard to explain, but basically it was just the very feel itself. It also featured some humour which worked pretty well, and then there were a helluva lot of chattier parts. Good thing though during these chattier parts was that then you could focus on the animation instead, so at least that gave you something to do. Don't get me wrong here, as these parts also has some good dialogue to offer, but a lot of them felt kinda meaningless, and it's just like they're talking for the sake of talking, and what comes out is neither very interesting or important.
I think A Scanner Darkly is the type of movie that kinda requires a second viewing, as it was just too easy to get caught up in the animation, and at the same time miss out on a lot of stuff that happened the first time watching it. It looks really great, and that alone is reason enough to take a look at it. But except for the fact that it looks cool, it was also, all in all, a pretty good flick. Recommended.
Scanners are people with telepathic and telekinetic powers, and this breed came from from a side effect from a tranquilizer that some women used during pregnancy. Revok is one of those evil scanners who doesn't let anything stand in his way of power. At the same time, Cameron Vale is a scanner too, but doesn't see things as Revok do, and tries to infiltrate his group of scanners. Along the way, his search leads him to find out a dark secret about himself, and where he really is from.
I'm a big fan of Cronenberg (The Fly, Videodrome, eXistenZ), but while Scanners is a pretty good movie, it's far from his best work. It's a really good idea, but on film some of it feels not that great when executed. My only real problem with Scanners is that, besides that the acting is a bit stiff, it starts off really good but doesn't quite manage to stay as interesting the whole film throughout. Although, this is not a major problem and it doesn't mean that it's a hard or dull film to sit through, as it is actually suspensefull and quite action-packed.
I guess that it's most famous for the exploding head scene, which is a really cool scene. Unfortunately, that scene comes very early on and for the rest of the movie, you find yourself waiting for some similar thing to happen, but it never comes. Still, it has a bit of gore but not that much, although the action and the suspense makes up for a lot. Michael Ironside plays the evil villain Revok, and definitely stands out compared to the rest of the cast. Our 'hero' Cameron (Stephen Lack) is ok, but far from great, and his acting feels way too stiff at times.
Like with some other of David Cronenberg's films, Scanners has a story that is original and interesting, and is the best thing this movie has to offer. And like others of the director's films, the story deals with things that can be applied on society itself, and can be interpret in different ways. While I think it's a really good movie, it's not half as touching or makes you really feel something for it like with The Fly, to mention one film. It's a good and somewhat memorable flick, but doesn't really manage to have that same strong effect as some of his other films have had.
In the end, it has all those elements that Cronenberg's films are know for, something that makes him a brilliant director and writer. Although it has its problems, but at the same time, most of those problems are pretty easy to overlook as well. One thing though that was hard to ignore was the somewhat awful score. It was not all that bad the movie throughout, but at times it's just an irritating mess. It might fit the concept, nevertheless, it's easy to get a serious headache from listening to it as well. The ending is pretty good and has some gore to offer, but unfortunately it's not an ending that makes you go wow. But Scanners has a strong storyline, and that is one major thing that overshadows all those little negative things.
Not as much a horror film as a thriller mixed with sci-fi, but that has its horror elements together with some gore as well. It sure has its problems, but most of them are relatively easy to ignore and never really makes the movie turn bad either. Scanners has a really cool story, and is quite an interesting flick that is definitely worth checking out.
Cindy Campbell moves in next to Tom Ryan to take care of an old lady. But the house where the old lady lives is haunted by some freaky little boy, so Cindy heads to The Village to find out who killed him. At the same time, Aliens attack, and Tom has to flee with his children, and together with Cindy and her pal Brenda try to figure out a way to stop the aliens from invading the earth.
Scary Movie 4 was an unfunny 83 minute experience, that had some jokes that worked, while most of them did not. It starts off with Dr. Phil being chained to one leg and has to cut it off in order to escape the cellar which Jigsaw holds him prisoner. Instead he cuts off the wrong leg, and while that was supposed to be funny, it turned out to not be very funny at all, and so it was a bad beginning for something that turned out to be a bad movie.
Shortly after we get to meet Cindy Campbell who we've gotten to know from the previous three movies. She meets Charlie Sheen and get to witness him commiting suicide a la Bill Pullman in The Grudge. It's slightly different though, but I don't want to spoil anything for potential viewers. After that, Cindy heads over to start her new job taking care of an old lady in a haunted house. There we get to see a lot from The Grudge, but it doesn't work too well. The house where she's working is next to Tom Ryan's house, and the two fall for each other. But love has got to wait, since aliens are attacking, and Cindy needs to find out why the ghostly boy is haunting the house she works in.
She heads over to The Village with her friend Brenda (Regina Hall from the three previous flicks as well), and starts investigating why the boy was killed. At the same time, Tom has to battle aliens, or actually try to flee from them, and Cindy later hooks up with him to help him out to stop the alien invasion.
We get to see a lot of parody of movies like Saw and Saw II, The Village, The Grudge, Million Dollar Baby, Brokeback Mountain, but most of all War of the Worlds I think. I thought the two first movies had some really hilarious stuff in them, and I guess that was because of the Wayans Brothers. The third movie came from David Zucker, the same man this fourth installment came from, but while the third one was quite ok, this time around it just didn't hit the spot. Some of the jokes did work, but most of them did not, and even if the movie's not that long, it still felt somewhat like a waste of time.
I'm happy this was the final chapter, because this time around it didn't work at all and started to get really boring. It has a few things that works, and that's why I'm giving it a 3, but other than that, it kinda felt like a waste of time.
American industrialist William Cole travels to Bulgaria to finalize a tax scam, and has his wife with him as well. At the same time, Dr. Ivan Ivanov and his assistant Pavel has created a drug that can connect brains and make them work together. Cole travels around the Bulgarian town with a rented taxi driver, but soon after his arrival, he's killed by a maid at the hotel he's staying at. Apparently the maid was the texi drivers old fiancé, and she soon kills him as well as Cole's wife when she visits the maid, looking for revenge. Pavel brings Cole's lifeless body to Dr. Ivan Ivanov, and connects the taxi drivers brain with Cole's brain, in order for him to be alive again. The two seem to have nothing in common, except for the fact that they're both looking for the girl who killed them.
I had no idea what to expect from Man with the Screaming Brain, but since it had Bruce Campbell in it, it felt a must see. Cool thing was that Campbell also wrote and directed the movie, so that was interesting as well. I read up on the movie a little before watched it, and since they didn't have that much money, they filmed and Campbell also re-wrote some stuff in it for Bulgaria. It sounded very low-budget and it was hard to know what to expect, a new Bubba Ho-Tep? No, way different but will of course still appeal to fans of Campbell.
I must say that Bulgaria seemed like an excellent choise to film this movie in, or that is that it made the movie look completely different compared to if they would've filmed it in the States. It gave the whole thing a different kind of touch, and it looks cool and I must say that the Bulgarian actors added a lot to the whole flick as well, and gave it another kind of feel. And that was a good kind of feel.
But to break things down a bit; Man with the Screaming Brain is a real B-movie, no question about it, but that doesn't mean that it was bad. While things really doesn't look bad at all, early on it felt a bit too stiff, but the longer I watched, the better it got. The acting was far from great, even from Bruce, especially early on in the movie he didn't do too well. When he later got to do his comical thing, things started to look so much better. The Bulgarian actors were ok, and it was really cool to see Stacy Keach as the somewhat mad scientist.
The only real complaint I have when talking about the acting, is about Ted Raimi. That guy couldn't act even if his life depended on it, and since he gets so much screen-time here (which he normally doesn't get) you really start to understand just how horrible his acting really is. To be honest, I was actually embarrassed at times, and the humour that he tried to deliver might've worked for a five year old, but other than that didn't work for shit, except for maybe one or two things at best.
Storywise, it ranks pretty high and kept you interested while it at the same time was funny. There are a lot of humerous situations in the movie, and while a lot of them didn't work, when they actually did work, they were really funny. Some stuff was so funny it was hard not to laugh out loud, and while a lot of stuff, humourwise, didn't work, the humour that did work compensated for it. It moved at a fast-pace and never felt slow or dull, except for maybe in the end where things felt a bit dragged out. But overall, it was quite an entertaining piece of film.
If you're a fan of Campbell, Man with the Screaming Brain is a must see. It has all the elements a B-movie should have, and while some of the humour didn't work at all, when it did work, it worked like a charm. It's not a movie to be taken seriously and if you watch it, watch it with an open mind to get the most out of it. Even if it was far from great, in the end this was a movie I could see myself watching again, many times in the future. And I'm impressed by Campbell as well, especially on the writing side of things. Recommended, but can't be watched with a too serious kind of attitude.
This time the story is about Chucky's and Tiffany's child who's looking for his real parents and goes to Hollywood to find them, because of that he saw Chucky and Tiffany on tv at a movie shoot that was taking place in Hollywood.
Let's start from the beginning. When Child's Play first came out it was a pretty good movie, I was quite young back then and didn't know better. I decided to watch it again like two years ago and I guess in some way it has its charm and since it came out long ago it's ok, if a movie like that would've been released nowadays it would've been crap.
Then Child's Play 2-3 came which both are basically the first movie all over again, not one but two times. Then came a big surprise which was Bride of Chucky which I consider to be the best movie in the series. It had a better sense of humour than the three earlier movies and was way different too.
Since Bride of Chucky first came out I've been watching it again a number of times and I think it's an excellent movie, so when I heard about Seed of Chucky I thought that maybe it's gonna be in the same vein too. Let me tell you, it's not.
I must admit that I kinda like the actual story in Seed of Chucky but the way they made a movie out of it kinda ruined it, it's way too Hollywood (and that's never a good thing).
It has some of the dark humour which is supposed to be there but most of the time it's just not very funny and actually quite lame. Other than that, starring is also Redman, uhhh, what the hell...this drags the rating down for sure.
Jennifer Tilly is supposed to be a part of the movie, and I don't hate her or anything but here she's not just any fun to watch, she's just kind of annoying. Although I liked her in Bride of Chucky, but here it doesn't work that well.
When writing this I've seen Seed of Chucky three times. First time I would have given it a 7 out of 10 rating, since even though it wasn't that good I still wanted to like it, or so I told myself. Second viewing the rating would have been 5 out of 10, cuz it was so much worse the second time. Don't ask me why I saw it a third time but in the end it had to land on 4 out of 10.
I guess in some ways it's somewhat entertaining, but as a whole it's not a very good movie.
A group of sentenced criminal young adults are sent to clean the Blackwell Hotel, and by doing so, they'll get some time taken of their sentences. But at the hotel, there's a psychopath named Jacob Goodnight hiding away in the massive building, but now coming forth to kill all those who has entered the Blackwell Hotel.
There has been a lot of fuzz surrounding See No Evil, but basically the movie's nothing more than your normal slasher type of flick. The story couldn't be less complicated; What you get are a number of young adults, criminals, who are chosen to clean a huge building called the Blackwell Hotel. What they do not know is that there's a psychopath inside the big mansion, something that they'll soon be aware of. With them in the house is a lady who put the project together, and also one cop to guard them, along with the old lady who runs the hotel.
Some of the characters are pretty likable while some are not. Funny thing though is that all the girls from prison are pretty hot, well, big surprise. What you get to see is wrestler Kane showing up every now and then, killing the people who has entered his home. He rips his victims eyes out (hence the title), and kills them in different kinds of ways, some that actually are pretty cool. The guy's strong like hell, and that added a nice touch to when he 'handled' his victims.
Early on, you don't get to see too much of Kane which was nice. He shows up every now and then, but never stays on screen for too long which added a little bit of mystery to his character. Later on though, the guy gets way to much screen time, and the little mystery that was there before goes down the drain. See No Evil had some potential to be a scary flick, especially for the fact that it deals with a huge hotel that is old and rugged which could create a certain atmosphere, something it did early on but later totally lost. The 'scares' are too predictable, and Kane himself couldn't be any less scary.
There's a background story to why the psychopath is doing what he does, and why he rips people's eyes out. Little by little, the viewer get to know more about his character, and this adds to that the guy's not scary at all, in fact, you might feel sympathy for him instead. Some of the killings are pretty cool, but some could've been a helluva lot more gruesome. Even if the movie's far from being a nice flick, it's still just not nasty enough to really satisfy. One thing it is though is entertaining, has a good pace with things happening all throughout the duration of the movie. I can't say that it was a great horror flick, but at least it's simple entertainment and the 85 minutes this movie lasted went by really quick.
See No Evil looks all right, has a few cool killing scenes, but is not the least bit scary. Still, it's entertaining and pretty fast-paced. The acting is decent, don't expect wonders, but at least it was totally bearable and never bad. Not a movie to take seriously, but works well as a modern slasher flick, and even if it has its fair share of problems, it still has some good entertainment value.
Working-class Bostonians Phil and Gordon makes a bid on removing asbestos from an enormous abandoned mental hospital, they win the bid and are supposed to finish the job within a week. Together with a three other guys, the crew start what was supposed to be a straightforward job, but soon things get in their way as the mental hospital is closing in on them. All the guys has their own personal problems to deal with, and at the same time one of the team members named Mike stumbles upon session tapes of a girl with multiple personalities, with her third personality being something that's pure evil.
Session 9 is one of those kinda rare horror movies that stays with you for a while after that it's over. When watching it, the film certainly has a creepy feel to it, but afterwards, when thinking about the characters and putting things together, that same creepy feel found in the movie is still there with you. There are not too many horror flick that succeed with delivering this so-called after effect, so it's of course always a great thing when it happens. This is not a movie for those looking for cheap sudden scares, or a fast pace for that matter. Not that the movie's slow really, but it takes its time, creeping under your skin and delivers psychological fear instead of fast shocks and sudden scares.
It takes its time for things to build up and the scary moments have some distance between them. Still though, the movie has this eerieness to it that comes early on in the movie and that is quite hard to shake off. Even when there are just these pure drama scenes in broad daylight, the eerieness is still there, waiting patiently in the background, ready to strike again and again. First time I watched Session 9 when the movie first was released, I have to admit that it freaked me out for a little while. I can't say that it's extremely scary because it's really not, but if you really get into it, it will provide some genuine fear for sure. Filmed at the Danvers State Mental Hospital, this amazing monsterous building does a lot of the work for the movie on its own. It has to be seen to be believed, but imagine this abandoned mental hospital, so big that one could easily get lost there and that has a nasty history to it. Other than that, on the outside it looks quite nice, but on the inside it's old, worn-out, dusty, filled with dark rooms and so-called therapy rooms that were infact torture chambers. Other than that, it's so quiet there that you could almost hear yourself think. Yeah, it's definitely one freaky place.
 The movie has quite good character development where we get to know a bit about each and every one. We learn that all of these men have personal problems and get to know some about that as well. Now, I'm not into flicks that explains every single little thing they have to them before they end, since that leaves no mystery and nothing to think about after that it's over. On the other hand, Session 9 might leave you with almost too many unexplained things, some that couldn't really matter less, but some things that could've been explained a bit further. This is really not a big problem though, and Session 9 is still a very enjoyable and creepy flick.
The cinematography is awesome and the acting is good as well. Best thing with the characters is that they feel very real, working-class men doing their job and at times you actually forget that your watching a movie which is a great feeling...that is, if you get into it to begin with. This is a very different kind of horror movie, there to creep you out rather than to scare you for a brief moment which you would have forgotten about ten minutes later anyway. The way it builds up is extremely good, but then if it will satisfy you in the end is of course a different story. I really liked the fact that the movie felt very calm and real, dealing with people that you might could relate more to, rather than just the usual superficial and stereotypical teens that we unfortunately have gotten so used to seeing in horror films.
Personally, I think Sesson 9 is a very good film that differs itself from the usual kind of horror films. It sure has some creepy moments, one of those in relation with the title of the movie itself. Of course the Danvers State Mental Hospital plays a huge role in the film and does a lot of work on its own, being a natural creepy place and all. Some people might dismiss Session 9 for being too slow, but personally I think it's a very nice break from the usual 'cheap scare horrors'. It's far from being a fantastic flick, but the fact that it separates itself a lot from the standard kind of horror makes it well worth watching, just for the sake of that. But of course there are many more reason for why you should watch it. Give it a try, you'll probably not regret it.
A group of convicts being transported through the desert when the van breaks down and the convicts escape, killing one guard and taking another female guard with them as hostage. As they wander through the desert, they come across an old indian guy who tells them about a gold treasure buried under a city not too far away. Greedy as they are, they head for the city in hope to get rich. Once there, they get a strange welcome from the town's weird sheriff and when darkness falls, everyone suddenly turns into blood-thirsty zombies/vampires. While fleeing from all the madness around them, the convicts soon stumble upon the treasure. But when getting ready to take all the gold and leave, the protectors of the treasure who are seven deadly mummies suddenly awakens.
Yikes, this movie was BAD. On the cover it said, and I quote: "The most frightening American movie in a decade" written by some clueless jerk at Ain't It Cool News. I seriously wonder how you could even make a statement like that, have the person who wrote that even seen the movie? It would be even more disturbing if that person would have seen the movie and actually thought that it was the most frightening American movie in a decade. Comments and quotes on movie covers are usually quite stupid, but this was just amazing. But let's forget about that for now and go on to see what made this movie turn out so bad.
At first I thought this movie could've been something since we get a lot of actors that has starred in other horror films before. First off we have Danny Trejo who always is kinda fun to watch, that is except here. He plays some old indian that tells and points the convicts towards the gold, and we also get to hear him laugh for about a minute, and that's a long time hearing someone laughing, especially when there's nothing to laugh about. Then we have Cerina Vincent from Cabin Fever who is the reason why this movie got 2 out of 10 instead of just 1. That is simply because she's very nice to look at (after all I am a man) and even though everything in this movie sucks, she's still a pretty good actress. At least she gets the job done without irritating the hell out of the viewer.
Next up is Matt Schulze who was in Blade 1-2, and he's not a likable character here, although he's not really bad either but a little to macho for his own good. Then we have Billy Wirth who was in Body Snatchers and he's also quite ok here, not very memorable though. Noel Gugliemi who has been in a lot of flicks, but horrorwise we saw him in Wrong Turn. His lingo is a bit annoying here, and the fact that he says what's up every five seconds is a bit irritating. Billy Drago stars as the town sheriff and is truly the most annoying character in the movie. He has been in the 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes and Blood Relic, a crappy slasher flick, among other thing. Ok, let's stop with the actors and what they've done.
So these convicts stumble upon this indian who tells them about a gold treasure that is buried under a town that was built over it. So they head for the town and it looks like something from the old west. They enter this bar/saloon and get hazzled by the local sheriff. Soon after when it's getting dark outside, everyone in the bar, except the convicts turn into zombies, vampires or I'm not sure what exactly, and attack the convicts. Since they are in this type of bar and are being attacked by these type of things, you can't help but to think of From Dusk Till Dawn, only that everything is of course a hell of a lot more poor here.
Most of the convicts manage to escape and from then on they run around in the town, hiding out and getting attacked every now and then. Later on they come across the gold and when they're just about to take it and leave, the mummies that guard the gold awakens from their coffins. Now this part of the movie is just beyond ridiculous. The mummies awaken and start to fight the convicts, but somehow the mummies seem to know kung fu, how to jump high in the air and all that stuff like in some Chinese fantasy movie.
The fight goes on for a while, and even though it might sound fun that the mummies use this type of fighting style, it just comes out looking absolutely ridiculous. First off they are in what looks like the old west with guns and stuff, and add to that some stupid looking mummies (that are wearing cowls) and that practise some Chinese type fighting style. Geeez... Add to that also that the last two remaining convicts seem to know some self-defense as well as they're blocking punches and blows, and it's all just a big mess.
Seven Mummies is truly a B-movie in every sense of the word, and while some B-movies are greatly entertaining and can be fun to watch, some are just awful and unfortunately this is one of those later ones. The acting is a bit of a mix, some people do a pretty good job with their characters while some are just wooden, over the top or just not very believable. The score is also a mix, and in the beginning of the movie we get to hear some awful rap songs, and later on we get treated to some awful nu-metal type songs. The score is of course an important part for adding a certain feel to the movie itself, and Seven Mummies manages to completely fail at having that. There are so many things in this movie that one could complain about, but what it all comes down to is that it's just a very bad flick.
Could of course been better but there are just to many things in this movie that makes it come out quite ridiculous. For a horror movie it isn't the least bit scary, actually there are no scares in it whatsoever. The mummies look cheap and stupid and the story has nothing interesting to it. It's very predictable and features some awful music. It's also a pretty short movie, only 76 minutes, but on the other hand maybe that's a good thing.
The sales division of the multi-national weapons company Palisade Defense go on a team-building weekend in the mountains of Eastern Europe. They take a detour to get to where they're supposed to stay, but soon people from the group start to end up dead becuase of a small war-crazed Eastern European army who will stop at nothing to see the English tourists dead. Now they have to fight for survival in order to get out alive.
There has been talk about Severance being the new Shaun of the Dead, and while they might have a few things in common (both from the UK, mixing horror with comedy) they're also quite different from one another. Although, I think that if you enjoyed the humour in Shaun, you'll definitely have a good time watching Severance as well. This flick does not deal with zombies though, but instead an army of war-crazed Eastern Europeans who will stop at nothing to see a group of English tourists dead. Even though I think Shaun was a better flick, Severance had much more to offer on the gore-front and I can honestly say that this is the type of flick that can (and will) be watched many more times in the near future, so maybe it'll grow on you and become even better, who knows? Anyway, Severance kicked a lot of ass the first time watching it so this is actually one of few times it's all right to believe the hype.
We're introduced to a sales division team working for a multinational weapons corporation who are on a team building exercise in Hungary. They seem to have enough trouble with each other as it is, but that's really nothing compared to what's about to come. When searching for their accommodation, which is supposed to have some luxury to it, they decide to take a detour in order to find it. The Eastern European guy driving the bus doesn't like the idea of the detour that is suggested, and when the team takes a short break, the driver takes of with the bus, leaving the team stranded in the middle of nowhere. They soon find their accommodation though, but it's far from as grand as it was supposed to be and some members of the team even doubt if they're at the right place. Nevertheless, they stay there for a while in order to sort things out, but soon they find themselves running for their lives when a merciless small Eastern European army is out to get them.
 One thing that I was really impressed with was how well Severance combined horror and comedy. This is a really tricky thing to do for both of it to work, but for most of the time, it works truly well. Although, it's mostly fun early on when all the focus is on the comedy, later it kinda switches over and starts to deliver full-on horror and gore. It has a slight Wrong Turn feel to it, not that it deals with mutants, but for the fact that people are being chased around in a forest in the middle of nowhere, and also for the gore, violence etc. It's not similar to Shaun of the Dead at all really since the movies deal with totally different things, although the British humour works wonders in both flicks. But humour and gore is not all that Severance has to offer, it also delivers a great deal of tension and some scenes are, if not really nail-biting, at least pretty intense from a horror point of view.
The story is very simple, yet intriguing and will keep you on the edge of your seat with a few breaks for laughs every now and then. The acting is excellent and all the actors do a great job. It's always great to see Tim McInnerny, but I believe Danny Dyer is the one who stands out the most and delivers some fine one-liners while on drugs. Actually, all the drug scenes involving him are just hilarious. The camera-work is good and the movie itself looks pretty darn slick. Basically, there's no real reason not to check this movie out.
Combining horror and comedy is a really hard thing. Usually it ends up with the horror being just too lame and the comedy being not as comical as one could've hoped for, but I have to say that Severance did a mighty fine job delivering both of these two genres well. It has some tension, humour and a lot of great looking gore and splattery scenes as well. Sounds great doesnt it? Well, it pretty much is.
A forestry company experiment genetically on trees in order to increase logging yield. But the experiment goes wrong, and suddenly a group of loggers and environmental activist are all turned into zombies. The boss for the forestry company's son travels to the remote section in a forest where the workers are to see why the production has stopped. There he stumbles upon hordes of zombies, but even some people who are still human, and together they have to make it out alive, and try to stop the zombie disaster.
I was afraid I was in for yet another new stupid low-budget horror film, with bad acting, directing and again, especially bad acting. I can live with an unoriginal story as it's truly hard to be a hundred percent original these days, but when the acting is horrible, everything becomes horrible, something that loads of new horror movies have had over the past few years. But to my big surprise, the acting here was good. Well, there were maybe one or two bad seeds, but the overall impression came out much better than your normal new low-budget horror flick. I had no problem with any of the actors or their performances whatsoever, and so it made the whole movie look a hell of a lot better.
Severed is a zombie flick, and is not the least bit original but it doesn't really matter as I found it to be entertaining and fast-paced. The pacing alone, with a lot of action and gore sequences all throughout the movie, never really made you loose interest at all. So even if it's not original (like most new horror flicks these days), it had these things going for it, and it truly made a difference.
The zombies were like your 'normal' kind of zombies, nasty and flesh-eating. They were not those typical super slow boring zombies that one could easily run away from, but were not super speedy either. Anyway, it worked quite well with the zombies, and this movie is actually a good choise if you wanna see a new zombie flick that doesn't completely suck.
For a low-budget film it looks pretty good and I have absolutely no complaints about how it looks. What I have to complain about though, was the camera-work at times which brought everything down quite a bit to be honest. Almost every time there were some action/gory scenes, the camera went completely spastic, and was all over the place. It was not as bad as it may sound at all times, but a lot of times it actually was. There's some visible blood splatter and some gore, but it felt like a lot of it was taken out of sight since the camera refused to focus on one spot at the time during these scenes.
Why watch a zombie flick? Well, it might be for a few different reasons but one big reason is naturally for the gore, and when that is somewhat taken away, it doesn't make such a great experience after all. Now, don't get me completely wrong here, you're still to see a lot of splatter and such stuff, but the camera-work is truly irritating at times and that is always a big negative thing. But for a new zombie flick, Severed is actually quite worth seeing for the reasons mentioned earlier, as well as for some of the visible gore and splatter.
I was expecting trash, and while I didn't strike gold, I'm still happy that I watched Severed and that I got something out from watching it as well. It has its problems, but at the same time it has many things going for it, and even if it was far from being great, I would still like to recommend it to zombie fans.
Shallow Ground starts out with a boy covered in blood showing up at a sheriff's station, and apparently the blood he's covered in comes from a number of different missing or dead people.
I had heard quite a lot about this movie before I got the chance to see it, and everything I'd heard was positive so I kinda got my expectations up.
Good thing is that the movie actually managed to live up to those expectations, and it felt very fresh and original compared to many of the newer horror flicks out there today. I thought I would hate some actors too but they managed to pull that off too, even though some of them may be very far from the best, they were still ok so I don't feel any need to complain about any of them.
I heard some people saying that the guy who played the sheriff did a lousy job, but like I said, even though he might not be that good of an actor, he's still ok and I had no problem watching him on screen, although his accent was somewhat irritating, but in the end it's nothing to get hung up on either.
There's not really much gore in this movie, although we still get some, especially towards the ending, and also we get to see a hell of a lot of blood throughout the movie.
The special effects are done really well and the music in the movie fits really nicely. Even though the movie is not very scary it's really entertaining and have a somewhat creepy feeling to it now and then.
If you want to see a new original horror movie, this one is definitely recommended. It has a great score too.
Shaun, a man with no real goal in life are having a few problems. Except for his deadbeat flatmates and his step-dad, one problem being that long-time girlfriend Liz just dumped him because he lacks ambition and spends more time in his favourite pub than he does with her. His temporary management job is not going to well either, and the people working for him shows him no respect and giving him a hard time of day. In the middle of all this, London is all of a sudden overrun by zombies and Shaun must save, not only himself, but also his mates, mom, and his ex.
Shaun of the Dead is sort of like a black comedy zombie spoof of Dawn of the Dead and a little bit of 28 Days Later, but that still totally manages to stand on it's own. It sounded pretty good when I first heard about it, but when I actually got to see the movie, it practically blew me away. It's very British, that is the type of humour, but not weird or too out there like Monty Python sometimes can be. It's a movie that's really easy to get into and that offers tons of great laughs and an overall really good atmosphere. The humour is the biggest thing here and is so well delivered throughout the movie.
You should of course have seen Dawn of the Dead before watching this to get most out of it. And after finishing watching Shaun, go back and watch Dawn again, and I promise you, it won't look the same as it did before. When writing this I've seen Shaun of the Dead a number of times, and it's truly a great zombie comedy that probably will only come along once in a life-time.
Thing here is that the story is actually really decent. It's not your average parody movie that is somewhat fun for the first half hour or so, this one makes it all the way through and does an excellent job doing it. What it truly succeeds in is that it balances the humour really well. Usually when it comes to parodies, they just end up being too much in the end. Shaun is different because it's not only humour, but except for that the story being good and interesting, it also deals with some other stuff. The humour is of course there at all times, but not in your face and that's one thing that makes it last all the way and really deliver.
Since it's first and most a comedy, don't expect to get scared. Still, there's actually a whole lot of violence and some gore in the movie, and even if the zombies are braindead and funny, they're still pretty nasty. So it's never too comical in the sense that the whole thing becomes a joke, it's funny as hell but you are still able to take it somewhat seriously if you know what I'm saying. Infact, while always being a comedy, in some scenes it turns into a full blown horror experience, and other times it turns into a somewhat more romantic kind of drama. It has a little of everything and that's a good thing.
The directing is excellent and the whole movie looks very nice. The acting is top-notch and everyone do a tremendous job, especially Simon Pegg who has the role of Shaun himself and pulls off a brilliant and humorous performance.
Best movie of 2004? I'm not sure but it's a fantastic and original movie with great British humour, and a really good story that'll keep your interest up. If you haven't seen it yet, then do yourself a favor and go rent or buy it...now!
Entomologist Ida one day discover that someone has left her a mysterious bug in a box outside of her door. There's a note in the box, saying that the bug's from Brazil, but not who sent it. Since she's obsessed with bugs, she lets the new little fellow into her home, and there tries to figure out what kind of creature he could be. She soon meets Misty Falls, a young woman who sits in the lobby of Ida's workplace, drawing pixies, and they seem to be a perfect match for each other. But on their first date, which ends in Ida's apartment, Misty gets bitten by the little creature who somehow got out of the box, and Misty soon starts acting very strange.
Sick Girl is Lucky McKee's contribution to the Masters of Horror series, and it's a pretty good creature feature that is both cute and scary at the same time. We're introduced to Ida, a shy and pretty stiff woman who only has bugs as friends, except for her colleague Max. She's looking for love, female love, and soon hooks up with Misty who she meets in the building where she works. They hit it off, and things seem to go great, except for one little problem. On their first date, Misty got bit by some mysterious spider-like creature that someone sent Ida, and that she kept in her apartment. Unfortunately the nasty creature somehow managed to get out from its plastic cage.
Misty is infected and one thing leads to another. And who sent Ida the bug to begin with, and why? It all comes together in the end, and makes for a pretty interesting story with a good finale as well. Lucky McKee's not a big name in horror, and I had only seen his May before, which I'm not a big fan of. In Sick Girl, Angela Bettis, who also was in May, has one of the lead parts, and the other lead role is played by Erin Brown, formerly known as Misty Mundae. They both do a good job, but I personally I liked Miss Mundae more, and thought her performance was better and definitely more interesting.
The movie switches a lot from being all cute and cuddly to being more of the horror kind. There are a bunch of nice transitions were you have one scene that is all nice and cute, and all of a sudden it changes to being a bit freaky or horrorish. This was a pretty cool thing, and is being used a few times in the movie. One nice moment that suddenly turns into a horrific moment...pretty cool. The character development is pretty good, and the viewer get to know both of the girls enough to care for what happens to them.
Being just under one hour, it's enough time to play out the story and give a pretty good picture of the characters it revolves arounds. If it would've been a full-length feature going for 90 minutes or more, it would probably have dragged a bit, and not come out looking as good as now. So it's enough time, and the pacing is pretty great. A lot of stuff happens, but it still takes its time giving a good image of the characters, and develops the story in a nice way as well.
Sick Girl turned out to be quite much better than I first had expected it to be, and now, I think Lucky McKee might be one to watch out for in the future. It's not really scary, but still has it's fair share of scares, and is a little gross at times as well. Recommended.
Rose Da Silva's daughter Sharon has been sleep walking for some time, and in her sleep, she keeps mentioning the town of Silent Hill. Since Sharon's case just seems to be getting worse, Rose eventually decides to take her daughter to Silent Hill in hope to find an answer to their problems. But the road to Silent Hill is anything but easy, and the town was evacuated 30 years earlier due to underground coal fire which is still burning there today. After having an accident on their way there, Rose wakes up alone in the eerie town of Silent Hill, and discovers that Sharon's missing. She begins to search the town for her daughter, and gets drawn in to the disturbing history of Silent Hill.
I'm not sure I've ever been looking forward to a movie as much as I was looking forward to Silent Hill, and the reason for that is that I've of course been playing the games like crazy for years. I think they're easily among the best games ever made, especially the 2nd one, and not counting the 4th installment. So obviously I really wanted to see the movie, and I'm more than happy to say that it so delivered, not just as a horror movie, but when comparing it to the games as well. I absolutely loved the fact that it stayed so true to its source material, and not just with a couple of things, but featured so much stuff from them which was just fantastic to watch on screen. It really succeded with having this genuine game feel to it, something that all other game adaptations have been lacking (especially Uwe Boll's worthless crap). When writing this I've seen the movie three times, and I'm sure I'll be watching it many more times, especially because of Pyramid Head, he's sure one dude who's hard to get tired of.
It's hard to say how it would've looked if you never had played the games, obviously it probably wouldn't have been as interesting, but I'm pretty sure it still would've served as a very good and creepy horror film. Because that it is, creepy, offers a lot of horror, and has an overall very eerie feel to it. It pretty much starts right away, when you get to see that Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) having these problems, talking about Silent Hill in her sleep. It doesn't take long before Rose (Radha Mitchell) takes her there, and from then on, it's full on creepiness. I heard that some people got a bit bored around the middle somewhere, when there was too much talking and things generally slowed down for a bit. Personally, I had no problem with this whatsoever, and it was needed for shedding some light over things, as well as it was nice with a little break from all the massive horror scenes, to let things sink in a bit so to speak.
 The very monsters themselves are of course one of the best things that Silent Hill has to offer, and while all of them were extremely cool, Pyramid Head of course stood out like nothing else. Thing though is that there were only a couple of scenes when you got to see the guy, and I'm not quite sure whether or not it was enough. On one hand I would've loved to see more of him since he's such an awesome character, but at the same time, since you don't get to see that much of him, you kinda put him on a pedestal and he comes out looking way better if you know what I'm saying. Except for Pyramid Head, I enjoyed the nurses the most which had this genuine SH game feel to them, as well as they looked beyond terrific. Another really freaky scene that was absolutely awesome was the one with The Janitor in it, when he came crawling on the ground...bizarre is the word.
As for the story, it was fairly easy to get into and not as complicated as I expected it to be, and the further the movie went along, the more clues you got to what was what and how everything had come to be. Honestly though, even if the story and everything was great, what I enjoyed most about this movie was the very wait for what would be next. That feeling stayed with me throughout the movie, and it was always really interesting to see what nightmarish and disturbing things would show up on screen. Most (horror) movies tends to be too predictable, but with Silent Hill, you had no idea what to expect, what horrible things would come next, and that made it not just stand out, but made it 110 percent interesting to watch as well.
As for scares, I'm not really sure just how effective they were. There were really no sudden or "cheap" scares, but instead it had an overall eerie feeling to it which worked well. Problem though is that you know that nothing is real, and you can't really relate to it so to speak. Everything looks fantastic and creepy, but it also looks like a nightmarish fantasy world, and it's hard to put yourself in that situation, hence to get scared. Still, it serves as a creepy flick that delivers some disturbing scenes for sure. I guess it all comes down to what kinda person you are, if you're used to horror, and if you have a wild imagination as well. Last but not least, the acting was ok from all parts I guess. Radha Mitchell of course stood out a bit more than the others (well, not more than Pyramid Head), delivering a really good performance, but overall I think everyone did an ok job and no one really looked bad. I must say that I liked the female cop (Cybil Bennett) as well, since at first she was really unlikable, but later got better, and in the end she proved to be such an ok person that you actually felt a bit sorry for her.
With outstanding visuals, extremely cool monsters and creatures, a very eerie town, Silent Hill is one of the best horror films to come out in a veeeery long time. The fact that it uses some of the music in the games for the score makes the game feeling even stronger, as well as the radio, flashlight and a few scenes that were played out exactly like in the games. It offers plenty of gore, some genuine suspense and overall, a lot of horrific scenes. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.
Basin City. Marv meets Goldie for whom he falls for, but the next morning finds her murdered. While being accused for the murder, he goes on a mission to avenge her death. Hartigan, a cop who saved a girl from a pedophile back in the days, and the girl who's now a grown up stripper that gets kidnapped by the same deformed pedophile, and once again Hartigan must try and help her out. Dwight who only tries to do good but who accidentally kills a hero cop and has to try and cover it up while helping out the Old Towne girls.
I couldn't wait for Sin City to be released, but at the same time I was really afraid that my expectations were gonna be way too high. But this movie ended up not just being a fantastic flick, for me this was with no doubt the best movie to come out of the year 2005. There are some other good comic book releated movies out there, like Hellboy and such but Sin City manages to overrun them all. First off, it has to be given a lot of credit for staying true to the comic, I guess Frank Miller's involvement did that, and secondly it has more feeling than anything I've seen in a long long time. But I guess if you're a fan of the comic that makes the outcome even better.
By now I've probably watched this movie ten times, and I'm probably gonna be watching it ten more times in the near future. But it's not a movie you have to watch more than once to get it all, and it's not a movie that'll grow on you I guess. Only reason why I've been watching it again is simply because of just how super good the movie is, nothing more, nothing less.
The movie works of a bunch of stories, all set in "Sin City" and with some characters that show up in more than one story as well. It all melts together perfectly, and even though you're watching one long movie, it's also like watching a few shorter ones as well. You get to see different stories but that still connects with one another. I don't wanna tell you too much about the stories themselves, it's for you to find out yourself. But let me just say that they are all truly interesting and it's more than easy to get caught up in Sin City. To say the least, the movie sure is captivating.
Another thing this movie is, is violent and dark. And it's here it truly separates itself from other comic book related movies. While the others can be watched by a mass audience consisting of all kinds of people that'll enjoy it, take Spider-Man for instance, Sin City is, so to speak, more narrow, and is more suited for a different audience. Still of course a lot of people can and will enjoy this type of movie.
The performances are beyond awesome. Bruce Willis who I'm not a big fan of, has made some good quality movies but also a bunch of trash, but here with him playing the role of Hartigan is just so wonderfully done. He really nails it and is truly great to watch. Benicio Del Toro plays Jackie Boy Rafferty, a dirty cop who's not a likable character, beats up his girlfriend (Brittany Murphy) and is just a sleaze bag. Even though he's scum and you wouldn't root for him even if your life depended on it, he's still does a fantastic acting job, although he always does.
Jessica Alba I really think nothing of, she looks good and does a good job as Nancy Callahan who has a thing for Hartigan since he saved her when she was a little girl. She is ok, but over-shadowed by some of the rest. Rosario Dawson is really a hoot to watch as the leader of the Old Towne girls. They're all a pretty cool bunch those girl, especially with Devon Aoki as Miho who makes a nice addition to the movie.
I can't stand Josh Hartnett but we don't get to see so much of him, and when we do he's actually quite ok for what he is. Then we have the whiny little Frodo bastard that is Elijah Wood who plays Kevin. The name doesn't sound too harmful but he's actually a sick dude and is kinda creepy. I hate Elijah Wood but he's actually totally ok here, and it sure helps that his face is a bit covered up too. Clive Owen as Dwight McCarthy is also very good and believable. But the greatest performance is defintely given by Mickey Rourke in the role of Marv who seeks revenge for the death of his girlfriend. He's just brilliant and was in the story that I enjoyed the most, that is if I had to choose one.
The way it goes between the stories and also connects them, all the colourfull characters and the overall atmosphere is beyond amazing. This is truly a must see. I have nothing bad to say about it whatsoever, and even if there are minor things that could've been done a little differently, in the end it couldn't matter less. It's just a fantastic ride. Oh, did I mention that the movie's in black & white, add to that some true colours once in a while, a pretty cool sight. Truly recommended.
Kate Hudson stars as Caroline who takes a job caring for a stroke-victim named Ben who lives out in the swamp in Louisiana with his wife Violet who is a somewhat weird woman. Caroline gets a skeleton key from Violet who opens all doors in the big old house were the couple lives and makes her way into a secret room in the attic were she finds items of hoodoo magic that used to belong to the original owners of the house. Also Ben had his stroke in the attic and his wife says she has no idea of how he got it. Caroline is determined to find out what caused the stroke and to unlock the secrets of the house.
This is more of a thriller then an actual horror movie. It has a somewhat creepy atmosphere at times but never really gets scary. Although it's kinda entertaining and keeps your interest up throughout the movie.
Kate Hudson who I've never thought anything either positive or negative of before plays the part of Caroline really well and belivable. The fact that they also are in the south adds a whole lot of feeling to the movie.
No gore, no blood and no real horror elements what-so-ever, but it still makes a decent thriller with some drama elements which actually added to the movie too. Recommended.
Angela moves in with her aunt Martha after that her family has been killed in a boat accident. One summer, Martha sends Angela along with her cousin Ricky to Camp Arawak. Shortly after their arrival, strange and bizarre accidents and murders start to occur around the camp. Who's killing off the kids and people working at the camp?
Only reason why I chosed to re-watch Sleepaway Camp now, is because I'm a big sucker for nostalgia. I quite recently re-watched some of the movies in the Friday the 13th series, and while I thought that they were quite bad when watched them now, Sleepaway Camp still makes for a great 80's slasher flick. The two of course has a few things in common; They are slashers, someone's killing off innocent campers, and they both deal with camps. But while the Friday the 13th flicks are more straight forward slasher flicks that deals with vengeance and that has spawned many clones, Sleepaway Camp is different, and I would say, more inventive.
Angela and her cousin Ricky arrives at the camp, and while Ricky starts to get along fine with some of the people there, Angela has problems adjusting. Time goes by, and more and more kids become irritated with Angela since she doesn't speak a word, and just sits by herself while the other kids participate in different activities. The camp is divided, and the boys and the girls sleep separated from each other, and some of the girls keeps giving Angela a hard time. First of to go is some fat dude who works in the kitchen and seems to have a thing for minors, so when he's almost burned to death, it's no big loss. Then other people start to go as well, and while the manager's trying to keep everything a secret not to cause panic among the kids and parents, eventually it's too much even for him.
Expect your typical kind of slasher flick, that has some murders that are a bit cool, but quite often they're just too lame. The movie has a great 80's feel to it, and while it's not a comedy, it's still funny and really campy at times. The storyline and the plot is thin, and while it seems like nothing really happens, except for that someone dies every now and then, it's still fun to watch and never feels like a snooze-fest. But the coolest thing, and that's the thing that makes this movie different, is the actual ending which is something very different from how these types of flicks usually ends. Naturally I can't give the ending away, but it's cool so trust me on that.
Someone over at Imdb wrote that the ending for Sleepaway Camp was one of the coolest endings in movie history. Well, that might be true if you've seen ten flicks all in all during your entire life. It's a good and very cool and different ending, but don't expect miracles. The acting is not bad nor good, it's what you'd usually expect when it comes to these types of flicks. But even if it's not that great, it's never so bad it feels irritating.
Sleepaway Camp is a pretty fun movie, and while it might be tacky and campy, it has a great 80's feel to it, and if you're into slasher flicks it's well worth watching. No real gore, and the killings are far from great, but it still manages to do the job with being entertaining, and the ending is pretty cool as well. Recommended.
Somewhere in the forest, close to the small town of Wheelsy, a meteorite has struck down from the sky and has some evil kind of alien inside of it. Businessman Grant who has been drinking and is about to cheat on his wife Starla, becomes the alien's first victim. Thing though is that the alien does not kill Grant, but instead turns him into something else, and infected by the alien seed, he starts to spread the infection further, turning people into flesh-eating zombies. Will Grant's wife Starla together with the sheriff and the good folks in town be able to stop the coming alien invasion?
Slither at first made me think about The Blob as it is somewhat similar and therefore very comparable. The cool thing here is that Slither came out now in 2006, but when watched it, it felt just like when watching an 80's horror comedy back in the day when those kind of movies kept coming out. It's a very cool feeling, and even if I was aware of it before, when watching Slither you're bound to realize just how much you miss the 80's (that goes for when talking about horror movies).
I'm actually complaining quite often about the fact that those great 80's kind of movies are not made these days, and you have to live of old memories and re-watch those good old flicks every now and then. So of course Slither came as a big surprise, and it was somewhat amazing to see just how well they had managed to capture that great 80's feel.
Grant, portrayed by Michael Rooker (Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer) is great as the richest man in town who one day's turned into a big alien blob kind of thing. His performance stands out over the rest, and while he's a creepy character, he never misses a chance to deliver some great humour.
Slither features a lot of gore of course, is gross and has some stomach turning moments to offer as well. It has so much gore and some scenes that are truly disgusting, that sitting through the film while eating would be somewhat of a challenge. This is nothing negative though, infact it's just positive. And while another director may have held back on the gore, director James Gunn dares to go all the way, all the time, and so makes it all better, for people into that stuff that is. Sometimes when watching the gore, it's hard not to think of Troma, because of the comical side the movie has as well. Although, when mentioning Troma, don't expect it to look or be like your normal Troma flick, this is of course ten times better, at least.
You could say that Slither had a somewhat sickly feel to it, and is nasty and disgusting and never lets you down with not giving a hundred percent when it comes to being gross. The acting is fine, and the 80's feeling is definitely there. Storywise, you've probably seen similar things before (but haven't we almost always?). Of course it has some negative sides as well, and while the first half-hour or so was great, after a while things started to become less effective. But in the end, Slither is a blast that oozes of great fun and great gore, gives you that fantastic 80's feeling even though it's the year 2006, and is overall a truly entertaining ride. Well worth a look.
Sean Jones witness a mobster named Kim murder a prosecutor in Hawaii and when Kim's people tries to take Sean out, FBI Agent Nelville Flynn comes to his rescue. Flynn wants Sean to testify against Kim, and in order to do so, he needs to take Sean to Los Angeles. Taking over the whole first class section of Pacific Air Flight 121, Flynn figures that Sean will have a safe trip. But Kim doesn't give up easily and have placed a crate containing hundreds of poisonous snakes on the plane, ready to kill the witness and everyone else on-board.
There has been a lot of hype for Snakes on a Plane for what feels like a really long time now, and while I really don't understand all the hype, I still thought it was a pretty damn entertaining flick. With a title like Snakes on a plane, one had to wonder how much they could actually accomplish with a title like that. I mean, basically the title says it all and there was really not much else to it. You get what you expect and that is tons of snakes that are on a plane, attacking the passengers and with a hero to defend the poor people that is Samuel L. Jackson. I must admit that I had my fears that Jackson would be over-the-top macho and way to stereotyphical, and while he might be macho and all that, I still think he was perfect for the part and his character actually came out looking much better than I first had thought it would.
It started off quite bad actually, with a scene where a mobster and his guys are killing a prosecutor in Hawaii. It just looked like your standard type of B-action flick that I personally couldn't care less for, but fortunately, things got better. The crock that is Kim is soon out of the way and we are introduced to something much more evil, and that being the vicious snakes. I must also admit that the snakes looked great, and while I'm not a big fan of CG, it worked wonders here. It also helped a great deal that the film had this 70-80's feeling to it and that it offered plenty of cheese, but never so it became too ridiculous, infact, it was just the right amount. The feeling of watching an old disaster flick from the late 70's were definitely there as well.
 One thing that really surprised me was how well some of the humour worked, especially early on in the movie. This combined with some serious amount of ass-kicking and plenty of action sure made for one good ride on the disaster train. The plot might be paper-thin but if you're just looking for some fun explosive action, this is an excellent pick. On the negative side, the character development was far from great, or even good for that matter, but with so much entertain stuff going on at all times, who needs it? The fact is that I was pretty much sure that I would not like Snakes on a Plane, some of that had to do with all the nerds clinging to it like crazy and all the internet hype which seemed like it would never stop. But the fact is that I actually liked it, not half as much as the nerds, but if you're up for this type of film, Snakes is definitely worth the money.
The acting is solid for this type of flick and even though it has this B feeling to it every now and then, sometimes it actually rose above all that and proved that it could be more, and that's worth a lot in my book. Another thing I really liked about Snakes was that it's a great experience when talking about watching movies for what they truly are, and for the fact that you could turn off your brain and just enjoy the ride. A lot of movies makes you think, other movies bore you and while I'm not saying that it's bad to think, watching Snakes was just one solid movie experience for the fact that you knew that you're only watching a movie and that it doesn't touch on anything that you can really relate to. It's just a great cinematic experience that kicks ass for 105 minutes and leaves you with a smile on your face. I guess you have to be in the right kind of mood for this, but if you are, it's pretty darn great.
Now, since I've basically only have had positive things to say about Snakes on a Plane, one figures that I should give it a higher rating than seven, but the thing is that while it might be really entertaining and all that, that is also the only thing it really is. Since I saw it, I haven't spent a minute thinking about it and it was just entertaining for the time being. You'll probably have a good time when watching it, but only for those 105 minutes alone, after that it's just another flick that you've seen which really means nothing. High ratings goes to movies that stays with you long after they're finished, and while Snakes was a hell of an entertaining flick, it was also over when it was over if you know what I'm saying.
Lord and Lady Hoffman's are attacked by wolves on their way home and Lady Hoffman gives birth to Lilly just before she dies. Her husband brings her up alone and later re-marries to Claudia that Lilly does not hit it off with. Claudia blames Lilly for keeping her husbands dead wifes memory alive and also for that her own child died at birth. She tries to kill Lilly who flees into the forest where she meets the seven dwarfes. She stays with them and Claudia continues to try and take Lilly out using magic and all kinds of tricks to get rid of the little girl.
This is the Grimm Brothers Snow White, and let me add that it's much darker than the Disney version of the story. Played out like the fairytale we all know but here with actual horror. All the fantasy elements also adds a lot to the movie as it truly feels like a fairytale and they've managed to capture that feeling perfectly.
It's not a fantastic movie but very different and that's what makes it interesting. I sure wish there were more movies like this, fairytale-like but I would've preferred it to have been even nastier than it is. But you can't have it all.
I'm not really a big fan of any of the actors but they all manage to do a ok job and Sigourney Weaver is pretty cool as Snow White's evil stepmother.
I think the movie could best be described as gothic horror as there are many of those elements in it as well. It's not scary but a good fairytale is a good fairytale and it's fun to see how different it is compared to the normal Snow White story.
It's the actual Snow White story that you've heard before but done a little bit different here. There are some things that are totally different from the normal story and that are kinda fun. For instance, the seven dwarfes are a bunch of poor miners that actually really hates Lilly (Snow White) at first sight and think she's a spoiled little brat. So they sure don't break out in song and all that Disney stuff.
The actual plot is kinda intriguing and the film has a good pace all the way through. It's not for children as it's kinda dark and have some "frightening" stuff in it, although a lot of fans of horror probably needs more than the movie has to give. On the other hand, this is a movie you watch for the story and the horror, gothic and dark fantasy elements just makes it look and feel so much better.
Far from brilliant but still definitely worth checking out if you're up for something different.
It's spring break and young people gather on the Florida coast to celebrate, drink and act like total morons. Danielle travels down to Seagull Beach in Florida to hook up with her two girlfriends and to have some fun. But the fun does not last for long as the waters are infested with deadly tiger sharks.
Wow, talk about a waste of time. The stupid title, Spring Break Shark Attack, kinda suggest that it's gonna be a bad experience watching this movie, but I never thought it would turn out to be as horrible as it did. It's a movie made for tv, and you can really tell because it cuts for commercial every so often without showing any commercial, and it's just extremely annoying to watch.
It's nicely shot and looks good, but it actually feels like you're watching a soap opera and that they've just added some sharks into the whole thing. Infact, it's like watching a double episode of Sunset Beach with only kids in, and add to that some lame sharks and some even lamer attacks that do not occur often enough, and when they do, you can't help but to shake your head and ask yourself why you're watching this mess. All the kids look really good as well, there's actually not one single kid in the movie who does not look good, I wonder if such a place exist.
So we get to follow Danielle (Shannon Lucio) who really nice to look at and that might be the only reason for watching the movie, but even that isn't good enough. Her dad forbids her to go down to Florida, but she takes off anyway and goes down there and hook up with some hunk who's the hero in the movie. For like almost an hour, it's more like a romantic teen flick that takes place around spring break than an actual thriller, and it just sucks big-time. I got really stressed out watching this as the dialogue is so bad, the kids are complete retards and NOTHING happens.
The movie actually starts out with a shark attack. There are some hot girls in the water and you know something's gonna happen and it all looks kinda promising. I mean hot chicks that are about to die in a gruesome way, who can say no to that? But unfortunately the actual attack is so lame, you can't help but to doubt what gonna be next. I should have turned it off right then and there, but I sat through the whole thing and afterwards I was quite sad that I did.
You think a movie like this would offer some cheesy good fun, but there's actually no humour involved whatsoever. The scenes that are supposed to have some suspense in them does not have anything to offer either, you know that either nothing gonna happen, or if something actually would happen, it's just gonna be crap anyway.
This movie's so bad and is such a waste of time, I can't stress this enough. It has absolutely nothing to offer. You might think that there'll be some hot naked chicks or some cool shark scenes, but there are no things like that. Probably one of the worst shark flicks ever.
Psychiatrist Sam Foster is standing in for a sick colleague and has to handle a case with a disturbed young art student named Henry Letham. The young man is inspired by an artist who took his life on his 21st birthday, and Henry, who turning 21 a few days later, announces to Sam that he'll do the same. Sam of course takes the threat seriously and tries to talk the guy out of doing it, but Henry seems too determined. Later Sam wants to have Henry taken into custody but fails at doing so, and while tracking his patient down, he gradually gets sucked into the world of Henry's obessions and loses his grip on what's real and what's not.
Stay is not a fantastic movie but was way better than I first expected it to be. It's not that close but somehow feels a bit like watching a David Lynch film. It jumps in and out of reality and sometimes it's hard to separate the two. For being a thriller it has the suspense going at full speed almost throughout the movie. It's complicated to know what's what at times but the movie manages to draw the viewer in and be interesting enough for one to care about what's going on. The characters are strong, especially Ryan Gosling starring as the suicidal patient Henry Letham.
Ewan McGregor's pants are too short. If someone would've asked me to mention one thing that really stood out in this movie, I would've mentioned his pants. I know it sounds really stupid and I'm not usually that superficial, it's just that they kept filming his pants so you really noticed them at many times in the movie, and they were too short. He changes pants in the movie but the next pair of pants were to short too, and so were the next ones. It didn't bring too much suspense or anything really to the whole experience, it's just that I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wonder if they did that on purpose, or if he just chose to wear those kind of pants on his own.
Enough about the pants already. Even if Stay is not an excellent film, it's somewhat impossible to take your eyes off it and it has a good pace from start to finish with a good build-up that later delivers some actual suspense every now and then. The actors do a very good job, Ryan Gosling plays the moody and dark Henry and manages to deliver a great performance to give the viewer a good picture of who the guy really is. Ewan McGregor does well as the psychiatrist who's trying to help Henry, and Naomi Watts plays his girlfriend who used to be suicidal as well.
Now, this movie asks a lot of questions and it's actually really hard to keep track of what's what. It's hard to know what's real, what's a dream or a fantasy, what goes one way and what's inside-out. Even if it's messy as hell at times, you're still never really thrown off the track, and most of the time you figure that you have a vague to a pretty good idea of what's going on and that it will work itself out eventually. I'm not really sure that it does, but it's still satisfying enough. Personally I hate movies where everything is explained to a hundred percent, it feels like you're a retard and that they wanted to make sure you really get everything right. But that's just boring, and while Stay might be a bit too much going the opposite direction, it will still make you think a lot and that's always a good sign.
I got sort of a Lynch feeling when watching Stay, as it's hard to know what's what and it's a bit unsettling and delivers some good suspense as well. It's beautifully shot and nicely directed, the acting is excellent and it's hard not to be drawn into the movie. A good but confusing thriller.
After a guy dies a horrible death, some friends of his find themselves in possession of a videogame called Stay Alive that deals with Countess Elisabeth Bathory. They start playing the game together and when one of the friends die in the game, he soon after dies for real, the same way as he died in the game. The group of friends later realize that if they die in the game, they will die in real life too, so they stop playing the game. But to stop playing the game wasn't very effective since the game continues to play by itself. Will they find a way to defeat the Countess and be able to stay alive?
I've been playing videogames all my life, and I've been watching horror movies all my life as well, so one would think that combining videogames with horror would make a good flick. Wrong!! Well, it did work with Brainscan, but this piece of film comes off looking really ridiculous. I think that if I would've seen this movie when I was 12 or something, I would've been somewhat impressed. But watching it now just gave me a major headache and a great feeling of embarrassment.
What we have here is yet another braindead 'horror' flick for a clueless teen audience. PG-13 ratings always sucks, and even so here. If there would of been some nice gore and stuff, it could've improved it a lot, but unfortunately there's nothing. The Countess gets a nail through her forehead towards the end but it look more pathetic and shitty than anywhere near scary or gory. But the most stupid thing with Stay Alive must have been the utterly stupid story, it's just so unbelievable and poor. And when talking about poor, it makes a good description for the acting as well.
So this nerd plays Stay Alive, dies in the game and then dies for real. His friends get hold of the game and tries it out, only to later become aware of that the game is pure evil, and if you die in the game, you'll die for real too. Just the way they figured out what was going on just came out looking really stupid, and I could feel my fingers reaching for the stop button on the remote. But I kept watching in hope that the movie would might have one or two good scares to offer. Sorry to say, it so didn't.
When the group figured out what was going on, they later tried to come up with a way to stop the Blood Countess from killing them. Like for instance, one guy kept playing the game and opened doors in it etc, that also opened for real when his friends tried to get into a house. The guy also layed out some crowbar in the game, that another guy picked up in real life. Fucking ridiculous. To be honest, I felt pretty ashamed when I watched this for the fact that everything in this movie was so utterly stupid. A lot of things are bad but the worst thing might've been the dialogue. I said it was the story before but when thinking about it, the dialogue was truly horrible. I don't even wanna go there, so let's just say it's dumb. Well, really really dumb.
The actual Stay Alive game in the movie doesn't really look bad, although I would never buy it. In the beginning it felt like the movie had some potential but it started to suck real quick, and continued to suck a lot all the way through. The overall movie felt really annoying, I don't know if it was the actual actors, or the dialogue. Probably the two of them combined. One of the guys in the group was Frankie Muniz who you might recognize from such shit as "Malcolm in the Middle". And when he first appeared on the screen in the movie, I was sure I was in for some truly shitty teen torture. He of course sucked the most, but the other actors were really crappy as well. Totally unbelievable and totally unlikeable, and that goes for all of them.
Once again I wasted time on a super shitty flick, so thanks a lot. Recommended for 10 year old retards, or for people that have absolutely no idea what defines a good quality movie. Avoid.
A hundred years ago, three students attending the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally killed and the man who murdered them drowned himself in a lake nearby. In present time, what happened a hundred years ago has become a famous ghost story. The legend has it that the murderer, once every year, rises from the lake and walks the hallways at the school, dragging his scythe after him across the floors. Sara, a student at the Boarding School, is writing an essay about the ghost story and what occured so many years ago. Her research makes her discover another side of the story to what actually happened, and that it also involves the family name of one of the school's main benificiaries.
Swedish horror movies are not the most common thing in the world, and with me being Swedish myself it's of course interesting when movies in this type of genre pops up. Drowning Ghost or Strandvaskaren starts out really good with this cool ghost story to back it up with. Unfortunately they later kinda abandone that concept and it turns into a somewhat lame slasher.
Hellestads Boarding School is a school for brats only, so it's that type of people this movie deals with. Some are ok, but most of them are obnoxious and it's kinda hard to relate to any of them. The actors are ok, some better and some worse than others, but it's totally watchable anyway.
So the story deals with this murders that took place 100 years ago, and it's kinda interesting with the girl writing her essay and uncovers new facts. It's never scary though and it's a shame, since it could've been if they would've done things a bit differently. It's such a good story so it's too bad it kinda goes to waste in the end.
Apart from the ghost story, there's also another story about a girl who commits suicide just in the beginning of the film. The two different stories, if you would say so, connects very nicely so they have to get some credit for that. It of course has a little twist in the end, but it's not that hard to figure out what's gonna go down.
The camera-work is good and the photography is nice, so visually it's well done and pretty interesting. The score consists of typical pop music, so yeah, that sucks. Actually, when some of the songs played in the movie comes on, it sort of feels like you're watching a teen flick and that sucks too.
The first hour or so is both good to watch and interesting. After that it kinda turns into a bit of a Friday the 13th ripoff, and it's too bad since Strandvaskaren has a lot of potential in the beginning. The old ghost folklore is a really cool thing, but unfortunately they pretty much managed to ruin that. It's a cool concept, and it's totally watchable but in the end is doesn't deliver.
Jill Johnson is a naughty girl who goes over her cell phone bill with 800 minutes and has to pay it off by babysitting for some doctor and his wife in their big house. When she arrives in the house the kids are already asleep, the couple leaves and she has the whole house to herself. But soon the phone starts ringing and she recieves one weird prank call after another. Later on the prank calls begin to turn into real threats, and Jill calls the police who says the she'll be safe inside the house and next time when the caller calls, she should try to make him stay on the line for 60 seconds in order for the police to be able to trace the call. She manages to do so, only to find out that the caller is actually inside the house(!)
This movie's a remake but since I haven't seen the original movie, I can't compare them. The biggest problem with this movie was the fact that you knew the exact story and what was gonna happen even before viewing it. I read it on the back cover and that was about it, so when later watching it there was nothing new and you knew exactly how it was gonna go down. To tell you the truth, it felt quite boring.
It starts off fairly interesting though, Jill arrives at the house and the phone starts ringing, not from the prank caller but from other people that she already know, all to build a little tension, and every time the phone rings you expect things to take a different turn. But after a while it gets boring, too many calls leading nowhere and when the prank caller finally calls you're already bored out of your mind with all the pointless stuff that has been going on till now.
Then it keeps going like that for quite some time. One call after another that scares Jill more and more but does not manage to scare the viewer. It's of course supposed to build some tension but it pretty much fails to do so. It becomes a drag and it takes way too much time before anything remotely interesting happens. Time goes by and after a numerous amounts of yawns things pick up a little. She calls the cops and they tell her to try and stay on the line with the caller for more than 60 seconds in order for them to be able to trace the call.
More time goes by and then finally it happens. She manages to stay on the line for more than 60 seconds, but then she gets a call from the cops telling her that the caller is inside the house. From then on it's actually quite exciting and what makes it interesting and suspensefull is the fact that you know that someone's in the house but since we haven't got to see that person yet, it's the mystery that makes it exciting and brings tension.
Without mystery, everything that was suspensefull and had tension before is taken away, and they sure managed to take that feeling away by introducing the prank caller in the flesh. Once you get to see the man who has been calling it's not very exciting anymore and the whole movie turns into a chase, cat and mouse style. I think it stayed really interesting for about 10-15 minutes or so but once the mystery had been revealed, it all went down the drain. I'm not gonna tell you how it ends, but it's not great or the least bit memorable.
The acting is ok and there are a few actors in the movie, but most of the time it's just Jill (Camilla Belle) alone in the big house. This girl is ok though and manages to pull things off quite ok. She's not fantastic but gets the job done so there's no reason to complain. This movie could've actually been quite scary if they had wanted it to be. There are things that could've easily been added to make it more freaky, and also the prank caller is not nearly psychopatic enough.
For a teen audience who doesn't know the first thing about horror this movie might work just fine, but for horror fans it's just way too lame. It has a little suspense, and the rating went up a little due to the scene when Jill found out that the caller was inside the house. That was a good 10 minutes, but that also carried the only real suspense this movie had to offer. The acting's ok and it's quite nicely shot, but it was a crappy choise to make a remake out of. Can't recommend it.
Neo-nazi surf punks murder an old lady's grandson and being the mean bitch that she is, she seeks a brutal revenge.
With a title like Surf Nazis Must Die! it can't possibly go wrong, or can it? Well, since we're talking Troma here I guess it can. For fans of Troma though, this might be a fantastic flick. I have no idea since I don't know any people who really like Troma.
But compared to other Troma movies, this one's not on the top-list as it's actually brutally bad and has so many faults it takes a lot of energy just thinking about it.
Although with a title like that it's kinda hard to avoid not wanting to watch it. But it's just a title and does not necessarily mean that it's gonna be a good movie. Too bad cos it sure sounded promising.
It must have taken forever to come up with a story like that, can't remember last time I was so impressed. Wow, let me catch my breath...
The movie is supposed to take place in a post-apocalyptic future but does not look that futuristic to be honest.
Despite the title, the movie is actually quite tame for being a Troma flick. We don't get that much gore or violence, no nudity and other stuff that you are usually used to when it comes to Troma flicks. Although we get horrible acting and bad dialogue so I guess that always count for something.
You can't help but feeling a little bit ripped off since the title sounds so promising. I never expected it to be that good, but I expected it to be an enjoyable Troma movie with typical Troma stuff in it but it doesn't really even have that. What it comes down to is that it's just plain bad.
About the actual Surf Nazis, they rule some beach in LA and they are not even proper nazis. They've could've done much more with that. Again especially since the title suggest so.
During the movie I remember laughing one time but later I've been thinking maybe that was because I was so tired and didn't know better. But that's also about it, the rest was just a snore and a headache combined.
Tamara is an unattractive high-school girl who's into witchcraft and people doesn't seem to care too much for her. She also has a crush on her teacher but he does not respond the way she wants to. Her teacher publishes an article that Tamara wrote about the use of drugs and steroids in high-school to help her improve her self-esteem, but it backfires and makes things even worse for Tamara with the other students. Some students decide to get back and play a prank on her but it goes wrong and she ends up dead. But due to a love-spell she casted on her teacher earlier, she is brought back to life again and seeks revenge on those who whacked her sorry ass.
I actually expected Tamara to be another dreadfull typical teen-horror movie with stereotype characters and all that. Luckily I was wrong, well at least somewhat wrong. There are stereotype characters but the movie manages to offer a little more than your average teen-horror flick usually do.
You can't help but to think of Stephen King's Carrie as the story is somewhat similar even though if it's a little different here. The story is nothing fantastic but ok for what it is and manages to be kinda interesting the movie throughout....I said kinda.
Although what surprised me when watching Tamara was the actual gory moments as this movie actually offers some true gore that is great to watch. Then of course it has it's faults and everything but the actual gore is brilliant and this flick is worth watching only for that reason.
I thought you were gonna feel sorry for Tamara since she has a hard time in high-school and is disliked by almost everyone. But the thing is that once brought back to life she's a real bitch and you couldn't care less for her. And before she becomes a bitch she's too much of a whimp and quite irritating to watch so she doesn't come out very good one way or the other.
Keep in mind that it's a teen-horror flick quite similar to a lot of the same type of movies out there. That is with the characters and the basic movie in general. Storywise it's ok but as said before, nothing that special. I gave this movie a 7 out of 10 and if it would not've been for the gore, I would have given it a 4, maybe 5 on a good day.
I didn't really find any likable characters here, one girl perhaps but that's it. Most of them were just irritating, even Tamara. Also there's no one to really root for either. You just wanna see Tamara make her killings, but you couldn't really care less for her either. There's one scare that was pretty effective, but was also the only real scare the movie had to offer.
It's pretty entertaining and if you wanna see a teen-flick that actually has some proper gore, then you should give it a go.
A group of college kids are on their way to a Lynard Skynard concert in Dallas. On their way there, when passing through some small town, they see a strange girl walking on the road, and pick her up with the intention of bringing her home. But soon after the girl has entered the van, she takes up a gun and shoot herself. The kids stop at a diner to phone the sheriff, who says he'll meet them at an old mill, and that they should bring the dead girl's body there. While waiting for the local sheriff at the mill, two of the kids head over to where he's supposed to live. But instead of finding the sheriff, they find a family of inbred psychopaths.
Remakes can of course be both good and bad, but one thing is for sure, and that is that you'll always compare them to the original. When I watched this movie when it first came out, I sure had my share of doubts, but was pleasantly surprised to see just how good this remake actually turned out to be. There are basically two things you can do when remaking a movie in order to make it work. One is to take what the original flick had, do it basically the same way but improve everything. Or secondly, keep the basic story but still make it be able to stand on its own by adding a lot of new things.
This, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, has taken what the old movie had, but brought everything to a new level. It's basically the exact same thing as the original version with a few minor different scenarios. But what was the most noticeable improvement with this remake, was the intensity, the horror and the gore.
Like most horror fans, I'm a big fan of the original flick, and while that movie is a cult classic for sure, it does not have the full amount of gore and terror needed in this day of age. Don't get me wrong, the original TCM movie is a great flick, but watching it these days, it doesn't quite work when it comes to violence and gore. And that's why it was great to see that they really succeeded with remaking the old flick.
It starts off relatively fast, and from then on it stays at a fast tempo the movie throughout. Greatest thing though is that when something brutal happens, you get to see everything. I hate when you don't get to see the actual gore, I mean, why do you watch a flick like this? Of course you watch it for the horror, the suspense and so on, but of course you wanna see (exactly) what happens to the victims, and they've really succeeded in showing the viewer that.
When it comes to acting, I've not one bad thing to say. Everyone involved delivers an overall good performance while Jessica Biel, who plays Erin, really stands out and delivers a great performance. She mananges to show the fear and panic with her character, and so brings more real intensity to the whole experience. The movie is quite brutal, and it features a bunch of pretty nasty scenes. It sticks to everything the original movie had, but still manages to stand on its own and take things up a notch or two. Another thing that is great, is that the viewer is actually treated to a real feeling of horror at times, something that a lot of horror flicks tend to fail at delivering.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 is actually a really good remake that has way more instensity, horror and gore than the original movie had. If you're a fan of the original, you should definitely give this one a go, as it's not just your normal shitty remake, but is actually really good.
The story of Terror Firmer is about a blind film director (played by Lloyd Kaufman) who tries to put a movie together. But there is a serial killer on the loose on the set and kills off people in the most horrifying ways possible. Will they have to shut down the production or will they be able to catch the killer?
Some people out there totally love almost everything by Troma and praises their films, I can't relate to that at all, and some people hate Troma and thinks that everything they do suck. Me, I think they've made a few ok movies, no brilliant ones and of course a lot of junk but still there are a few Troma movies out there that definitely are watchable.
With that said, Terror Firmer is one of those movies that are watchable. It's way over-the-top at times and a lot of stuff in it just sucks but then it also features some kinda cool and funny stuff which is the whole reason for watching it.
That I'm not gonna give away here but watch it and you'll find out. That's the main story of Terror Firmer but it's also about the cast and crew working on the film set and their problems and daily life. Like a lot of other Troma movies, Terror Firmer of course offers a lot of cheap style gore but that works totally ok. If you've other Troma movies you kinda know what to expect.
The actors vary from totally dreadfull to somewhat ok with Will Keenan as one of the main characters who do an ok job just like he did in Tromeo & Juliet.
Like a lot of other Troma movies the humour in this one's ok at times but for the most part really shitty. Thing is that it takes a while to actually "get used" to Troma and what Troma is about but when you do you learn to appreciated it a little bit more for what it is, well maybe.
We get to see a lot of gore and a lot of other gruesome things with high shock value and this is your typical Troma movie but has more sleazy and gory stuff to offer than most of the other Troma releases and that's what makes it ok. As usual it's a low-budget flick but still has ok effects and they've made the best out of it.
Terror Firmer is ok if you take it for what it is; a low-budget, gory Troma movie with lots and lots of humour of the lowest kind.
Adèle and her daughter Sarah goes to Wales to visit her ex-husband James. While out by the sea one day, Sarah disappears and appears to have drowned. Later, a young girl named Ebrill who apparently died over 60 years ago comes and visit Adèle and James. Adèle starts investigating and her search leads her to Welsh mythology, about crossing over to the other side to bring persons back to the side of the living. Can Adèle somehow use this legend to bring her daughter back from the dead?
Apparently The Dark is based on a novel called "Sheep", but I haven't actually read that novel and I'm not planning to do so either. Personally, for a while this movie looked like a complete The Ring rip-off (that is a movie ripping off the remake). In The Ring, horses started to die mysteriously and acted funny because of a little girl. Well, you have exactly that here too, only thing here is that it deals with sheep instead of horses. But that's just one part of it all. Another part is like something out of a Stephen King novel, the dead are brought back to life but does not always come back as wanted.
I can't believe that this movie came from the same man that gave us Ginger Snaps. While Ginger Snaps was somewhat original and creative, The Dark is just another "horror" movie that seems to be under heavy influence of some greater horror flicks out there. It really has nothing new to offer, and while it had a lot of potential to be scary at times, it failed miserably at doing so. It has a number of scares but they are all quite cheap, and at certain moment we actually get to sit through some short suspense scene before it's interupted with some lame thing that leads to nothing.
So mother Adèle (Maria Bello) goes to Wales with her daughter Sarah (Sophie Stuckey) to visit the kids father James (Sean Bean). On the way they get their car stuck in the mud close to a cliff, and Adèle gets a premonition/dreams some weird dream of her daughter falling off the cliff. So there we go, we get to know exactly what's gonna happen but first we have to sit through a lot of nonsense before the daughter actually meets her maker. That part completely bored me out, it's bad enough to know what's gonna happen so I was thinking maybe there's some clever twist to it but no, no twist whatsoever.
With the daughter gone, both James and Adèle are left devastated. James keeps helping the police search the waters while Adèle discovers some Welsh mythology about how to bring back the dead by sacrificing one of the living. She reads old newspaper articles about how some sheep went crazy and started dying all over the place, and The Ring influence here is enormous. First off you have the sheep to replace the horses, you have a female lead investigating and searching old newspaper articles in a library to find out what happened in a certain place many years ago, plus that you have an evil little girl causing the sheep (that's horses in The Ring) to die. Now, if they haven't ripped everything off, it's an amazing coincidence to say the least. Oh, did I mention that the mom goes to a mysterious place to look for her lost daughter...hello Silent Hill.
This is a typical thriller that adds in some horror elements once in a while but that does not work too good. At times it felt that some scenes had a lot of potential of being quite scary, but they managed to ruin that completely. Just like in the movie Half Light, we get some beautiful scenery but it didn't save that movie and it does not save this movie either. The acting is kinda decent, Maria Bello is pretty good as the mom, Sean Bean is neither good nor bad, he's just there, but the daughter, Sophie Stuckey, sure has no clue of how to act. I know that she's a kid and I don't wanna rack down on kids but she's absolutely terrible. Everything feels so fake around her and her character is not belivable at all. Sorry kid, better luck next time.
Any real horror or anything close to that is nowhere to be found. It's first and most a thriller but that has a lame story with nothing original to it. The actual ending seemed to be able to turn out pretty decent for a while, but just like with the scares, they couldn't seem to get that right either. For people into lame braindead thriller this might just hit the spot, but horror fans are recommened to stay away from this mess.
Wrestler Roddy Piper stars as this working class guy who takes a job as a construction worker. One day he finds a pair of sunglases which makes him see the world totally different from how other people see it. Everywhere there are hidden messages telling people to obey, consume, not have any imagination, submit to authority and so on. He also discovers that some people out there are not real people but in fact robots and his discovery leads him to investigate further to what really going on.
This is easily one of my favourite movies by John Carpenter along with In the Mouth of Madness. It's a really cool 80's sci-fi thriller that delivers a thinkable message to the viewers.
It's so entertaining and offers a lot of great things from humorous lines at times, great action scenes, the thinkable fact of how people are being manipulated (even if not exactly as shown in the movie) and offers cool robots too, oh yeah.
It's a political movie but you don't have to have a political interest to see it of course, but the message the movie sends, as said before, is thinkable. It also shows the gap between classes in America and how the poor are exploited by the rich. It's not as serious as it may sound since the movie also has a lot of humour in it which doesn't make it unserious but not as serious as it could've been.
I think this is a good thing and the movie features some funny scenes for instance when Roddy Piper fight with his friend from the construction site and instead of "fighting like normal people", they wrestle and it's a pretty fun sight.
I believe They Live is one of Carpenter's greatest accomplishments - highly entertaining and highly recommended. Roddy Pipe is excellent and if you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Norwegians in hellacopter is chasing a dog over the frozen land of the Antarctic and is shooting at it but ends up crashing without leaving any clues for why they were after the dog. A scientific expedition that has their base in the Antarctic sees the chase and of course wonders what was going on. Later on the same night the dog mutates and start to attack the other of the teams dogs and the team starts to investigate and finds out that an alien life-form is on the loose and that it can take over bodies of both humans and animals. Trapped in the cold Antarctic the team fight for their own survival and against the paranoia about who has already been taken over by the alien and who of the team members that can be trusted.
For many out there considered to be Carpenter's best accomplishment, for me even if it's not the very best it's still among his best. The Thing is a very entertaining horror film with a lot of suspense moments and is also a very action-packed one.
The Thing is quite faced paced from beginning to end, or at least it really takes off once they discover that there are an alien life-form, a thing, among them.
The movie deals a lot with the subject of paranoia since they don't know who and who's not infected by the thing and it spreads fear among the team members. Also that the movie takes place is the cold snow-drowned Antarctic adds a lot of atmosphere to the movie itself.
All the actors do a fine job and Kurt Russell is great as MacReady, the leader of the team, and his character is kinda similar to Snake from Escape from New York etc. If you're looking for a fast paced action-packed suspense movie this one is truly recommended.
Peter is working hard to get things ready before the grand opening of his Bed & Breakfast place. He's joined over the weekend by his girlfriend Darcy, and her eleven year old daughter Pamela that are gonna provide some help with fixing the place up. Soon after their arrival, Pamela meets a young girl named Emma who tells her about the evil Tooth Fairy who used to live in the house Peter is turning into a Bed & Breakfast. After the meeting, Pamela happen to be in a bicycle accident which makes her knock out her last baby tooth. The construction work on the house has woken up the old Tooth Fairy, and now she's after Pamela and everyone else who stands in her way.
It felt like a movie like The Tooth Fairy could've gone either way, that you would dismiss it as yet another unsatisfying new horror flick, or that it would be entertaining, fun and splattery. Luckily, the latter alternative applied, and even if The Tooth Fairy didn't come off as very original, it sure had a lot of nice things to offer, but most of all, it was a really fun horror movie to watch. When it comes to movies like this, the stories are always fairly predictable, but it's just how things are excuted that matters, and with that, the Tooth Fairy really pulls it off. Chances that you are going to be scared watching a movie like this are of course very slim, that is if you're not a kid per se, so it has to offer something else, and it's when it comes to delivering these other things that a lot of new horror movies tends to fail. Fortunately this one managed to keep the interest up.
Do you remember Darkness Falls? Personally I hated that flick which dealt with a Tooth Fairy , just like this one does, but the similarities ends right there. The Tooth Fairy here looked better, acted better, and it was a joy to see all those gory scenes that she so nicely made happen. The fact that it had all these nasty scenes to offer made it feel like a proper horror movie, and not just something that was created for a bunch of young and clueless kids, but something that real horror fans could actually watch and enjoy. Also, that the movie had this fairy-tale element made it feel more like the gory saga it turned out to be, rather than your average slasher flick with some boring psychpath killing off teens to left and right. And no, there were no teens in this movie, thank God.
 The story is rather simple but doesn't need more to it for it to work. We've all heard about the Tooth Fairy right? Well, the Tooth Fairy here was an evil old lady (with extremely bad skin) who took children's last tooth after it fell off, and then killed them. Just that with killing young children is kinda nasty enough, and the movie starts out with a scene featuring that; Luring a little kid into her house promising him a brand new bike, but instead he gets a hatchet in the head after that his tooth has been pulled out. Now, that's my kinda girl (well, on film that is).
This all happened back in 1949. Fast-forward to present time, and Peter is working on the old lady's house that he just bought, which he is turning into a Bed & Breakfast. He's joined by his girlfriend Darcy and her daughter Pamela, plus that there's already a friend of his there helping him out, and an early female guest arrives shortly after as well. Pamela meets a mysterious young girl who doesn't know who Harry Potter is, but who tells her the truth about the evil Tooth Fairy. On her way back home from meeting the girl, Pamela falls off her bike and knocks out her last baby tooth. Now, this evil Tooth Fairy has woken up from her slumber, or whatever kept her away, and since she's the Tooth Fairy, she of course wants Pamela's tooth, but also wants to see the little girl dead. So how do you fight a Tooth Fairy? Well, watch it and find out.
Basically what made this movie a pleasant watch, was the fact that it had some really good pacing, had some small amounts of humour that worked, and had these gory scenes that I mentioned earlier that it so wouldn't have worked without. The story is of course pretty predictable, and chances to get scared are below minimal, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth watching, because that it is. The house (Bed & Breakfast) made for a really good location for the movie to take place in. It was surrounded by a forest, plus a cemetary close by, and everything looked sharp, and the location and the forest added to the feeling of the fairy-tale itself.
The Tooth Fairy looked pretty nasty, especially up-close, and the make-up and effects used in the movie worked well. The photography was nice, and last but not least, the acting was above decent. My only complaint when talking about the acting would be from a woman who were present two times in the movie, and who warned Peter and his girl about the Tooth Fairy. She wasn't the least bit convincing, and the way she read her lines felt extremely stiff with no real feeling whatsoever. That's one minor complaint though, and is really nothing since she was not in the movie much at all. On the plus side, I have to say that the girl who played Pamela (Nicole Muñoz) did a great job. Usually I have huge problems with most children in movies when they have leading parts, but she proved to be good, and not irritating at all as so often is the case. All the other actors were ok, and it was cool as well to know that the Tooth Fairy was actually played by Peng Zhang Li, not just a man, but an Asian martial arts choreographer.
I never expected The Tooth Fairy to be one bit scary, so therefore I wasn't really disappointed when it wasn't. But it sure was entertaining, and had a lot of great splatter and gore to offer, and that's never a bad thing. Some cool killing scenes, a great location, and was basically a both fun and easy movie to watch. Even it was very predictable, the almost 90 minutes went by really fast due to good pacing, and it never felt dull or too unoriginal. The fairy-tale element helped a lot, and the fact that there were some nice gory scenes helped even more. If you're looking for an easy and entertaining horror flick, this would be a good pick.
Colin's on his way to Baja to meet his brother that he hasn't seen for two years. Some friends go along with him and they plan to surf and have parties. But when they get there, the place is deserted and Colin's brother and his friends are nowhere to be found. Two of the friends head for the nearest village to see if Colin's brother and his crew are there, while the rest stay behind to look for clues where they might could have gone. Soon they find remains of carnage and realizes that they are not alone on the beautiful beach, but that there are actually cannibals there among them.
Trespassers is a new low-budget horror flick that unfortunately does not bring anything new to the scene. It has all the elements a bad horror movie should have and is neither promising in the beginning, nor rewarding in the end. Basically it's just another braindead horror flick where a bunch of young adults gets trapped and has to make it out alive. The main problem thought is that we've seen this scenario at least a hundred times before, and since it doesn't have anything new or original to offer at all, in the end it makes Trespassers just feel like a waste of time.
I actually feel bad since most of the time I'm always complaining a lot when it comes to these types of flicks, but what else can you do when they suck? At least the people behind it should be given some credit for what they've tried to accomplish. It's a nice try, just too bad it doesn't work. Better luck next time. So what's so bad about Trespassers? Well, I can ignore and overlook a lot of faults when it comes to low-budget movies, it takes a lot of hard work to make a movie and it's not an easy deal. But money or no money, some things could've been done a lot better.
What I found to be the most irritating thing in the movie was whenever something gruesome took place, the camera was shaking like crazy, Blair Witch style. You know what's going on but it's hard to make anything out, and all the gory moments in this flick leaves you with no satisfaction whatsoever. Every time something brutal went down, the camera was shaking and was all over the place, and it was truly irritating to have to sit through that over and over again. There's not one action/gory scene when the camera manages to stay still so we really get to see what happens, and that takes all the fun away. Because I mean, what is the main reason for watching a flick like this? It's not for the plot, the acting or the dialogue, but for the horror scenes where people actually get killed or where you get to feel some suspense. Unfortunately none of these things work here.
So some surfers dudes head to Baja to meet one of the guy's brother and his friends, and to catch some sweet waves (hey, I'm speaking surf here). But when they get there, the people they were supposed to meet are nowhere to be found. One guy and a girl head for the nearest village to see if the missing people have been there, but when they get there they get to hear a story from a local about a horrible man named El Gringo.
Now, El Gringo was a man who had a cult following, a sect, and he led them to the place on the beach for them to live on their own away from the rest of civilisation. But they had a hard time getting food since they couldn't grow anything on the land and the ocean didn't provide for them either. So El Gringo kidnapped local kids and fed them to his followers, but when his people found out what he had done, they cut his eyelids off and buried him in the sand, facing the sun. El Gringo prayed to God for a few days while being stuck in the sand, but got an answear from the Dark Lord and now he and his people haunts the place and feed on those who comes there. And of course this surfer gang gets trapped there, and has to try and make it out alive.
It might sound a bit cool and it's not a bad idea. It's just the way everything has been done and how everything looks that ruins it all. It would've been ok if we would've gotten some decent gore, but instead we just get the shaky camera. The characters are not really likable but not totally unlikable either, and the acting is ok for what it is I guess. There are plenty of low-budget flicks out there that are much worse when it comes to acting. Another thing is that nothing really happens for what feels like a very long time, and when something finally do happen, it's not good at all. So a lot of waiting for nothing.
Yet another new horror film that didn't pay off at all. If the gore would've been decent it might could've saved this flick, but instead we are left with nothing. Suspense is really nowhere to be found, the camera is way too shaky and all over the place when something that might could've actually been worth watching happens, and some times the movie's a bit too dark as well. The acting's not horrible, and there are not as much surf lingo as one first had expected it to have. It felt like Trespassers had some potential at first, but it was all washed away by the lame story along with the lame horror sequences. There are worse movies out there, but still though, this wasn't very good.
Tromeo falls in love with Juliet but they come from different families who are at war with each other and have been for some time. Will love conquer all?
Of all the Troma movies out there I think Tromeo & Juliet are among the top ones if not the best, yeah it's probably the best.
It's goofy but not super goofy like your average Troma release and the fact that it's a different take on Shakespeare's classic that they've actually managed to make something really good out of is pretty cool.
If you know Romeo & Juliet then you know the story to Tromeo & Juliet as well as it has the same story as the original but here done Troma style and told a bit differently.
It's a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's classic with all the usual Troma elements but as said before not as goofy as most other Troma movies and also the actors are not as crappy as we're used to which is nice for a change. Although there are a bunch of crappy actors in this one too, seems one can never escape from that.
The story is kinda cool and it has a lot of humour in it that actually works quite well. We also get treated to a lot of splatter and gore shown in a kinda comic way.
I have to give Troma credit for being able to really capture the classic story so perfectly and pull it off like it's been done here.
I'm not really a fan of Troma movies but this one sure is different from the rest, so even if you know what Troma is about and aren't too into the stuff that they make you might still wanna give Tromeo & Juliet a chance.
Being different is true but it still has a lot of Troma elements in it and Troma is behind it so don't expect anything else, but like I said, give it a try as you might find yourself enjoy it.
Jennifer is living a good life; Working a great job at a big PR agency, is settled down with Alan, a man for whom she really cares, and just found out that she's pregnant with his baby as well. Things couldn't really be any better, but one day it all changes when there's someone who brutally starts killing men, and who looks exactly like Jennifer. After getting hassled by the police a few times, she eventually finds out from her parents that she was adopted, and that she has a twin sister named Norah out there somewhere. Norah is Jennifers evil twin who had to go through a terrible upbringing while Jennifer instead got the good life, and now Norah wants a taste of that...
From German director Wolfgang Büld (Penetration Angst, Lovesick: Sick Love) comes Twisted Sisters, which is basically a thriller with a few horror elements baked into it, with the horror elements being over-the-top death scenes, and on top of that, a bucket of gore, or two. I can't really say that it has an original story, featuring an evil twin and all, but for most parts, it works as an all right thriller that delivers a little suspense along with some gruesome death scenes. While the story never really draws you in that much, it still works ok with its fast pace which made the movie go by pretty fast, and therefore, it managed to stay entertaining enough and wasn't a drag to having to sit through.
Actress Fiona Horsey seems comfortable enough with her characters (she's playing both sisters of course) and maybe that's because she worked with the director on both movies mentioned above; 'Penetration Angst' and 'Lovesick: Sick Love'. She seems to get into both her roles fine, and during the whole movie, I never really though of the two sisters being played by the same person, even though I knew they were. That's a huge thing and makes all the difference, and I'm happy it didn't work the other way around. As for the other actors, some did an ok job while some could've been (a lot) better. The two police officers who throughout the movie were chasing the crazed killer were a bit lousy to watch at first, since it felt like they were reading the lines someone else had written for them, rather than the feeling that they were actually saying things in a more natural way. So their performances were a bit stiff, although, later on I thought it got better, but on the other hand, maybe I just got used to it. I'm not sure.
 The title kinda says it all here; Twisted Sisters, well one of the two sure is twisted, going around killing men and cutting their genitalias off, ouch! It has some gore to offer which works quite ok, although it's far from being really nasty, and the gore scenes will probably not make you cringe. It's still somewhat enjoyable though and at least it makes for things to happen. There's especially one scene which must be quite original (can't say I've seen it elsewhere) when the psychopatic sister Norah kills a guy using fireworks. Other than that, it's pretty standard, at least if you watch horror flicks on a regular basis. It had some little twist to offer at the end, but it's nothing that's gonna blow you away.
I have absolutely no idea what kind of budget they had to work with, but it looked pretty low-budget, and while some of those movies manages to be so interesting (Joshua) that you tend to forget about what they look like, Twisted Sisters didn't make it all the way there. On the plus side of things, it used some cool angles and wasn't poorly shot or anything, it was just that it looked and felt a bit too low-budget at times, which sometimes made it a bit hard to focus on the actual story itself. No big thing though really, and at least it moved at a fast pace which made it seem better and provided some entertainment. The score wasn't so bad that it became irritating, but it sure could've been a helluva lot better.
Twisted Sisters was an ok but not very memorable thriller that featured some over-the-top death scenes and some gore as well. The acting had its ups and downs, but the main characters, the two sisters, were totally ok, and even if some actors could've been a lot better, it was never so bad so it became too much of a mess to watch. Except for the original death by fireworks scene, there were one scene right after killing the guy that was pretty bizarre but in a good way. When Norah had killed the guy, she noticed that he had a drum kit at home and sat down and started hammering away for a brief moment, and when she left his home, some neighbour came asking what the noise was all about. In the end Twisted Sisters was nothing special really, but it had pretty good pacing and worked quite ok as a low-budget flick.
Set in the future, due to a biological warfare research gone wrong a genetically-engineered virus turned humans into something called Hemophages, similar to vampires. They are no longer part of the human society and the humans are out to destroy the diseased population. The human government wants to see a nine year old boy named Six dead since they believe he's a threat to humans. Violet, a female Hemophage who's mission first was to find and deliver a secret weapon, discover that the actual weapon is the boy and that the people's real intentions is to kill him. Soon she finds herself protecting him as the boy carries within him a rare cure which could heal all the Hemophages.
Wow dude, Ultraviolet climbed right into the top-ten shit-list of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life, and believe me, I've seen A LOT of shitty flicks. This one is not just bad, it's horrible to say the least and have absolutely not one single positive thing worth mentioning. I never expected it to be a good movie to begin with, but I would've never imagined it to be as crappy as it turned out to be. This is truly a horrible movie, and everyone involved in the making of it should take a moment and think about what they've done.
I've never read the comic so I have no idea how true it stays to that, but the comic can't possibly be this bad. And what is it with Milla Jovovich and these type of flicks? She stared in Resident Evil which was a crappy flick, I know some people out there like it, but after playing those games like hell for years, I can't possibly like what they did with the actual movie. Then you have the sequel which was even worse and now Ultraviolet that is somewhat similar, with a female heroine, a lot of action and a whole lot of crap.
The intro was cool where they showed some comic book art and it gave you a positive feeling. But a minute after the movie had started, that positive feeling was nowhere to be found. Personally I'm not a big fan of computer generated digital effects, a little works in some movies, but in a lot of movies the have definitely overdone it. Ultraviolet is like a big ball of computer generated effects, and in that ball you have Milla Jovovich running around blasting people to left and right with her stupid CGI guns.
One thing this movie manages to be is fast-paced and it delivers almost non-stop action. But the pacing doesn't really matter since the story's shit and the action scenes might be stylish but fail miserably to impress. Within the first half hour or so, there are an enormous amount of action sequences, one after another but they are all so boring and looks absolutely ridiculous.
Biggest problem is that Violet can't be beaten, and throughout the whole movie we get to see her fight against tons of soldiers etc, and is never even close of getting hurt. It's like playing a shitty videogame where the difficult level is set to super easy, and you can play it while drinking coffee and talking on the phone at the same time because it's just too easy. This is what this movie looks like, you know that no one stand a chance against her no matter how many guards or whatever are sent in to off her, and that also takes the little suspense that could've been there away.
So Violet finds this kid who looks like a retard and acts like one too, and can't let some people go ahead and kill the boy so she rescues him and have to flee while constantly being chased. One other really shitty thing that this movie has (yes, it only has shitty things to it) is that once in a while we get a emotional scene with Violet and the boy and suddenly you're supposed to feel something for these people and care what's going on. Only thing I felt during these scenes were irritation, and I didn't know whether to turn the movie off or hit something or what to do. So I stuck with it all the way and honestly, I'm really sorry that I did.
The story is nonsense, the acting is crap, the big bad boss had something up his nose the whole flick and looked like a real idiot. Milla Jovovich is supposed to look sexy and while she might be pretty, it's still a big turn-off watching her in a movie like this. I guess this is a movie for all ages because we don't get to see anything during the fights. I mean she cuts people with swords and shoot a hell of a lot of people but blood is nowhere to be found. I don't know how big the difference would be if watched the unrated version, but it doesn't matter because I would rather get hit by a bus than having to watch this movie again.
Ultraviolet represent everything that is bad. Some of the over-used effects look ok but some of them look like crap as well. The comic book feel is long lost and the action scenes are many but completely lame. And it's not even so bad so it's funny to watch, it's just plain horrible.
The year is 1969 with the Vietnam war still going on, and at the same time a meat-packing plant in Texas goes out of business. One of the people working there, named Thomas Hewitt, is a deformed unstable person and when he gets word that he has just lost his job, he kills the foreman of the plant. Meanwhile, his crazy uncle murders a sheriff, steals his clothes and badge and starts posing as a man of the law. Driving through where all of this has just taken place, on a lonely highway, two young men and their girlfriends happen to be in a car accident and it doesn't take long before the 'sheriff' turns up at the scene. He kidnaps three of them since one of the girls flew out from the car when they crashed and is hiding just close by. The 'sheriff' takes the three victims to his home to let Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface) work on them to later feast on them. At the same, the girl who was left at the scene of the accident tries to rescue her friends together with a biker who's girlfriend was killed by Leatherface's uncle.
I have to admit that I, to my big surprise, loved the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I'm of course a fan of the original movie, but felt that the remake had even more terror to offer, was faster and had a lot of 'go' in it as well as it looked terrific and was raw and brutal. So when I first heard about this prequel, I was excited but at the same time I feared that it would not be half as good as the remake was. Luckily, The Beginning turned out to be a great flick that had the same look and feel that the remake had as well as it was brutal and raw enough and delivered a whole lotta tension and suspense. I got into this flick right from the start and found myself being really captivated by it since it had so much to offer, story-wise as well as those brutal parts so needed for a movie like this to work.
I felt that just the story of this movie alone were a really interesting take on how it all came to be. It was simple enough but worked wonders and it was more than easy to get caught up in the terrific story-telling. But that's not all the movie had going for it, add to that those extremely nasty scenes that were truly chilling and delivered an undescribable amount of tension. I loved sitting through this, and it was very easy to give full focus on the movie all the way through since it had so much to offer on all levels. Both the uncle and Leatherface comes off as totally crazy, very unstable and most of all, very unpredictable individuals. At least the latter goes for the uncle, since you basically know what Leatherface is all about at all times, but the uncle has this tendency to seem like he actually has a heart every once in a while, but then, soon after shows that he has nothing even close to it.
 Best thing when it comes to all those freaky and nasty scenes that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning has to offer are that they, even though it's just a movie, feel very realistic and at times you can almost feel the pain that the victims themselves are feeling. Well, maybe I'm getting a little too deep here, but I guess you know what I mean. A lot of movies out there, gore and terror movies, can have so much more nasty stuff in them and way more blood flowing, but problem is that it's not too often it all feels very genuine. But this film really captured the terror and fear in an excellent way.
It basically has the same kind of look and feel to it like the 2003 remake had, and I must say that it looks absolutely smashing. A bit dirty and raw, yet super clear if you know what I mean. The look of the movie itself, and the very surroundings of course makes it have a great atmosphere and deliver a great, yet quite eerie feel. The acting is also one thing that makes the very terror more belivable, and to say that all of the cast do a great job is not to exaggerate at all. It's not that all of the cast were just very good, but they all made their characters seem very belivable and at times you forgot that you were just watching a movie, and I truly love that feel.
I'm not a big fan of remakes, but I still think some films are definitely worth re-making, it's just that most of the remakes turns to crap with a few exceptions. I was happy when the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre turned out to be great, and was pleasantly surprised to see that its prequel was one helluva movie as well. I guess some hardcore fans of the old original didn't even give the remake a chance, and will most likely not see this one either. But I'm telling you, don't dismiss this one as some new stupid horror movie, because while it might be a new flick, it's not just a good film, but pretty close to great.
A group of kids accidentally release a mysterious gas called Trioxin which reanimates the dead in a nearby graveyard. Soon the town is filled with zombies who only wants one thing - brains.
Return of the Living Dead Part II is an worthy sequel to its precursor, Return of the Living Dead, which basically is a bit like watching the original all over again, but that is not as great this time around. Still it has somewhat of the same stuff to offer when it comes to gags and gore, even though this sequel feels a bit more over-the-top when it comes to the gags, but that still works well. When saying that watching part 2 is pretty much like watching part one, it's because of that this one has pretty much the same story and the same type of stuff going on all the way through. The third follow-up kept the basic foundation of the ROTLD concept but steared away a bit more which was a good thing. This second part is not really half as good as the first flick, but considering the brilliance of the original, this one comes out not looking too bad either.
The plot of this movie is basically the same as the one in the original film with the army loses a canister of Trioxin that later is discover by a bunch of kids that open the drum, and so releases the toxic gas. There happens to be a graveyard close by and it doesn't take long before the dead walks the earth, looking for brains to feed on. The military is called in to contain the situation but leaves a group of people trapped in the middle of the town. After that it's basically the first movie all over again, with two actors from the original that were killed, here returns in pretty much the same type of roles, but playing different characters.
 The problem with part 2, if comparing it to part 1, is mainly that part 2 focus too much on the humour and so leaves the real horror behind. It still of course features a lot of morbid horror, brain-eating and all that, but it's all done with a huge amount of humour. This is pretty bad since the first flick delivered a perfect mix of humour and horror, and even though it had its really funny moments, it could also turn to be very horrific at times as well. This movie doesn't succeed with delivering the same type of gruesome atmosphere and feels just way too over-the-top too many times the movie throughout, much of this caused by horrible (silly) acting as well.
But acting-wise it's not all bad either. If you just look at the acting in general, it's light years away from being anything close to great, or even that good for that matter. But considering the type of film we're dealing with here, the acting actually works really well for most parts of the movie. It's supposed to be campy, goofy and cheesy, whatever you like to call it, and therefore I feel no need to really complain about the acting either. The gore is quite good and will most likely satisfy a gorehounds needs, but it sure could've used some more serious types of those scenes because now the goofiness that is always present, sometimes ends up ruining a good kill/brain-feast/death... No biggie though. The score consists of, well 80's music of course, a lot of hard rock/heavy metal and add to that some other typical 80's stuff. It works well this time too, even though the first flick had better music to offer.
If you're a fan of the original, you definitely want to see this one too. Plot-wise it's pretty much like the first movie, and actually a lot of things apart from the plot are basically the same. It's not as good as the original though, but considering that it's a sequel, this is often the case. At least it provides some good entertainment and is a pretty gruesome and cheesy ride. Well worth to take a look at if you're up for some morbid 80's fun.
Sam Harper died in Kuwait a few years back and rises on the 4th of July from his grave. Some kids burnt the American flag over where he was buried and now Sam sets out to kill all the unpatriotic citizens in his hometown.
Uncle Sam feels like a typical 80's slasher/horror flick even though it was made in 1997. I think if it would have been made ten years earlier than it was it could've been a kinda campy b-flick that could've been totally ok to watch. But since it was made as late as in 97' it just feels weird and does not come out as good as it could of had.
With a tagline that goes: "Uncle Sam wants you dead" it's kinda easy to figure out what this movie is all about.
I rented this movie a few years back for the simple reason that the cover looked very cool. Unfortunately it promises more than it actually delivers. It's a typical b-movie and even though we get a little violence and gore, it's not nearly enough to satisfy.
It wouldn't have been too hard to make this movie a slightly bit better. What it's really missing is the humour. It's not suppose to be a comedy but the story is kinda comical and they could've done so much more with that.
Since it looks and feels like an 80's flick why not add some 80's humour to it or whatever. Anyway, only reason for you to laugh is because it looks very cheap and ridiculous at times.
Also missing is of course the gore and with a lot more gore in it, this flick could've been quite enjoyable to watch. But you end up getting neither the humour or the gore and that doesn't leave you with much.
Why it's entitled Uncle Sam is because the soldier, after rising from his grave, dresses up like Uncle Sam when he goes around killing people. It's actually quite funny to watch and at least has that going for it. But is that enough? I don't think so.
The actors are quite wooden and not very good to watch. So this is extremely b-grade horror but still one would've expected more. I don't wanna say that it's super bad, but it's just not worth the time.
A girl namned Rene has to move out of her hometown Berkeley due to finicial problems but doesn't get far as meteors are raining from the sky and turns everyone in to flesh-eating zombies. She then runs in to a small group of people doing their best to survive and who also are trying to find out what is going on.
For all of you who liked Braindead and Bad Taste, this one is for you even though it's far from the same it still has some of the same elements and humour in it that makes a really good splatter/zombie movie.
This movie is actually really original, it's has similarities to mentioned before Braindead and Bad Taste because of the humour and the massive amounts of splatter and gore and it also has some similarities to other zombie movies like Day of the Dead etc.
I guess it's impossible to make a zombie movie without it not being compared to other zombie movies, but all in all it goes its own way and a really original way that is. For a low-budget movie, Undead has the most amazing special effects and it's really great to get to see this. It also has tons(!) of gore, and even though it's humorous it never gets really silly and takes away focus from the actual gore and splatter.
So what is there to complain about, well the actors are not the best, some of them are rather embarrassing to watch since they blow so much, but on the other hand, this movie has so many other things that even though it doesn't make up for the bad acting it still makes it totally worth checking out.
It has an interesting story, it's really entertaining, has great special effects and has more gore and splatter then one could wish for. It's also very cool that this movie comes from Australia since we haven't seen to much stuff like this from over there. I truly hope that the Spierig brothers countinue to make movies in the same vein in the future. Highly recommended.
Underworld: Evolution begins where Underworld finished and vampire Selene and Michael, the werewolf hybrid, are on the run from the vampires. Meanwhile, Selene's last remaining elder Marcus, who now is a very powerful vampire, has awakened and his mission is to awaken his Lycan brother William. Together with Michael, Selene must find the clues to unlock the secrets of their respective bloodlines and stop Marcus before time runs out.
I expected Underworld: Evolution, while might be entertaining, still not to be a very good sequel to the first movie, that is Underworld. I was way wrong, not with it not being entertaining, but it's actually a really good sequel, far better than I had expected. This one exceeds Underworld when it comes to action, blood and guts, and that was something that came as a great surprise. While it still stays true to the original and has the same feel to it, the violence and action sequences are so much greater here, and at times it was hard not to get all excited.
It looks brilliant and the combination between the use of swords and guns are just great and adds to the fantasy and mythology feel even if the movie takes place in modern time. There's a lot to take in and you need to have seen Underworld before watching Underworld: Evolution. It continues where the first movie left off, and while we still get a lot of flashbacks from things that happened in the first movie, we are at the same time introduced to new characters and a different plot. It gets a lot of credit here for going it's own way while still staying true to Underworld. It also feels like the viewer gets to know the characters better here as well, the character development is much better than in the original.
Fans of Underworld will probably not be disappointed with Underworld: Evolution. I found myself liking it better than the first movie, which is something that does not happen very often, that a sequel tops the original. On the other hand, Underworld was made so most people could enjoy it, but this sequel is definitely aimed for an adult audience. The battle scenes are much more brutal and nastier than in the first film, so are the death scenes and the use of gore, and add to that some actual sex. The first movie didn't have anything that even comes close to what the second one has, it only had the cool action sequences but Evolution exceeds it there too, the action sequences here are fantastic.
Another great thing is that the use of CGI effects are minimal, movies like this these days have a tendency to overdo it when it comes to the use of these types of effects, but luckily Evolution did that right too. The special effects and the make-up looks great and the werewolfs look extremely cool and nasty as hell. Actually everything looks extremely good. The hybrid Michael is much more interesting and raw here than in the first flick, he battles a lot of werewolfs and rips their heads off and stuff, if nothing else, it sure puts a smile on your face.
One thing that stops this movie from getting the highest rating is that there's just so much to take in, and sometimes the movie kinda struggles with trying to explain itself. You have to pay full attention at all times to not miss out on anything. This is the type of movie that, even if it's extremely enjoyable the first time, it still might require a second viewing. The other thing that brings Underworld Evolution down a little is Beckinsale. Even though she's perfect as Selene and does a really good job with her character, the problem is that it's impossible to get under her skin so it's hard to feel anything for her, despite all she has to go through. The character development is good, but not so good that it will make you care that much.
While it looks amazing in this blueish tone, add to that the scenery which is just awesome. The mountains, the castles, the dark and snowy woods among other things, everything just looks fantastic and delivers a really good feel. The atmosphere is great the movie throughout, and even if the story gets to be too much at times, it never gets dull or will make you loose interest since stuff happen all the time.
Far better than I had expected and ended up beating the crap out of the original. Definitely a movie that requires a second viewing, but was one hell of an entertaining ride the first time viewing it. Looks absolutely fantastic, and I wouldn't have nothing against the same director making a third installment and making it a trilogy. Highly recommended.
In a small town redneck Ray Sawyer rescues a voodoo lady when her car is about to fall of a bridge. He manages to get the lady out but she also wants him to bring a suitcase that's inside the car so he goes back to get it but then the car falls into the water with him inside and the suitcase contains snakes that attacks and kills Ray. Apparently all those snakes were used to suck out the evil from tons of bad men so when they bit Ray, all evil got tranferred into his body and now he's to out to do evil deeds and some teens gets trapped in the middle of it.
I cannot say that I've been longing for this movie to come out but still I was kinda interested to see it and to see what they had made out of it.
Just before viewing it I saw that it said -"from the director of I Know What You Did Last Summer" on the cover and that kinda put me off right then and there since that movie was a crap feast.
Now after watching Venom which is a totally different movie from I Know What You Did Last Summer I must say that Venom was better but still not a very strong horror movie.
A bit entertaining but in the end nothing that you'll remember and nothing that I would really recommend either.
Ok, first off all this movie has all this voodoo stuff in it that doesn't interest me one bit and I recently just saw The Skeleton Key which also had all this voodoo in it so that kinda sucked having to go through that twice in a short period of time.
Venom is actually your typical teen horror movie and for teenagers who haven't seen that many horror movies and are not so into the genre, for them I guess it would work like a charm.
But for people who have seen tons then this is just a new commersial horror flick with nothing special to offer. You get your typical teen actors which are not that bad but nothing special either and we get to see some gore but I wish there would have been more, loads more.
I can't say that it is a really bad movie, it's just nothing special at all, you've probably seen it before, similar stuff that is. It's a little bit entertaining if you're bored and the actors aren't that bad. Also we get to see all teens die except for one so the movie gets a little credit for the low survival count.
Late one night in the streets of London in a futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, Evey is rescued from some men by a mysterious masked man only known as V. Later on when Evey is at her work, V is taking over all broadcasting to deliver a message and urges the people of England to rise up against the governments tyranny and oppression. The police thinks Evey is V's ally and goes after her as well. This time Evey saves V but gets knocked out in the process and V takes her back to his place. There she finds out a little more about the mysterious man, but soon leaves him to go on with her life. She hides at a friends house who later is killed by the government and so she is captured. From then on she learns to understand V more and even also understand who she really is and what she think is important. This all makes her think alike with V, and so she becomes his ally and helps him in his cause to bring freedom and justice back to the society.
V for Vendetta is one of those movies I've been waiting to see for what feels like forever. So when I finally got to see it, naturally the expectations were quite high to say the least, but fortunately the movie lived up to those expectations. Haven't read the V for Vendetta from DC comics, I can't compare it to that so I don't know if that would've made a big difference or not. All I can say is that I had only read a little bit about the actual movie before seeing it, and it felt like the less you know the better.
While this being a political movie with a message and a plot worthy to think about, you don't need to have any kind of political interest to be able to enjoy this flick. There will of course be a ton of people trying to analyze V for Vendetta and will try to find a deeper meaning within it etc. Also a lot of reviews out there seems to have focused on the political aspect on the movie, so I won't go into further detail regarding anything political from here on as there are a heap of other places if you want to read about that type of stuff.
While this not being a horror movie, I thought I should review it anyway since I think it will appeal to a lot of horror fans out there. There are really cool action sequences in the movie that contains some fine blood splatter. There are also fantasy elements baked in and add to that the comic book feel, and also that a part of it belongs to the thriller genre. So you don't have to have any political interest whatsoever to be able to enjoy this flick as it has so many different things to offer. With that being said, let's move on.
V for Vendetta was written by The Wachowski Brothers who also wrote and directed The Matrix and the sequels. Now as we all probably can agree on, the sequels were completely awful, but personally I didn't even like the first movie. Sure it had nice special effects and all that but that does not make a good movie, to be honest I thought it was crap and I would never watch it again even if I got paid. The reason I'm saying this is because there are a lot of people who seemed to be interested in V for Vendetta since they were big fans of The Matrix. I don't think it matters if you liked the Matrix or not, V for Vendetta is a totally different experience, and while I didn't like The Matrix I found myself to think that V for Vendetta was an awesome movie.
It's easy to pick a favourite character here and that is V, he's a determined man who stands up for what is good and just but never so he feels "too much" so to speak. He his a hero, but a good and likable hero and not one of those heros that act so good it almost makes you sick if you know what I mean. V is the perfect character, and when he fights people he does not bother to spare their lives, he's not that kind of hero who does that and that of course makes him come out even better. Personally I hate all these sissy heros that are just too good for their own good, and that's why I really enjoyed V for Vendetta, and it was exactly the same thing with Sin City.
Another character that is really interesting as well is Evey, excellently portayed by Natalie Portman. I knew that she is a good actress, but when I started to watch V for Vendetta, I had the utterly crappy new Star Wars movies in mind since she was in them, but luckily I soon got rid of them and that whole feeling. I guess she was ok in Star Wars, it's just that those movies blew so much that in the end you couldn't find a single good thing in them since the overall experience just wanted to make you vomit in rage. Anyway, the character development with Evey is fantastic and truly interesting to watch as she has to go through a lot of stuff and changes more and more the further the movie goes. But I don't wanna spoil it for those who haven't seen V for Vendetta yet so I'm gonna stop here.
One thing about movies that takes place in a certain period of time usually have a certain feeling to them, whether it's in the historical past, the present or the future. V for Vendetta is set in a futuristic Britain so things are of course modern, but at the same time it deals with revolution and everything surrounding it and that gives it an older feel. Also some of the type of clothes worn in the movie also makes this feeling of the historical past of England more genuine and stronger, but at the same time you know that it takes place in the future. It's a funny thing and makes the movie very different, and sure adds a lot of atmosphere to the whole thing.
There are not too many action sequences, and I found myself at first thinking that there should've been more. But when I thought about it later on again, I figured that there was just enough to satisfy. Thing is that the action sequences are so brutally good so in one way you want more, but on the other hand it's a good thing that they are far between one another, because when you finally get to see one, it's so worth the wait. If there would've been more, they would probably not've been as effective. Once again, it's nothing like The Matrix, it's much better and has more feeling to it and is just not stylish action, even though it is stylish as hell.
I don't wanna go too deep into the plot or what happens in the movie, it just needs to be seen without knowing too much. Like I said before, you can see this as a thinkable movie and get into the politics of it all, or you can just enjoy it on the more entertaining level, because it sure is entertaining. In the beginning I was a little afraid that there would be too much to take in as it sure seemed like it with the massive dialogue and all, but that's not the case. Sure, there are a lot of thinkable things and you can sure make it hard for yourself if you go in analyzing and whatever, but in the end it was just enough and it's easy to follow and a true joy to watch. Movies like this doesn't come along often enough so if you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and go see it. You'll have a good time.
V for Vendetta was interesting for real and with that I mean that everything in it was genuinely interesting, not just one character, the story, the camer-work, but everything. It's an awesome movie that is thinkable and that does not have an either too sweet or tasteless ending. It's just a perfect balance of everything, with great characters, great acting, directing, score and story. Truly recommended.
Max Renn owns a small cabel company called Civic TV that shows violent and sexual shows. Always being on the hunt for new sleazy shows for his network to broadcast, Max one day comes across a show called Videodrome. The show has no plot, you only get to see people being tortured and murdered and Max discover than the shows is broadcasted from Pittsburgh, USA. Later on, he finds out that Videodrome is actually a signal that creates a tumour in the brain that makes you hallucinate, and that the people behind Videodrome can control those who have been exposed to it. There are also those who fight against it, and Max finds himself caught in the middle of it all, used as a weapon.
From the awesome director David Cronenberg (The Fly) comes Videodrome, a bizarre and most original sci-fi horror movie that should not be missed. This is the type of movie that kinda requires to be seen more than one time, as it contains so many little things, and it might be hard to catch it all the first time watching it.
Anyway, it has this really interesting story about cabel company owner Max (James Woods) who through pirating discovers a snuff tv-show called Videodrome. Since he knows that only the most perverted and violent shows will get him more viewers, he of course is more than interested to find out what Videodrome is all about. He hooks up with this girl Nicki (Deborah Harry) that has a taste for the extreme and later disappers when going to an audition for Videodrome. But it's more than just a tv-show, as it uses transmissions to alter the viewer's perceptions. Max gets caught in the middle of it as the people behind Videodrome wants to use him for their benefit, and Max soon finds himself falling deeper and deeper into the world that is Videodrome.
I can't even begin to describe just how fantastic this movie is, all I can say is that it's a definite must-see. Videodrome has so many layers and the further it goes, the more confusing it gets. James Woods gives a brilliant performance playing the role of Max Renn and being as sleazy as one could be, but despite all his sleaziness, you still can't help but feeling a bit sorry for what he gets himself into. Videodrome delivers a message and thankfully is not just another brainless horror flick. It also has this typical 80's feeling which makes it better, and there are no movies like this these days and that's a shame.
It's never scary in the sense that it'll make you jump, and it's actually more of a sci-fi than a horror movie, although it has a fair share of horror elements baked into the whole thing. As we get to follow Max hallucinating, sometimes it's more than hard to tell what's real and what's not, but it doesn't matter, and it's not hard to follow either. Considering that Videodrome did not have a big budget, it comes out even more amazing. The special effects are brilliant, and the camerawork is excellent. Actually, everything about this movie is just truly excellent.
Be ready to see some freaky stuff like pulsating video cassettes, flesh guns, human VCR's and a whole lot of S&M among a heap of other things. Great acting, especially by James Woods, but also from Deborah Harry and the rest of the people involved in this flick. Videodrome is truly interesting, original, extremely fascinating and captivating. One of the best, and a movie that should not be left unseen.
Twenty years ago there was a demonic massacre in a small Southern town and the only survivors were two young siblings named Cole and Heather. Cole has since then been fighting evil with all means necessary, combining different religions and using them as weapons. He has a psychic connection with a group of other people, including one mysterious healer, an outlaw biker and a traumatized cop. Tonight they're all brought together under the Voodoo Moon to take place in the final battle between good and evil.
With an excellent cast consisting of Eric Mabius (Resident Evil), Charisma Carpenter (Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Dee Wallace (Cujo and recently in the indie flick Headspace), not to mention Jeffrey Combs (from Re-Animator fame), Voodoo Moon sure seemed like a thrilling ride. And while it was, it also had a few things that were not so great, most of those things being the use of CGI, something that I personally, 90 percent of the time, really don't think much of. But Voodoo Moon also had a lot of things going for it like some pretty fine acting, especially by some new-comer named Rik Young who played the devil. And other than that you get zombies, magic, some mild gore, some nice decapitations and last but not least, a decent story which managed to do an all right job and proved to be fairly interesting.
Since their parent were slaughtered 20 years ago, Cole has been fighting evil with everything he's worth. He has this psychic thing going and can see what goes on even though he's not where things are going down. His sister Heather lives a normal life and is not out chasing after evil like her older brother, she also have the ability to predict things that are about to happen through her drawings. Now, evil is closing in and as Cole can feel his friend starts dying, he must travel to a place and meet up with a group of people that he's has a psychic connection with, and at that place, the final battle between good and evil will go down.
 Voodoo Moon had some nice imagery and a fine atmosphere to offer at times, with the highlight being when Cole and Heather visited a graveyard early on in the movie. It looked stunning and had a great but quite eerie feel to it. That was awesome and I wish things could've stayed that way. The make-up itself, when used, looked great but there were way too many scenes that had way too much CGI in them. Personally I think that the less CGI the better, since CGI does never look real, no matter how good it is. When seeing computer generated effects on screen, I think it takes away focus from the actual movie and makes you concentrate too much on the effects, and that's not a good thing. I guess some sci-fi fans will go wild watching this, but for me personally it did the exact opposite. I'm not gonna say that it's a little thing since this movie uses plenty of it, but if you're into that I guess you'll be more than fine, but if you're not, it's not the end of the world because this movie has much more to offer.
Casting Jeffrey Combs was a great idea, and even though he didn't get a lot of screen time, at least his character delivered some well needed humour. The rest of the cast all delivered and some extra credit has to go to Johnny Amos who's over 60 years old(!) and played an outlaw-biker named Dutch who was a great character as well. Another guy who did a great job and that I've never seen before was Rik Young who played the devil and delivered a really solid performance. The movie had some nice scenes, one that revolves around a corn-field and that looked really cool, and some other scenes that had a lot of action to offer. The pacing of the movie was basically pretty good, except for things slowing down for a short while somewhere in the middle. But this was no major thing though and Voodoo Moon had a pretty nice flow to it companied by a score that was right on the spot for this type of film.
The rating had to go down due to the frequent use of CGI, something I really can't stand, but Voodoo Moon was overall quite an entertaining film that had some to offer. My biggest fear when it comes to horror movies is usually if the cast will be able to do the job, because if they don't, everything will suffer. Luckily, Voodoo Moon had a really solid cast and the film looked good as well. In the end, even though they used way too much CGI, it provided 90 minutes of somewhat good entertainment so at least it won't bore you to death.
Jonathan Rivers wife goes missing and after some time a man shows up, saying that his wife is dead and is trying to contact Jonathan from the other side. At first Jonathan doesn't believe what the man told him, but after getting a strange message on his answering machine from his wife, he decides to go look the man up. The man's working with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) and helps Jonathan communicate with his dead wife. But after just two sessions of contact, the man who helped Jonathan out dies a mysterious death, which leads Jonathan to start dealing with EVP himself. He soon gets obsessed with the whole thing with EVP and drawn into a different world, a world that is far more dangerous then it may seem.
Michael Keaton stars as architect Jonathan Rivers who loses his wife but finds a way to contact her through the other side, using something called EVP. When starting to watch White Noise, I actually felt that it had a lot going for it. The story is interesting enough to keep the interest up and it moved forward in a good tempo, not to fast yet not too slow. It doesn't screw around either, but instead gets to the good stuff pretty quickly and manages to deliver some suspense as well.
But the further the movie went, I was actually starting to fear more and more about the actual ending as movies like this usually does not deliver all the way through. I'm sorry to say that I was right, as the ending is a huge let-down. It's too bad since it had a lot going for it at first, and at times you couldn't help but thinking about The Ring or even more so, Videodrome. Unfortunately this movie doesn't even come close to any of the two.
I wouldn't watch a movie because Michael Keaton's in it, but here he actually does a pretty good job. The very beginning of the movie is just too family friendly and way too nice so you kind need something to go wrong quickly to avoid feeling sick. It does, and Keaton's going through a big change and gets totally obsessed with the whole EVP thing. That's mainly the reason why I compared it to Videodrome, it's not similar but just the very obsession itself reminded me of that movie. Anyway, Keaton's delivering a good performance with his character that is totally believable.
Problem after a while is that what was interesting with White Noise was the paranormal science and what it had to offer. Unfortunately they don't stick with that concept all the way through, but instead it turns into some ridiculous type of ghost story that does a hell of a job ruining the ending.
This could've been so much better, and maybe they'll make up for it in White Noise 2, but I'm not getting my hopes up. What it has going for it is that it has an interesting story and manages to deliver some good suspense, and brings a bit of an eerie feeling at times. Good atmosphere and good acting, but you can't espace from the lousy ending and that's just too bad. Kinda worth watching, but can't really recommend it.
In ancient Persia, an evil being that was created in the beginning of time called the Djinn was sealed inside a opal stone. The Djinn makes peoples wishes come true, but their wishes always turn out in the most horrible of ways. In present time a gemologist named Alexandra is examining the opal and awakes the Djinn that is trapped inside. The Djinn is set free and goes out to make people wish for things with the prize of their souls. But his real mission is to make the one who woke him, Alexandra, make three wishes in order for him to become completely free in order to conquer the earth.
Here we have a pretty cool horror movie that is not great but still makes for a good 90's flick. Think of Aladdin, the genie and the lamp, a lot darker but basically the same thing. Apparently before stories like Aladdin etc existed, there was only one real version, the legend of the Djinn. The Djinn was an evil spiritual creature that travelled between the worlds, created in the beginning of time along with the angels, and that would make ones wishes come true, but in a gruesome instead of a good way. The Djinn twists peoples wishes and can only do bad, and once it gets three wishes from the person who woke it, it will be set free and able to bring its legions to conquer the earth and destroy humanity.
Robert Englund plays some sort of collector that collects historical things and brings a statue to America. But when loading it off the docks it breaks, due to a guy controlling the lift while being intoxicated and the statue falls down (on Ted Raimi) and is destroyed. A worker finds a opal attached to the statue and steals to later sell it to a pawn-shop. The pawn-shop owner takes the opal to a place to get it valued, and leaves it there for an expert to examine it. The experts name is Alexandra, a gemologist who by mistake manages to awaken the Djinn who's trapped inside the opal. The Djinn is let out and starts causing chaos by making people wish for things that all turn out in a twisted way. Eventually he has to confront Alexandra to make her give her three wishes in order for him to be able to be free to conquer the world.
Once the Djinn is let out from the opal he takes the form of a human being portrayed by Andrew Divoff, and personally I think Divoff does an excellent job as the "human" Djinn. His voice adds a lot of character and feel to the evil genie, and he is most perfect for the part. We even get to see him in Wishmaster 2 but after that he's gone, too bad. I heard some people complain that they think the Djinn talked too much, I don't really think so, it still works but the humour doesn't. The Djinn is supposed to be extremely evil so with him making some jokes at times does not really suit the character. I also heard people complain about Divoff's performance in the role of the Djinn saying that he's bad, but let me tell you, he's great (no I'm not his agent).
Wishmaster is a movie that should of course not be taken too seriously. It's a fun ride and a pretty good horror flick, so just enjoy it for what it is. Of course it has its flaws but movies like these so often do, but as long as the flaws do not dominate they are just small problems fairly easy to ignore. Now this movie is filled with special effects and if you are on heavy drugs they all might look mighty fine. Other than that, half of them are good and half of them are totally laughable. I'm not a big fan of computer generated effects, it can work at times of course but I hate when they use it way too much (Hellooo Lord of the Rings!). I guess it's needed here, but when it comes to horror movies I prefer the old school special effects and make-up. Although, the Djinn looks really cool and I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley at night.
The are some really cheap scares early on in the movie that couldn't be less scary, only thing is that they come pretty unexpectedly, but they're more irritating than fun. Other than that there are no scares but it's still entertaining to watch and you can't really expect a movie like this to be scary can you? We actually get treated to some fine gore and cool splatter effects, so it gets some credit for that. The acting is of course nothing special, but works for this type of flick.
Wishmaster is definitely a pretty entertaining horror movie. It might have a lot of flaws and things that are not so great in it. It might also be too predictable and feature some lame dialogue. But you're not watching a movie like this to become smarter, it's just supposed to be entertaining and fun, and that it manages to be.
During a art heist, female thief Morgana accidently awakens the Djinn. The Djinn (in the shape of a human) takes credit for the crime and lets himself go to prison in order to collect 1001 souls. In there he twist the prisoners wishes and gets more and more souls before the final 3 wishes that are needed from the one who woke him. Now Morgana together with a young priest has to find a way to stop the Djinn from taking over the earth, killing all of mankind.
It was a long time ago since saw this movie before watching it again now. 7 years I guess and I thought I remembered everything and that it was a good sequel to the original Wishmaster. Well, apparently I didn't remember as much as I thought I did, and unfortunately it didn't come out looking very good in the end. Why I had to give this movie such a low rating is because the utterly crappy ending which is horrible indeed. I watched this movie last night and after that I had nightmares, not because the movie was scary but because the ending sucked so much. But the movie still has some good stuff in it so don't diss it just yet.
The plot is just plain stupid, but you're not watching a movie like this for the plot. Just like in the first movie, the Djinn is awakened and has to give three wishes to the one who woke him. This time it's a girl named Morgana who woke the Djinn when she and her boyfriend were robbing some museum. There's actually a pretty cool scene very early on in the movie when we get to see the Djinn for the first time. He has a big head, four very long legs and looks like some kind of creature spider. Morgana's boyfriend is killed and Morgana flees the scene before the cops arrive, and when they do arrive they arrest the Djinn, again portayed by Andrew Divoff.
The Djinn is sent to prison and starts making prisoners wish for things in order to collect 1001 souls before he has to confront Morgana and get the three final wishes from her. Morgana becomes more aware of that something's wrong and keeps having nightmares and visions of the Djinn, telling her to fulfill the prophecy. She seeks help from an old boyfriend who's now a priest and together they try to find a way to stop the Djinn. I hate this priest guy, he just so righteous (well he's a priest) but he's also such a wuss and just extremely irritaing to watch and to listen to.
The whole prison thing is fairly interesting though, everyone wants something in there and it's the perfect place for the Djinn to have people making wishes. Also the whole prison enviroment adds a good feel to the movie itself. Although, the Djinn can't seem to get enough souls there so later on he heads for a casino in Las Vegas to gather even more souls. At the casino chaos soon takes over and we get a really cool long scene of people dying in different ways in there.
There's actually a whole lot of gore in the movie and that's a big plus and something that makes it a little more worth watching. We actually get to see a lot of gore and guts and it's well done and fun to watch. But just like in the first movie, there are a number of computer generated effects that are not as fun to watch. While some of them being good, some of them are just horrible but overall it's not a good thing. The acting is even worse than in the first one but it's still somewhat ok for this type of movie.
Wishmaster 2 is extremely similar to the first movie, there's really nothing new here and it's just as predictable as the first flick. Although it's somewhat entertaining and has some really cool gory scenes in it, but with an ending that kinda manages to ruin the overall experience. It's not extremely bad but it's still pretty far from being good.
A teenage girl named Diana Collins accidentally finds the stone where the Djinn is trapped and once again he's released into the human world. The Djinn starts killing off people at Diana's campus by making the students there wish for things that will come true in a horrible way. But as usual, he must grant three wishes from the one who woke him up and that's Diana, who now have to come up with a way to stop the Djinn from unleashing hell upon the earth.
Why the hell did they make a third Wishmaster movie, not to mention a fourth one. Were they on heavy drugs or do they just get off on making super shitty movies? I don't know, but what I do know is just how much Wishmaster 3 blows. Everything here is a complete joke, but unfortunately not in the sense of 'it's so bad it's good', it just plain sucks.
The boring Djinn is back again and he looks even worse than before. At least he looked a bit cool in the two previous movies but here he just looks plastic and stupid. Another thing is that he's not played by Andrew Divoff anymore, now it's some other jerk portraying him and he's doing a lousy job doing so. At least Divoff had the voice thing going and his overall performance added a little to the Djinn itself. I not saying that Wishmaster one or two were great, they were actually far from it, but compared to this pile of garbage they are both fantastic.
Thing here is that nothing new is added to the same old tired story. The Djinn awakes once again, starts spreading chaos and needs three wishes from the one who woke him in order for him to unleash his hellish legions upon the earth. I would've liked to see those hellish legions but unfortunately that didn't happen. But considering how bad the make-up and the CGI was, I'm not really sure they would've looked that great.
This time it's some college student named Diana who awakens the Djinn and she's anything but likable. It's amazing that those people who awakens the Djinn are always strong fearless characters. If I would've awakened the Djinn I would've probably just shit my pants and then commited suicide, but these people are not afraid of him and does everything in their power to stop him. That's just fantastic, but it's not the least realistic in the first place so what the heck.
Diana's boyfriend is the one to watch out for here. He's a sissy boy that do whatever his girlfriend tells him and he's just horrible to watch. If that was not enough, he's later transformed into the Archangel Michael but still remains to look exactly the same, only thing is that he's now carrying a big ass sword that looks ridiculous and his voice changes too.
That thing with the voice is so stupid I can't even begin to describe it. I didn't now whether to laugh, cry or chop my ears off when I heard it. Thing is that he, from the moment he becomes the angel, just starts to speak a little bit darker than before and keeps doing that for the rest of the movie throughout. But it feels so forced, sounds so stupid and the guy even looks ridiculous when he speaks, you can tell that he's really concentrating on keeping up the voice act and that made me feel sick to my stomach.
Just like in the previous movies there are some gore, but what looked a little bit cool in those movies looks pathetic here. The acting is horrible, the CGI effects are comlete crap, the score is unbelievably bad, the story is lame, the characters are the worst ever, the director is an idiot and everyone involved in the making of this shitfest should be shot. There are so many independent filmmakers out there with great ideas but who never gets the chance or has the money to be able to make something more out of their ideas. And that's why it sucks so much to watch movies like this were they have a decent budget but lack ideas or a brain for that matter but are still allowed to make movies.
A student named Walter Gilman rents a room in a decrepit old house that's apparently over 300 years old, and there something strange is going on with the walls in his room. It seems like they might lead to another dimension, and before he knows it, he starts getting visits from a rat with a human face in his nightmares. All he wanted to do was to write his thesis, but is soon visited by some kind of female demon, and from then on, things start to go down-hill for Walter. He soon meets Francis, a girl that he falls for, but is too shy and busy to do anything about it. She has a little baby that she lets him watch when going to a job interview, but again he caught up in a nightmarish reality and leaves the baby unattended. One of his neighbours explain to him that there's a witch, thirsting for souls and who needs a male victim to sacrifice babies for her. Walters nightmares turns into reality, and he soon puts both himself and Francis baby at risk when trying to fight off the witch.
From Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator trilogy) comes another H.P. Lovecraft tale about an old house, a witch and a student who gets trapped in the middle of it all. It's actually a pretty scary tale, and even if it's far from Gordon's best, it's still a great addition to a fine series. Personally, one of the worst things I know are rats, and even if this movie is not packed with rats a la Stephen King's Graveyard Shift, it's still too much and is kinda freaky. Not only that, but a rat that shows up here has a human face, and while that might look funny to some, it's just too darn freaky for others/yours truly.
I felt really sorry for the poor student Walter, as all he wanted to do was to write his thesis, but instead he was attacked by a witch and a rat, and had to go through hell. Like the title suggests, he rents a room in an old house that apparently was the home of a witch way long ago. There in his room, he starts having horrible nightmares and wakes up from that a rat with a human face sits on him in his bed, telling him that 'she's coming for him'.
While being freaked out by the dream, Walter still figures it was just a dream, and so didn't think more of it at first. But the night after, he gets a visit from a naked girl that looks just like his neighbour Francis, but that later appears to be the witch who's coming for him. Another one of his neighbours, an old man, seems to have gone through what Walter is about to go through, and so keeps warning Walter to get out before it's too late. But Walter stays, and things just keeps getting worse.
What I liked about Dreams in the Witch-House, is that it was a great tale that was pretty darn horrific. It works great as a horror flick, and was at the same time interesting enough, and made you wanna find out how it was all going to end. Best thing is that it ends in a really good way. It has a tragic ending, but so makes it way more interesting and makes for a better outcome then if it would've ended in a nice/happy way.
It's definitely not hardcore horror, but it's a great tale that is a bit freaky as well. The movie has really good pacing, and the acting is good, especially from Ezra Godden who plays the troubled student. It was hard not to feel bad for the guy. Now, I haven't read the actual tale by H.P. Lovecraft, but I guess it would be way more scary in book-form, still it works well as a horror film that has some black humour to offer too. Recommended.
Three friends consisting of one guy and two girls go on a road trip and end up at a place called Wolf Creek in Western Australia. There their car breaks down but a friendly local comes along and offers them help and tows their car back to his home to fix it there. Unfortunately the friendly local is not very friendly and the three friends soon becomes aware of that and has to fight for their lives to get out of there alive.
There has been a lot of talk about Wolf Creek and I must admit that I was really excited to get to see it so when I finally sat down to watch my copy I had some pretty high expectations.
Like so many times before, high expectations has yet proven not to be a good thing and Wolf Creek only lead me to dispointment. Thing with this movie was that it was so damn boring, it took nearly half the movie for things to start happening and the stuff before that was just a sleeping pill.
Problem with this movie is that you know exactly what's gonna happen, you know the story and you know that this local man is gonna try and kill the three friends and that's all there's to it which is quite a downer.
No twist and no clever stuff whatsoever which makes this movie pretty plain and boring. I actually almost fell alsleep in the beginning of the movie. It felt like it took ages for it to take off and once it took off it didn't do too much either. I kept watching because I wanted to see the killings and what would happen with the three persons but that was kind of a let-down too since we don't get to see a whole lot of that kind of stuff. There's a little gore and such but unfortunately not enough to satisfy.
One thing though that makes this movie a little more interesting is that it's based on a true story and when watching it and thinking about that the stuff you see on screen has actually happened for real it alters your perspective a little, yeah that's a little.
Also the local madman isn't scary or demented enough, he's demented for sure but he talks too much and seems somewhat slow and is not very entertaining to watch.
The actors are not bad but I wouldn't say that they're good either. I really disliked the three friends, they seemed like a bunch of idiots so in the beginning of the movie you kinda rooted for the local killer but after watching him for a while and realizing that he sucked too, you ended up with no one to root for.
I expected so much more from this movie but unfortunately it didn't deliver very much in the end. Only thing it got going for it is like I said before, that it's based on true events, but that's also the only thing.
Three guys wanna get rich quick to be able to afford a fancy lifestyle in California. So they kidnapp two rich girls and brings them to a secluded cabin deep into the woods. Soon they realize that there's something out there in the woods, killing off everyone it comes in touch with. Now it's not all about the girls anymore as the three men also has to fight for their lives.
Are you up for some turkey? Well if you are, here's more than enough to go around. Christ, I can't believe I actually sat through the whole thing as all it gave me was a big headache. I like independent films and used to watch a lot long ago, and it's always interesting to see new ones and what people have been trying to create. Unfortunately a lot of them has a tendency to suck, although this was brutal. I quite recently saw the movie Joshua which was a brilliant independent film and that made me wanna check out some more, but starting off with Woods of Evil wasn't a very good idea.
The title couldn't be less inventive and I kinda figured that the acting would be so-so, but still though it would might have a few things to offer. Too bad it didn't. When it comes to these types of movies I couldn't really care less about the actual camera-work or stuff like that. It's not easy to make a movie and of course it's way harder on a low-budget, but still every movie must have something, just some little thing that makes it ok, otherwise what's the point?
Woods of Evil is a slasher movie with not too much actual slashing going on. Problem with this flick was that it had nothing going for it. I mean I can put up with watching some bad acting if that would give me serious amounts of gore, or maybe the story could have an interesting twist or whatever, just give me something. Unfortunately the story he | | |